THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orr Tele-Views t 5 Radio-Television ON KPTVt Yea Bet Year Lift, I Grouch Mara U emeu on comedy quit. Chevrea Tfeaaire, "Pretty Polly" tar Lynn Brl. A parrot play major tola la a story of a double life and murder. Dragnet, tj Star Jack Webb. ' Ford Theatre, 1:11 "As the Flsm Dies" atari Barry Family Relations Topic of Silverton PTA Class Meet Silverton Mrs. C. R. Calk Ins, chairman of the Parent- Teacher association committee Sullivan and Sylvia Sydney. Story of how & woman physician on famijy relatione," has WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ON KPTV: What's ea Year MlndT It: Feature Myrua, the MenUl Telepathlst. Matinee Theater, 1: ."Gangs of Chicago, stsrrinf Lloyd Nolan, Lola Lane and Barton MacLane. The Toymaker, 4:1 A visit to the Toymaker' shop with Fred Ciermann as the "Toymaker." Name's the Same, (:( Brian Aherna takes over as emcee In Roberta Q. Lewis' absence. riana and Porter, t:lo Features Sid Porter at the piano. e ON KOINTV: Double or Nothing at I o'clock Quit show with Bert Parks. Strike It Rich at :$ Quiz show with Warren Hull, emcee. Carry Moore Show at i Frankia Avalon plays the blues On this trumpet. SPOBTS ON ROIN-TVi : TM. Fifta Dan Bucceronl vs. Freddy Beshor In lo rd, heavywt. bout from Detroit. Mich. !: P.M. Wrestllnf from Bollywood Semi-main: Ray urnano vs. Ted Tourtas. Mam: Bonita Gardinl vs. Dizzy Davis ' . ON KOIN TV: I've Got a Secret al :! Carry Moore and panelists, Bill Cullen, Jayne Meadows, Henry Morgan and Faya Emerson. KPTV WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Life Is Worth Living !: "Nurses and" Doctors" Is Bishop Sheen's topic. Coke Time 1M . Music program starring Eddie Fisher With Don Ameche as host. Morton Downey, guest. i Married Joan : Joan tries to make a small turkey and a cream puff do for additional dinner guests. Kraft Theatre t:0 "Dream House" stars Rod Seiger with Doris Rich, Kenny Delmar and Jack Warden. A story of a lonely bachelor and an equally lonely woman who meet at a summer resort. This Is Your Life 10:0 A detailed story of the life of some individual selected by Ralph Edwards. Death alley Days 10:30 "Claim Jumpin' Jennie" stars Irene Barton and Wallace Ford in a story of a woman pros pector. LATE FILMS: Nlte Owl Theatre 11:15 on KPTV "The Shadow Re turns" starring Kane Richmond and Barbara Reed. Showtime on Six at 11 on KOIN-TC "Half Past Midnight" starring Kent Taylor and Peggy Knudsen. e CRANBERRIES THURSDAY MORNING: What's Cooking? 10:J0 Barbara Angell prepares cran berry and orange relish and sweet potatoe casserole on KPTV. Friend of the Family 11:30 Homemaker'e program star ring Michael Davenport. , THURSDAY AFTERNOON: On KPTV: Matinee Theatre, 1 "Danger Flight", starring Marjorie Reynolds and Milburn Stone; Kate Smith, 1 The Three Suns are guests: The Toymaker, 4:30 A visit to the Toymaker's shop with Fred Giermann as the "Toymaker." ON KOIN-TV: Bob Crosby Show, 12:30 Features the Bobcats, vocalist Joan O'Brien and the Modernaires from Hollywood. Gary Moore Show, 3 Garry boxes with a live bear. Kaye Ballard, guest. Armchair Theatre, 1:15 "Casanova in Burlesque," Joe . Brown, June Hevee and Dale Evans. THURSDAY NIGHT SHOWS: ON KOIN-TV: Place the Face, 7:30 Jack Smith, emcee. Contestants try to place the face of someone who has influenced their lives. Meet Mr. McNuUey, (Stars Ray Milland with Phyllis Avery. Ray gets in trouble when Miss Harrison hands in her resignation as head of the English dept. Four Star Playhouse, 8:30 "The Hard Way" stars Dick Powell as a restauranteur and operator of a gambling estab lishment. Involves counterfeit money and a murder. Video Theatre, ("The Moment of the Rose" stars Claude Dauphin and Pat Morrison. Story concerns a widowed father and his 8-year-old-girI and a problem confronting him on his daughter s birthday. Big Town, 9: JO Pat McVey stars as Steve Wilson, editor of the Illustrated Press and Jane Nigh plays Lorelei Kilborne. The Playhouse, 10 "Man Versus Town" stars Everett Sloane In a story of an Innocent man who confesses a capital offense to clear his name of malicious gossip. with a mortal heart ailment plana to sjnd the time she has to live. Martla Ksae, 10 stars Mark Steven. e THURSDAY SPORTS: ON KPTV: The Big Playback. 1(:3 Gene Tunney is guest of Bill Stern. ON KOIN-TV: Game of Week, 10:3 Notre Dam vs. North Carolina. LATI FILMS: ON KOIN-TV: Showtime ea Six, 11 "Little Red Sehoolhouse" starring Dickie Moore and Ann Doran. ON KPTV: Nile Owl Theatre, 11:11 "Legion of Mining Men" star ring Ralph Forbes and Ben Alexander. EARLY FRIDAY ON KPTV: What' Cooking? 1:3 Barbara Angell prepare French fried prawn and mincemeat pie. Friends of the Family, 11:3 Homemaker'i program starring Michael Davenport called a clas meeting for p.m. Monday, Nov, SI, at the Eugene Field library room, when the professional help TO SPEAK HERE MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Sola Service Installation Open trass u. te p m. Ph. (-111 U4 S. Cecal golem's First TUtUw (Mrs On Television KPTV (27) KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF WIDNUDAY 11:0 KPTV Dims Dow VbMl ft.a. IPTV-WtatU'. Ckimaf ll:0t ft.. ItTTV KMrkln. tUa 11:1ft KPTV The) BtnattU 11:11 I B. KFTV TrUo4 I Ftnllr :M k m. rrTV Wbtt's On Tour Mltvd 1:09 9.m. KPTV IfatlBtM ThMtCT i: p.m. KPTV On Yw Atcoual 3:M KPTV Kt mlU I II p.m. KPTV Kt efamtt KOIN Double or Nothiac 4:M p.m. KPTV Wileom. Travolara KOINotirlk;) It Bleb 4:1. .m. KPTV Thi Torntktr KOIN Oirry Moert 4 41 p.m. rPTV Tht) Toymtr KOIM Vevritt? Tim) 1:0 p.m. KPTV Htwdf DooO koin-mmu rtu :S0 p.m. KPTV Bur 3T Corral XOin Kit Cftrsoti 4. 09 p.m. KPTV Namts the- flam Kotw itr. waathannaa :lf p.m. KPTV Namw tht Sam KOIN Photo Quia 1:1. p.m. KPTV SM Porttr rOIN Dout MwartJa P.m. KPTV NW DtflUt KOIrt ThU U Your MutU t ftt p.m. KPTV auhop hM KOIN Bin Croabr f :M p.m. KPTV Coit Tim. KOIN PHhU f :4I m. KPTV New Carina KOIN Pith te 1:4 p.m. KPTV I Marriott Jot KOIN Arthur Oodfror It p.m. KPTV Mr UtUo llaralp rOIN Arthur Oodlrar I N p.m. KPTV Kraft Thtawr koin rva Oot a avert 14:04 p.m. KPTV ThU la Your Ufa KOIN Hollywood WrMlllnf 14:10 P.m. KPTV Dtatb Velltr KOIN Radio Around World 11:44) P.m. KPTV 11 Ul Hour Ncwa KOIN eShOWtimo OO Sli 11:14 P.m. KPTV Nile Owl Thtaltr TV TROUBLES? Technician oa Duty Till (:3( p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 141 8. Kth Ph. 45511 See the Fights in Your Home Tonight Free Home Television Trial NO OBLIGATION NO DOWN PAYMENT ! Start Payments After January 1st WE WILL ACCEPT ANY ITEM OF VALUE IN TRADE Choose From Motorola Hoffman Dumont Packard-Bell A Free GIFT With Every Home Trial Call 2-1913 and Your Free Trial TV Set Will Be Delivered Immediately VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER TWO VALLEY STORES SALEM WOODBURN Opea Every Nlht Till Open Sundav from 1 P.M. te ( P.M. (31 FAIROROCNtlS ROAD 171 tjrent St. Phen 3611 f luctimiw OffMMt TELEVISION Sale a Service 0) Installation MITCHELL RADIO 4 TV ' 1880 Stat St. Ph.3-7377 IBVUDAT lt:N m. KPTV Dint Dons lh H t.m. KPTV Wh.l'i Cooklnc 11:00 a m. KPTV Ht In nik 11:19 S.m. KPTV Th. BlSDIIIl 11:10 m. KPTV rurag of r.mllr l oo p la. rpry HfttloN Tr.tit.r I It p m. KFTV Hollywood In p.m. KPTV On Tour Aocount l oo p . kptv Koto emits I ts ii. kptv Ktu awtn KOIN ru Bur Th.t i n rm. kptv wtlcomo TtoToltrs KOIN SUrlko It Kick 4:11 I I. KPTV Tojm.k.r KOIN arif Moon 4:4S .. KPTV Topmiktr KOIH Ml. Moon 1:0 P.m. KPTV Howdp Doody KOTN aodolt PkU II II. KPTV Blf CortP KOIN To Bo Annouoeo l a im kptv Riui nw.r KOIN Mr. Wutharmu 11 p.m. KPTV Rinio Rkl.t KOIN Photo OUU S:IS p.m. KPTV Hontlni and Plihlns KU1N UOUI MWirdl N.Ot S:4I p.m. KPTV Nortnwut DUit KOIN Spoiu acholor im p.m. HU1IM rOIN C1MO KM V S pm. KPTV-DJoii; aitoro KOIN Pi. ca in PMI 1:11 p.m. KPTV Ntwo, aportp KOIN Pl.ct tap Foci : p.m. KPTV Oroucho M.rx KOIN Unt Mr. UeNullr l:IS Pa. KPTV c natron Thttur KOIN Pour atu riMhoaw :t S.m. KPTV KOIN VMM Pltrh.OM :M p m. KPTV Pom Th.ptir KOIN Bli Town :f p.m. KPTV-M.itin kup KOIN Tho PlirhouM 1: p.m. KPTV-Bll PlirOock KOIN Notro Damp N. e. U:W pm. KPTV Naw. aporu KOIN Sbovtlma m ata lt:lS p.m. KPTV Waather Vana 11:11 p.m. KPTV Nlta owl Tn.atar tllm entitled rear of Chil dren" will be ahown. The project ot famUy rela tione, approved by the PTA president, Mrs. Allan roster, ha to do with the question of mental fatal th, and It ot special educational value to parent ot pre-scnool-ad children. Discussed will be the topic: What I Personality?" As- iatlnc Mrs. Calkin la the clas project is Mrs. Allan Brown who, with Mrs. Calkins, ha recently completed a six- week study course in Salem. Any parent Interested in the subject i welcome to attend these class martinis. Mrs. Calkins will conduct the Parent-Teacher association mectinf in January as "family relations uiKht," it was an nounced by Mrs. Foster, nrea- uieni. At this time the sUte PTA president has promised to be present in Silverton. She is Mrs. Helmer Llndstrom of A' torla. Power Output Shows Increase New York m Electric en ergy distributed In the United States last week rose to 8.457, 342,000 kilowatt-hour from S S87.52J.000 the week before Edison Electric Institute re ported Wednesday. last week's figure wis 7.1 per cent higher than the 7, 88S.878.000 kilowatt-hours dis tributed in the same week of 131 All aectlons of the country showed gains Including the Pa elf ie Northwest up zl.8 per cent. Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! H0FFMAMfB PHONE 2-191 J Valley TV (enler IJOJ Falrrrounds Rd. Salea Service - Installation Open Till I p.m. Dally Sunday from 1 to ( p.m. Dr. John Wick Bowman, who will hold a Bible con ference at the First Pres byterian church here from November 22 through 17. Bible Talks at Salem Church A Bible conference will be held at the First Presbyterian church November 22 through 27 with Dr. John Wick Bow man, professor ot new testa ment interpretation, San Fran cisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, Calif., giving two lectures each day, Dr. Bowman will speak on "The Book of Revelation" at 10 o'clock each morning, ex cept Thanksgiving day, Thurs day, when the conference will be at 11 o'clock. His evening messages will be on "The Word of God and Conversion" each evening at 7:30 except Thursday. The conference, be gins Sunday evening. Before coming to San Fran cisco Seminary, Dr. Bowman had taught In Union Theologi cal College at Saharanpur, North India In Western Theo logical Seminary, Pittsburgh, Penna.. and St. Mary s Col lege of the University of St. Andrew. Scotland. Dr. Bow man has taught and (till teache In three languages Greek, Hindustani, and Eng. lish. His new testament courses, in the Seminary in clude historical and literary matters, Interpretation and Exegesis, and Bibical theo logy. He was editors' consul tant on the Revised Standard Version of the Bible and was one of the editor ot the Westminister Study edition of the Bible, Dr. Bowman has published a number of books, the latest being "The Religion of Maturity." These Bible messages ire open to the public Lebanon Sponsors Xmas Decorations Lebanon A contest for Christmas home decorations will be sponsored this year by the retail merchaiiis commit tee of the chamber, the Leban on Garden club and the Leb anon Express. Each of five divisions will offer $10 first prize and tS second. In addition, $15 will be awarded the sweepstakes win ner. Judging will be based prl marlly on originality, personal Marshal Faces Theft Charges Goldendsie, Wash. W crand larceny charge were tiled Tuesday against Golden- dale night marshal Dean Bay In connection with a liquor store safe robbery and thefts from three business establish ment her. Sheriff E. C. Kaiser said Bay, named night marshal here five month ago, confessed to the (1,800 liquor store robbery Sept 6 and admitted theft from a garage, service station and hardware store. Kaiser said almost "enough loot for a hardware store" was found In Bay' apartmtnt after his arrest. The sheriff (aid Bay was taken into- custody after four wheel which had been stolen from a garage here were found on his automobile. He wa charged with four count of grind larceny in In formation filed with the coun ty clerk by Prosecutor Thur- msn Ward. Bay, 28, is married and th: father of two children. He for merly lived at LaGrande, Ore. NOT FAS TO LOOK Marlon, ia OjJo Marion police did not have to go far to find the center of their lat- got you COUGH FUSSIN? Here's what thousands ot doctors have prescribed lot rout bs of colds . . . fut-ening, pleaaut-taatlng PERTUSSIN. It works internally; loosens sticky phloem ; and thus "trtnkt-up- roughing spells. It's gram lor an ins lamuyi Get rtIM with PERTUSSIN est crime wave.' During an night three car were tolea from an are within three block of poltea headquarters. CdIIouoqo r,nnmtsi, immm W hoopM Mllaf ppjaw taobaa. am Sckoll'i Xiao-Mate. Th. allaiiai am af Bhoa. Dapc. S lttp 4 hOw SOIVIS HYSTUYl fiafc Imnm to Afor-tatfe Dittos "Now I sm why Tjm r Aseriet's No. 1 flif toe hnbvrm and adi lodigcitio.v M"i Hawkshaw McPink tnon, (icoom pr.TaVt) , Tumi giv) topipci rtlicf from Aritr-tMtioi dit trflt rt atvr w-nlkalu ao't cast aad who 4, No wowlor miU boat ot LMoota always catty tltM ia pockat or pwN." Got TaM today. -a'Tiaai fee laa TCaaM I or ncuaou: nnno YOll 11 WPM-Omsit, 144 J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 25665 UNITED REPAIR CO 255 N. UIERTY Authorized Repair oa All Major Appliance and All Small Appliance Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery an ' Large Appliance Ivan Royse and Walt Claua, Owner CHINESE FOODS Older Folks with Itching Skin 9m mm aantet. mMoIu. MnhiM mMm . Bwtaol Otiwnt t m mpmiidl MttlBi nimt. CatoiM teaoUo whUk mm ta Imi m a Mm aataral akta wtkm lavM. aa waiMt awta. it imm m MM mm to In to nhW m4 mrmxk. wm nrm mmm n rmmt, Am ma M Health Meeting on Thursday at Church A conference of those Inter ested In public health and health committees of various organizations will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. IB, at the First Metho dist church. At the meeting there will be discussion and planning concerning public health aerv- mm in t.hMl mnit ..I... ..... nNn.t rnnH if .lilt. MMH. me individual's part in the 1 - -- .1 1 program, and health education "lei ra'h.?r th"n " lhe c0i in school snd community. Iine" j th tniTV- " w" a. c . , t. . phasized. Mrs. E. A. Meola, chairman AU entrlef mult be outdoors of the Public Health Advisory I and visible from the street, committee, and Mrs. Bernlce i Divisions are religious, trees, landscape lighting, best deco rated door and miscellaneous. Home decorations only will be Judged, and entrants must live Inside the city and suburban as septa er BOCTOSS TESTS S0c. OF PILES' PAIN RELIEVED! lOmikaatatMd ifMsid. ctwm toalael. nim tiwmm W ITM OUT SURGUY. UMnka to .mmnt PAZO timtmtvut la taw m1 io. two m mtpptd m MMnally ndtnd. Pm wew to nar nenug mmmm jaacntacMtla tantoM. k Gt PkM,wmmimtmn Housework . Easy Without NaggingBackache NttrriBC lMhItot Ibm af 99 aati aaarffr WeulAcb nti 4ttstaM awr b dtM te tlmr. owa of ki4r i uBcUea. Doctor say m kidnw fuBCtto I fwrv faMrtaiit to bum bocltlx. When om wvcrytUr condHioa, uck m trw and ttrsia, um thla Importoni function toalaw 4own, toanr folk raltr mt tin a bdtuaw-Ml vlMrmbte. Minor hlmd tor .rriutiomj du to o)d or wrettf 41H may mum acuinf p nirriuor irwquent pftjsM Don t BMUat tout kMavm If tk c tlow bothM yL Try Doan'a Pllkt-a in lid il urwuc lt'aaiuin how auraytltoto Doaa'i vivo hnosv tvttof from th tlaMenforta- rvalp th II nllM of ktdnor tub and Alton flush out wut. Art for bow, Urf, oeonntnt u and nav waw, uot ooaa rum tooay Yeary, P.H.N, director of nurses, extend Invitations to any woman interested in pub lic health volunteer service, to attend Thursday's conference and remain for tea. BEAR and ELK Cut and Double Wrapped Free Quick Frees Service Locker Beef Lowest Price In the State Buy arid Sara at Packing House Wholesale Price. Fancy Eastern Oregon Whit Face Beef Front Quarter Lb. 16' Half or Whole Lb. 20' Young Steer Beef Vi er Wh. 25 ii. SALEM MEAT CO. 1125 J. 251b Pka 1 U5I CHINA CAFE 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specialising in Chinese & American l"ooda resturlng "Good rood Well prepared" Bring the Family Call for Reservation! for Dlms and Parries - - CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND ft GRAVEL At WhaaHant ferry RL 1, Oenral Ready-Mix Concrete, Band, GrayeJ, Crushed Rock Prompt. Courteous Service CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th I E. HOYT " Approved Reinforced Rectangular Precast Beptle Tanks Manufacturer of Mortar Blocks Interlonlrtng Blocks . In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Block , Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 11833. 12 ST. Garden Tiller Power Mower Paint Sprayer Air Com pressors . Sander Plumbing Tool Pover and Hand Mower Sharpening Repair on All Small Gas Engine FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong It Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpet Estimates Gladly Glvenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1110 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum tnd Steel Irrigation Pip Galvanised Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 HEALTH TO YOU After Correcting HEMORRHOIDS (PILES) FUtela, Fissure, PrelopM an Other Rectal Dtswtfera. With Ml HaaptUliiaUM. lUmach, Celon and Other Dlfratlri DLMHers. Write m Call far Pre. ! eerlptlt. Bawklet Teday. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nstar.patb Protologlst 1144 Center 8t Phone I-ltlt Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines - SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. S31 COURT R. W." JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD OILINO 1174 Edeewater St WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUEL' OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR 3-5769 ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING A HEATING Repairing tit Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUR We give Penny Saver Stamp THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 130 I Ifeerrr 110 Cswl. Dewsttw 2440 tnm. Medkri (mUm 14-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. PREE Delivery Dally 8 00 A M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO S. Liberty Store Open II 00 to 1:00 PJd. and 00 P M to 00 P.M. All Sundays and Holiday Radio Repair Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 Stat Motorola "my Dealer for W General Electric Pick up ond Delivery Ttl nilCIAH$ALES AND DL Salem M 91 3 Television service ph. wodbur.36ii VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER S30I Fairgrounds Rd. In Wood burn it 171 Grant St DUMONT TELEVISION SETS Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR . HOFFMAN Ph. 2-6596 i