Wednesday, November 18. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orecw Fat S Proposed Opening of 17th Approved by Commission The City Planning and! Zoning Commission Tuesday Slight endorsed a proposed opening of 17th street from SJielton Ditch to Mission street, a distance leu than ZOO iwt. f City Engineer J. H. Davis aaid three steps would be nec essary. One will be accpt ance of a deed from A. B. Mc Killop to a small triangular property at the present dead end of 17th. Another will be vacation by the city for Mc Killop of a small part of Mis sion street, now unused, at the new Intersection of 17th and Mission: and the third, acqui ttHioo of another small trian gular property on Shelton Ditch as right of way for the extension. Since the exten sion would require a bridge It will have to await until funds are available. J Commissioner V. D. McMul len, chairman of the subdivi- Fire Rate Low In U.S. Forests -1 Portland Vf) There were I,- 1.04 fires in national forests of the Pacific Northwest this year, the Forest Service re ported Monday. . -t But these fires burned only 1,542 acres, a new low for the -region, Kermit W. Linstedt, fire control chief, said. The previous low for the 26 million acres of land protected by the Forest Service was 3,- 031 acres In 1948.' 1 ','' In Oregon 1,061 acres were burned by 818 fires and Wash-, ington lost 481 acres in 282 blazes. Some 317 fires were man caused. Linstedt said. Hunters were blamed for 130 in Octo ber. That was a 26 per cent in-1 lerease over the number re ! ported In October last year. j f Damp weather and coopers-1 j tton by forest workers and vis J itors were credited with the I j low fire loss. j Horse to Change ! Registration I t West Linn W) Sen. Wayne j Morse told a meeting of Clack- ams County Democrats Tues ! day of his plan for changing ' his registration. ', ; "In due course and at my ! ' ... Ml - tk. i awn leisure, i wm so "c Lane county court house and i change my registration. That's ! all I'll say about that at this i time," the Oregon senator, who : bolted the Republican Fany i to become an independent, said. ; j Morse repeated his challenge ; to Interior Secretary Douglas ' McKay to run against him for the senate in 1956, "because ' that would draw the issue as to ', whether we should protect the 'public Interest in natural re- sources or give them away." t x Earlier in the day Morse tpld the Propeller Club of Port I land was in favor of a "first class" American merchant ma i rine to, carry surplus food to 'hungry nations as a weapon j against Communism. sion committee of the commis sion, told the group that he is making a study of subdivi sion regulations of other cit- ties. Some of them, he said. require that ordinary streets be 70 feet wide, primary streets 00 feet, and highways 100 feet He asked the mem bers to be thinking about how far the planning division of the commission should go in setting up new regulations.. As the commission set three variance hearings for Decem ber Chairman W. W. Rose braugh predicted that, because of 'the new code,' the commis sion would receive numerous requests for some time to come. For December ( a hearing was set on the rejuest of Frank D. Vinson to remodel a store building at Lincoln and South Commercial, which is in a residential zone, but a small store was operated there for a number of years. Two hearings were set for December 15. One will be on was set on the request of pemiuion to build three cab ins and an addition to a house on 16th street In an M-2 in dustrial zone. The other will be on request of W. C. Ger main of Coos Bay, who wants to make a two-story house at 346 North 13th into a duplex. The commission asked A. J, Becker to furnish more infor mation relative to his request for a permit to build an add! tional residence on his court property at South Liberty and Oak. Women to Sew Shirts for Dad "Clothes make the man." And the women are going to make the clothes that make the man at least they are going to make the shirts. . Mrs. Malno Reichert, Polk county extension agent, says that it's the men who are go ing to profit from the annual extension workshop held in Polk county. I It's a shirt workshop this! year! The women in Polk county will be -learning all about shirts for men and boys how to buy shirts as well as how to make them. It is not always a saving to make shirts, but it is possible to save by knowing how to buy them. The preliminary meeting for the shirt workshop will be held at the Rickreall grange hall at 10:30 on December 8. The sub ject for the meeting will be baying shirts and choosing ma terials and patterns for shirts. This meeting, and the work shops, will be open to the pub lic. Everyone is invited to at tend. It is not necessary to be a member of an extension unit. It is not even necessary to be able to sew, says Mrs. Rei chert This is a chance to learn something about sewing. How ever, anyone who may want to take the sewing classes must attend the preliminary meeting on December 8. This is neces sary in order to know how many workshops to schedule in Polk county. The workshops will be given during January and February. Polk county women who want to learn about shirts are Invited to attend the prelimin ary meeting for the shirt work shop on December at 10:30. The women who decide to take the sewing will register for the classes at this meeting. The classes will be open, to anyone who may want to learn to sew, but they will definitely be limited to the women who register at the December meeting. For further informa tion call the Polk county ex tension office Dallas 2247. Logging Slowed By Heavy Rains Corvallis O Heavy rains slowed logging, and some Wil lamette Valley saw mills had to reduce to part-time opera tion in the past week, the weekly farm forest products report from Oregon State Col' lege said Tuesday. Christmas tree harvesting haa started, but the State Board of Forestry said only a few harvesting permits hsve been issued so far. Good qual ity trees were reported scarce. because excellent growing con ditions during the summer re sulted in excessive growth. FIRE AUXILIARY MEETS - Woodburn The Wood burn Firemen's auxiliary will meet Thursday, Nov. 19, at 8 p.m. in the fire hall. Hostesses will be Mrs. Jack Bush and Mrs. Tom Cross. Stayfon Seeks Railroad Spur Stayton Repeated attempts in the past few years to acquire a railroad for Stayton received the backing of the Chamber of Commerce this week. It was proposed that a rail road spur be built off the Shel- burn -Cites track northward to a point near the Marion-Linn county bridge where a freight depot would be erected which should be more convenient to local industries. Gene Teague, who opened the proposal, Wal ter H. BeU and M. Van Driesche were the committee appointed to study the plan and devise ap propriate action. In further business of the November meeting, ideas were voiced for Christmas shopping promotion and final plans were to be decided by the retail trade committee. Election of officers will be a feature of the December meet ing of the Chamber of Com merce. Appointed to the nom inating committee were Ken Williams, Gene Teague and Charles Warriner. Brooks Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Massey of Quinaby were Sunday guests of Mrs. John Dunlavy. John Dunlavy of Newport visited his mother. Mrs. Dunlavy, last week. Mrs. Ray Coxel autfered In jury last week when she fell down tha basement steps at her home west of Brooks. Visitors at the home t Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sidebottom one day last week were: Mrs. Nora Brewer of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramsey of Salem. Mrs. Brewer and Mr. and Mrs. Sidebottom grew up in the same community in Ness county, Kan., and had not seen each other for 43 years. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey are from Kansas. Headlight Warning - Lebanon Warning to all motorists was voiced Mondav by Ben Scheele, police chief, who said that full-beam head lights are mandatory in rainy and foggy weather when vis ibility is reduced. He pointed out that parking lights, often used in daytime when visibil ity Is limited, arc unlawful. Regular headlights must be used, ha emphasized. Salt content ot the Dead Sea is about 26 per cent compared with about five per cent for ocean water. WATCH THE . . . SPACE CADET . BUT. MOaNINO Red Goon Shoes DANA'S BOOTERY Capital sa.aiaa- Cnttr 1 WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Aulo-Truck-Fire 0SK0 INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-5661 Between Hood and Shipping Sts. on Hiway Going North mi Bill FREE BIG OFFER Get this IH.85 Westing house Steam Iron FREE with a home demonstration of a new Westlnghouse Laundro mat or Clothes Dryer. OPEN WED. AND FSL NIGHTS TIL I YEATER Appliance Co. S7S Chemeketa Ph. 1-4311 I VVfV.e-w'Wll l MMMIvWNM I JsOrOgs WH MMIMI Whether yea-re awing In gloom ar to a distant attr, we offer tha finest in weny-fne am lug serv ice. Oar total stance sad seev lag faculties are aeTpeTiee. Awl s ntraseatatrrai fee Allied Van I tara we eaa place at yes ; deer the werMa tartest les-eas-Uaee saevmg arnnlntl Al ness assert paukais, handlers aaa arlvera safeguard few saeaeasleaa every step et the way. Call aa for estimates. Rtd Star Traitsftf Ueerty A Ft. Mill etni M Journal Want Ads Pay mm Four Corners i i Four Corners New stu ! dents registering in the school this week are Shirley and Susan Carver, daughters ot SlUr. snd Mrs. Fred Carver, I who moved here from Macleay j district. Shirley is a fourth i grade student snd Susan en jtered the second grade, t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puffer 'moved here from Redmond, lore. They have a daughter, 'tfarcilla in the fifth grade, j Transferred from the Engler i wood school is Brent Victor in 'the first grade, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Victor. ! Felicitations go to Mr. and iMrs. Edwin F. Ellson (Ade nine Haury), 4190 Hudson ave inue, upon the birth of their I first child, a dauehter. born i Friday, November 13, at the i Salem General hospital, ine littl girl has been named Pa i tricia Lou. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward i Ellson of Salem with the 1 ffrandmnther't birthday anni versary on September 13 and an uncle whose birthday anni versary is October 13. The maternal grandparents are ;Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hsury si jo of Salem. ' Alexander Graham Bell, in .ntnr of the teleDhone also in vented a boat with hydrofoils ! which broke the world speed record in 1819. I 'jS J Li rvn UUXJ Our Coats Don't Match Our Pants! THAT'S RIGHT! JUST LIKE THE POOR FELLA AT LEFT, OUR COAT AND PANTS DON'T MATCH. We have dozens of wonderful innerspring mattresses and equally dozens of fine inner coil box springs Lvt alas! The covers in most cases don't match. Some green ones, some rose ones, some gray all brand new ALL SALE priced, plus allowing a generous $20.00 for your old spring and mattress REGARDLESS OF AGE OR CONDITION. Now! If you're the kind of a person who wouldn't mind if your sleep set didn't match then here's a sale TAILOR MADE FOR YOU! Here's a chance to replace that old worn out lumpy mattress ana spring ... at Bib SAVINGS that should make you ACT RIGHT NOW. TRADE-IN ON YOUR MATTRESS AND SPRING Regardless of Age or Condition FAMOUS BRANDS! SIMMONS ENGLANDER LYNCH WESTERN SUPERIOR SLEEPRITE long low Easy Terms SALE STARTS THURSDAY 9:30 A.M. Companion Offer! All Steel Hollywood Bed Frames Only Built of rugged steel thot will lost (or years . . . Mounted en swivel casters for easy moving . . . Adjusts in jifry to full or twin site . . . CP A n pn I WW II IIWM C 1 1 I 3 II I .ill ii it , OLD llSis&2f W Reoordless of A9e o, Condition ETOlffl XXfS&!Tr!-i Wl GROUP No. l...Reg.$69.50Set e SALE PRICED $RQ00 LT7.dLT 4 Sel You Pay Only V"iCsJWPri! a;. Vent!! ji5 Innersprinr mattress and bo sprlne. 220 eolls set Heavy striped ticking, j&TTJjgffi; C. t rt,n " gjirv;0 IQgW "turdy roll edze construction. Available In twin or tall else. f5 SS34: "1 GR0UP No. 2 . . . Reg. 79.00 Set . frJn-JrrX UI.f When You Purchase Any One of These Famous Brand Mattress and Box Spring Combinations PAY NOTHING DOWN! You Pay Only PER 8ET Hundreds of coils and luxurious cotton padding. Famous Inner roll pre-bullt border. Smart, durable striped ticking. Full or twin also. FULL or TWIN SIZE OPEN FRIDAY EVE. TILL 9 P.M. $ GROUP No.3...Reg.99.00Set SALE PRICED SftOO Jel You Pay Only An excellent value! Wonderful comfort assuring Innerspring mattress plus buoyant Inner coil box spring. Colorful, long-wearing striped ticking. Fresh air ventilators . . . full or twin site. 59 PER SET GROUP No. 4... Reg. M1900 Set SALE PRICED $QQ00 " J5JSel You Pay Only $ 79 PER SET Includes innerspring mattress end deluxe box springs. This wonder ful combination boasts over 300 resilient coils. Loads of fluffy cotton, Pre-built border. Handle for easy turning. Air vent for extra fresh ness, plus mony more outstanding features. Full or twin (iia. f I M.4J33J