Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 18, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, Nov, ber ig, uj.
Fata 14
Willamette IHIcas Loimg Scrimmage for Col Poly
End Slate
: Saturday
! A lull hour of scrimmage
. risked injuries to the Willa
' mette unlvcriity Bearcats Tueaa
' day but Coach Ted Ogdahl said
be Deeda all the time he can get
; to ready hii team for Ciliior
. nia Poly.
The Polytechmen will hoit
Willamette Saturday night at
San Luis Obispo, Cel., In what
la expected to be victory No. B
for Poly. To date the hoiti have
averaged 44 points against
Fresno State, San Diego State,
Santa Barbara, San Francisco
' State, Pepperdlne, Whittier,
Los Angelei State, and Red'
Willamette will entrain at
8:55 p.m. Thursday for the final
game for both teams.
Ogdahl said that Gerald Kan
gas and Norm Dversdal, reserve
ends, are out of action with in
juries, but that Lou Lofland, a
halfback who missed the Lln-
fleld game with a knee injury,
will see action.
Dorence Noteboom, tackle,
and Dave Anderson, the other
starting tackle, both will be
starting. Bobby Zoelch. half
back with a broken hand In a
cast. Is pronounced okay.
The Willamette traveling
roster announced today Includ
es 24 players:
Ends Dean Benson, Phil
McCallister, Bruce Harding,
and Mike Hovis.
Tackles Dave Anderson,
Dorence Noteboom, Bob Dyer,
Dale Greenlee and Byron Sltt
ser. Guards Andy George Rube
Menashe, Ray Chaipuzio, Lynn
Zumwalt and Detxer Hanks.
Centers Cliff York and Ken
Backs George Bardiley,
Windy Sequeira, Harvey Nef
fendorf, John Kent, Chuck
Colling, Judson Jones, Lou Lof
land, Bob Zoelch, Volney Sig
mund and Bob Baltimore.
Jim Rock Returns
As OSC Fullback
Corvsfili, Ore. () Reserve
tackle John Hall is expected to
draw a starting assignment
with the Oregon State Beavers
in Saturday a game with Ore
gon. Others scheduled to see ac
tion include tackle Jim Luster,
guad Art Keith and fullback
Jim Rock. Rock has missed the
last three games because of
The Beavers drilled behind
Closed gates here Tuesday.
Amity to Face
Monroe Offense
At McMinnville
Amity The Amity high
school football team appears to
be minus hobbling injuries this
week as it approaches the state
semi-final playoff In Class B
against Monroe.
The game will be played at
the Linfield gridiron in Mc
Minnville at 8 o'clock, the win
ner to enter the finals against
tit luuru-uiiiuti winner.
Coach Ray Stephens said that
Monro orobablv will have a
monros proDaoiy win nave a ,
weight edge, particularly in the .
backfield where the opposition
has a 193-pound back. A pair
of hard-running backs will
make Monroe a difficult foe, he
noted. Monroe. District S cham-
Blnn rirrMtevt Ot.ltl.nH a.9n
' "
last weex.
Monro COach is
Don DeLay
1 IIC JW131I III lt-OI.l U&t'l
variation of the T Stephensj
Mid, more like a winged T in;
which the quarterback doesn't j
w,v " " woivii -
snort itsnxer U used occasion
Br The Aaaoclatod Praa)
Tuesday's reiults Minneap
lis 2, Boston 7S.
- - - - - -
fo HeideIb8rq r i
' .
Of City Pin Tourney Told
Complete results of the an
nual city bowling tournament
held at tha University Bowl
this year hava been received
from the city secretary, Jay
Gould, and one again there
isn't one champion from last
year repeating.
Trailways Cafe, sparked by
Sponsor Floyd McNeil s big
600 series and supported by
Art Vpston, annexed the team
championship with a 2706
scratch series. They also won
the handicap title with 042.
Bowling on the first squad of
the tournament, they wrapped
up the title before any of the
so-called "hot-shot" teams even
made an appearance. They
succeed Brennan Tree Service
who failed to frighten anyone
thia year.
City Doubles Record Set
Doubles champions for this
year and new holders of the
city record for the event are
Walt "Pappie" Gardner and
Jim "Thin Man" Ross who
fired an 1162 scratch total In
TUS IVINT Tllr Ckaasaloai! Clh
1. Trellvlyl Cafe
I. Cupboard Cafe
3. Oerltnser Carrier
4. Salem Hardware
5. Lena avenue Berelco
S. Woodbura . ....
3. Wtit Slim Harblner
S. ftawllnson's Capital Cltf Laundry
t. Barb'a Sportlnl Oeodf
10. Offlc. Bnilnaara
11. Jlm'a airhfleld Sarflra
13. alarloa Houl St car rark
DOI'BLIB Cllj CkaBolOM lOU-IOaO-Jlaa
1. Btra Idrhl 1340
3. Oardntr a Rou U..I300
3. Ada it Nlchola 3n
4. Belton cadr 1347
I. Henrituon Vald. 1340
s. Llanhard a Carr 1340
7. Allen a Pekar 1330
0. Hau.en a Waltler 133s
0. Cordler a Olbicn 1337
10, Putmao at Jefterjaa 1334
11. Clark at Breonaa
13. Parley at Olodt
13. nioiland a Sprlfi
14. Clarence a Vern Hauien
SINGLls Cllr Cttaaiplaa 1001-IOSO-Jack
1. Lauren Kuebler
3. Jim R044
University Alleys
RerU Broi. ! AUihlrt 10. Jtck
ion 431, Hftonum 112, PuMth) Ul. Ali
brliht 412. HlfhUnsj Mark! ! LeMn
hrd 4ll. Hopllnicr 422. Murray m.
Uwlw 413, Carr IM.
Brt rhllllppl Krtlcl 411. Oir-
barlno M. Curry 4. Laird 437, Muell-
tiaupi 415. .Ua'a Naa Tars () Uarrtlj
40fl, fUlnkt 414. Aaron 404, Oreenlta Jit,
Llltka 444.
llaiitN hnmtr . Johnaon
392, HaUr 3J. Or at flue IM, Amrtold
411, Smith 4. Thrift ar Cleaatre ID
Roundi 333. Hauirn IM, Fallta 433. hat-
an 441, Kunkt 404.
Oak Ina. Atntty 4 Upiton 401.
Luu J. Ooukl 4U. Bradlar 43. Thorn p
on 44T. Cain City ) Thomaj 4001.
Lrraka 314. UllMrleo 123. AU 3U, Grimm
Ulfb ttam sicrUi. Htrrold Fhllllppl
3349. Hlih ttam lime, Robert Broi.
15ft. Hlih lndlvrdua) wriM. C Pouehl .
Hii. individual amt. V. Oar-
barlnft 311. i
Ct-Mroft TtifM L. Hardy 44; Do
Lapp 411: D. Hrd? 444: CracTOtt 4tTt
Cracroft 4. Karklatatl Lajsafccr Co. 1
H. Wrbb 411; B. Burkland 4M; P. Wtbb
411: SchutU 443: D. Burkltad M.
Navr-MarlM ItoMarva (St Koaiman
111; Ollmert in: Oarlntr 40); Johnaon
0: Black 4T7. Sal1r I.trf Mor
rls 43t: Jacobaoo UcCaia 41 Ceef
tr 4U; Arthur 411.
Drtr t Hana Inuramca (I) tnona
ftei. BoUtr 44; Roaka 47t; Talbot 4H;
Cook 111. Bam ft rat ( I )M to
Donald 314, DrOcr 41; Pllnk 351: OU
on 433; BunnU 414.
Nanrltu Flva (I) Ad 444: Ntcholt
4M; Pa 11 on 313: Lant 440: Duffy 3U.
fthrtwh Malrra tl) Bhurk 34: Horl-
. Burt.n M. Orltui 401: Wa-
'' OaMi us: Me-
0ult, K c, 4. .,,.
er . sum t4 a ct j..u
4H; smith IM; Ucnhard 70: Holmaj
41i. Carlton 111.
Maatry PharMary H Donald m llti
Bacon MT. Walton M; Collin 417:
Smith 414. RamtiifUa Ban ( -Sprlm
473: Wulftra 313, Rabola 431: Haydra
Hi: colburn Ul
L ' lame. Clerenee Menhir ot
Marlon mil Beed. 337
mi-im, Carl aVhrecdar af Hoy'a Automo
tive). IM: hlih ttam tamt and hum,
Capital Alleys
r 7
. . waiAL no. i
Jig. p. Hrlnkt
P. Scheldetaer 471. Vklto. Motor ".. n !
Hotmai 411. C. Parkr Ul, S. Bullock '
Corlf'a Dairy ,l R. Valloau 411. L
Stanlty 4T0. E Shawn 44. J. sVhimbori
111. A. Writht Hi. Elwotd'a Maioarr tl
H. Blwood 4S. B. Ctaycrolt 44. R.
Rhlpman 43. R. Wilkalla 413, P. Buach
Results, Payoff
the event but yielded to Straw
ax Mehl the handicap first place
spot. Jim and Pappie succeed
ed Lyle Ertsgaard and Dick
Phipps who did not defend to
gether this year.
Jack Olney showed every
one that good rolling straight
ball and accuracy can pay off
as he walked off with the sin
gles championship with a 613
series based on games of 108,
202, and 213. Kidded for years
about his "nothing ball," Jack
had the last laugh this year as
one after another of the entries
generally conceded to have the
best chance to win the singles
failed to knock over enough
pins to threaten his position.
Jack, succeeds Don "The Old
Pro" Poulin, last year's cham
pion and holder of the state
all-events record for many
Wins Second Leg
All-events champion this
year again is Frank Evans, who
managed to win the champion
ship in spite of the bursitis in
his elbow which forced his
temporary withdrawal from
3. Ootdla Bention 074
4. Bruc. Wllben 013
0. Jack Outer 073
5. Morris Cadr 000
7. Jay Oould 000
S. Plord McNeil 040
0. Tommy Thompson 0OS
10. Ed Corrltan 000
11. Ralph Bommor 053
IS. Bob Ryan 040
13. Wheeler Encllab. 047
14. Prank Slmona 047
13. Pranels Prank 041
10. Bill Osko 040
17. John Raybura 010
11. Ed Losan SJS
10. Oeorsa Porsard 030
30. Harry Hausen 013
31. Vern Hausen 033
it 00
43 00
30 00
33 00
33 M
31 M
10 3S
am aid Kail
. -
00 00
40 UO
31 SO
34 00
1. Jim Rou
3. Plord MYKaU
3. Morrts Cady
4. OoMts Benuoo
0. Bruce Wllberi
5. Prank Blmoas
1. Butch Ireland
S Art Upston
0. James Jefferson
10. Lauren Kuebler
11. Bob Hauien
13. Prank Kvans
13. Da. Rlniland
13 0
1310 300
1313 700
1113 700
140 00
Elkt (4T. Thompioa 41t. ft O-ko
313. J. Chrnntun 411. L. UcKinney
W. P. Karr 001. pitat Clarka ( J.
Burkhart 391, R. 8chwlchinbri 441,
J. Daley lit, U. Hadlay ill. D. Tor
IoUoq 443.
Haytlttr Milk (It D. Brown UT. J.
MfParlaoa 433, B. Utlrtrom 43, M. Caaa
4S, J. Brown 473. JlaVa Rlthfltl) Scry
lea lt J. UcAllUttr 430. H. Mrrrtll
KB. B. CitTK Slfl, 0. AlUfllri 433. J.
Uurd til.
SUvona Jtwaloro (It SC. Clark 4lf. J.
AlbrtcH 4W, L. Jonan 133, B. Oaddea
zt, tl. ointy m. Balaaa PsMIom i-
Nlcbolaon Ml, M. Pritit IM, w. Do Vail
407. c. crtaty 411, M. Uathrra 4.
Hlih team am. Cat Pak 111. Hlah
tam aoriaa. Biavtna Jawtlvra 39)4. Kith
Individual tun. D. Broun of Mar flow,
ar Milk 331. Hlih indlrMunl Mrlaa, J.
Lonco of Cal park 171.
Brown' icwtltr 4 V. Hauian BM,
. Barnwell 430. C. Hauien 411. J. Tay
lor 9, H. Hauian 147. Bocko aad WatU-
worth it) B. Rtvf 4 I. H Bortholo-
mw 45. P. Karr 473. W. Martin 431,
O. Cnay 443.
Woat Salon Bardwar (l D. BciinHt
471. H. Waokon 101. J. Cbtrrlnfton 4.
aVhlmnart 117. C. I la 411. Portland
Oao and Coka fl C. Btrtrtrom 410, J.
Keller 43S, B. Btaley 447. T. Pcndtrsaat
411. L. Woitphaj 471.
Kenny 'a Real Ratal U Br lit
II. U. AmuDdJ 473, K. Hll) 111. O.
Willlamj 141. T. Olbsion 114. Kolsor
Merebanl ll O. Breular 471. J. Mor
ley 471, J. Coomler 411, D. Whit 401.
. Urera 843.
Pronk Hooao 1 Ran 4t H. PI wood
543. O. Schroeher 4fl, L. Blr 471. T.
Morris 146. B. Sullivan 411. fla.lliw.1
Jai-ka. Inc. ()H. Landla 443. D. Not
durft tl. H. Kromnall 401. B. Ntlaon
447. C. Rfi 410.
In Potu Inaoranoa tR. aVhnell
HI. J. Phtllrpa 4M, J. Johnion H4. B.
Sullivan 440. D. Pry 4H. Hon Brothora
-U Carter 411. H. Coo 430. P. Cara-
tcn 413. P. Reynold! 131, CV Nuai 441.
Mr two Pood Saleo 41) B. Thorn pi on
53. M. MrCune 441. P. Odom U. B.
WtlkalU 133. H. Comitoek MY. Valloy
Oil Co. l A. Warner 431. J. Mann
, M. uen 474. v. Henrkhi 111, B.
Clauaen Ul.
Huh team um and atrtf. MeCuno
Pood Bales 133 and 3403. Hlih Individual
unit, Bob Thorn pon of McCuno Pood
Salei 334 Hlih Individual oorlM, Bob
Clauaen af VaUoy Oil Co. Ml.
Duck Pins
Davit OU (I Oniohundro 413: Bcharf
13 ; Ada mi 344 : Blan ton 4 ;
Dam !
Over Iota (t Schi
i "3; Pollnnkl 4H: panny
lraeo 1
144-Piece Electric
Freight Train
Remote, Control Starting & Stopping
Over 20 Ft. 2-Roil Track
Automatic Coupling & Uncoupling
All Yours for
Only $2995
Salem Toy & Hobby Shop
163 North Commercial Phone 2-1588
the game the week following
his appearance in the tourna
ment Evans total of 1730 gave
him the second leg of a neces
sary three to permanently re
tire the huge all-event trophy
donated two years ago by Stev
ens and Son Jewelers. Need
less to say, everyone In, the
city wlU be taking their best
shots the next few years to
try and keep Frank from doing
Just that. He regains the tro
phy from Brownie Valdez who
has been taking care of it for
him the past year, Frank hav
ing won It at the U-Bowl the
last time the tourney was held
Big winner in the tourna
ment this year was Jim Ross
who placed second In the sin
gles, second in the doubles,
first in all-events, and helped
Barb's Sporting Goods to 9th
place in team event. This lit
tle effort meant $86.50 to Jim.
Any revenoorers around?
Complete standings and pay
offs as follows:
30 50
11 00
0 50
4 50
C-amplea IHJ-lOOi Prank trsne
073 00
is so i
L., .Via. U!
-C Oil
Ray Olson,
senior 21A-
poond .tackle from Dallas,
has been named "most In
spirational player" by his
Linfield college teammates.
Selection was anounced by
Coach, Paul Durham at the
McMinnville Quarter back
club banquet Monday night
Also nominated were Ad
Rutschman, Chuck Hirrluan
and AI Tarpennlnr.
111; Capp 371: Haas 401. Wniaaaolto
Art Tllo (1) Schola 431. Jarobor 433;
Bu.h 311; Hobor 371; Merer 414.
Lo Ntwaan Welnat 473; Taylor
331: Davla 413: Hubltr 450; Johnson 431.
Olaoa Florlot 4I White 417; Barkir
311: Waldlni 373; Wood 110: By 401.
Woodroffoa flaw Shop (1) Duano
Prank 344: SwarU 3: Platter 317:
Warn Prank 314: Bra 373. Dr. Peppor
li Marrlman 434! Ohmart 343 i Howell
335: Blihop 313; Upper 413.
Qoaltty Vaed Can 4 Campbell SOS:
Millar 443; Snelirov 401 1 Short 413;
Van Dell 4S7. Kay Radio 4 TV )
Dean 101: Hentel 401. Kay 431. Harold
iUi Oautater 447
Hlih team aorlei and lame. Quality
Uad Car. 133 and 3310. Huh Ind. Mriti,
BUI Werner (Modern Woodmrni. Tom
Wood iPToaty OImbi 110. Hirh ind.
U.S. New Offensive Leader
New York () As if the
possible clinching of a Rose
Bowl berth and the renewal of
a historic series which stands
alt square after 83 games were
n't enough, Saturday's Stanford-California
clash at Palo
Alto is going to produce the
nation s major college Individ
ual offense leader.
Stanford's Bob Garrett and
California's Paul Larson will
face each other in a unique
meeting between the country's
No. 2 and No. S yardage pro
ducers. Because Wyoming's
Joe Mastrogiovanni, the lead
er, is only 24 yards ahead of
Garrett and 27 ahead of Lar
son, and will be idle until
Thanksgiving, one of the Cal
Uornians is almost certain to
be No. 1 by Saturday night.
Mastrogiovanni has made
1,393 yards running and pass
ing, official NCAA service bu
reau statistics show, while
Garrett has piled up 1,371 and
Larson 1,368. All have one
game to go.
Garrett the Hottest
Garrett, however, is the hot
test one of the lot and he's also
the No. 1 man In passing with
106 comDletions. Larson is
1 fourth in that department, be
hind Washington a sandy La
erman, who has 80 comple
tions and 7 touchdowns.
In rushing, Illinois sopho
more, J. C. Caroline has the
Lindsey, Pederson Lose
Bouts by Disqualification
Disqualifications of over-
eager stars Drougnt victurtea
last night for Carl Engstrom
over Eric Pederson, and for
Hardy Kruskamp over Luther
Lindsey, given the nod to
challenge World Champion
Lou Thesz here next week,
had the capable Kruskamp
groggy but slugged Referee
George Drake three times,
flooring the official who had
warned him about slugging
Kruskamp out of the ring.
Hence the disqualification.
Lindsey won the first fall
slugging his opponent,
ing him, then throwing
nelson on Kruskamp.
Kruskamp came back with toe
holds and a half crab for a
quick second fall decision.
Engstrom, not holding the
Pacific coast Junior light
heavy title, lost the first fall
to Pederson with a full nel
son following a toe hold. Eng
strom used body slams in a
wild flurry but fell into the
full nelson.
See ft; drive K, and you'll know that It alone brings you all these features of highest
priced tars at the lowest prices and with such outstanding gasoline economy)
Yes, you get mort car for Itit money in
Mnrt braury, inside and out, with the
widest choice of body-types and colors in
its field.
Afore driving thrills, with either of Chev
rolet's two great high-compression Valve-in-Head
Afore riding imoothnta. more rood
liability and mort tafery protection with
this stronger, heavier, longer lasting carl
Scrap to Give
title all wrapped up with 1.138
yards, 334 yards more than
Ohio State's Bobby Watkins,
each has one game left
Stanford, to be assured of at
least a tie for the Pacific
Coast conference title will be
relying on Garrett, who In the
last five weeks has produced
one of the greatest sustained
hot streaks any passer has ever
enjoyed in college football.
In those five games he has
completed 73 out of 113, a 63.2
per cent accuracy rating, for
1,100 yards and 13 touchdowns,
while having only two inter
cepted. To top things off, Garrett
will be shooting at a national
record Saturday. He's well
within reach of the completion
percentage standard of 60.9
per cent, for 130 or more at
tempts, set by Washington's
Don Heinrich in 1930.
Shaw Bates No. 29
Lederman of Washington,
Don Rydalch of Utah, Paul
Cameron of UCLA, Tom Heath
of Montana and George Shaw
of Oregon are ranked by the
NCAA among the leaders in
total offense.
Lederman is No. 12 with
998 yards; Rydalch, No. 14.
959 yards; Cameron, No. IS,
946 yards; Heath No. 18, 863
yards, and Shaw, No. 20, 847
Engstrom rallied from a
wicked corner attack by Ped
erson in the second fall to
slug and body slam the' blond
one, then wtih an arm swivel
that had Eric yelling uncle.
Engstrom used three body
slams, then tossed Pederson
out of the ring, kicked him out
a second time and slugged him
again. Pederson, finally In
side, wouldn't break a full
nelson and was disqualified,
only to slug Referee Drake.
Danny McDonald won from
Red Vagnone in 12 minutes of
their preliminary using a Jack
knife hold.
East Lansing, Mich. - The
oldest member of the Michigan
State athletic staff in point of
service is trainer, Jack Hep
pinstall. McGregor
Capital Shopplni Center
art two points te rmmbtr when you buy a earl'. . .
of any line
Afore value throughout, when you buy,
while you drive, when you trade!
Coma in; confirm these facts; and youH
choose Chevrolet . . . America's finest buy,
America's most popular carl
CaaiMnarioa of PetnrtMaV mlemuie trauml
asow anal IISj. "Blmlemt" tntme evtUmblt
on Tttw-rin" anal sM Air modrlt . . . rower
Sitertng and M-ZSye Piatt Gaoat aisaUattt oao mi
medtlt , . . ai extra owe).
You Be the
4. AU-Amarlcan off tackle.
No, Injury must ba severe
since be has been held out of
tight fame this long. Let bim
be a decoy.
1. Fullback pass. Takes a
little time to develop.
3. Reverse. Play can be
run fast but that eight-man
line is tough.
1. Fullback straight in.
Has the best chance for one
yard. Left half will be watch
ed and hole opens quick.
Tliea far Taft. Orel NeeemWe, IMS
(Cmipiwo kr d. a. Cmm a omomio
Bnreai, Pattlaaa. Orocaul
Blob Waters Low Watara
Noriaioor Time Helta. Ttme Helens
i v:h ti 3:30 a.m. 1.1
10:S1. 0 3 i ata.rU
I 10:10 O BI. I S . 4 00 o at. 3.1
11:01 BOS. OS 133 am. -11
I 11:11 a.m. 3.3 I II a.m. 14
010 a m. -1.1
I 13 IS a.m. 14 1:40 a.m. 1.1
11 :U a.m. 10 1:00 a.m. -11
You can't buy better auto insurance
Allstote' low rates ore the better volue you'd
txpect from the company founded by Sears.
See how much you save. Phone or visit
your Allstate Agent today...
R. IS. Alderin and R. A. Sparks
SS0 No. Capitol St. Ph.3-9191
You're In Good
A wolrv-ownod wbtidtary of SMrt, Iobuck and Co., with osi.H arid llebtlrli
distinct and parat fro th parnl compony. Horn of(ki Skohi, lIUnoiL
in its field!
South Salem Lio!
Turkey Shoot Set
Annual turkey shoot as
sored by the South Sal.mtT
club has been scheduled tut
p.m. Sunday at the downtoa
armory basement
Firing, with Jl rine. .
continue until 8 p.m. with tup.
keys being given for the htt
shots with score sights, as wd
as with open or peep lilh
Five shots wlU be m,d ,
each entry.
Entries wishing to tero Uvti,
rifles, or to find one suitable
which is being provided by th
Lions club, are asked to do
their test firing between lj
noon ana i o clock
Ed Cereghlno, pitcher fee
the Yankees' farm in Bins,
hampton, N.Y, hit two hoini
runs in one earns. rtnWn tiu.
His second home broke a l
uc anainai ocnenectaay,
Hands with ... s
OmbtCs OVtMef "TW-Tm" 4-OW eeOM.
Win 3 fPMt teew see
Sko Meet sMMo 1
510 No. Commercial St.
Salem, Ore.