Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    TV !r! ay, Kertar.bcT 12, 1S5S
Pact t
The greatest assortment or variety of Christmas gifts we've ever shown are arriving daily at
Miller's! It's going to b big showl Real quality at low prices . , . labelled with brand
names you'll be proud to present at Christmai time. Do com in and see th newest gifts
while stocks are so favorable to early shoppers. AND . . . bring the kiddies, too. We lov kids,
and they know that Miller's has been the store to make them feel welcome. Remember, toy
land is open every day in Miller's downstairs floor.
Atomic Energy
For Sea Wafer
Corps of Engineer! have let contract to S. W. Gross
beck for $4,444 for cleaning and removing debrU from
Detroit dam reservoir. Last Sunday seekers for fuel
needed in bom heating were aiding the project in their
tove wood project. Shown are (alvageri of fuel equipped
with chain saws cutting up large, wet logi Into 18-inch
length! near the convenient boat ramp leading to the
Whittier, Calif. W U of
atomic energy
water for western
areas where natural water
sources are scare was pro
posed at a congressional hear
ing here Thursday.
The suggestion cam from
Joseph Applebaum, western
regional director for the CIO
United Gas, Coke and Chemi
cal Workers. The hearing was
the last in a series conducted
by the House Agriculture Com
mittee during a 2.000-mile tour
to determine Western senti
ment on farm problems.
In a statement prepared for
delivery Thursday, Applebaum
aald hia union believes that an
atomic reactor should be built
"in Southern California or c'se
wher in tne western area of
water shortage, In order to pro
vide the estimated 100,000
kilowatts that it would take
to produce on million acre
feet of fresh water from sea
water at a cost that agricul
ture In the region can afford
to pay.
Applebaum pointed out that
one method already in us con
vert on acre foot of sea wa
ter at a cost of I32.SO to 63.
This, h aald, 1 "considerably
under the average costs to mu
nicipalities and even under
the maximum now being paid
for Irrigation water.
i Navy Man and
Korean Waif
Arrive in U. S.
San Francisco (IF) A
ragged 15-year-old navy
bachelor and the chubby
little Korean waif he took
off the streets of Inchon
more than a year ago have
finally made It to the United
After weeks of battling
red tape, the pair both of
them smiling ahyly arrived
yesterday aboard a big Mars
flying boat from Honolulu.
Four-year-old Lee Kyung
Boo was wearing a uniform
just Uke that of Chief Boats
wain's Mat Vincent T. Pala
din of New Rochelle,' N. Y
,a veteran of 11 years In the
Paladlno, who hopes to
adopt the orphan, said the
first time he saw Lee "I de
cided to take him ont of the
cold and clean him np.
"Lee feared me. It was two
months before he would be
lieve I was friend and an
other month before h
Sine 1925, the average life
of the average U. S. motor ve
hicle , when scrapped has In
creased from 8.5 year to 14
years and the average mileage
from 25,750 to 121,000.
Rome W) Premier Gius
eppe Pella flew to Turkey
Thursday on friend-making
flight that many Italians appar
ently hoped would somehow
help can the troubled Trieste
Benson Tours
Farm Areas
Washington OP) Secretary of
Agriculture Benson heads into
drought-distressed areas of the
Southwest today on an Inspec
tion tour that may show him
how farmers there feel about
administration farm policies.
A five-day tour by military
airplane will take him into
parts of Texas, New Mexico,
Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyom
ing and Missouri.
The announced purpose of
the trip is to "observe progress
of the Agriculture Depart
ment's drought program in
states having officially desig
nated drought areas and to
check drought conditions in
nearby states."
Helsinki, Finland W Fin
nish authorities continued a
probe into alleged spy activities
today after announcing the ar
rest of five men. Including an
officer and an air fore ser
geant, on charges of spying for
an unidentified foreign power.
They were arrested Oct 27 at
Jyvaskyla, in central Finland,
near a Finnish air base.
Throw WsUk AwttT
Wt tt TtMM Wfcm Olfcm Cul
441 StiU. Salts
Otxa Friday Nlcbl 'Ul w-m.
Priced $195 to $995
At least vry horn in Amriea con hov a bit of Hawaii growing In their
living room. Milltr's or introducing the genuin Puo Leilani Fernwood burls
this week and Invltt you to see them growl Thy grow so fast you can aU
moit watch thtm grow.
No soil required. Eoiy to hondl . . . sturdy and require little care. You may
now have a permanent fernery. Main floor near Liberty street entrance.
Sale! Sofa Cushions
Re9. $2.98
Large sofa cushions, 21 inches square,
made of satin, taffeta, faille, chromespun
and chintz. Decorative colors. Attrac
tively stitched in small designs. Great
Sale! Table Cloths
54" Square
Reg. $1.89 .
Thes plastic table luncheon cloths are
54" square and come in variety of novel
patterns and color schemes. Buy them
now and save.
Sale! Patricia Nylons
3 poire for $2.90
. . . Just received another shipment of those sheer and beautiful Pat'c!a nylon stockings to
ell at B8c pair or three pairs for $2.90! New fall shades . . . COPPER SHEEN . . . AMBER
GLINT. Reg. $1.50 first quality. Sizes 8tt to 11. Main floor.
Embroidered Eyelet and Lace Eidgings 1
Rg. to 59c y lJr
For that hand-made gift . . . aprons, blouses, lingerie, etc. . . . here's a sal of lac and eyelet
embroidery edgings you'll want to see, especially at this low special purchase pricel Regular
values up to 58c yard. Notion dept., main floor. Friday and Saturday.
How smooth... how soft...
how youthful-looking your sUn '
remains depends on what you do
about retaining
its ever diminishing moisture
content. Many women
over 30 (though you'd hardly. '
guess it) depend on
daily Revenescence care.
Many under 30 discover
Revenescence early enough
to help retain this precious
ingredient for beauty.
Created by
asaeroam V'iM''
3, $5, $9. $15, $25 r'tlMf
as a liquid " f-v
$5, $9, $15 syvT.v
as a mask $3, $5 Wf V s " 1
toll prices plua tax) 1".. ' .y
I use our Ut. osA
. A
Butter eresm caramel fresh pecans ifa; A I flflnjUn
and smooth milk ehocolst. iV 1 I
II in B- nni f Ik B. .!(
iu oj. cox ju iiu. oujta
It is the deadline for mailing oversea! pockoget for
Christmoi to our service men. Come in ond see those
delicious tinned candies by Russell Stover. Almond Roeo A. (gj
ond other favorites he'll like. $9.95
Newest Barco
9.95 -'12.95 -'15.95
BARCO OF CALIFORNIA In style 101, -sleeve length
In sanforized cotton poplin. New petal styl collar,
tucked front yoke, full skirt with deep slash pockets.
Sixes 10 to 20.
BARCO'S NYLON TAFFETA In classic button front styl
with new action vent In sleeve, Set-in belt Short sleeve
and long trench cuffs. Sites 10 to 42.
ANOTHER BARCO FIRST In Beldlng's nylon taffeta.
Peter Pan collar. Zipper front doting. New off-shoul
der yoke, full skirt with side pleats over ilh pockets.
Short sleeves. Siies 10 to 18. DOWNSTAIRS.