PI 2 THE CAPITAL JOIBAAL, 8Jea, Oregoa Friday. November 13. 1953 In The Valley Edited bj MIKE FORBES ' St Louis Pedee Pedee Mra. Billy Smith nd daughter, June, returned home Wednesday from Red mond, where they had spent the put month with her lath er. F. Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey She lenbarger, Larry, Bonnie and Lonnie, of Monmouth, spent an evening recently at the home of her mother, Mra. Thera Womer, who wu hon ored with a birthday dinner. Mr. and Mrf. Paul Ronco made a trip to Salem Friday. Mn. Winnie Fletcher returned home with them and will vitit her sisters, Mra. W. T. Turner and Mn. C. L. Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith left Saturday afternoon for Riverside, Calif. They are making the trip by car and trailer house. A baby daughter was born Nov. 3 at the Dallas hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bur bank. She weighed T pounds and 4 ounces and will be call ed Lola Christina. She la the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Burbank of Cherry Grove district. Mra. Thera Womer visited several days the past week at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Blair Douglas, near Albany, while Miss Noli Womer was a guest at the Edgar McNorrls borne. Mr. and Mrs. . W. McCor mack of Dallas spent Saturday In Pedee. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank attended the turkey and ham dinner at the Bridgeport school Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Yost of Portland were week-end ACORNS FROM THE guests of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tharp of Sand Lake were Sunday guests of his son, Tom Tharp and family. World Community day was observed Friday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. C. L. Bur bank. Mrs. Burbank led the devotions. Saturday was clean-up and work day at the new church. Those helping were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheythe, Mrs. Rettie Kerber, Mrs.- Tom Tharp, Mrs. Billy Smith, Misa Nola Womer, Paul and Charles Ronco, Rev. Deibert Dow, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kerber, C. L. and Gus Burbank. Mrs. Sheythe and Mrs. Rettie Ker ber served a not luck dinner to the workers. Fairview Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Stephens of Fairview, John Versteeg of Salem and Lester Versteeg of Monmouth return ed home Sunday from 10 days vacation in the Wallowa moun tains bringing home four elk. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ste phens and grandson, Lester Stephens spent Saturday with her aunt, Mra. Will Branson, at Delake. Mrs. Branson has been seriously ill with pneumonia and a heart ailment. St. Lou li The 6u Louis par ish is sponsoring a card eoctal Wednesday, Nov. 18. The com mittee chairmen are Mr. and Mra. Laurence Ferachweiler, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Enlund, Mr. and Mra. Albert Leith. The rest of the committee are Mr. and Mra. William Koenig, Mr. and Mra. Robert Zelenski, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Jungwirth, Mr. and Mra. Ronald Belleque. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nlbler, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwingler, Mra. Al Nolan, the Rubens fam ily, Ed Manning and Theresa Manning. Five-hundred and pinochle will be played. Lunch will be served. Card playing will start at 8 p.m. At the card aoclal Wednes day, Nov. 4, the pinochle prise waa won by John Grassman. Mrs. Pete Schlechter won the S00 prize, and the special prize went to Mra. George Rush. The VFW had a aoclal bene fit at the St. Louis hall Tb-irs- day, Nov. S. The special prize was won by Mrs. John Grass-man. A birthday dinner honoring It waa voted to have aa ex change of Christmas gifts, not to exceed 18 cents In cost at the December Grange meeting. The group also voted to have a no-host dinner preced ing the December Grange meeting. The study subject waa en tertainment for tlx holidays with Mrs. I. H. White as lead er. Present were airs. Richard McKee. Mrs. Lloyd Keene, Mra. Guy Keller, Mra. A. J. Mader, Mrs. W A. Jones, Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, Mrs. I. H. White, Mra. M. M. Magee and the hostesses. Brush College Brush College Four-H clubs of Brush College entertained 4-H clubs of adjacent vicinities Including Zena, Lincoln, Spring Valley and Popcorn, with a get acquainted program on achieve ment day at the local school house. Mrs. H. D. Bradrick of Brush College was chairman of the committee on arrangements. Mrs. H. D. Burns and Ruaael Hicks of Lincoln Lucky Live- William Aurand waa held at stock club arranged and dlrect- HUBBARD PTA Hubbard The Hubbard Parent-Teacher association will meet Monday evening, Nov. 18, at 8 p.m., following the annual open house of the grade school from 7 to 8 p.m. All class rooms will be open for visitors and the teachers present in their home rooms. PTA meet ing will include a consideration and vote on change of meeting date. WITH BEL MILNE FOR MEN ONLY You know women get me. Lit erally and figuratively. Thinking about it the other night. When you're courting a woman I know that phraae dates me) she wants to be alone. With no one else around. All alone with you. when you marry this woman, she wanta to be with people. Any people ail people. Everybody but you. Par Instance when you take her out to dinner ahe want to go somewhere where shell see someone. Like the Oak Room. Where ahe can wave hello to Clara Blooper and Laura Mc 6nooper and the whole fane and let everybody know she around. Of course, with her food, la a minor item. But I know yea care, so I'm writing this for you. Just to let you know that the Oak Room Is really out to serve you. The food Is man-elsM men appealing I So don't care too much when the wife insists. Youli get a more than fair shake on the deal and the wife will be happy, tool Ood Bleaa her. Remember In Salem It's the The HOTEL MARION FHONE 14123 NOW SHOWING Open S:45 THE BAND WAGON Technicolor Ited AiUlre, Cjd Charlsse Comedy Co-Hit LOOSE IN LONDON" with The Bowery Boya Hollywood Kids Matinee Tomorrow 1.00 to 4 W P.M. CARTOONS SERIAL Special Matinee Feature: RODEO KINO AND THE 8ENORITA with Rex Allen BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE tor Raymond Colson, Gary Fleken, Sharon Tuor, Samuel Koonce, Jobs Tyler, Mike Kolb. Ro land Schnh, Connie Lapeehlem, Michelle Moorman, Katherlne Pearl, Gloria Duncan. Glenda Bonder, Robert Beardtley. Teddy Horn, Judy Hennlngo sard, Jimmy Forlkl, Michael Love, Diane Sadowsky. the Aurand home Sunday, Nov. 8. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Barney Fellers and family, Mr. and Mra. Virgil Schrette and daughters of Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krawskl and grand son of Portland, Mrs. Rose Pot ter and son of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. John Grassman and sons, Mrs. Paul Eaton and children, and Jack Walt and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Aurand. Mrs. Paul Eaton has gone to Portland to visit for a few daya with friends and relatives. Mrs. Norman Nibler is enjoy ing a vacation of two weeks away from her duties in the county clerk's office. Those from St. Louis who at tended the dinner at McMInn vllle last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ferachweil er. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fer- schweiler. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd ed games for the xtoud. Hula dances were presented by Lorene and Loretta Hop kins of Popcorn, followed by skit in pantomime under the direction of Leonard Kinkaid. Pins were awarded 4-H club bers by county agent John Grimes and Mrs. Malon Reich ert, county home extension leader, showed slides of the State Fair and 4-H summer school at OSC. Mrs. Bradrick'a 4-H sewing club. Tiny Thimbles, gave an old-fashioned style revue, with clothes dating back to 1899. Brush College Brush Col lege Grange held election of of ficers at the meeting at the school house Nov. 8, with Grange Master Phillip Peterson re-elected for the coming year. Others elected wr- Tra.ur. Ferachweiler and Mr. and Mrs. ,er Theodore Burns; overseer, Independence Independence Sunday din ner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Boomer and family were Rev. Vernon O. Efgebraaten from Spsrsai, Wash., the former pastor of the First Bap tist Church, and C. F. (Grand pa) Holchkiaa. Also vis ting the Boomer family Tuesday and Wednes day were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dickeaon and their two chil dren, Darrel and Dona, from Cook, Wash., where Mr. Dirke soa is conecnted with the Uni ted States fisheries. Mrs. Dickeaon is a niece of Rev. Boomer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pyles, 788 D St., Independence, arc receiving congratulations o n the birth, of a daughter, Mon day, Nov. 8 at the Salem Gen eral Hospital. Independence Members and guests of the Monmouth-Independence unit of the Republi can Council of Oregon Women held their first fall meeting in the Monmouth City Hall Club Rooms, with Mrs. H. Kent Far ley presiding. After an informal coffee hour, the group voted to begin monthly study-discussion ses sions with the December meet ing. All meetings will-be held on the first Tuesday morning of each month, starting promptly at 8:30 a.m., and closing at 11 a.m. , The first study topic will be the basic principles and alms of thf Republican party. A dis cussion leader will be Mrs. Clarence Grund of Dallas. Mrs. Clares Powell is general pro gram chairman. Hostesses for the November meeting were Mrs. Lester Col gsn and Mrs. H. K. Farley. Mrs. Clifford R. Glasson will Cvril Ferachweiler. Mr. and Mra. Fred Schwing ler and Mrs. R. P. Horning at tended a district meeting of the VFW in Sslem Monday evening. The St. Louis Altar society will meet Thursday evening, Nov. 12, in the St. Louis hall instead of Tuesday. R. P. Horning fell and hurt his arm recently but it Is better at this time. Mrs. Fred Rsynor visited at the home of her mother last Fridsy. Mrs. Raynor la the daughter of Mrs. R. P. Horning. Moceoy Mscleay Mrs. W. Welch and Mrs. Ross Wingard were hostesses to members of the Macleay Grange Home Eco nomics club, Tuesday after noon at the Grange hall. During the business meet ing at which Mrs. Cornelius Bateson presided, plans were made for the dinner to be served to members of the Ma rion County Livestock asso ciation, Dec. 1. Work for the coming year was discussed and Mrs. Rich ard McKee was appointed as chairman of the year book committee. Emory Blgserstaff: steward A. E. Utley; assistant steward, Harry Phillips; chaplain, Mra. Audrey Ewing; treasurer, Char les Glaze; secretary, Mrs. Har ry Phillips; gatekeeper. Oscar Poe; Ceres. Mrs. Phillip Peter-1 son; Pomona, Mrs. Emory Big-1 gerstaff; Flora, Mrs. R. C. Shepard; lady assistant stew ard, Mrs. Theodore Burns. On the excutive committee were named R. C. Shepard, Glen Adams and Don Blake. The organization voted to change the meeting date from the first Friday in the month to the fourth Friday night, to become effective Jan. 1. was served at the noon hour, and a social time waa enjoyed. During the business session the club voted to buy several gifts for elderly people in the Albany nursing homes for Christmas gifts. The club also will have several representa tives at the well child confer ence In the grade school twice a month to assist the nurses. The club is planning a Christ mas party to be held on Wed nesday, Dec. 2, with Mrs. Ned Stephenson and Mrs. Leonard Marcum hostesses. opea her Independence home to the group Dec. 1. rvery in terested Republican woman is Invited to come. Pleasantdale Pleasantdale Mr. end Mra. Axel Jensen of Fresno, Calif., recently stopped here to visit their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFariane. The Jensens were on their way home from Canada, where they had been vacationing. - Mra. Dean Spencer, and daughter, Cwen Ellen, of Eu gene, are spending a few daya here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Webster. Mr. and Mra. Henry Fresh our spent the week end of Nov. 7 at Cutler City, their former borne, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McVey and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pettus. A hunting party comprised of George Webster, Ed Hole, Hershel Carr and Charles Carr, returned home from eastern Oregon with two elk. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graben horst drove to Tolovana, on the coast, Saturday, Nov. 7, and had dinner with her father, F. J. Ryder and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutach man and children were dinner guests of Principal and Mrs. Howard Holt and children in Dayton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lazott and children, of Portland, were week-end guests of his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Relchstein. Tommy Parker, who is stay ing here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graben horst, spent the week end in Salem with his mother, Louise Parker. Calling on the George Web ster family Monday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cross of Eugene. Mrs. Cross is a niece of Mr. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Melzer spent the past week in Sher man county with their four sons, Wayne, Millard, Vernon moNi s-aoae Now Playing! Richard Carlson "MAGNETIC MONSTER" "PHANTOM FROM SPACE and Harold and their families. Mrs. Fred Reichsteln went to Carlton Tuesday, Nov. 10, to spend a few days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Louesa Han ville. Mr. and Mra. J. A. McFar iane accompanied their ton and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McFariane of Salem, to Spring field on Sunday, Nov. S, where they had dinner In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Naf zinger. Mrs. Nafzinger is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McFariane. Mr. and Mra. J. A. McFar iane apent several days at Powell Butte with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFariane, recently. Hopewell Ttmm of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Carico, Robert Schafer, Mr. and Mra. Wayne Treaham of Amity and Mr. and Mrs. John Widmer of Wood burn. Donald Marley wrote his parents, Mr. and Mra. W. B. Marley, that he has now been promoted to Engineman second class and is stationed at Saaebo, Japan. Frank Hersha, one of the op erators of Wheatland Ferry, la ill at his come with flu. Mr. and Mrs. John Gelaler called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowman in Salem Sunday afternoon. Hopewell About 80 rela tives and friends gathered at the Hopewell EUB chuch Mon day evening, Nov. 9, for a tare well party for Carl Rasaka, who leaves for the service soon. Mrs. Ross Rogers waa in charge of the games and Mrs. John Widmer of Woodburn (Helen OJua), gave a piano solo. A cash gift was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rasaka by the group and Rev. Glen Harris led in prayer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. John OJua, Mrs. Kusti Setala and Mrs. Ross Rogers. Mrs. Rasaka (Colleen Co burn) will make her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coburn in Dayton for the pres ent. Out-of-co.nmunity guests were Mrs. Earle Coburn, Mrs. Robert Coburn, Mrs. Nellie Co burn and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ............................ ' Learn to DANCE All Types of Dancing Taught toe per bear. Studio opea . 19 am to It pja. Jon-Mar Dance Studio 474 Ferry Fh. 4-48(2 'iriiinuirfrfrriii;;jiiii DANCE SLOPER'S HALL Independence Sat. Night - 9 P.N. Western Trio Jefferson Pillsbury PANCAKE MIX 4 ib$. 34 SWIFTNING 5-lb. can 65 Fresh GRADE AA EGGS Doz. 53 SWIH'S PREMIUM hams; 12 I . Amies U. 59 StKED BACONS it 49 Ground Beef SWISS STEAK lb. 35' PAN READY FRYERS lack 79 U. J.Na.2 POTATOES 50 Lbs. 79 Hot Sauce 3 10' 9(MIM1 far AW FRESH, CRIsr CELERY. .. Lb. FANCY DRY ONIONS .1 lbs. WE REDEEM COUPONS ring In your coupons, with any grocery order the balance will be paid In cash at Ed't Market. 4e Sweet Potatoes tm.i 9' ED'S MARKET 20 $. 12th St. hone 2-640 NEW STORE HOl'RS 1 TO 11 Prices Effective Saturday-Sunday-Monday Jelferson Mr. snd Mrs. John Hsrtley of Mountain View, Calif., apent two weeks at the home of Mrs. J. C. Hart ley. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hartley of Newberg were Sun-' day guests of Mrs. Hartley. : Honor roll students in high school for the first six weeks who have a grade point aver age of two with citizenship grade averaged in, are: Senior class, Betty Barcom, Eleanor Chilctoe, David Neiss, Darlenb Vasek, John Wright, ! and Karon Kelly. Junior class, Lyle Adams,: Thomas Daulton, Helen Freah ner, Olen Loftia, George Mar lat. Claude Meyers and Pat ricia Nymen. Sophomores, Joyce Chllcote, Sue Daulton, Deibert Erb, Martha Harris, Neil Spencer, Darlene Tetzloff. Joan Turn Idee, Anne Wilson. Freshman class, Mamie Lea Bostrsck, Sandra Dawson, Jer ry Marcum, Frsncis Marlatt, Nancy McDaniel, Jeanie Super. Kenneth Wharton and Gerald Zehner. Karl Gibson and his father are now enjoying television in their home installed by Lin den Curl Saturday. Members of the Wedding Ring club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Martin Ste phenson at Scio Wednesday af ternoon. A covered dish dinner mens hin Doris Day Howard Keel "Calamity Jane" In Technicolor e Short Subjects "Minstrel Days" News Cartoon CnrLZ r mens 50c Till 5:00 William Holdea Don Taylor "STALAG 17" Also Clifton Webb In "Mr. Scoutmaster" 3 HOWARD SS DLBLfc Now Playing! Warner Bros: Calamity jane" c ANNIVERSARY m W. in I V II I aT II I I r S-S44T ..iniiniiiii nullum tnd BIG HIT -mu Starts Sunday D, FUURINC LOVE FEUD.. Waft HfI CURK GABLE A VA GARDNER TICHNiCOlOP fiiarr knii Also North at the Sahara SCOOP! fro Footfall Game Thrills L .A. Rams-S.F. 4ers TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! REGULAR PRICES! DOORS OPEN 11:45 FRIDAY -THE -13th STARK TERROR SHOW In answer to many requests from ardent horror-shew fans, here it the shew that fulfills their wildest dreamt? Her era 132 minutes of terror. Here It stork horror magnified beyond belief. Hera are the consummate master! of fear personified, in program deliberately desif nod to make your blood run cold! BORIS KARLOFF - ION (HANEY IN "Frankenstein Meets Wolfman" AND "Son of Frankenstein" MAKl NO MISTAKE THIS IS STRONG STUFF. THIS IS THE SHOW YOU'VE REQUESTED. THIS IS A NIGHT YOU'LL REMEMBER! 0W ml z r ;- - - '- ; OK PAIR LIMIT BOYS' t GIRLS' I SADDLE OXFORDS 5" Value Al wHfi, vfcfU h4 Miti. i LEATHER OXFORDS 97 Values to 4" Raf sr Irsws MEN'S DRESS SHOES Values to $10.95 llstlt, IraMi, IsNMtat, j ! ttjrln tin rsplar steak r S95 mhM 176N. liberty Open Friday Til 9 P.M.