v Thwadijr. November It, 1SSS TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJ, Orroa SECTION II Pat I '! ! 'Vi )M A i n : j F 1" '' n" it."" and SATURDAY Cannon's Finest Twin Size Sheets 72x108 regular $2.St lint quality Cannon fin ' Mtton sheets an ul at a auhatantial aavln Downstairs. 1.98 WOMEN'S NYLON SUPS In our Downstair itorc wi offer a tale of fin quality nylon slipa in pretty lace trimmed atylei for your best S wear at only $3.00. These come in ilies 32 to 40. ' Downstairs. WOMEN'S COTTON HOUSE FROCKS Regular 33.00 to $4.00! Prints and Seersuckers. A eleanup of our regular stocks. Half sizes, regular and misses' sizes. Women's sizes to 52. CHROMESPUN AND SATIN BEDSPREADS Regular $14.85! These smart looking chrom aatin quilted bedspreads are extra big values! t. In Knth full hH nnA tun H1 Full wirlth ruffles. Washable, slightly changeable colors in rose, green, wine, gold, blue and yellow. Downstairs. , 9.95 Show the Way to Economy with Quality Bargains! Clearaway of Fine Knitted Fashions , . . Dresses, Sweaters ; Com ae thee good-looking knitted dresses and sweaters on sale at one-third leu reg ular price! Broken lots of Jrntzen's, Ran- . art's and other fine brands. 2nd floor. Vsoff PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS Regular $2.00! Standard size 54" square plastic Jl ' table or luncheon, breakfast nook cloths in I F pretty prints ... colorful! A heavy, sturdy lsfc weight. Downstairs. , NOW! TEXFOAM RUBBER PILLOWS ' First quality . . . why pay more? Famous brand I latex foam rubber pillows are the modern way zfj to restful sleep! No allergy ... no mildew ... no need for fluffing. Downstairs. Reg. $1B 5. A genuine Glendarby by 'Tuh-U-Knif. Full fashioned to fit smartly and color schemes you'll like. Same In Cardigans, reg. $25. now $19 95 2d floor Downtown Special on Almond Toffee Regular $1.49. Try this delicious confection. You'll 1 become an addict for Almond Toffee. Now on ape- I cial for Downtown Days. 1 Little Girl's Panties, Little Boy's Shorts ' 39 Values to $1.19. A closeout of famous Munsingwear quality products. Cotton and rayon. White and pas tel shades. 2 to 6 years. Downstairs. A SELECTED GROUP OF OUR BETTER DRESSES Choose from our finer type dresses and save on half! A rack or two selected from regular stocks go on sale at this price con cession for Downtown Days!' Famous brands like Juliette ... ' Franklins .. . . Natllns, etc. Choose for holiday wear. . Dressy and casual styles. All sizes, Including misses' and Juniors. 2nd floor.' y2 SALE! OVERNIGHT CASES Regular to $25.00! A few odd pieces of fine . . ' ltiffffaM made bv well known Northwest Mfff. ' Genuine leather bindings, bran hardware, etc. Two daya only!- , 7.95 Plastic Chair Pads . . 39c Sale! Pullman Style Luggage Cases . $28.00! Same as above quality but in 1 A ftP e size cases. For long trips, vacations, etc. . Sale! Patricia Quality Nylon Stockings ' . 98$ Redecorate your kitchen or bathroom chairs with these plastic padded Ut-qn pads In ' colorful array of decor colors. A big close out sale Friday and Saturday only. Notion dept. . , . Jumbo Garment- Bags . . . .... 89c Protect your garments from moths and dust ) with Jumbo bags. PlsaUc with lone sip pet. Holds 1 garments. Notion dept. , Reg. $1.50! First quality Patricia nyons in 15 den ier 60 gauge! Sheer, beautiful and long wearing! - -All the new winter shades. Sizes 8 to 1 1. 3 pairs for $2.90. Pair. GIRL'S DACRON ANKLETS Reg. $1.00 pr. Genuine Dacron by DuPont. Extra soft, long wearing! non-shrinkable. In sweater shades. 8 to 11. Christmas Decorations, Trees and Interior, Etc. A special clearance of great quantity of tre... decorations, fireplace, doorways, table decora tions now at Plastic Aprons Buy now for ttltsl A aale of aprons ... 1 for 11.00. Waist and bib style, variety of patterns and colors. Some are slight lmgu- . lars. Notion dept. S for Odd BLOUSES To $9.95 $289 Only It blouses In this clearance ot Patty Woodward brand and other well-known blouses at $2,891 Values to SMI Dressy, sports, casual types. whit and ookxa Including darks. 2nd floor. SWISS EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS Special purchase! Hundreds of fine imported -ITf hankies for your Christmas gift giving. Choose jlL them now and save. W WOMEN'S FULL-LENGTH FOUNDATIONS 5.95 Again!- Another special pur chase of these popular Charm Shelves for your kitchen, bath room or living room windows or walls. Wrought iron and glass uiu snop. Reg. up to $10.95! Full length foundations and girdles and panic girdles in this special clearance lot at a big savings! Famous brands! Choose your favorite. Knitting Bags With Plastic Handles Reg. $1.98! Excellent gifts! These large roomy all tl 1ft purpose bags are splendid Cnristmas gifts for I IS mother or grandmother. All are rayon lined. Downstairs Art Needle Dept. Alligator Grain Knitting Bags or Utility Bags Reg. $1.98! Zipper fastening with extra zippered j 1ft side packets. A very durable, handy all-purpose I IN bag. Downstairs. WOMEN'S BRUSHED RAYON PAJAMAS Reg. $5.95. Downy soft, cozy warm, Just right tA ft Q for Oregon wisters. In smart style and pastel T4 . J Q shades such as yellow, blue and rose. All sizes. w Second floor. WOMEN'S BRUSHED RAYON GOWNS Reg. $4.98. Same material as pajamas. Fine for Q ft gifts or self. See these on ssle during DowntownTS ( Days. This week. 2nd floor. w Sale! Kitchenwares, Cookie Jars, Cake Plates For Downtown Days . . . these spun aluminum ft Q cookie lars. snack sets snd cake plates grouped Tl JQ for this selling event. Downstsirs. Heavy Gauge Plastic Shower Curtains Reg. $2.29. Standard size six feet square plastic tl yf ft shower curtains of extra heaT plastics. In I variety of designs and color combinations. " 1 Window curtains to mstch $1.29. Downstairs EARRINGS AND CHOKERS Reg. to $1.95! Pearl earrings in buttons, clusters, hoop and drop. Two and three strand red choker beads. Adjustable. Choice RHINESTONE NECKLACES Regular $7.95. Hand-set imported rhlnestone ftrt necklaces in msny styles here for Downtown TX Tf Days sale! Select yours now for Christmas gifts. ' Women's 100 Coshmere Slipover Sweoters '13.95 99c 69c I 1 r a i i-i A .' " V. I lass I y J I rr ir, I. assketc t-TOC -rffT J ") Famous Ife wA-SJ. Jf , BrandslJP Just 350 pairs of fin quality Accent ond Penaljo dress T; v ?H and sport shoes go on sale Friday and Saturday at $7.95! ;.-,- "., "'' ine pump miusrrarea aoove; is ine lamous vvcii m - brond in calf or suede leather. High-heel. Black, brown, a. ' rd, green. 4 to 10 B to AAAA widths.--': Penaljo sports in red, tan, green, bkie w i.t h'tow and f wedgi heels. Calf or suede. 4 to 10,-allrwidths; X Cxtta! ( f) Sale of J GIRDLES -imj 4,,, f PANTIE fSv I 1i t GIRDLESveW j ; i I r ODDS.' LUGGAGE YOUR CHOICE ; .s a $R00 CHARM SHELVES ' 20"xl7Vi" A" Deep A SPECIAL J $195 Values 12.95 to 24.50 Cosmetic Case '. AND ' I LACK AND WHITI lB'.'OVERNITES Leather bound cosmetic and overnite case ot famous manufacturer. Actually up to $24.50 values! Don't put it off on minute Friday morn ing, be here at 9:50. These are odd pieces but may match your luggage. Gifts! Our Winter Clear-away Of Finest... CoatsSuits Reg. $69.95 ;: 95 SAG 7 Reg. $89.00 $R095 7 Her are some of our very finest coats ond suits from such well known lines os YOUTHMORE . . . YOUNG SET, CRESTVIEW ond others! Here's your opportunity to indulge really fine quality ot prices way below what you would expect to pay for smart styling, fabric, etc. Com se for yourself ... try them on! They're not to b com pared with "no names" or unbranded fashions. Re member, two days only! Gr0 FOR Re UP of o 9- St ock. A tables of closeouts in better quality founda tions such as thes girdles ond pontic gir dles ot $3.95! Nyl Roy on Satin! Pull-on style. .Some with front boning ond elosti' bock. Sizes 26 to 32. 115. fro, on 00? -It Am ONLY Ch oce .'full othe, ooJ d'es. troup Jce to, tor j!Z't very hot,, ori. 'only, 2nd and floor "re. in Ui $ 5,