Thoradajr. Norember 1, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ortgfta Thieves' Loot Totals $2350 A pickup truck itoleo from "Newberj Tuesday night and believed used in the burglary of two St Paul businesses the game night hat been re covered where it was aband oned north of Vancouver. Or- , ejon state police officers were f notified by Washington author o ities Thursday. In the pickup .were some loose cigarettes and in th. hr.T. M Uken ' ln operaUon this sution tucked I buUt this station, bad not lost Most Powerful Transmitter Signals All Naval Vessels By ELTON FAT Jim Creek Valley, Wash. Wll And David Sarnoff. the man The navy signaled all its who 41 years ago when wire ships at sea Wednesday with I less was in its infancy, ra its new voice of command, thejeeived the distress call from world's most powerful radio transmitter. Adm. Robert B. Carney, chief of naval operations, dic tated the first message for sending from "Radio Jim Creek in ceremonies placing the sinking liner Titanic, went back to the radio key and tapped out Wednesday's mes sage to all hands and to all places. Sarnoff, head of the Radio Corporation of America, which Indian Case ."!u?,V;Ruling Reversed inventory of I ,.., , Dquor and other mprrhm. j due uken in the burglary of the St. Paul Market and the Copelsnd Lumber company in ' st D.i.l t 1 sr.'. ' " 4UCSU1JT i oeen evaluated i : . . luuuwmg an inventor , stock, state police reported late i Wednesday, j l C. L. Vandewiele, owner of j the market, said 41 cases of J liquor were taken from the I state liquor agency in the mar- ket, and about 20 to 33 car- I tons of cigarettes, a Urge box j of assorted candies and some , change from the cash register I were Uken from the store. ! About J30O worth of tools I ''and nails were Uken from the J lumber company, Manager W. I C. Fenton said. The loot in- eluded six power tools, a Ure number of hand tools and six j kegs of nails. rj Woman Shuns Walk j Killed in Collision j Grants gass A 78 year , , old woman who decided to j take her car instead of walk- ing across the highway in front i of her house was killed in a ' ' collision Wednesday. I ! Mrs. Dora Brown drove from j her home, intending to cross i , the Redwood Highway to visit t ' a friend in a mortor court irrnH th uav t Sgt C. R. Borgman of the state police said a car driven ! by Lloyd Silvius, Eureka, Calif. ! ; crashed into it in fog and rain, j : Neither Silvius nor his wife 1 1 was injured. They were en ' . route to Roseburg to visit a i son, ill ln a hospital. away in a moutain fastness. Portland ! Henry B. Tay lor. The Dalles, who financed a fraudulent Indian land trans action, cannot expect the gov ernment to help him get his money back, a federal court decision said Wednesday. Henry Hess, federal district attorney, said t h 1 decision from the Circuit Court of Ap Deals at San Francisco reversed District Judge Gus Solomon's I the Radio Corp. of America, his toucalwlth the years. The message droned out at a steady 20 words a minute. The message carried the call letters for the new station. NLK. Adm. Carney described the new station as being able to flash commands to "our submarines beneath the water, to our Arctic outposts, to our ships and aircraft on and above distant seas. The 14-million-dollar In' stallation has an antenna more than a mile long, spanning a mountain valley. In accepting the transmitter from the contractor builder, ruling that the Indian land should be resold and the $135, 000 purchase price restored to Taylor. . The government has no In terest in what happened to the money Taylor used to finance the deal, the appeals court de cision said. Taylor used an intermediary Carney emphasized its need not only to forge a direct link to today s far-flung navy op erations but for a later time when atomic-powered sub marines and ships stand long and lonely station in far cor ners of the world. in the deal to acquire valuable HltrhoH PrUmPtl timber lands near Gold Beach lIIUICU WCnillCII Picked up From Raft for a portion of their actual worth. Taylor and his associ ates were convicted of fraud. Pearl Harbor W Seven Three Men SuspBdsdifliTbUrw Of Bank Burglary Portland l Portland police arrested three men Wednesday and said they were suspected in the $27,300 burglary of a Cot tonwood, Idaho, bank last month. The men, who denied any part In the burglary, were booked as Theodore J. Audett, 50. a convicted bank robber; Walter Clyde McClure, 33, and Donald D. Hall, 20, all of Portland. the Pacific yesterday have been picked up from a life raft by the transport Daniel I. Sul tan, the navy announced, Navy officers said three of the men were injured, but none is ln serious condition, The Sultan is heading for Midway Island, about 240 miles south of the point where the airmen were rescued, and is due sometime today, the navy said. I ; 2 KILLED IN BUS-CAR 1 1 COLLISION, NINE HURT j Cucamonga, Calif. W) , Two LOGGER KILLED persons were killed and nine. Coos Bay UP) Russell A J injured in the collision of a , Taylor, 40, Delwood, Ore., was i : west bound Greyhound bus and j an auto Thursday, the State i Highway Patrol reported, i.i Attendants at San Antonio j ! hospital, upland said apparent i )y none of the injured was in ,' ! critical condition. killed Tuesday at the Mink Creek camp of the Irwin Lum ber Co. A logging truck rolled onto him as he was removing blocks from the wheels. The widow and five children survive. FREIGHTER STILL FAST Bandon, Ore. Wl No effort had developed here Thurstlay to try to pull the freighter Oil ver Olson off the rocks beside the entrance to the Bandon port, where the ship has been stuck two weeks. The owners abandoned the ship, and it was reported the insurance has been paid to the Oliver J. Olson Steamship Co. Old Clock GVes Out Nasal Grunt When tfet big clock ta City Ball tower (track one Taars day afteraMB It didat give at with a load and re Unfed aeng a-B-B-B-. H was a soft sad short "peak." The faea at the eld clock waa lifted and cleaned wbea It was moved from the old Cearthause to City HalL Bat tear almost raa down its alee aew faea today when the hammer and gong that for 70 yean hart been strik ing lustily made only a kind of nasal grant It was the same at t 'dock, and it's going to be j the asm from now aa any way for awhile. Today workmea put a leather boot on the hammer to muffle the sound when the clock atrikes the hours. For guests of the Senator Hotel nearby complained that It woke them ap at night At first II was thought the striking mechanism could be cot oft completely at Bight, but It was found this couldn't be done. "Maybe the muffler will work and maybe It won't," said City Engineer J. H. Davis. ('We'll just have to find out If It doesn't we'll have to try again. Of course, wo conld take out the strik ing mechanism completely, but we don't like to do that" Some objections from the public reached City Hall when a newt story said thr striker was to be cut off at night. ' No Divorce for Dorothy McGuire Taegu, Korea Sgt. John H. Brown said Thursday he and TV singer Dorothy Mc Guire "have no desire for a divorce" and he has cancelled plans .to fly back to the United States. Brown asked for and was given a leave after singer Jul ius LaRosa said he and Miss McGuire hoped to marry, "Everything is now clari fied," Brown said. "I have withdrawn my request for leave. There will be no di vorce." Miss McGuire is a featured singer on the Arthur Godfrey show. MAO MAPS BOMBED Nairobi. Kenya lV Three Lincoln heavy bombers bomb ed targets In the Aberdara pro- Squadron Leader Alan Newittlef their mountain lairs aa that nmited area and strafed Mau said the combers task wis to they could fa engaged Mau hideouts Tb ursda y.jget the anti white terrorists out easily by around forces. First Time at This Low Price Engjander 10096 Foam Latex Mattress & Box Spring. Full Volume 100 Foam Latex Twin or Full Usually 129.50 NOW ONLY YES, YESTERDAY YCU WOULD ' HAVE PAID 129.50 ALLERGY FREE COOL SLEEPING HELPS PREVENT IODY ACHES NEVER SAGS NEVER NEEDS TURNING DUSTLESS ODORLESS Mr. C. J. Thompson, of the Englander Co., Chicago,, will be at our store Friday . and Saturday, November 20 & 21st to answer any questions you may have re garding sleep equipment. No obligation. ' : . MR. JIM HERZIG of the Enamel and Range Company Will Be in Our Store Saturday, No vember 21st to Answer Any Questions You May Have Regarding Oil and Gas Heating. , " t , ' , NO OBLIGATION! OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY M CC LN1 FURNITURE CO. 1425 Edgewater St. West Salem ''V WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS p- NECCHI- See the most amazing invention in the sewing machine history . . . revolu- 0$ tionary new Wonder Wheel. Sews on buttons, mokes buttonholes, mono- Of I grams, appliques. Blind-stitches hems, overcast hems, forward and reverse, s straight and zig-zog all without attachments. All you hove to do is WATCH! LT U Lb Lb We Invite You To The Gala Opening Of Our Necchi-Elna Sewing Center EL MA THE ELNA MAGIC DISCS MAKE SEWING AS EASY AS PLAYING A REC ORD. You use no tools just two fingers os shown. All you do is choose o disc ond slip it on. The ELNAGRAPH "brain" does th rest sews for you automatically. You need no special skill, no special training. The Etna Supermatic takes oil the worry and detail off your mind sews forward and reverse, plain ond zig-zog. Blindstitch your hems too ond remember ALL OF THESE OPERATIONS ARE DONE WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS. YOU MUST SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT A Free Gift for Everyone Attending Demonstration of the Necchi or Elna Plus A FREE TURKEY To Anyone Purchasing A Necchi or Elna Between Now and (hristma;. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS . . . Low Down Payment -Terms To Fit Your Budget vacuum ammi Open Friday Evening Til 9 P.M. CLItiC 455 Court St. Ph. 4-5502 a