a,-,. , q r , r. rs i y lr-h" HV It' t r Pat M THE CAPITAE JOURNAL, gale. Orecs Friday, November 18, 1UI COVERED BRIDGE TO QUARTSVILLE 'A . Distinguished Linn county covered bridge over the South Fork of the Sentiam on QuartzvtUe road li truss " type itructure built about 1838. Although covered in the conventional manner. Middle Fork bridge at Foster la not aided, concession to traffic safety. . Chiropractors Gather" For Three-Day Meeting The annual convention of the Oregon Aaaoelatlon of Chiro practic Phyeidana got atarted today at the Marion Hotel which will be the meeting place the remainder of the week. AMERICA'S ' Most Mtdtfi KHcbM CAPITAL 111 N. Blgk You and Your Hearing auico nrssnesiFs1 aooeusno im-'j aTBraiNT coM-lf 1.-2 run or nnc.i"p.yt-' alM venal Kf art utf flnMt an ef MrrMMM far ml Mtrni roa nn. l"t mutest f fiM wit tmli UetU mm 114 ta 3 rtor BemwM aw wiim. fcm wui aaimn M aa kuU af alntMa u milw asparlaaaa villi fcttrtns aMa. Had aoafailea 1 ra uHtlr tat It aaaiiakia ktie m with a w, mailt m nt tar ntanw 41 Ottr steals Kate" ar aaooa fat Baa FLOYD BSNNITT tana tar tlatal Bid. leMaeea etna kaan aa-l M eadr aamrt natadar aa. maar on unnur 'w a r-M. Regiatration began early in the day and the convention was formally opened at 1:10 a.m. with invocation by Dr. Robert Elliott, chaplain for the organi zation. The welcoming address was by Dr. F. P. RuU of Port land, president of the association. Dr. J. LaMone De Rushs, I dean of the Northwestern Col lege of Chiropractic, Minnea polis, spoke on "Practical Neuromechanics . Related . 1 0 Chiropractic Analysis," and, after an Intermission to view exhibits, gave a second address on "Chiropractic Care of Scale nous Anticus Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy." The exhibits are in charge of a committee headed by Dr. O. W. Burgess of McMlnnville. , At the luncheon hour Russcl Pratt, president of the Salem Chamber of Commerce, spoke. On the afternoon program Dr. L. P. Roberta of Los Angeles speaks on gynecology, and Dr. M. I. Hlggins on the ' CAR l TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church hone 1-9600 "Function of the National Chiropractic Association." A report from the state board of chiropractic examiners was fol lowed by a round table discus sion. .. Dr. De Rush gave third technical discussion of the day and general business session with committee reports is slat ed from 7 to o'clock Friday night. The Women's Auxiliary of the OACP Is meeting also, starting its activities with a joint luncheon with the doctors Friday noon. At 2 pjn. a con ducted tour of the Oregon State Hospital was arranged for the auxiliary, the group to start from the Marion Hotel. The convention will continue through Saturday, adjourning Monday noon. Captain Mack Goes to Yuma A sudden change in the ad ministration of the Salvation Army in Salem became known Thursday night when Captain and Mrs. Thomaa Mack receiv ed their farewell orders. Captains Mack is being sent to Yuma, Ariz.; where he will be in charge of the USO center which Is operated by the Sal vation Army. He and Mrs. Mack leave 6alem Saturday. He will be succeeded In Sa lem by Captain Ben Wold, now of Medford, who is expected to arrive here late next week. LIBERTY CTJB PACK Liberty The cnb pack 18 meeting la alated for Monday, November 2J, at the Liberty school. . The change In date Is duo to the Thanksgiving holl dsy, rt was announced by the eubmaster, Walter SchendeL . flth) 4el?ni;l.I4!l? (3? RTjffigl - r -A' witrMi'tS aOSdaK 'iti aii iaaiii:esa7TTi Tiai anTi.rfSM; We art doing fin with ths fcrtirior painting the walls and ceiling are completed and the woodwork has had one coat. The finish carpentry is completed and the cabinets have been installed. Come out, one and all. See the high type of construction and materials that are going into this modern new home that's taking shape before your very eyes. We want you to know all about it. Ask the salesman any questions you want. He's right there on the property all day. This is the model home that a veteran from Salem will get on December 25. With the help of the V F W in making a recommendation, we hope to announce the name of that veteran before long. In the meantime, come out! See the Lock wood Home in all phases of construction. 1 m 4 w I L World Affairs Forum Coming Announcements are being circulated among several Sa lem women's organizations of a World Affairs Film Forum program planned by Salem YMCA for December 1 start Chairmen of world affairs and similar committees for va rious women's groups are help ing the YMCA set up the dis cussion group under a program developed by the Ford Foun dation and the national YMCA Following a theme, "World Affairs Are Your Affairs," this program will Include a series of . 10 weekly discussions on Monday nights at the YMCA. Each week's discussion will center on a single country or a general topic related to the theme and will follow an ap propriate documentary movie. Background material for ad vance preparation can be found in a Ford Foundation-prepared book which all members of the group will have. A nominal fee will cover the cost of the book and all 10 movies. Moderator will be B1U Ross, KSLM newscaster. The plan Is for general discussion by all participants, without prepared speecnea. Regiatration is re quested by December 1, at the YMCA or with an organiza tion's ' International relations chairman. CANDY MAKER WHO'S COMING HERE MONDAY E. Remington Davenport, noted candy maker, who will give a free course of in struction in candy making to Salem wom en at the Portland Gai & Coke Co. audi torium nut Monday, November 23 at 109 South Commercial St. Three sessions will be held, at 1 p.m., 3:30 p.rm and in the evening- at 8 p.m. Admission will be free. Davenport has shown thousands of western housewives how to make the finest candies at numerous schools he has conducted. He was here three years ago. I This school is under Capital Journal and , Portland Gas k Coke Co. sponsorship. 1ZtC1 w 'v. I tion of a patient. Mrs. :t' .vV i . i N. 5 Wllcos, 74. and her 1 'IjL J ' 1 "N, ! CUrk N- Wil. . ..''-',. Sit''- -I WiS. V " I " 1 " 'iV'1 Tk couple's daughti f t ." t 1 Monroe H. Toussaint oi ' ' ', - 1 i quin. 111, arranged tl Solarium Scene Of Golden Wedding Chicago A solarium at Passavant Hospital was the scene yesterday of the golden wedding anniversary celebra tion of a patient, Mrs. Pauline and her husband. snioon. AFRICAN CHIEF MCST DIE Bloemfontein, South Africa 11 An African chief and one of his tribesmen were sentenc ed to death . Friday for the ritual murder of another Afri can whose flesh was used to make "black medicine." rfer' . - ' - - VaV'r7 " daughter, Mrs. of Algon- the cele bration after she learned her mother would not be released from the hospital for two weeks. The party waa complete with family friends, flowers and cake. Snookies Baby Hippo Snubs' Food, Dies Columbus, Ohio VP) Like ,lts fajneas mother, Snoekle's baby waa toe stubborn for Ma own good. The 75 pound; X day old hippopotamus died ef malnu trition yesterday after spurn ing Snoekle's feeding at tempts. It Sneekle wouldn't allow caretakers cleee enough to determine sex was Snoekle's third baby.' One drowned. Mama all 4, (I pounds of her eat on the other. - Snookie became famous a few years ago witn an eignt day aitdown strike while be ing transferred from Chicago to Columbus see. theJMoutofs , f ' ."'All . ' WW v. x - t , KING SIZE USSi.. It, I I "-in ItJrm CALL ljSSSSlTrlg- I0R For the Best in FUEL OIL GEORGE C A DWELL OIL COMPANY 25t sea SUtt SI biw 2-7431 Motorola CAR RADIO . Haw Maeal '. 3995 Fits All Cars $1.00 Down $1.25 Week HrK Green Stamps SERVICE STATIONS INC. (1) Center and Commercial Z) Court and Capitol (3) Marion and Liberty (5) Center and Liberty iiiiiLini;! PHILIP MORRIS has always contained an exclusive ingredient ."Di-GL". . . that does not produce irritating vapors present in every other leading cigarette No other cigarette . . . with or without filters . . . can remove all these irritating vapors Many other refining steps add greatly to the mildness . . . aroma . . . richness and rare smoking pleasure of Philip Morris! All the rich flavor and aroma are yours . . . idthoul ths Med for Uut&detroying gadgets or fillers. Only Philip Morris offers you this record of safety. For your pleasure ... for your protection ... try a carton ! PHILIP MORRIS America's Finest Cigarette . . . 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