Par 1 In The Edited kj MIKE FOBBES Turner Turner Mr. and Mn. Nor man White bead have pur chased part ol tb Peterson farm on the Turner-AumivUla highway near the "old Covered bridge." Lloyd Credille, ion of Mrt. John Miller and Johnnie Joyce Bailey, niece ol Mra. Bill Jonei were married in Stevenson, Waah., Nov. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson attended the young couple. They plan to live i ing talent ahow at the achool here. I Wedneaday evening, Nov. 23, Mra. Grace Wolf, of Rath-1 at S p.m. drum, Idaho, la viaiting her Thanksgiving bring! a two aoni and their families, Mr. and day vacation from school, Nov. Mra. Harry Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wolf. Mra. Harry Wolf and Mrs. Mabel Hitchcock are viaiting their lister in Aitoria. Mrs. Harold Mott of Fall Creek, Ore, is visiting her lis ter, Mrs. Richard Chapman. Mra. Lulu Chapman is viait ing this week in Fossil and Portland. Mra. Louis Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Petersen spent Wednesday in Ranier visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell King and Mrs. Alice Slyter. Pvt. Leonard Manning, son of Mr. and Mra. Wesley Man nlng recently arrived in Korea and is serving with the 7th In' fantry Division. Men of the "Hour Clan" division are un dergoing intensive training to maintain the peak combat ef ficiency displayed by the unit from Pusan to Yalu river. Pri vate Manning, a member of the Slit Infantry regiment'! com pany A, arrived overseas from Camp Roberta, Calif. He en tered the army In April. The fellowship dinner usual ly held the third Sunday of each month following the morning service has been post poned until November 2( when it will be held in the newly completed Methodist church annex. Three Link club will meet In the IOOF baU Friday. A no host dinner will be served at the noon hour. The members will tie a quilt for Mrs. Harry Barnett, and officers will be elected at this meeting. Mrs. William Kyte gave a family dinner Sunday honoring her husband on hii birthday. Attending were hi! parent!, Mr. and Mra. Alfred Kyte and Christine of Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stajgr and Diane of Canby. Mrs. William Kyte received word this week her lister. Miss Mary Hunteberger, left Okinawa, November 1, and will arrive in Seattle in a couple of weeks, on her first visit home in IM yean. She worked for the government in Japan before being transferred to Okinawa. Mra. Tom Webb will leave Sunday to Join her husband in San Francisco, where he haa a horse entered in the races. Hubbard Hubbard The annual ba laar of the Hubbard Ladies' Aid will be held Saturday, Nov. 21, at the Parish House. A chicken pie and ham dinner will be featured with serving beginnig at 8:30 p.m. Aprons,, fancywork, etc., will be offered for sale during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Munn at tended the Golden Wedding an niversary reception of Mr. and Mra. Harvey Bcshore of Mol lalla at the VFW hall there Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mann cut the four-tiered wedding cake. Following the reception the Manns were among guests at the Leonard Slmi home In tti lit' HURRY BUTCH ONLY 2 DAYS LtFT 'TIL Ts" Value Days Holiday DANCES "Gliding Your Way" Special Introductory Offer Three Lessons 4.00 Private Ballroom "A chance to find out how your dancing soea on your own or on your partners toes. DON ALLEN'S BALLROOM 153$. Libert Ph. 27323 Valley Mulina for a huffet nor A nranam wiU ba nraaentad at the North Marion high school Tuesday, Nov. U, at 10:43 a.m. The presentation la by blind student, graduate of UCLA In California, who la a gymnast and perform! on the ban, etc. Donation! will be made by the etudente for the performance and the money la uaed to help aupport the blind achool program. The North Marion union high achool chorui ii sponsor 20 and 27, Buena Vista Buena Vista Mr. and Mn. Bob Weill of Gervaii spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mn. Jonas Graber. Cecil Hultman made a busi ness trip to Pasa Roblea, Calif., this week, going by car. Mr. and Mn. Milo Graber, Lois and Raymond of Albany, spent Saturday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Gra ber. Mr. and Mn. W. L. Short drove to Portland Thursday to bring Mn. David Short and children home after a month'! visit with her lister and fam ily. Miss Ruth Ingram will apeak at the Methodist church Sun day morning. Miss Ingram is a returned missionary from India and the public is invited to this meeting. Mn. Frank Krauger Is serv ing on the Jury in Dallas this week. Mr. and Mn. R. Norman Hu- kari, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shep pard of Hood River, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman. They took in the Washington-Corvallis foot ball game Saturday. Mr. and Mn. Gordan Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells and Jack attended the concert in Corvallis Monday, given by the Longinee Symphonette of New York. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Wells were Mr. and Mn. James Moon and chlldren'of Portland. Mn. Joe Scarth of Waldport spent Friday with Mn. Cecil Hultman. She was accom panied by her mother, Mn. Lou Jennings of Silverton. Mn. W. L. Short returned from Powen Sunday, where she visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beck. Clare Strawn and son Loren of Salem, ipent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells. Mr. and Mn. C. F. Wells were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells Sunday and later visited Mrs. Myrtle Weill In Dallas. Mr. and Mn. Nelson Ander son left Wednesday for La Grande where they were joined by Mr. and Mn, Lester Pellett for a trip to Utah and other southern states. Mr. and Mra. Leland Prather were guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adama in Eugene Sun day. Mn. Addie Harmon and her daughter, Mn. Blanche Rust, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Farrcll Rust in Coos Bay. Farrell's recently moved mere. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Steele and Mr. and Mn. Robert Ap pleton and son of Portland were guests at the Harry Steele home Sunday. Mn. Martin Conger of Su- ver. Mn. jack nowen ana son of Portland visited at the An derson and Harmon homes onlMrs. Cecil Wood of Seattle, Thunday. Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Ditter Buena Vista - Highland tx- 'lre cousins. tension unit will hold an all, Henry Mutschler. who fish- day meeting November 18. Demonstration starts at 10:30 on Oregon sweets Dy Mrs. Leland Prather. Sack lunch at noon. Grand Island Grand Island Mr. and recently underwent an ap Mra. Frank Flnnicum, Mr. and I pendectomy at St. Vincent's Mrs. Ronald Finnicum attend-1 hospital. Miss Strubenraugh, ed the Yamhill county Jeney the eldest daughter of Mr. and Cattle club meeting held at j Mra. Francis Strubenraugh, is the L. S. Lorcnzen farm in the a freshman at St. Marys of Neck district Friday. Officen elected were presi dent, Austin Warner. Carlton; vice-president Harold Miller, Newberg; secretary - treasur er, Miss Virginia Warner, Carlton, Dinner was served at noon. The next monthly meeting I will be held the second Friday in December at the Frank j Finnicum farm in the Grand, Island dtstricj. ! LIT'S MAKE IT A PARTY All You Can Eat 99 for 111.0-44. Dtwnttwv m Jtttt Jefferson living Miller. superintend- j ent of Jefieraon schools, tpoke on "The Relationship Between Community and School" at 'the meeting of tha Jefferaoa Woman's club Wednesday Guests for the afternoon J Mr- MiU?f; Mr- Mw' Virginia Maion land Miaa Mervine McCaw. Gilbert Hoevet presided at the city council meeting the pert week. Mayor Ivan Sutton being ill. Members of the city council present were Frank Jones. Bert Person, Howard Broxsom, Jasper Tumldge and Arnold Eppa, Recorder Paul McKee and Marshal George Armstrong. . . Beer salea applications were approved for the Terminal. Town Tavern and package li cense to Ernie Fletchere Mar ket. A demons tratioon nartv wai iheld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Harper en Friday night with Mrs. Carolyn M. Schildmeyer, demonst r a t o r. Mrs. J. A. Wise won the prize. Following the demonstration refreshments were served to Mr. and Mn. Cecil Holt, Mr. and Mrs. McDinlel, Mrs. J. A. Wise. Mn. Neva Keater, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Riggini, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bilyeu and Anna Klampe. Sam Wilson left Saturday for Tillamook, Ore. Wilson is pastor of the Jefferson Church of God. Jack Tyson of Bremerton. Wash., was renewing acquaint ances in Jefferson Saturday. Tyson formerly was the pro prietor of a restaurant here. He is now employed in the shipyards. Mn. Carrie Hocbspeier re turned home the past week af ter spending five months vis iting relatives in Iowa at Al burnett where she was born and also in Leaf River, 111. The 4-H "Stitch and Sew" club members held their first meeting and elected officers. Judy Sims was elected presi dent; Bonnie Kay Hart, vice president; Nancy Wilson, secre tary; Linda Bell, song leader; and Kay Smith, reporter. Club colors are green end white. There are 12 girls in the be ginner! icwing grouo. with Mrs. Charles Hart, Jr., leader. Sublimity St. Boniface Grade achool Parent Teach ers' association met in the club room Monday with a laree number of parents in atten dance. Mrs. Lawrence Hendrlckc, president announced the fol lowing room mothers: First and second grade room, Mrs. Harold Wolf, Mrs. Leonard Neal and Mrs. Henry Miller. Third and fourth grade room, Mrs. Lawrence Frank and Mrs. Alfred Hortman. Fifth and aixth grade room mothers Mn. Leonard Doerf ler. Mrs. Ed Ebner and Mrs. Lee Highberger; Seventh and eighth grade room Mn. Don Blades and Mrs. Elmer Guent her. Date for paper drive has been extended to Tuesday night, November 17. Volun teer help will load the truck furnished by Lee Highberger for transport to Salem. Discussion for the organiza tion of a school band were voiced at the meeting, with many in favor of the project. December 7 is the next meeting date. Lunch was serv ed after the close of business session. I Musical aptitude tests were held at the grade and high school on Wednesday Mr. and Mn. Jamn McCary and family have moved into the L. C. Rea house. Recent guests at the E. A. Ditter home were Mr. and Sublimity ed last summer on Minnesota lest seven, lakci. can now tell hi eaitern ! Th CTsh occurred in an Ar friendi about his luck on thei"1 parachute drop zone on Oregon coast. Mutschuer and I jh1 bl military reservation. Mike Neitling made a CatCh ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawa. of 221 fish at Newport In two days. Miss Anita Strubenraufh the Valley at Beaverton. mr. ana mra. irvin acnu marher and daughter Carol Ann are on a fix week! vaca tion which will take them to mid west states to visit rela- tives. From there they will Journey to Flordia to spend some time with their son Dar- rel who is with the U. S. Navy stationed there Miaa Rosemary Minden spent the week end at the ON YOUR BIRTHDAY! 03 A GIFT, A CAKE ASONC Goes with the fun at FAMOUS Bl'FFET THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Orcgoa home of her parent! Mr. and Mra. Ted Minden. Miie Mlndea la a freshman at Mt. Angel academy. Election for the staff of SL Boniface high1 achool paper. "The Beacon Light", waa held recently. Result of the elec tion were Dick Sayre, editor; Marilyn Minden, assistant ed itor; Larry Silbernagel, bus iness manager; Beverly Mil ler, exchange manager; Larry Reiaterea, Eileen Van Duaen and Annette Ripp, art editor; Ron Bentz, boys' sports editor; Mary Jean Ditter, girls a ports editor. Clasa reporten being: Marilyn Minden, Bob Doerf ler. Jim Lewis, and Doug Bredley. Typists are members of the Typing II class. A hard time dance, sponsor ed by the Junior class of St Boniface high Willi be held November 20, with dancing from to 12. It will be held in the gym. Tommy Kizziah and his orchestra will furnish the music. Just come : as you are, for the theme la "hard time". A new feature baa been ad ded to the annual bazaar, "baby- sitting". Velunteers from SL Boniface high school will fill the role of baby-sitters for children one year of age and younger. On November 13, a twerp dance sponsored by the senior class was held at the gym. It was "the woman is requested to pay" nite. with the girls re versing their usual role. Mixers and other types of dancing were features. Music waa furn ished by records. This week the SL Boniface Saints will begin in earnest hoop practice for the basket ball jamboree is only a few weeks away. The first gsme will be played against Salem Sacred Hearts. Grand Ronde Grand Ronde The Grand Ronde Woman's club held its annual bazaar and carnival Friday evening in the grade school gym. The spotlight of the evening was turned on the crowning of the nueen rami the 8th grade won thia honor. As attendants were her prin- K ' ceases, Janice Hill of the sth grade. Patty Pavant of the 7th grade and Judy Johnson of the 8th grade. : Each of the girls was escort- ed. The boys attending them were Wayne Helgerson, Billy Westfal, Jon Murray and Bert Cowan. Preceding the queen and her court waa little Nancy Classon, carrying the crown on a silk en pillow. The Cub and Boy Scouts formed an honor guard for the occasion. Each girl wai given a corsage and a gift from the Woman's club. Prizes were won by Mn. Alida Waggoner and Mn. Lloyd Classon. Mn. Ja.-nes Reed was master of cere monies. A Halloween party was held at the school gym on Oct. 31 under the leadership of Mn. Walter Murray of the Grand Ronde Woman's club. Approximately 200 children were in attendance. Judges for the evening were Mn. Matt Shepherd, Ted E. Smith and Ray Agee. A movie was shown which proved very enjoyable. A aack of candy and an orange was given each child as they left for home. Mn. Ted Smith has been confined to her home for sev eral days with a severe cold. Miss Nina Hines. student at Willamette university, and two girl friends, visited this week end with her parents, Mr. and Mn. Curtis Hines. SEVEN DIE IN CRASH Ft. Bragg. N. C. The i Army reported that a big C110 ' Globemaster troop transport . plane crashed on the Ft. Bragg i reservation Tuesday, killing at DANCE TONITf CRYSTAL GARDENS OLD TIME MODERN Music by 'Top" Edwarda 2ND Yiclor Mature "AFFAIR WITH Mill City Mill City A large number of parent! and friend! attend ed the November 11 meeting of the Mill City PTA. with Pres ident A Nesbltt conducting the business meeting. The budget for 1.U-KS4 waa read and accepted. The membership chairman. Mra. Roger Nelson, announced that there were 12 paid-up members to date, i The December meeting of the PTA will feature a white ele phant gift exchange; similar to that held last year which was highly entertaining. Donald Patch, president of the Marion County PTA coun cil, waa present to introduce two students from Willamette University who spoke to the group. The Mill City Toastmistresi Club held its regular meeting last week at the Bank Cafe, with the president, Mrs. Gwen Jones, conducting the business meeting. The Invocation was given by Mrs. C. W. Stewart; Topicmistress waa Mr. Lee Ross; Toaatmistreaa was Mrs. Howard Means. Book reviews were present ed by Mrs. Vincent Palmer and Mra. Floyd Jones. Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt was another speaker lor the evening. Critics were Mrs. Gale Lowery. Mra. Ken neth Crosier and Mra. Ed Yar- nell. Evalulator was Mra. Ver non Todd and Mrs. Arthur Le Coun waa timer. Mrs. Sue Mikkelsen, a for mer member, of Richland, wash., was guest of the dub for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson spent the week-end at the Cline Cottage at Waldport, along the Oregon coast. Sunday they went to Portland to bring Mr. Nelson's father, William Nel son, home from the Veterans' Hospital, where he underwent a check-up following a recent hip injury. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johnson and family, from Silverton, spent Armistice Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mn. Claude Bruder. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ber- iry ana son Irom Tillamook wk-nd gue,u ' " home of n'r PrenU- Mr- and M VJ 1J I. 1 I - ' "" " I"'' wedding anniversary wilh n Pn houle Sunday ,rom until 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph of Sil verton spent the week-end at their summer home on the San- tiam River above Gates. They also visited their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith and at tended the Three Link dinner Saturday evening. Mill City Three Link club held their November meeting last week at the home of Mn. Claude Bruder with Mn. Irl Plymale, co-hostess. It was de cided to have a Christmas par ty at the IOOF hall Tuesday evening, Dec. 8, with a gift ex change. Final plans were made for the benefit dinner held at the IOOF hall Saturday evening. Mn. Walter Olmstead was gen eral chairman. Members pres ent were M-sdames Charles . Stewart, Arnold Syverson, Fred Duffy, Walter Olmstead, Stanley Vail, Walter Brlsbin, Phillip Hess, Ann Crook, John Swan, Al Yankus, Richard Thomas, W. E. Davis, Mel Rob inson, George Veteto and the hostesses. 8Urts TexUy Retnilar Prices Pins 1S for Viewers COLOR CO-HIT SWEETHEARTS ON PARADE TIHCOIOS st coNtoiioaiie ittrrtM lit SiHirtH ifcU! INM1 mm tstiiti mi awit (irtmi See This Shew On Oar NEW WIDE 8ILVER SCREEN NOW PLAYING 116 HIT- Jean Simmons A STRANGER" kill -J Dallas Dallas A joint dinner meet ina of the Dallas Woman's club. Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, and Rotary club was held Fri day evening at 7 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce" rooms of the city hall. Betty Star Anderson, of Sa lem, waa guest soloist. Dorothy Davis Lee, also of Salem, was her accompanist, Kenneth S better ly, president of the Chamber of Commerce, introduced C. L. Manters, toastmaster. Mr. Manters, past president of the Chamber of Commerce, presented Rev. Omar Berth, minister of Cal vary Baptist Church of Salem, who showed slides and mov ing pictures of his world trav els on a recent trip abroad. Mrs. Harry Dempsy of Rick- real waa in charge of the mu sical part of the program. Mrs. Allie Hennagan and Mra. Cecil Meeker were in charge of the decorations. The dinner waa prepared and served by Mrs. C. T. Smith snd her attendants. Wives and husbands who are non-memben of the organiza tions were invited to attend the affair. Mrs. Man Slack, president of the Woman's club, and Ken neth Shetterly, president of the Chamber of Commerce, were in charge of arrangements for the dinner and meeting. Johnnie Ray, an ex-Dallas boy now in radio and TV, was on the Jack Benny TV pro gram Sunday at 7 p.m. Unionvale Unionvale Mn. Silas E. Johnson of Dayton, her daugh ter and grand-daughter, Mrs. Ray Warren and Miss Ann Warren of Shedd were Satur day afternoon guests of Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler in Union vale district Mra. Warren is a former Home Economics teacher in Dayton high school. Mr. and Mn. George Strawn and son, George Jr., of Unionvale; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Trunk of Dundee, at tended the annual Thanksgiv ing benefit turkey dinner of St Peter's Catholic church of Newberg held at the Cham ber of Commerce rooms in Newberg Sunday. Talbot Talbot Sidney - Talbot Farmers Union met in the Tal bot School house Friday night for their monthly meeting. Local President Enos Nelson being absent, Vice-President Ethel Blinston presided over the business meeting. Mrs. Jake Gilmour acted as pianist and Jake Gilmour led the singing. Delmer Davidson and Jake Gilmour reported on legislative matten. A round table discussion was held on livestock. Plans were made for a tur- HELD OVER! (HOG AM BO n7 Continuous Dally! STARTS TODAY! -IfllTTf V" aVMlLft- sus ntisn wean ars S.a Us" 1 aula .aiaai MUSS 2nd BIG HIT TtflOTT; "XOSTfclJO miit Db icirvf , '".aniH V MnJUHtHTDr CHW KAtlOf ,.123 Colorful Short Subject "North Of The Sahara" Pro-Football Game Thrills L. A. Rams vs. 8.F. 4en 1 -p" a - sm Sean Imsjsjr Cawit IrwWi sWe. ei1 mm key dinner to be served to members and their families at the next meeting, Dec 11, at 8 o clock. Those who plan to attend may make reservations with Mrs. Ethel Blinston sever al' days before the meeting night Mn. Nelson Gilmour and Mrs. John Zehner were ap pointed to arrange the table. Ernest Freeman read the ex change board. Hubbard Seoul Honor Court Hubbard Boy Scout troop No. 58 of Hubbard wiU hold a Court of Honor at the Hubbard city hall Thursday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m. Parent! of the boya are urged to attend, especially the mothen. According to Leon Graham, scoutmaster, the following boys will be honored: Receiv ing Tenderfoot badges will be Stephen' Fisher, Gordon Lee Ross, James Morrison, Lau rence Strawn, Ronnie Cooper, Errick Ross, Jerry Cooper, Dale Graham, Laudie Doubra- va, Gary' Luckey, Ronald Sar gent, Larry Reed, Kenneth Hosteller and Tommy DeAr mond. Receiving second class badges will be Douglas Colgan, Argyl Shrock, Gary Barrett, Lloyd Dominick, Jr., Rickie Lamb, Russell Colgan and Kenneth Graham. Tom DeArmond is secretary- treasurer of the group. Roberts Roberts A fire in the green home of Mr. and Mri. Louis D. Johnston Monday morning was caused by an over-heated stove. Considerable damage wai done to the green house and the joining woodhouse. The potted plants and flowers are almost BMiwirfM t -m w asr r - ft Aakv WWi? i s jHHe? aTTatisal I ii' Twice tha pictura power TV pictures "just like tk meviat" longtr tuba Kf. ,v4r,S(iS!yM;i&aawaaa. vi Intorgti lighted charm I numbers lifninatts stoop ing, squinting,, bending In changing ito tion with Zenith's turret tuner. The new 1964 Zenith TV is a triumph of radionic in genuity. Always years ahead of the industry in new developments. Zenith for '64 brings you Five Fsbulous Features that make Zenith "first again" in quality , performance and dollar value. Other Models from $2Q9 p. . - aaaaaasaaaa 1 WM$m'MH& Good Housekeeping, Inc. Hogg Bros. 467 Court St. 360 State St. Ph.3-9611 Ph. J-9141 . Marion Electric Wills Music 27 1 S Portland Hi. 432 State St. Ph. 3-6672 Ph. 3-4959 Wednesday, November 18, ljjj a complete loss. There w insurance. Neighbon came to fish , fire before Mrs. Johnston, was in her bouse, knew JU thing about it Mr. JohsJ The children and familu, U mnA Mra T... F . ... - "i icy J . v.,, 111 we? week-end were Mr. anil l. Ford Forster and son of J icivttu, nil . no Mr!. Brenneman and dauihtx. Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. ftj Forster and daughter of gt3 Roberta grange will Saturday night, Nov. 21. ol order of business will h J .1 .-,1 J ! ciciion ok omcers. ITH DEL MILNE as.!, -is! i- mu uiizen pnones ok sUMl h ftMVft nl aaeViw u as, ICtU UICiir "YfMl mMn AaVktli til a. . t ilabj of beef wt put out e? nqfnir- 1 say. , ; "Ho,"l," ha aayi. Mr. PiMMnt (Nni " .. say. i "You're getting warm he oW come to the Oak Room for & OCT. 3THI OOD 1 IU& Set COM to " as joy a good food with no mtemiptttn s,u cuiKiiiiii tMiuua; oown JOB neck. No waitresses sJvini m v. wm J ww w UlCllHua J bum's rush. Listen.' he iu warming over tha football esiac way. nsrai onuan. no CD. charge. Terrific. Tell tm, Dt T kliul Af hat til tail. Utnu ... uu .acta, we re jus, wo ocnK pouie to wunw you out. In Balem it's the ". The HOTEL MARION ' PHONE 3-4123 ', "supir K" chassis Unait, powsrfsl TV ckaisii evsr built brings you Teftrctt-rerfacr pic tures evea la reaiote "fringe" areas. ANDSHELl SPEAKER Swings up cut of the cabinet te play- brings big- Istl" ffaM lA table TV. fiG&lSA' COBRA-MATIC Record Changer Indlcatst when rec ord Is ploy ing at exact recorded speed tor syB-pheny-lrue pitch and tempo. The Wathln(tan-Medel 122SM Today's outilanding vohie in magnlrkent 21-Inch TV. Powerful "Super K" chattit, eery e-read "SpaKte" dial, instant one knob "uir Eye" turret tun ing, end many other fabulous features in a superbly graceful Contemporary cabinet of salad mahogany voneers and solids. See 0 lodayl alurpo mum i nr a. m m m m vsv v u, , a 1 mik:.r iJ&w f.Tpf 1 r zjjv r 1 r . v J it I I mmm im '5 13691