Saturday, November 21, 1951 Luby leires General Manager Job Taken Hush Luby ha put away hii love and atored his apikea af- Irr 22 aeaaona around the baae lathi to move up aa general kanafer of the Salem Sena- rs. Luby a retirement aa play hg manager for the local team ( we Class A Western Inter ational league waa announced osterday evening alter a HUGH LUBY . hanga up glove aeetlng of the board of dirt fera. No steps have been taken m select a new playing man fcer, club prealdent Bruce Wil aams aald, but three leading p-ospecta are under considers ton. Luby left for the San Fran- sco bay area immediately after the meeting for Oakland, apcramento and San Francia- to confer with Coait league Officials in regard to player skip for next year, attains Finished Hlrh it In Luby's three years with ffclem, his teams finished third it 1951, fourth in 1952 and in 1B53 won the first half, tied for fifth in the second half, then lst to Spokane in six games it) the playoffs. 4 At second base, Luby batted Alt and fielded .976 the past Mason. In 1952 he hit .317 and flalded .988 for the best in the league for second lackers. Luby, cited by the board of directors for efficient manag ing of the Senators, broke into professional baseball in 1931 and hia career includea one 0 & season wun me xxew xorx R Qianta during the war after setting a record for consecu tive games iu the Pacific Coast (ague with the Seals and Oaks. He came to Salem from New Orleans, where he managed fie Pittsburgh Pirates' Class ef-A Southern association Pel rani. ' During the next two weeks, he Salem directors' will screen lossibilities for playing man iger, Williams said. He listed hem as Harvey Storey, last fear with Vancouver aa man ager; Ray Perry, last year with dakersfield of the Class C Cal fornia league, and Mike Mc cormick, who piloted Wen i tehee last year. ' Business Volume to Rise Williams explained that the change was made necessary by the Increased volume of bus iness expected when the Sen ators take over concessions and billboard advertising: at Waters field. These new duties will be addition to club promotion land front office management Bior Luby. Luby earlier had indicated he might not be willing to play next season. Williams said that the move leaves Deke Walker, business manager, without a baseball job here unless he is retained in another capacity. The first home run by a major leaguer under the lights was hit by Babe Herman of Cincinnati against the Dodgers on July 10, 1935. In The Alleys Capital Alleys tntoarm Lsiotm C. Dene a. In 41J. nam ate aVott it. A. Daela Me. Drer 1U. Oa tlerrea US. Mertea Creamer? 0l Ber ne 111. rnuilpe r. Palladia SM, umeraei .. BUBO 111. Dteaeaa'e MartH 111 Ulhen lit. aft merrle Ita. Hlrane 3i. alelbera Set. PXIUIaa Ml. Blae lte Paebere ll B ood ru. Sllleoti laa, Bowmaa IIS. Sloe- ! teaana lie. araaeu 171. I rnnabertr 111. Beatr MS, Barah rn. ' Peareoa ITS, WHeoa Cafe fll Wlleoa ut. caaa IIS. J en tint Ma. aelnmaeB SOS, Stiaeid . I r.teer a Oteee ni Perle-t Ml. Wataim " Oardner lit. Hetfert ITt. Ooam in. j elder BMetrte lit Hearer Ml, Xlrt aetnek ira. nr.h. ... ... n . Tan Bha fit nM Mt . t .,- Jtea Mt. PUMe M7. IBompefll 111. 'eral Ore. Aaer. Ill Stealer Ml. ! 'He in, Uaen eat, Orafflaa til, TaS 1 Caeeadn M-nia -a. . ? "Itrrell 41a, atonaer 114. Rotal Ml. Jfdd'a Martlet (41 Hannea atT. Lont I. Waltler SM. Manet Ma Wlilalla Ml. Mleh ma ... , I '''toB Aeeoer. 1MI aad Tot. BUk tod. ' Loo 'Bd taate Jane Oaria, 4M sad 1 n. ii Eagles Get Nod to Top Pro Cards New York tUBThe Phila-' delphla Eagles, who have av eraged almost 38 points in win ning their last five gamea, are 14-point favorites to make it six in a row tonight when they entertain the Chicago Card inals as the National Football League reaches the three-quarter mark in ita 1953 season. . The undefeated Cleveland Browns leading Philadelphia ny Z'i games in the Eastern Conference, are 10-point choices to make the Steelers their ninth victim at Pittsburgh in one of the five Sunday games. Although they have made only two touchdowns in their last two games, the Detroit Lions are seven-point plcki to retain the Western Confer ence lead by beating the Bears at Chicago. The Los Angeles Rama, trailing Detroit by a half game, are 14 H point choices to defeat the Colts at Baltimore. The Sat) Francisco Forty Niners, a game behind Detroit, are 10-point favorites to de feat the Green Bay Packers at Milwaukee. In the other Sunday game the Giants are one-point favorites over the Washington Redskins at New York. The season now has reached the point where most of the teams are out of the division races and are concentrating on upsetting the leaden. Parrish to Award Football Letters at Monday Assembly Football letters will be awarded at a special assem bly at 10 a.m. Monday at Par rish junior high school for the Crdinals and Greys, Salem league champions and runners- up respectively. There will be 18 Cards and 17 Greya receiving numerals. Bob Metzger is Cardinal coach and Clay Egleston coached the Greya. The senior high boys' quarter, directed by Howard Miller, will alng selections. The roster: Cardinals Dennis Frost, Earl Jelden, Kenny Clark, Steve Breckheimer, Leonard Hays, Bruce Coome, Jerald Gilman, Ralph Morgan, Jack Bowman, Bill Wessner, Keith Burris, Bob Burnside, Ed Kitchen, Don Harris, Lyle Huntley and Grady Croy. - Greys Rodney Kitchen, Fred Pavey, Fred Jacobsen, Don Hart, Bob Jarvill, Bob Best, Ian Brydon, Merlin Gagle, Gene Weathers, Dick Vittone, Mike Patton, Alvin Karn, John Holmquist, Roy Robinson, Grant Todd, Bob Trelstead and Royer Ayers. Australian Landy Runs 4:09 Mile Melbourne, Australia John Landy, the Australian who startled the track world last December by running a 4:02.1 mile, ran hia first mile of the new season Saturday. He was clocked in 4:09.2 over the Olympic Park course. Before the race he declared he had no intention of trying for Gunder Haegg's world rec ord of 4:01.4. At the' finish he had virtually stopped to a walk, but still won by 110 yards. PICKED FOR TANGERINE Orlando, Fla. JJ9 Arkansas State and East Texas Stste have been named to play in the Tangerine Bowl here New Year's Day. Officials disclosed yesterday that both teams have accepted bids. BEAR and ELK Cut and double Wrapped Free Quick Freeze Service Locker Lowest irkes In Hie State House Wholesale Price. Fancy Eastern Orefoti Front Quarter Lb. Half Whole m 20' 25 SALEM MEAT CO. os Salem Sennator i ' ' f g ;'n;r ,4V A ' Bowling Trophies The Capital Journal-Capital Alleys bowling tournament which will be decided a week from Sunday night The cham pion of the woman's dlrtsloa of the singles elimination event will receive the trophy at right. OCE Starting Quintet Far From Settled Yet Oregon College, Monmouth With less than two weeks re maining before the opening game with Pacific at Forest Grove December 1, the Oregon College Wolves' starting line up Is far from settled. Veterans Frank Grove and Bob Frantx working as always harder than the greenest fresh men on the squad will un doubtedly open at their re spective forward and center positions. Captain Charlie Pinion, the other returning starter from 1932, is rapidly rounding into form, although, handicapped by a knee Injury which result ed In his reporting for basket ball ten days late. Pinion will probably Uke over hia regular guard spot by December first. While outscored in a scrim mage with the Willamette Bearcats Tuesday night. Coach Bob Livingston was encourag ed by the zip displayed by freshman Jim Rice and Fred Stanley. Rice is battling for a Sacred Heart Looks For Good Hoop Year Basketball prospects at Sacred Heart look bright with six returning lettermen and good height at center. Three lettermen, guard Vince Matt, forward-center Jim Moriarity, and center Fred Staab were regulars on last year's five. Coach Leo Grosjacques has three other lettermen, guards Jim Borsberry and Clyde Flad woed and forward Gil Lulay back. Last season they finished in a second place tie In the Capitol League. They play in District 11 along with Salem high. The Cardinals also have pro mising prospects In forwards Bob Barr, Dick Barr, Arbie McDonald and Don Endres and guard Bill Joseph. All are pro mising for the varisty squad. Dick Mase is the assistant coach at Sacred Heart. About 28 boys turned out for the first practice but the squad is being trimmed down. They practice from 3:30 to 3:30 each weekday. All home gamea will be played at the Salem Armory, Clell Ewing, fine junior play er, has been lost to the squad due to a leg operation while Jim Fischer is out with a leg injury and won't be able to play. The schedule: December I, at Sublhaltr. December 4. St. Pranela at Salem I uy and Save at Packinf White Fata leaf or Lb. Young Steer leaf Vi er Wh. U leef .THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Sate. Oreco V , -l y - 7 1 large trophy at left will be mm awarded the male winner of the guard post along with Larry Chamberlain and Pinion. Stanley, a guard la being con verted to forward and is push ing sophomore letterman Don McKenzie for Howard Sulli van's vacated (by graduation) forward post. Sullivan's re bounding and scoring punch were sorely missed in the Tues day scrimmage. Other candidates showing well are Ray Nairn and Jerry Bowman, both from Falls City, and Darrel Davis from Inde pendence. The 1953-54 basketball schedule: Dec. 1. Pacific U. there. Dec. t. Llnllfld. her. Dec. 11-lt. SOCK. here. Dec. II. Unlletd. there. Dee. II. Willamette, here. Jen. 1. at. Merllni Oolete, here. Jen. 4. pacllle u. nere. Jan, I I. aocz. there. Jen. 11-11, OT1, here. Jan. n-M, OT1. there. Jen. 21-30, SOCK. here. Feb. I, Portland State, here. Pee. S. Portland State, there, - Pec.. It-10. IOCS, there. Pet. It, Portland atate. here. rib. M-17, aeatue Facllle. there. December S. at Woodburn. December 1. eft. An, el at aalra. December 11, at St. Pranela. December IS, at aft. AniaL December II. aileerton at Solent, December n, at Sllvortoa. -January S. at central. January 13, Columbia Prep at eUlam. January IS, ataytoa at Salem. January 31, CaMad at Salem. January 13, at aelem Bible Academy. January It. at Philomath. January 31. Central at Salem. January 30, Woodburn at Salem. February a. at Starton. February I, at ceicede. ' February 19. Sublimity t aalem. February 13. aalem Bible Ac. et Salem February II. at Columbia Prop. February II, Philomath at aalem. You Be the Quarterback ANSWER 4. End run. No. Hard to run against an eight-man line. With those guards pulled out, men can sift through and you can lose plenty. 3. Statue of Liberty. Excel lent chance for big loss against eight-man line. 2. Pass behind linebacker. Could go, but linebacker can defend against a pass better here than in the flat. 1. Pasa to flat. Defense is most vulnerable here. 3-TRAMSISTOR "JMSM" HEARING AID J- Opiraltt for enlr IV S monlk Intliad of U to Md arr for old-lypt vacuum tuba aide! . Life-like toand. Ira rasd ctoarar Irtea ovorl Tha tap "A" kattonr rartt a full month . . . so bat. tav7...ranbatlarTChanaet e.ry J2S tliiiratlmaii timmii.tteaeieti ttai Ceat) Madtcnte end autbMifauoa of aWrrl Oedon awef ta aaed Am - ' " BBamjmam- smBSsmaBBmD MORRIS OPTICAL (0. 444JTinn, FHOfti 15521 - v. f Kv ; 'til r Ice Cream Feed Slated for Dads, Parrish Gridders Football players of the Par rish Cardinals and Parrish Greys and their fathers will be feted at an Ice cream supper at 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Parrish junior high school cafe teria. Charles Schmidt, Drincloal. has promised them "nearly all me ice cream utey can eat. The Cardinals were Salem champions and the Greya wern runnersup. Football Officials To Address S.B.C. Three Salem football offl ciala will tell outstanding In cidents arising in their season of refereeing gamea when the Salem Breakfast club meets Monday morning at the Sena tor hotel. George Sirnlo. John Kolb and Al Llghtner, wearers of the black and white vertical stripes, will be guests. They also will describe the role of grid officials. The club meeting, open to the public, ' convenes at 7:30 for breakfast but others may come at 8 o'clock for the busi ness portion. Martinez Beats Vejar by Decision New York UB Welter weight Vince Martinez, who left a draftsman's desk to turn tne tables on Pvt. Chico Velar. declared happily today, "I feel Hundred per cent better in the ring, now that I'm strictly a fighter." Violent Vince of Paterson. N.J., displayed notable im provements In. pace and stami na last night as he won a unan imous 10-round decision over Vejar of Fort Benning, Ga., and Stamford, Conn., in their re turn fight before 7,319 at Ma dison Square Garden. HIRSCR OKAY Los Angeles, Los An geles Ram end Elroy (Crazy legs) Hirsch isn't, going to quit football. Although he suf fered head injuries in his last two gamea, Hirsch, who Is in Washington with the Rams preparing for Sunday's game against the Baltimore Colts, says he is In tip top condition and will be in the game. There la a former member of the Chicago Black Hawks on every team in the National Hockey Lea'ue. Pre Inventory CLEARANCE WALLPAPER SALE 200 Patterns Formerly Prlctd to 3.50 por roll i Only 25c per roll McGilchrist & Sons 2S5 No. Commercial ' Wallpaper, Paints, Roofing IPl.qying coimcigec' Hunting Report itoKTkTwnr lu tU kaauaw ta cuts wtr M MH Pti riincu tn Mt goo lar thtf -MlM Mi Bk tr. hwck mt ch. MrHM m Mraiu far Ukt tCl4) t4k M4UM la TUlwtwk mitf h34 hTt Cairlr ioo4 MCtM miM VHtt M. Mtwh M Ukt it tt TOM! lik very Uul bMY tmr. Tmek i rda tr. roam BsMdtal. ifik ktiatlM wMUBttW Mr 4W W.UrUwl Duck fa Matin hu hmm tftlr M UM CeaUt. SaflU GMMll fOOM kuatttik was nKrt4 th tat waak. Durk feuatlM aa Haurla Ulaa4 hai a varv poar but attaaid uaareva Lou aa. ta vaak and. mmetm baa ata IttUf kttur to tha kUnd kraa. , Ol'TBWKBT Bk la Coat aa Cam aanatiaa. alk huatini baa kaaa fairly poor aa4 iuo aHlal Jaustait tha laal waak o4 atf tha aawoa artu hkva ta arark hard for Ik aa tha ramalaiac kuUa r 4aa la Um briub. Watarfowl watarfowt biiBtiac rtnaiaa poor la thu araa aa H will rtaalra Mora aavtrt vaataar far laprartmtau la ifackioB aatt aJMahtaa aouattaa, vatar fowl huouat It poor. CENTRAL Bk cik huatiBt bu aata aar kot raetnt atarau la tba Ochace araa ahauM iHprovt tha huntina la that araa. waurrovi Diuk kuauna ta tha Klaav alh baala la fair, kocw and se kavt drifta aiaat f taa kirda fron tha up aar Kianath laka araa. Patbelaa la tba marah ara trotaa. Fiv ducks a&d bm rtBtala la tha Pea aad LaaatU TUtr artu. laovar KUmath laka araa tt fab wlib a few Mrda UU eomlBt aul af tha rafuia. Watarfowi huatiac baa kata oar bat la aaotttad to lnprava U aorthtra btrda arrtra ta tha araa. NORTMEAIT Bik Oanaral aaawfall aortv la tha wMk ahftnld Imarova alk bnatlai la all araaa. aNueeau baa baaa boat la tha bU oalr artu. Praapactt ara iitod around Troy aad Promiaa ta waiioaa eoHBtr; tba aoaar Oraada Rood rim la UbIob eouatv; tha appar waua walla aad Umatilla rlvara la UaiaUlla caucty aad tba aorta fork af tba oba Oar rlvar. watarfowi Duck buntlai aai baaa alov aad aroapaeta ara aoor, but looaa huntiac haa unprovad la tha Aruatiotv Elalock araa. OIITBKART Watarfowi Dvek aad looaa aaootiat la varr aoor at tba Malbaur aublle ahoouai trouad. tWDia lea u rermiaa aaout i laob thick 7Mtrdr 4ittla wirair to- day. Wtatbar alaar, old, and winay. Truro aia ulto a fa ducka la at AU- vlaa valiay. Hoad Posts Net Win Over Rosewall By GORDON TATT Sydney. Australia ) Young Lewis Hoad, who Dowl ed over Tony its Den, tne u a. champion in the semi-finals, followed through Saturday by beating his Australian country' man. Ken RosewalL to win the New South Wales singles ten nis championship. Hoad, who'll be IB on Mon day, had to battle every step of the way before overcoming his 10-year-old opponent tnii hour struggle before a-capacity crowd of 11,000. The scores were 8-6, 4-6, 9-7, 10-8. Sport Shorts Duke University's basketball team will play in two invita. tlon tourneys during the Christmas holidays the Unl venity of Kentucky Invitation al, Dec. 21-22, and North Carolina State's Dixie Classic, Dec. 28-30. The last bare knuckle cham pionship fight 'was fought In Richburl. Miss.. July 8, 188S. John L. Sullivan defeated Jake Kilraln in 75 rounds. John (Jocko) Conlan, Na tional League umpire, was an outfielder for the Chicago White Sox in 1934 and 1935. WOULD FAVOR BOWL Eureka, Calif. WV-Humboldt State College officials said Fri day they would accept an in vitation to meet a Mexican all star football team in the Aztec Bowl at Mexico City Dec. 19 if offered. Dr. V. I. Lam, M.D. Dr. O. Ct.n. a 13. DBS. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, Z41 North Liberty Ofllee .pen Setnrelar aolp. 11 a.m. la I sm.i I te I p.m. Costal tattoo. blood preaaara and artae toeta ara free of ebarta. PraeUeed tenet 1111. write for attraeura sin. Ma obit- e.tlon. -a-cl&, v Ilk r'- r f Rfifll Chflmi) 'ou Then, world wrestling ehampioa tvwi viiMitii who wU, BCC(,pt u,, CBn,agt o Lather ; (The Tank) Lradsey here next Tuesday night, has a record ' of never refusing a challenge. - His Armory defease will ' ' followQils Monday fight match la Portland against Erie ' FedersoB. 'J:1'" Thesz, Salem Tuesday, One Lou Thesz, who wrestles Luther Lindsay here at the Sa lem armory Tuesday, is one of the greatest attractions in wrestling. Thesz is the world's heavyweight champion and last year a half million fans paid to see him. Thesx, who is now 16, won the title when he was only 21 and since then haa drawn more fans than many big time box era. Several years ago a crowd of 25,000 paid over S100.000 to see him meet Baron Leone in Loa Angelea, which is an all- time high for a wrestling matcn, Lou waa born in St. Louis where his father was a cobbler, His father wanted his son to take up wrestling and soon young Thesz reached wrestling heighths. The 225-pound wrest ler is married and haa a home in Glendale, California. He raises Doberman pinsch a for a hobby. During the war Thesz taugh hand-to-hand combat to recruits at Fort Sam Houston In Texas. His manager is his former opponent Strang-1 Ut the kid be, Maw . , . A SPARK Is always tleea. A "Spark" oil burning heater binitbct forever imolce and toot for "Spark" beau your houte with a clear hot flame. Throw iwajr jour old ideu about tnetiT clcaninj,iiairicdceilinBi,waili,curtaini. Foe cuick. ds peodablc, ffcoaj beat, get the best a "Spsfk." CRAVITY F10W VAPOftint . CHANGES OK TO CAS Hf"i tht Hcrvt al "Spirit 'i dean Hmi. FiwIoil.MnMtift woutlr into tht Ixirntr. vapot bc tot a clein, carbon-fr f at. Ewry drop burw. Cnm- plm corabumoa mttuii cbac tmokt Of tvooi ntvtr form. And yon wm MMI jtm : " Spark It tha Only Heater For Efficient Operation an J --ei Mm r y Ut m caii(n it. 1 Pat 11 4 r' x - 'AaatMOi -I Mat 'Guest1 of Greatest! ler Lewis, who became hut ': manager in 1950. Then doesn't 1 smoke and doesn't drink beer very often. , I Tickets for the big match are on sale at Barb's for $2.00 for ringside seats and $1.80 for general admission. - . . A semi-final, for tha best two of three falls or 30-mlnute time limit, will match Carl Engstrom and Danno McDon ald against' Red Vagone and Hardy Kruskamp at 8:30. 1 a SHOEMAKER WINS tt.TB San Mateo, Calif. UTI Jock ey Willie Shoemaker raised hia record of winning rides for the ' year to 447 when he eked out ; a . double Friday afternoon aboard Gamest and Pollette at Bay Meadows. Both paid $3.90-. to win. . . ) DON'T Tbraw Vaar Watch Avar Wa ru Tbata Waoa Otbata Oaal THE JEWEL BOX 441 ll.le, Salem. Oram Oaoas PrMar Ktakl ta s e-ae. j . f ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION , OF THE NEW, IMPROVED SPARK Atk lit about Spark'! two lovtly Bniihea, beautiful lifetime porcelaia tnamel; economical iSeutracoas tnamei paint. Atk ut alto about Spark'i eaiy lltrhtt ins featura, in aendfotu (usibmbi -and in liberal terms. Spark rumen are arailthle wfrb . Spark Air Mover for additional heat circulation; alto available with thermoatat for automatic heat cote trot, Approved by Underwriters Lowest Cost Diesel Oil! 1