Thursday, Kovetsber 11, 1158 TOT CAPITAL JOUKNAL, Sales. Orate section n rr r Hell's Canyon Group Meeting Lebanon A speaker from tht national Hell'i Canyon as sociation will addrcaa a Linn county audience meeting Fri day, Nov. 20, at p.m. in Wil ibire hall, Lebanon, tor the tint netting of local Hell'i Can !! a W I HI .SI i ! M , Ifl I,1 f g Y -ft I V A -caurt street tere a-- W Give and Redeem Grten Stamps yon club A color-aound movie, "Look to the River" will be preeented ihowing the Northwett'a maior dams and the transmission linea used for the inter-connect -Ing and pooling of the public power projects' resource. W. E. Miles will preside at the meeting to which an inter filed persons are Invited. Offi cers for a permanent organiza tion will be elected. Ellsworth Lauds GOP's Achievements Lebanon Rep. Harris Ills worth, speaking Tueiday night at a chamber of commerce dinner, lauded the achieve ments of the first quarter of President Eisenhower's ad ministration, citing the end of the Korean war, the Czecho slovakian prisoner release, withdrawal of the Seventh fleet from protection . of the Red China coast, and a 14 bil lion dollar reduction of the national budget The congressman also point ed to the repeal of the excise profit tax which he described at a "vicious penalty on new buiinesses," and added that a 10 per cent reduction on per sonal income taxes would go into effect next year. Rep. Ellsworth had high praise for Secretary Douglas McKay, pointing out his splen did executive ability in ad ministrating the laws of Con gress in respect to natural re sources In all matters pertain ing to the Interior department. Richards Supervises Service in Research Joe B. Richards, third year Willamette university law student, has been named, super visor of the Willamette Legal Research Service for 1BS3-S. John Paulus, faculty advisor! slates. Richards, the son of J. A. Richards of Ontario, is a gradu ate of the University of Oregon. He is president of the campus chapter of Phi Delta Phi, hon orary legal fraternity and was nsmed to the dean's high scho lastic list in 1952. The Willamette Legal Re search Service, one of six such student operated activities in uie country, is iree io practic ing lawyers, who, by reason of limited library faculties, are not equipped to obtain authori ties on questions of law. DINING GROUP To set the theme for delightful holiday entertaining 'The large Hutch China with crown glassed doors. The lovely round drop-leaf table as pictured or as many as eight different styles of tables from which to choose! Your choice of many different styles of chairs, too. And remem- , ber, you will be planning your furniture for the future os well as for today. Pennsylvania House Furniture is offered in "open stock." Come in and see our wide variety of stylea and sizes. . Let us help you choose the "recipe" to fit your furnishing plan and meet your budget requirements of today. And we will give : you "117 recipes" for choosing fine furniture. You'll find It Interesting and helpful. See our special store displays. Brush College Brush College Brush Col lege Grange home economics club will entertain husbands of its members at a no host sup per Thursday, Nov. 19, at the home of Mrs. Archie Ewing and son Ralph. Brush College Community club will meet at the school house for an election of offi cers Friday night at I o'clock. EXTRA FOR CREW CUTS Chicago VP) The Master Barbers Assn. will vote on a proposal to charge extra for crew cuts. They say it's harder to give them, and, besides, the barber gets hair all over his shoes. OPEN FRIDAY KITES mi 9 CRADDOCK .Authentit ISHe Century Design Genuine Craddock Dependable Construction " Luxurious Hand-rubbed Duco Lacquer Finish In . ( Walnut er Mahogany ' The small table with family utirtiyt Expands to 76" and closed 26x36". Gives you round the clock utlity and plenty of spread for special occas-' Table Chairs $E5M up Four different styles of chairs! Furniture Second Fleer Double Duty Furniture For Hying, game or dining room You'll love the saucy Dutch-dancer slant to tapered legs ending In bold spoon feet the informal charm this dropleaf table lends to living, game or small dining room. And look! A 20-inch Lazy Susan to help guests help themselves. Choose a perky curved-for-eomfort aide chair or ample captain's chair. Table $62.95 Chair $18 95 SI? $29.95 .for Your Thanksgiving Entertaining . E. R. Buck ' Early American Table With Three Leaves Opens te 78" ' ' Now only Made of solid birch or maple hardwood in mellow maple hand rubbed finish, this Genuine Early American masterpiece Is not only beautiful but highly practical. With no leaves inserted, measures only 42 inches in diameter . . . with three leaves inserted, opens' to 78", seating eight. i Add years more use to your Hi P.- 1 'E&ttff&V-'tt -li! chair because the decorator col- I rCVGr &2& &$&W'Jfe i I ora stay clearer, brighter; cover ii, I de jL' .'iTT'iiixiti ''"n.Jt will take longer, harder wear! rmllPC I ZxyftefttZV '-' '' "Vl Reinforced hardwood frame; I VIIIC.9 1 'vl double spring construction; but- CriflflU I (2r ton-tufted back. Choice grey. Mat. 1 fffe -4 Nrnitur. I jKr...'. fj) CARLOAD PURCHASE! SAVE 20.07 tVr'.;. fiSSu riaiiunii uwvnwi f, &sm" l ' Reg. S9.9S N , 1 1 no down 88 $00' h PAYMENT nSS WW fe J) ON OUR vr J APPROVED CREDIT . -lm WELCOME ?Z on Farm ureeu Federation Chairs lo Match 5g5 FOAM RUBBER, PLATFORM ESOCIXIEE? Foam Rubber Gives Comfort Rich, Nylon Frieze Cover Gives Beauty, Long-WearJ SAVE $20.07 Reg. 79.9S ' NO DOWN PAYMENT $1 Down Holds Til Christines It's the softest, most comfortable chair you ever sat in! The no-sag spring bate is topped with a plump, resilient 5-Inch foam rubber cushion and that wonderful comfort is there to Stay. Nylon Frieze upholstery is durable, lasting and you have a choice of rose, grey, red, sage, kelly. The low special price saves you $20.07. FURNITURE SECOND FLOOR