Wednesday, Kovatabar IS, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. galea. Ores, Pare 1 j '5 AUTOMOIILES GIGANTIC PRICES BELOW OUR 'tube SHORT SWEET! IN A WHIRLWIND CLEAN-UP DON'T READ THIS IF YOU'RE RICH! N0.472P 1951 FORD DELUXE CLB. CPE., R&H $1095 No.483P 1951 MERCURY SDN., MERCOMATIC .......... $1445 No.489P 1951 CHEV. DELUXE FLEETLINE TUDOR, R&H, P.G. $1195 No.497P 1952 FORD CUSTOM SDN., R&H .'. $1565 No.515P 1949 STUD. CHAMP. SDN..R&H.O.D $695 No. 526P 1949 FORD CUSTOM SDN., R&H, O.D. . . . . . $ 645 1N0.528P 1950 MERCURY CLB. COUPE 3no.542P 1951 PLY. CRAMBROOK SDN. A BUY! $1125 r No. 548P 1951 FORD DELUXE SDN., HEATER $1095 No.568P 1949 DODGE CORONET SDN., R&H ...$ 845 No.577P 1949 FORD CUSTOM SDN $645 I No. 581P 1949 MERCURY SDN., R&H $795 no.594P 1947 FLEETLINE CHEV. 2-DR., R&H ...$545 jf No.596P 1948 FORD SDN. A-l RUBBER. NEW MOTOR $400 No.600P 1948 MERCURY SDN., R&H $345 No. 599P 1949 FORD CUSTOM SDN., R&H $535 1 All Cars Guaranteed 6000 Miles, 6 Mo. ; In Writing VALLEY' MOTOR A-l USED PHONE 3-3147 , i BUILDING MATERIALS A KOOTINCT INSULATION, VCDtt 1 B D .Z , Bitot.. 011 Weittra Aute Cup&lf Co 'I tor fre wttontt. I7177. mi 4 frlW LUMBER for tela. Almost ui kind, vl Cheep. Ddlrcred. Prion 2-3043. meltl 4 NURSERY STOCK i 1HOP rOB SHBL'BS AND SAVE. Spread lot Juniper 13-IS" end more. We. 4 Heather. e. Mkldlt Grore Nuricrr, ,!j it 30 Bllvcrton Rd. Pbon 4-4832. mb FERTILIZER Rotted BMun. Wed free, Tll tred anjhere, Phon 3-0774. mbm "J QUALITY KOSES Sturdy hand celectrd 3 pltou. UMhUt Grove Norttry, ltt $ fOR S ALE M isC ELLA N SOUS ' 1MB W EATING HOUSE dryer, low enultr. ' Alio ood Eur Bptn Dryer wuher ;f mit. furniture. K . 11th. n37l E LARGk, BOT'I BICYCLE With ceeiior- lj. Phon -UN. 411 B. 84th. Pl7f ! CLOTHESLINE POIT3. troo let for I table, tltur, rtUlntt. 1M N. lib erty n29t KEN MOBS WASBINO machine, thed 3 reara. Phone Starton 2MI. PHONOGRAPH ffer. Phone 4-6014. -i? APEX WRINGER waaher with vxtmp. years old. Good condition, I30 O0. Call I. t-H. , BATTERIES ALL Cars M. 7 M. E- chante. l. monina urnir. vu till 0 00 dally. Lytle'i Tiro Hart. n3l3 ' 'i UNDERWOOD PORTABLE Typewriter. ?, iftl.M. O-K. Iron Bower Syn i ehrcmUed Plain Unit M M Skan Utht Meter U. Alexander Smith Rut and . moa. a: aaa. klrnl Clothe. ollfhtly ueed. Electric Train. Tranafor sner and extra $10. 0410 Hide. Phono 4401. RECAPS, 0-l. W-i Lytle'i Ttte Mart. 1 14 CUBIC foot Deepfreoio MM. 1-7714. ADDING MACHINES. Uied hand ! c trie Clary Multiplier, 1070 Palrtroundi Rd. 3-5371. nw LUXURIOUS MONT AO Electric Deluxe Rant, uatd only 0 doi. Bp, ait 50, Olen Woodry. 1401 W. Bummer, nnv CASH REGISTERS, from 030 PP. Clary . Multiplier. UT0 Pslrrrounds Rd. JI37I. Bill coop oet your waitinthouae clothes i dryer bow HM.II. Yealer Appliance Co.. 171 Cnemekeu. Phone 1-4111. , S34.K ALLOWED for old bettor. Retardltia of snake, en new westlntbouM automat- 'j M electric water heater, with a 10- year merest. Teater Appllaneo Co. 171 Chemeketft at. Phone 1-4311, t GOOD USED refrigerator. HIM up. Tenter Appliance Co., 371 Chemeiei t. Phone X-4J11. i v, tunuisi iibkr, ip-i9. ea.PB, Lytle's , f Tire Mart. Phone 4-0033. nMJ BOSPITAL BED for aaio or rent L aim mrauure ce raone i-it a1 f. 1 PIECE sink with faucets, aaed kitchen w eabtaau. lOW N. CapHoL n37l $ DENNIS the MENACE SOW. WX 1 THOUGHT AUTOMOBILES CENTER AT HIGH FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED ELECTRIC Ranies. 110 01 up. Tester Appliance Co., I7i Cbemeketa Bt. Phone 3-4311. n GOOD USED washers, $10-04 a up. Test er Appliance Go iTt coemeketa Bt. Phone 3-4311. n DEEPFREEZE ROME freexers. Yester Appliance Co.. 171 Chemeketft at. Phone 3-4311. B PLATPORM ROCKER, Zenith console re- dlo. Phone 3-M30. PLASTIC-ROTE reontraa no waxtn for your floors or linoleum. Teeter Ap pliance Co.. ITS Cbemeketm at. Phone 3-4111. n USED ZENITH W&ihinz Machine. Like new. so, am all New wood And coal Rant 039. 4-1387. Wit' IS CU. FT. O. X. Commercial Rcfrlcer- etor. Double door, ideal lor farm, borne, restaurant or tavern. 1 yea re old. Only 0300.H. Yeater Appliance Co. 374 Chemeketa at. Phone 3-4311. n FREE BIG OFFER Oet the IS OS West- tnchouse Bteam Iron PREK with a Home Demonstration of new Weat lcitaouM Laundromat or clothes dryer. Yeaur Appliance Co., 371 Cbemeketa, pbone J-4311. n HOT POINT RANGE, twin used tube, ft foot kitchen closet, chrome taoie, chalra. utility table, towel, etc. 039 street. M7I MAYTAG WASHER, heavy duty rollers M. 1100 N. Ulh Bt. Fnone 37ft. n37l' NEW DOUBLE Door Refrlterator. n freeslni compartment. Used 0 days, too larse for my kitchen. Will discount 1100. 4070 Thorman Av. XeUer DUt B37 VACUUM CLEANERS KIRBY Why pay from 100-1300 for Klrby. Buy one from us for 040.00. Klectrolux cleanere euaracteed for one year, $34.00. Wa sell all makes or cleaners as low ts $13.00. CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC. $10 Cbemeketa at. D379' USED SINGER Electric Portable Sew lot Machine, A-l condition and euar anteed. Cash price $30.00. Sinter Sew ing Center, 130 M. Com L Open Friday eyentnts. n37$ IDLE BROCK duel manafold. Also ft bl- y cycle. Phone 4-1144 or I-IOOO. n37l' MAHOGANY BEDROOM tulte, like new. Twin bods, mattresses, sprints, cheat, vanity, mirror, bench, $140. Chlldcraft 14 volumes, like new, $30. Phone 4-100 niTS Lane selection of Uaed Davenoi Davenports, H We-a -Bed. All Bale Priced. Chest of Drawer $ 0 00 RefrUenort 34 M Twin or full ttte Beds, your choice 0 00 Coffee table $ 00 Lorte assortment of eieetrw, wood and eas ranies $4 OS USED MERCHANDISE MART 371 a. Liber lr Phone 4-0371 (Across the Street from Armory t d37$ OYPOINT ELECTRIC rant. A-l CODdl tlon. Phone 3-11$ after 0:00 m. m. By Ketcham V50 WAS A BURGLAR' AUTOMOBILES SALE! ACTUAL COST $895 CAR MART SALEM FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Mall chain saw, 30" $130 P.M. 33" chain aw $i P.M. 30" chain saw HiO 3 Howard tillers, 10U models, 1-20' tn. 1-10" 33t t tood used Roto-tlllers ....each $10$ A tood selection of used tarden tree tore from MS up. HAUBER BROB., lltft B. 13th Bt. P277' GARAGES On pour lot, to your specifications, months to pay. Free estlmatw. BORFMAN LBR. HDWt CO. 34U BUtO St. Ph. 3-1701 ain WHITE BABINETTE $10.00. Painted lat tice. 3X10. Phone 4-MS6. n377' USED COTTON felt mattrwt. $0 7ft. Hott Bros. Used Store, 137 B. Commercial. n37C' USED CONSOLE radio, Bret. Used Store. 131 I 014 30. Hon , Commercial. n370 USED DAVENO and chair, tood condi tion. MB. 50. Host Eros. Used Store. 117 8. Commercial. na"l USED PIANO, tood condition, $100. Hott Bros. Used Btore. 137 S. Commercial. n37 Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WEED BURNER In cood condition. Ph. 4-1004. na37 WOODRY WANTS Plan os Phone 1-1110 ELECTRIO WHO OUffOES. WOOdTT, GOOD, cheap racnam cleaner. Cash Phone 3-1771. nam- AUTOMOBILES SIGH DESTDUYS IS CHEVROLET BEL-AIR OllH Radio, heater. Powers) id, premium whiuwtvll, tw tone point, food con dition. 40 BUTCst SUPER SEDAN $104 We have completely reconditioned this ear. It I t fine condition end has deter eeelpment and Drnaflow. We rat It AH Square, including our writ ten sutrantc. 'II DOOB SEDAN Illlt 31,074 mites, en owner, delui aeecs torlet, fluid drive, very clean. 'M BUICR SUPER RfVTERA I lilt Mld-cntnry whiuwalle. E-Z-Er sissa. radio, beater. Drnaflow. washers, bock vp lite, ha bad urefnl rvtc. 0 X SOUAREdT '41 Old Sedan Ill 41 Bulck Sedanet 1M '4T Ctierrelet Sedan .....400 '47 Packard Sedanet 00$ '40 Pootlae Sedanet $01 VfcggefjbeHer Used Car from a Buidt Dealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Cam mere! al si Center rum. s-mi I MODU SOBD. trtulll ai kit.rr. too. rubber. 1-rM. IN. DB MTO ruJIo iib. Uk, rm Owlr ma. iui . wiaur m AUTOMOBILES EVERY CAR PRICED AT WHOLESALE To Make Room for Trades We Must . .Sell These Fine Cars Now!' '51 Nash Statesman Tudor Meter ewerheuJod, tw-tM p4al teat covers. Low Book It $1045.00 0.UTX M6 Chev. AERO SEDAN Radio, beater, runs real teod. Low Book U $445.00 K. II. '47 Nash 600 FORDOR Motor overhauled, two-loo trea. Her la Urrtflc valu. Low Book It $335.00 N. Ml '46 Olds 98 SEDAN Hew rubber, radio, heater, hrd ra ms tic, on owner. Low Book It $470.00 no. rw '52 Rambler CONVERTIBLE On owner. Hint bin, radio, heater, overdrive, teat covers, rUy abftin. jLow Book la $1380.00 '48 Nash 600 FORDOR Recondltoned motor, radl. heaUr, thorp. Low Book la $480.00 '50 Pontiac DELUXE 8 SEDAN Radio, heater, teat covert, hydro matle. visor, perlect Low Book, It $1170.00 '48 Olds 78 DELUXE SEDAN A real beauty, leu than 30,000 mil. Radio beater, seat covers, vtaor, hrdr emetic. Sharpest on IB town. Low Book Is $710.00 '49 Stude. Commander Convert. Motor overhauled, heater, overdrive, ho tilery. Look Book new top, radio. All leather up t this at Lo $840.00 '51 Rambler STATION WAGON Motor everheuted. radio, heater, vcrdrlv. new seal covers. Low Book 1 $1115..00 Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday EVENINGS Easy Terms, Bank Financing 7bAA 33SC4EMJOAST. WEST SALEM 11 Pord Vleterit. RAH, Hrdr ttt Ha verr tew miles. Sv. 'IS Cher. Del Sdn. Te-tone .1141 Jut like new. I4t per tno. 'tt Cher. Aero. RAH. Bitra nlet ..I Itl 37t down lit per month. U nr. Son. Low mileae. Onlp ..HM Ltiht tren flnUb. Sharp. II Chev. Deluxe Sda. RAH. Onlp IIMS M down Ml per month. M Pord Sdn. RAH. Real clean .,,.1 PM 3M Downtn per ate. 41 Pontine Sed'nt. S erl RAR ....I 7H This one Is reellr sharp. M) Chev. PieetUne edn. RAH tfT One twner. A top rtr. Bave. IT Cher. Ciu Cotioe. RAH. Sev .. II Che. Dfiuie Sdn. Low tat 11911 Cen t uu thu one from a aew one. Cleea as ther com. It OUC Pickup. S ton. Onlp ....I1MI a cam. Pickup. tea. vnir .... 41 Dodi Cue torn Sdn. RAH. Oar) I HI 41 Pontine Ms. . ueea eve ties dowa. I U per me, CHEAPIES-CHEAPIES 'si Pmttac I edn.. RAH. Cleaa ....111 '41 Pord CI. CP . new motor 1141 '40 Plr. edn. Run dandr. Onlr ....111 41 Pord V-l Sdn. Averaie till It Pord V-l Oood motor. Onlr ! II Chev. S-too Panel. Onlr 111! This It on excellent on. It DeSoto eda Pair old ear tt It Pord l-Dr Averaes ...,.... SPECIAL SALE . ' , .- KANNIER'S USED CARS aW SACBIP1CS U PONTIAC 4-DoOT PtJ Deiuee. ardTBRietl. radio beater. Terr ctaaa. MM e. PketM l-lltl errp M HIKT1BT EE DAM. lUon. better, eleaa. 4M H. Terat to reilebla per- . phom t-iMi trier I m. rn AUTOMOIILES '50 Nash Ambassador Tudor Perfect eoadlllen. new ttrea, radl. heftier, hrdrftmftU. wed. Low Book " $940.00 '49 Bulck Koadmaster Sedan Radio, boater, teat cover, riser, Srmofiow. A real bur $975.00 '46 Buick SUPER FORDOR Dark treeo. A-l than. RodlO, better, one owner. $465.00 '41 Plymouth DELUXE'SEDAN Rust tin tod has mew rubber. Low Book to $135.00 N. M4X '50 Nash STATESMAN TUDOR Radl, heater, bod. overdrive. A steal at Low Book of , $815.00 It. IH '47 Olds 98 CONVERTIBLE Brlthl red. new top, power win dowa, radio, heater. fcrdramaU. Low Book It $575.00" '41 Dodge Luxury Liner Coupe lu.1 fio. ihm. ndK kMt. Low Book $145.00 . MS. Nl '41 DeSoto TUDOR SEDAN Real transportation for the mower $135.00 Ml '41 Chev. CLUB COUPE New paint, run fin. Low Book U $170.00 SPECIALS! LOW PRICES GOOD CARS 'M Mere. 4-Dr . oedeo litll RekH. ltooe lan tno erown. tpotle la nd out, oerdri passln tear, turn site sit, nlr n.OO Bile. I owner Drives like n new car. You'll love itl M Pord Deli 4-Dr.. sedsn ....$ Sparkllne Jet elark. RSM. ttU clean, etc. A verr nke carl ft Chevrolet S-Or. sedan I10M Powertllde. cicellent condition, reollr t nice rar 'IS Chev., 1-Or . clesn end sharp . I S4I '47 Oodte -Door, verr nle thepe. !!? o'Im"!? '! !S '44 Cher., psnel tut 'U Bulck Special Take over low par menu and It roerst '4S Pirmooth 9-Door I SB 41 CadlUoc "tl ' . I Ml 41 Chevrolet pickup Extra ood ,. Ml CHEAPIES II Plrmouth 4-Door, perfect meter end tires I H 'II Packard 4-Door I 11 KANNIER'S USED CARS H J. 'Blnr mnUlt. Htr. IS Bm SI rtiOH S-SMI 4 l-IIM ! lM OCT. PITKt P. pHone I I, 11. .. . 1SSI POBO cu,tei Low e!7T - t;t - 11 , a. Slsss. SS3 Brevs Ave. less PlTMOtlTa Suburbs a. IMS Owner Pltoae IT7SS: 1MI fOBB soups. Mast sell. Pbone 14m 1SSS OLDS. Radio, heeler. Make Phone s-eeil. list POBD Victoria. RAH. automatic drive, other satras. taw mTUaee. reel cieea. Ceaetder wade ed older ear. Cell Dartew tveatass. Mm, MUS. UN' UKiS PERSONAL uctmmr Dtroc-nvi iocnct rtt.ftt, la.MtutttMi. ,u triM. (M BM.. Ttou ,.r w him -i;u mrin Dmc-rnu. cot.ii mm U. Of.,,,. Tl PSYCHIC AND PALMISTRY READINGS Advice ea til mature. We wUl help pou solve poor problem. Brio this ad and 01 for ft 0$ reading, open 0 a m.. II p.m. No appoint mm i necessary. 071 rortUad Road. tNtit to MlcA't Inn. I . pi$t MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1041 HA RUT Davidson. Price 17$. U10 Idaho St on Brown Rd ae37 FARM EQUIPMENT CUD MASilT MI1U iro TtMlorl. rnon. ,01.3. obi?. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AV1NQ RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley enw -a experts wiu solve your prob lems and tare yon money Pre etl mate, apeodf tervtot. Center at Lib erty ae HBAVY EQUIPMENT D l CT rOB BIBI. .hoa. t UU. WU. Il.a Fhllllpt. I3M t. 3M FINANCIAL u os pou rR. crrr on muni IMAttm BEST OP T1RUB . Wt BDt ft..! HUtl UntUyil mtiuu State Finance Co. tn Huh at. Ph. i-.iii REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. KO.CRT W .O.HSEN. ..It. M7 CMrt 4-2283 IM a-ui mm y-m u. aot a siuurws tnSORANCB 4N0 LOANS Bw 'To TTMlt". u w outr ksui in. a,, . oamui pinxmcb CO LOANS u. a OurcUl M. Tml Milt - LOANS UP TO $1500 on Sicntturt. Faralture, Car AT PIRSONAL. It "rs promptly to employed men or women. l-vlsit loan . . . pbon first Ton telcl best payment date Between payday loan Pbone. writ or eotse ts TOOATI Personal Finance Co. 105 8. KIOH ST.. BALZM State License Not. B-UJ. MMU Loan ever 1301 up to litoo end up to SO month to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Cotnpanlta Act of Ore on. tJis1 AUTO LOAtTP WILLAUBTTB CREDIt CO 113 Soutb CbnreB Parkin Plenty Pb t-MM Lie So S-U4 HOUSE TRAILERS Bur TRAILER HOMES Bell Trsrt Rent LAMS LANS TRAILER PLAZA 1940 Lane Ave. ta2Ma MACHINERY FOB SALE Peppermint DeUU. Complete with loon, be stint unit. Pbone Dsy ton 41X4 on Grand bland. v2T? DIRECTORY ADPINO MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired Rom. is Court Pfe Mill BULLDOZING Bulldoitnt, roans, elearlnt teeth. Vtr U Busker, relrrl-w. pbon I-JHt 971" CARPENTER- REMODELING. CARINET Work, new build int. Pre Estimites. Pbon 1MI1, 41633. 03TI COMMERCIAL TYPING Also direct mall advartuinc. NATHAN SWAN, 1111 Holtate. o3l EXCAVATING Ben OUen At Bon. ei cave tins tnd radlnt. Land elearlnt. Ph. 1-IU0 o3t4' INM I.ATION Insulation, weatherstrip!, ttorr Pree tlmttat. T. Pullman. I - wi MATTRESSES renovates Pull tin OPPKE PL'RNITL'RE SUPPLIES Deit ehalrs. files fllint supplies, safe, dmilirttcn uppiie de itmps. type write stands Reen 4M Cearl sTptic'tanks " llihe a Septtc ftervtc. Tanks cleaned. D roour deans sewer, drains. Phone l-MI. o3tT Hsntei't septic tankj service Ouartnteed I -1404 a - 0114. RE PT1C TAN R cleaned, line work Phone 0314 Bewer. septte tanks, dralm cleaned. Ro-',0-Raoter Sewer Servtoe Pbon 1-1131 ( TYPEWRITERS I 'r.nfTcorcn., Rortl Da- " v"' - atschltte poire null t-7"l a rent Mjoe. 4M windo ciBnia Arm, wtntfnv C),.D,rt iLduttrltl floor 1,1 Conn LEGALS NOTI4 r or tMUE Notrminf 19. 1IU The Oretoo ate Hlehwar ComtniMloa bao for aal as eortinent ef aiei car. Z'.Z.m.M 1?:"P!:X equipment and wrap aiateriaU loeett 1 and MrE. NpIU TniTirnil, Elttl- r.Mmx'XHm. o?4o?.""1 B,",wal three oin, ChrrtPr. Ave., MiM 00 for u purchaie of a: i or Mo.; Sam. Guam; ami Ted Lor any eoe ne of tbfa uexi wHrmmt : enzpn. Sllverton: piffht tfrand- sivd fur an r nr clas of the erreo wielerlele will be received br trie Btete i Hienwer CominuwIoB la Room II, Stei. I Hlehwer Bulldlne. aeleirj. oreeon. until j 9 OS a nj , Mondsr. November IS. lsel. l st which time the bide win bs publlclr oernnl ead reed Preweaal forme ead full tafermetloa Ifor blddcre mev e obtained as noewj "I. Btete HleKwer SJIIdlne. Selem. oreeon. and at the Bauloment Plant et I Salem, I Oartote er-snl MIOHWAT COMUlaalON I Wow. II It Ifsl. Phone Service in Salem Has Grown Amazingly Telephones fat wrvic in & Um have inereued from t,77 to S4.42T tine ltiS, a fain of 14S.I percent, the Pacific Tele phone Jk Telegraph Company laid tod . The figure, ere as of October 1. The local figure, were shown simultaneously with word that the 60,000,000th telephone had been Installed Wednesday morninf at S o'clock, that one having been installled tn the White House at Washington, Locally, other significant fig ures show: The telephone company's In vestment in Marlon county has Wind Blows Over' 800-Ff. Radio Tower Kodisk, Alaska WP) An 100 foot radio tower at the Adak Naval Station blew over and was destroyed during high winds which hit the station Nov. 1, the 17th Naval District said Tuesday. The tower, supposed to with stand winds up to 146 miles an hour collapsed in a SO-mile wind. Almost completed, the tower has been under construc tion for some time. It cost ap proximately 790,000. . Failure of a guy wire turn- buckle is believed to be the cause of the collapse. Mid Willamette Obituaries Earl Peter Welter Stayton Sort Peter Wei. ter, 30, was killed in an acci dent while moving logging equipment 2tt miles southeast of Mill City Tuesday. He was a resident of Mehama. Hr. Welter was born at Shaw, Oregon, June 11, 1917. Surviving are his wife, Betty; a daughter, Joan, both of Mehama; his mother. Mrs. Mary Welter, Stayton; five brothers Ed. Frank. Bay, Lawrence, and Harry Welter of Stayton; and two sisters, Mrs. Merle Johnson, Glendsle, Ore.; and Mrs. Jim Henne- beck, Roseburg. Funeral services wit be at 8 a.m., Friday, Nov. 20, at the Immaculate Conception church in Stayton, with burial in the Catholic cemetery under dl Tectton of the Weddle Funeral Home. Time for recitation of the rosary Thursday night will be announced by the Weddle Fa neral Home. Lane V. Davidson Lane V. Davidson died Sun day morning, Nov. 15, at the Salem General hospital, follow ing a short illness. He was born at Wheatland Feb. 10, 1880. Funeral services were held Nov. 18 at 2 p.m. at the Hope well E.U.B. church, with Rev. Glenn Harris, pastor of the church officiating. Mrs. Rich ard Jones was the soloist. Mr. Davidson married Miss Minnie Howard in Salem June 11, 1908. Children are Floyd Davidson. Wlllapa, Wash., Mrs. Frances Rutherford, Raymond, Wash., Woodrow Davidson, Lakeview, Ore., Mrs. Caroline Hersha, Salem, R. I., Howard Davidson, Portland, Mrs. LaRita Ruther ford, Willapa, Wash., and Mrs. Ehtle Pantalone, Chico, Calif. There are 20 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Fannie McKinley Wlllamlna Funeral serv ices were held Tuesday, Nov. IT at the Chapel of the Sheri dan Funeral home, for Fannie Myrtle McKinley, of Willamina, who died in Grand Ronde at a nursing home. Interment was in Green Crest Memorial park. She is survived by ber chil dren, Huzel King and Ethel Leslie of Drain, Ore.) Alberta Porter of Willamina; Odetha Morris of Ritter, Ore.; Clarence, Ira nnd Lloyd McKinley all of Willamina; and George McKin ley of Portland. Nellie Lorenzen Sllverton Mrs. Nellie Lor enzen, 82, widow of Carl L. Lorenzrn. died In Sllverton hos pital Wednesday morning, Nov. 18 Mrs. Lorenzen was born at Payne. Ohio, Jan. 31, 1871. She came to Oregon from Nebraska with her husband In 1908. They made their home in the Brush Creek district for many years before moving to Sllverton Mrs. Lorenzen was a member of the Royal Neighbors of America, Tryphena Rebekah Lodge and the American Legion Auxiliary. Surviving are two daughters, Ruth Lorenzen. at home, children and six great-grandchildren. Funeral announcements will be made by the Ekman Funeral Home. LODGE Salem Lo lgs No. 4, A. F. at A. M . Wjdnetday, Nor. 1. P. C. Deerrr, 1 pro. tit' increased between 1B4S ant January 1, 1B53, from 11.841,. bot to ,iM,7aa, a gain C 2K.2 percent. . . Between 1S4S and October 1. this year, the number of em ploye, of the company in Sa lem has grown from 11a to 438, an increase of J77.8 percent In the sum perioj of eight years the average number of local and toll calls placed her each day has Jumped from 61,. 143 to 13S.437, an increase at 1Z3.2 per cent. The local current annual payroll of the company is $1, 583,000, and its total property taxes iiBJ.oun. "Salem telephone growth." said E. A. Berglund, local man ager, "is part of a continuing ita'e-wlde pattern. Pacific Telephone and the 77 Independ ent companies operating with it now serve 461,000 telephones in Oregon. That is 220,000 more than were in use In tha state at the end of World War II. There is one telephone for every three Oregon residents, compared to an average of one for every 83 persons outside of the United States." Berglund said It was 21 years, according to records, af ter the founding of the Salem exchange before the first 1000 telephones were in - service here. In Wsshlngton, D. C said word received by the compa ny's Salem office, the mile stone instrument bearing tha presidential seal was placed in the White House office of President Owight D. Eisenhow er. Joining the President In ceremonies marking the event were President Cleo F. Craig of tha American Telephone and Telegraph Company, and War ren B. Clay, president of tha United States Independent Tel. ephone Association. DEATHS Btart L. SnlhM Robert u Uldun UU Mont 1 . tut in at., st loeU kamul no.. If. u tt ui H Tears. BurvlTM Br wMov, kin. kisrmlc HutcblnMO. atltrat mm. Dor. HutehbMOa, Omshs. Meruit ' HuUhUuoa. CbereaDt. Wro.l deuf More. Mrs. K.i pa Mcrninoa, norm ntite, Met, r,d Mill SMrUr Biilchioxra, Se lem: aMther. Mrs. Kvs Hutohlnsoa, Hutheon. csuf.; autera. His, o. a. ou. bert. H.wlln,. n, Un. atktrl lSs-c-ntD, lUroeB, K.i.l brothers, Bd Bus ehlnseii. Denver, Coto cutters Hutebra. MIID. sa Deirjen H-jurttneov- Husctsott. C.llf. aenrtces will be held ra the HoweU-Bdw&rdj shspel Thoredss. November IS. et 1:M pi. atsrsuu M BekresS MemorUl Perk. . Cbsrles B. Hies Cherlee B. Hies, tt the Turn tees denee, 9 B. Busld Ave.. Nov. IS. Sur vived br widow. Sirs. Xttls C. Hies, 8 lem; dsuihurs, Mre. HUds Bsrtlett. as 1cm. Slid Sirs. Wilms, Herts, assjtde, Ore4 brother,. tMlrleh Blcs end rreok Mice, both of Tsools. Cols.l stsht srend ehlldrea sad four sreel trsndchlldren. Annouoeement sf serrlcss Is ter br Sht VlrsU T. OoldSB CO. Asns Feeser sirs, aoos Porter et woodbora nov. is. Lots roeldeat si 4SS9 Biesnea Bd- as- . lees. Survived br huebsnd. Brnest B. Porter, aslemi dsushtsr, sfrs. Dorottir Mecloud. Selem: sons, Brneet Porter, JrH Albert Porter, srtd Robert Porter, ell of aelerai sleters. Mrs. Brrtns rieree. CermimeeL clil., Mrs. Webe! Brernaa. Cemstoa. OSJK.: brothers, Lus Henrr. Loos Beech, Csllf., sad rred sad Oeorss Henrr. both of nearer, Colo 1 else slsht srsadchildrra. SMrvloss Troirsdsr. Hot. It. st S p.m. la siren r. uoweo tnepee with the Rev. U A. Lertoo offlclstlas. latermeat St Bslcrssl Memorial Pert, Dlcb Brad '' Dick BrOCl. SI tnt ismiir rvevaeuc. IMS Cenur St.. Nov. IS. survived sr widow. Mrs. Imms Brut. Bslemi dsush ter, lev, Dorothr Hell, eel, mi ton. Llovd B. Bnut, Moasll. . D l aroroer, -oo jii.vuvb. Mlnn.t sleters. Mrs. Ai ms Lsass, Monuvldlo. Mioa., Miss Rea Bruel Slid Miss Dens orusi. "; Msnksto. Mlnn.l sad Mvs srsnckblldrea. crvtcee Prlder. Nov. 30. St II a m. LB Cloush-Bsrrlck Chspst with the Rev. I. M. ocbherd olllcletlas. IntsrmeaS s Belcreit Memorisi rers -BED-WETTING IS A SYMPTOM - It has been definitely estab lished that berl-wetUng is a symptom of an emotional malad justment, which can be caused br any of a multltuda of simple emotional disturbances. -i What Is of even greater Im portance than the cause, how ever, is the effect in the life of sn Individual. A bed-wetter often develops Introverted hab its because of the embarrassment he feels, or In other cases, hs becomes overly ajuresatvs o compensate for his vrs knees. In the latter case, he reassures him self every time he opposes au thority or act of the bully. Obviously, other unpleasant behavior traits can develop be cause bed-wetting is socially em. barrasslns and thus causes a per son to feel insecure about his capabilities. Fortunately, bed-wettlnt esn now be corrected and often with in a few days. The Psychological Research foundation has devel oped a system of treatment which corrects enuresis (bed wetting) In ninety-seven out of every hundred case iThe other three can be corrected, too, but they may require more tunc.) For information about how tha PRF svstem can help your child call BE 434 or write: The Psychological Research : Foundation, 101S 8, W. loth Ave- f ; Or I f. Urn. R D. Dr. a Chen. I D DRS. t HAN end LAM riilM.SE NATUROPATH ( peUlrs. t4l sfrnth Liberty.. Of floe Open Betarder onlr. IS am. to 1 s m i to T a m. cooaalteuow. blood sreeeuro sal arlne te,te ars free of ev. Prsetlced Haas HIT. Write for sltrectlvo s-.n. Hs abu se uosv em efi