Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 19, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    'Perfect Records disked m Saleineiitral fahelic fee
20 in Row
By Portland
Twe perfect mob records
are at (take when the Salem
Vikings meet the Central Cath
oil Ram la the state semi
final at McCuIloch ftadlum
Saturday night Lea Gustaf
aon'a Viking hsr ran up a
trip of ten wlna thla year,
whila Central ha nine thla
aaaaon and in tha past two
year tney aav 10 traight
Bury Bharfff Rami, tha de
fending atata ehampiona, ara
paced by pass-throwing quar
terback Vince Altenhofen, who
la backed up by three fine run
ning back. Chuck With en,
George Kane and John Vranl
can are tha other starting beck-
fielder for tha Bams,
Bit; Center Return
Hal Duffy, 121-pound cen
ter, who has ust returned to
the lineup after breaking his
hand earlier in tha season,
leads a Central line that av
erages close to 200 pounds. Al
Gray's forward wall, although
It weighs an average of slight
ly more than 170, make up for
the weight loss with fight.
The predicted rain for Sat
urday night may help the Vik
ings stop Altenhofen, but it
also msy hinder the Salem
passing attack with Herb Trip
lett throwing. In the rain and
mud at Portland last Friday
night, Salem rolled to a !-
win over Benson.
A crowd of upwards of 5,000
Is expected to attend. The ac
tual stadium seats around
. . Starting end for Bams
B.I00, and tha bleachers which
are being put up for tha game
eat about 2400.
Tha winner of this game is
favored to take tha state title
tha following week end, as in
tha final Associated Press poll
Salem and Central were
ranked in a second place tie
while North Bend led the polL
Tha Bulldogs ara no longer
in tha playoffs since they
dropped a closa one 14-12 to
Grant Pass in the quarter
finals. Grants Pass Is favored
to take Jefferson Fridsy night
and earn its way Into the finals.
Depth In Backtield
Tha Viking backtield,
coached by Hank Juran, ranks
right along with the Rams with
speed and power along with
good depth. Terry Salisbury
and Ken Rawlings are slated
for duty at fullback, while the
two halfbacks will probably
be Neal Scheidel and Ray Tay
lor. Tri picas gets the go at
Taylor, who is one of the
beat conversion kickers m the
state, attempts to keep his
record up Saturday night He
has booted all but one of the
34 conversions has hr.s at
tempted this year. The other
part of the kicking combina
tion is Tom Pickens, centering
and Triplett, holding.
Tha Vikings hava their last
hard practice thla afternoon
and then taper off with a work
out under the lights at Waters
field Friday night No injuries
have com up this week, and
the Vikings will be at top
strength for the game.
Newland Chooses
UCLA, Stanford,
WSC and Oregon
San Francisco, () Russ
Newlsnd's grid selections:
UCLA over USC by 6.
Stanford over California by
Washington over Washing
ton State by 12.
Oregon over Oregon State
by 7.
Utah over Idaho by 6.
Collrge of Pacific over
Fresno State by 6.
Kansas State over Arizona
by 8.
Cal Poly over Willamette
by 24.
Lewis It Clark over Central
Washington by 1.
New Mexico over Colorsdo
ASM by i.
;! ,..
fofft f hamnf n
JIUIC UlUilip oMotry
defeated their atata cLampionship last week-end uder
the eeaehlng af Vera Gilmer. With their newest trophy,
which they sdded te district and Big Six awards, are
(back row left te right): Stanley Paw ley, who finished
IJth; Jen Castle, 15th; Cliff Wiilmartk, 11th; and Ron
Oarymple, 12nd. Front rew: Gary Ramsdea, 14th; Bill
Reker, aeventh; Ted Benry, Ith.
Sequeira Rushes to Fifth
In Conference
Eldredg "Windy" Sequeirs,
WUIamette freshman halfback,
ran his way from an unrated
position to fifth in the North.
west conference rushing depart.
ment with his performance
against Linfleld last week.
Sequeira gained 132 net
yards In a losing cause to give
him a total of 4SI In 17 carries
for the sesson.
Harvey Neffendorf Inched
up from fifth to fourth In pass
ing despite completing only two
passes in 13 tries against Lin
field. Ad Rutschman, Linfield.
holds second behind Ted Mar
tin of College of Idaho, both
having finished their seasons.
Martin picked up 1206 net
yards to Rutschman's 8S7,
Rutschman gaining 37 yards in
IS tries against Willamette. He
also Is third in punting.
TC O L Nat
afartla. C af I MS MM If UN
imieMiu. unne lai atl 1M
Walkar. Whltmaa .Mm
Fnack. raclftt .... 114 III MS
MMM. Wlk , SI T M
Sallk, Lao fT 491 SI
Taraaaalnc. 14a. ,,
SWaa-lcS. Whunu .,
At. C lot O L Bat
Cratrfanl. C ill l n 1 uu I 1141
Laraia, Wnltmn . It II 4 401 II m
Jahnaoa, L C 11 II 4 111 I 111
lfalltndorr, W ..19 II a SH t ITI
maca, ratuu .. n 11 s mi t su
No. DUI.
LaPaia. WhHmtn ...
ttr, Uwtt Cltrk .
SMUckiua, UalMU
S 41
S 41
Mirlla. C 4t t
KDvkk, C ! 1
Ulir. wmtaiia
Pwut. C at I ,
Ttrpcaklnf, LlanttS
owana. c of 1
Rauckaua. UafloM
BoQomtnlo. C af I
MllUi. PacUl
Srquflrt. Wlllmmttu
Smith. Uwtl Clark
atrtvkk. WkltBaa
AraoM. C af I Patlfu
Prtncri. aorlflo
SniobrttMa. Lowla St Clark
Johnaan, Ltwto a Clark ...
CraTtna. Whitman
Spraul. Uaftr-la
Crawfora. C at I
ColUaa. C at 1
Kant, Wlllamatta
Pair. Laau Clark
SUahtaa, Lawla a Clark ,,
Ear4lr. Wlllamatta
rllpplo. Uvli a Clark ....
Dourmjt, c at I ,,
. C of I
Aaaa. rarlfto
Randall. Pacltla
Rott. rarlltt
rVhrrpf. Unnatd
Nlrhalran. LlntltlS
Marar.aU. Uatlrla
HallMar. Ltnflald
Zoakh. Wtllamttta ,
Banton. Wlllamrtlo
Nartaaaorf. Wlllamatto ....
Uaaatt. Uala Clark ....
Quirk. Lria Clark
Brathauar. Laarla a Clark ,,
Racoroa, Whltmaa
Whaalar, Wnltmak
stratk. Wkltaiaa
Fnwlar. Whltatan ,
Httnrlca. Pacltla ,
Chalpuato. Wlllamatta
Oaeria. WUlaraalla
Zavodikr. Paatna ,
Baftt, Uaat a Clark
Vanni Signs Again
To Pilot Tri-Oty
Sesttle 41 do Vsnnl.
peppery msns . of the Tri-
uty Brsves, has signed again
to pilot tha team n 1954, he dis-
Closed her Wednesdsy.
Eddie Taylor, former scout
for the Seattle Rainier, has
been named general manager
of the Western International
League Braves.
"Fsns over there can't wail
to get the season going," said1
Vsnni, "and we'll train again:
this year on the home grounds, '
starting early in April."
Jackie Gordon of the Cleve
land Barons was the 71st play
er in the history of the Ameri
can Hockey Lesgue to score
100 foil.
9 B s &
ie BiCk shai -
runner above anceessfaUy
Easily, Now Eyes
Bout With Rocky
Los Angeles J An easy
and Impressive victory, via an
eighth-round technical knock
out, over Freddie Beshore kept
Dan Bucceroni's hopes of a ti
tle bout against heavyweight
Champion Rocky Warclan
very much alive today.
Bucceroni. 188. of Phila
delphia, battered Beshore, 194,
of Los Angeles, all over the
ring last night before Referee
Joe Stone stopped the nation
ally televised fiftht at 2:41 of
the eighth round. Bucceroni
won every round.
Bucceroni, a 7 to 1 favorite,
was in charge throughout the
fight, pounding the roly poly
uesnora almost at win.
The Philadelphia battler.
looking hard and trim in con
trast to his heavier opponent
calmly moved away from Be
th ore's charges and scored eas
ily with lefts and rights to the
body and head.
Beshore, who has fought Joe
Louis, Rocky Marciano and
Eizard Charles without being
counted out, looked as though
he might go down In the fifth
round as Bucceroni slashed him
with hard lefts and rights.
But the game Beshore with
stood the attack until the bell
halted the round.
'Expert' Picks UCLA,
Stanford, Wash., Ore.
San Francisco UfJ From
Mexico to British Columbia its
"big gsme" week on the west
cosst, the time when upsets
are a dime a dozen.
With that in mind, we offer
these little gems to go with
our seasonal record of 108
right. 31 wrong, for a .777 av
erage. UCLA over Southern Cali
fornia: The Bruins have the
horses, the desire Rose Bowl,
and the record 7-1 that should
take them to victory. They
have one of the best football
players in the country in the
person of Paul Cameron. On
the other hand-there i; ' a
strong ' .Sc".hern California
team that conceivably could
lick any team in the cojinrv.
Stanford to Win . c
Stanford over California:
Up until a week ago, this de
partment leaned toward the
Golden Bears. But it finally
has been drummed into our
head that so fsr most of the
coaches hsve come up with no
defense for Bobby Garrett and
his receivers, Sam Morley,
John Steinberg and Ron Cook.
Fords and Chevrolet!
T aU K1
Tj tfe BltlMMl ftldctor
lSMIa D4tUtw tartil
t 1m I Ctvr
Btttl lltjr 111 Frs3
m S. l?th St., Silent. Or.
Till I F.M.. Nov. tS
late WW ft. O.M1I4
Mm. m. fcv D-t t
FtMsM) A9fltalarttrf.1i)
BaXMe) SIT IUM C)) ftM
4t Mar ft fc.HI4
fw On ar Mar Amm
Jefferson Squad
Leaves by Bus to
Play Grants Pass
Portland f) The Jefferson
High School team left Portland
by bus Thursday morning for
its semi-final game In the state
class 1-A football playoffs at
Grant Pass Friday night.
The team Is expected to
reach Grants Pass in time for
a .workout.
Portland's other team In the
playoffs, Central Catholic,
meanwhile hoped to get its
coach back. The coach, Harry
Scarf f, has been confined to his
home two days with a cold. As
sistant Tony Seidl handled the
team in his absence.
Scarff hoped to be back in
time for practice Thursday
Central Catholic, defending
champion in class 1-A, will
meet Salem Saturday night at
Salem. Both teams are unde
feated and untied. They were
tied for second place in the As
sociated Press poll.
Jefferson was fifth In the
poll; Grants Pass No. 8.
Lewiston Reports
Loss of Only $150
. Lewiston. Idaho ) The
Lewiston club of the Western
International Baseball League
had the best financial record
in the league for 1953 with an
actual net loss of only $150,
President James McMonigle re
ported Tuesday night.
McMonigle said the books
show a heavier loss, but the
lower figure takes into account
depreciation and other inciden
tals not shown in the books.
The club reelected all its offi
cers for another year.
The first Michigan State foot
ball team to play In Macklin
Field Stadium was the 1923
Spartan eleven. It was coached
by Ralph Y. Young, now the
school's athletic director.
The Indians may have a tough
time stopping Paul Larson, but
they should be able to out
score Cal. On top of that, they
have the Rose Bowl Incentive.
Washington over Washington
State: The Huskies have had
an out season, tieing Southern
Cal and beating Oregon. But
if Sandy Lederman is passing
well, they should wallop the
Oregon Traditional
Oregon over Oregon State:
The Webfoots have come fast
and in their last four games
I have whipped San Jose State.
I Southern California and Ida-
ho and tied California. Bcav
1 ers finally wc their wvond
,game in upscttir.; V.'.S.C. Ore
gon'! George Shaw is the big
i factor.
Al.o: Idaho over Utah State,
, College of Pacific over Fresno
Statr, Ksnsas State over Ariz
ona. Arizona Tempo State over
; Midwestern, San Dinego State
over Santa Barbara, Pepper
dine over Los Angeles State,
Cal Poly over Willamette, Cen
tral Washington over Lewi
c Clark.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
mn tnr fati. m ar rhtaM
nmihn. Aulrf cum ftv MM
rtara la Cttiotv No tnititr wilh what
turner,! row art afritcttd. tltmdvra.
iDUattta. Bf-arl. MtattX !t kt4nva,
ft ftniUHtl. al1. aft
rh in, tali and ftlaMf tnat.
akin, ftwtla toaalalBa.
Offlaa Naara a a I
Taa aai .a a aar
tat K Caauaataaal
uua. oaa.
OCE Fives
First test scrimmage of tha
Willamette unlverstiy basket
ball season, termed "good exer
cise" by Coach John Lewis.
found Willamette and Ore on
College pouring in goals to an
unofficial score of 91-81 for
the Bearcat last night here.
Tha team of Coach Bob Liv
ingston, with no player above
6 feet 1, will coma back for
another practice game at 6
p.m. next Tuesday, It was de
cided last night OCE will open
Its regular schedule Dee. 1 at
Pacific, while Willamette will
leap Into its slate here Dec. 3
against Hawaii.
Coach Lewi used three pla
toons, with four lettermen In
the first five along with Tom
Gooding, 6 foot 4 transfer cen
ter from Boise Junior college.)
Gooding hit five of six hook
shots from the pivot for 14
Lewis cited tha backboard
work of 6 foot 6 Jack Bishop,
a freshman from Salem, and
the all-around play of Dick
Hoy, two-year letterman for
ward being used at guard.
Dr. Livingston said he liked
the work of Bob Frantz, a 8
footer, at the post and the
board performance of Frank
Grove, 6-foo 1. Larry Cham
berlain, Jim Rice and Chuck
Pinion, all guards, turned In
sharp play, he said.
Seattle yP) Coach Johnny
Cherberg ran the Washington
Huskies through a short scrim
mage and a long dummy drill
Tuesday in preparation for Sat
urday's game here with Wash
ington State College.
Eien Frl. Nile 'lilTj
Ohen It's So Easy to I
Tha 2nd Floor
Walk Upstairs to I
Sport Coats &
15 a 25
Less Than
Ground Floor Stores
All new . a a this season'
latest styles. Large selec
tion. All slses for r pi
lars, shorts, longs, stents.
Open Friday Night
'til 9 O'Clock
Clothes Shop
442 Stale St.
Above Morris Optical Co.
Look for the Flashing
"Save $10" Sign Above
the Entrance
Capitol League Accepts
Gervais; All-Stars Picked
Tha champion Cascade Cou
gars placed seven , players on
the Capitol league aU-star of
fensive and defensive teams
chosen last night by coaches
meeting at the Golden Pheas
ant cafe.
Other action found Gervais
high school voted a the sev
enth member of Class A-2 cir
cuit if its enrollment next Hay
IS remains above 150. Gervais
was Class B Marion county lea
gue champion the past season.
Other schools placing all
star were Central five, Salem
Academy three. Sacred Heart
three, Stayton three and Philo
math one.
Chosen to both offense and
St. Louis The St. Louis
Brown is dead. Stockholders
of the organization legally
changed the formal name to
the Baltimore Baseball club
Inc. in the final phase of the
franchise transfer Tuesday. In
formally, the new club is
known as the Orioles.
12 Month Written Guarantee
H Pmbh
1820 S. 12h
Page 10 SsJem, Oregon, Thnraday, November 19, 1953
defense were BUI H lilted. Caa -
cade end and linebacker; Rey-
nold Meufeld, Salem Academy cade back. ,
OffanaiTa Team
Position r layer Sebaal
End Gerald Freeman Central
End BUI H us ted Cascade
Tackle Darrell Gobi Stayton
Tackle Jim Fratzke Central
Guard Reynold Neufeld Salem Academy
Guard Jim Wall Salem Academy
Center Jim Bo rs berry Sacred Heart
Quarterback Vince Matt Sacred Heart
Back Charlie Snyder Central
Back Sam Wallen Stayton
Back Howard 8 peer Cascade
Back Gerald Waldrop Cascado
Defensive Team
End Gerald Waldrop Cascade
End Clyde Flatwood Sacred Heart
Tackle Dick Lofting Central
Tackle Wayne Krenz Cascade
Guard Reynold Neufeld Salem Academy
Linebacker BUI Hinted Cascade
Linebacker Wayne Minton Stayton
Linebacker Marc Nelson Central
Halfback Virgil Fadenrecht Salem Academy
Halfback Howard Speer Cascade
Safety Jim Scarth Philomath
Wen Tire
1 auard: Howard 8 peer. Oasead
back; and Gerald Wsldiup, CaJ
Plus Tax
Sound Casing
N. Commercial
Q J Exchange
awl fix sirr