Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Thursday. November 12, 19SS
Active in
Fund Event
-. (Casual Jooraal CinwWI
: Student! began participating
in the Willamette Challenge
Fund drive thii week as the
a tudent aolicltora were appoint
ed In the living organizations.
Under the direction of Kent
Holme of San Carlos, Calif.,
the program if planned to have
tudenti give donation! for trie
new building program. Tues
day during convocation, pres-
ident of the student body, Jim
Hitchman of Balboa Island,
Calif., and other students pre
sented a program to begin the
; Monday morning and after
noon will find Willamette stu
dents in the gymnasium par
ticipating in the blood drive.
Gino Pieretti of Portland is in
charge of the event
"Hay Fever." a comedy by
Noel Coward, will be the first
preesntation of the Willamette
To Attend Ball
Several from Salem will be
in Portland Saturday evening
for the first annual military
ball of the Oregon National
Guard association, the party to
be at the Columbia Athletic
Among those to go from here
will be State Treasurer and
Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unander, Sec
retary of State and Mrs. Earl
T. Newbry, Major General and
Mrs. H. G. Maison, Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Ross.
- The Newbrys and the Mai
sons will be among those at
tending a pre-dance dinner at
the home of Colonel and Mrs.
Edward Snow.
Doll Project for
Junior Woman's Club
Lebanon Plans for the an
nual Christmas doll project
were started last week when
the Junion Woman's club met
st the home of Mrs. Irene Tair-
lnr. Pmmdi f mm the firaiect
go for relief for needy families
and do other worthwhile pro
grams during the year.
A gift of $25 was approved
to the city library for purchase '
Party Set
drama department of the a-of cniiQren', books, snd dona
son tonight tomorrow, and ; tiong were made to United
Saturday Curtain time tor Fund and refore,t,Uon pro-
It J. i A ; . Ject in the Tillamook burn.
east will be Lollie Coffey of
Portland as Judith Bliss; Do
lores Gottfried of Salem as
Speaking on behalf of the!
blood bank program was Mrs.
John Hatfield. The Junior
Mt. Angel The annual
Christmas party for members
of Court Marion No. T18, Cath
olie Daughters of America,
will be Monday evening, De
cember 14, following the reg
ular business session of the
court Plans were outlined and
committees appointed for the
event when the group met for
their November meeting Mon
day evening in the St Mary's
school meeting year.
As in former years, the mem
bers will have a fifty cent gift
exchange, and will also bring
canned goods for the St. Mary's
parish Christmas boxes for the
needy. The committee named
to assist the yearly social com
mittee with the party are Mrs.
L. W. Mclntyre, Mrs. Alcuin
May, Mrs. Vincent Smith, Mrs.
Joseph Schmitt, Mrs. William
Fessler, Mrs. Henry Geek, Miss
Margaret Traeger, Mrs. Ben
Ackermsn, Mrs. J. D. Hauth
and Mrs. Ralph Stenger. The
yearly social committee in
clude Mrs. Alvin Saalfeld, Mrs.
Carl Fessler, Mrs. Allie Kirsch,
Mrs. Raymond Rothenfluch and
Mrs. Andrew Wachter, Jr. -The
court will sponsor a
benefit ahowing of the film Unnnr(tfj parfy
"We Heard the Angels Sing ." . nonoreo OI ro'7
together with a film "Don Bos
co. the Apostle of Youth," Sun
. : y
' Is Bride-elect The engsgement of Miss Barbara Hop
kins, above daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hopkins, to
William Mayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mayes, was
announced recently.
Miss Traviss Is
&ITOfff.lS".leSLj;i Women have pledged five don-
Richard; Bob Alfred of Port
land as Sandy; Sue Sollie of
Oakland, Calif., as . Jackie;
Bruce Fountain of Salem as
David; Bob Kauffman of For-
Mt Hmva Ctnu... T)
game, Calif., as Clara.
ors at the next bloodmobile
stop in Lebanon on November
At the next meeting on No
vember '19, the Juniors will
card party at St
Young Republicans will meet
tonight in the Beta Theta Pi
house to hesr State Treasurer
Sigfrid B. Unander at 7 o'clock
: New pledges for Atoha Chi
Omega are Helen Taylor of
Coquille and Anne Stoaks of
Steilacoom, Wash. Fledged to
Sigma Chi is Gerry Kelley of
St. Helens, and Louise Delano
of The Dalles pledged Chi
Tomorrow the Sweetheart of
Sigma Chi will be crowned at
the annual Sweetheart ball, to
be B to 12 p.m. in the Crystal
Gardens. Kay Kremer of Cor
vallis, Phyllis Gentry of Bend
and Peggy Buckley of Portland
have been selected for the
court, and the Sweetheart will
be announced during intermis
sion by the chairman, Rich
Butler of Portland.
Carol Emerson of Corbett
was chosen by the Associated
Women Students as the coed
of the month, last week. She
was selected for her outstand
ing work as chairman of the
AWS convention held on the
campus last week end. The
November co-ed is a senior ma
joring in music education, and
is member of Alpha Chi
j Omega.
Dean Regina Ewalt was re
cently elected to the national
council of Alpha Lambda Del
ta, national honorary for fresh
men women. She will repre
sent the far west region, and
Willamette is the first small
school to have representation
on the national council.
Charles Paeth has recently
returned after visiting Oregon
and Washington high schools.
He traveled in eastern Oregon,
Portland, Tacoma, and Van
couver, Olympia and Walla
Walla, Wash.
The fourth in a series of stu
dent recitals which the public
is invited to hear will take
place in the music ball tomor
row at 3 p.m. Winifred Wiltz
of Forest Grove will play the
piano, Barbara Young of Leth
bridge. Canada, will sing, and
Marie DeJIarpport of Portland
will present flute selections.
Hazel Green Miss Joyce
Traviss. bride-elect of Dick
day afternoon and evening, De- Tandy, was honored with a
cember , in the auditorium of i bridal shower Friday evening
St. Mary's school, v. 1th the net ' at the home of Mrs. Ernest Zie
proceeds for he Mt Angel I linski. The couple plan to be
seminary building fund. The wed on December 2Sth, The
Junior Catholic Daughters will ' bride is the daughter of Mr.
assist with the distribution of and Mrs. Larry Traviss and the
programs and ushering. bridegroom is the son of Mr.
The Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, ' and Mrs. C. W. Tandy,
was guest speaker. He an-1 Those present at the shower
nounced that the blood bank i included the honored guest's
will be in Mount Angel on De- j mother, Mrs. Larry Traviss and
cember 8, and . asked the co- her grandmother, Mrs. A. A.
operation of members with the ' Carper; the bridegroom'! moth
annual Thanksgiving dotti ng er, Mrs. C. W. Tandy and his
drive for -he needy in the war grandmother, Mrs. Ora Pence;
stricken countries. I sisters of the couple. Miss Joan
The court voted to purchase j Traviss and Mrs. Charles Met-
25 gallons of fuel oil and $15.00 calf; Mrs. Gerald Kendall, Mrs.
worth of groceries to be given
to a needy family -in town.
Mrs. Roy Palmer received the
attendance award. An invita
tion was read from Court
Queen of Peace, Stayton, to
attend their initiation ceremon
ies scheduled for Sunday, No
vember 22.
Tony Bieeler, Mrs. H. E. Mel
chior, Mrs. Jim Alderson, Mrs.
C. A. Zielinsk!. Mrs. Ben Tra
viss. Mrs. Dave Traviss, Miss
Marie Traviss. Miss Billie Mill
er, Miss Marlene Prosser and
Miss Sandra Prosser.
Mrs. Ernest Zielinski used an
umbrella made of blue and
Wed in South ,
Mrs. Gertrude R. Beall, for
many years a resident of Sa
lem, was married November 7
Mrs. Warren to -Head
Mothers Club ,
Mt Angel Mrs. Myron
Warren, Portland, will servo as
president of the Mount Angel
Seminary Mothers club during
ui coming year.
- She was re-elected at the
Sunday meeting of the (roup
during the regular business
sesion at the seminary. Other
officers re-elected are: Mrs.
Anton Zastoupll, Sllverton,
vice president; Mrs. Henri A ra
ta, Portland, secretary; and
Mrs. Leo Plasker, , Portland,
Installation of officers will
take place during' the next
scheduled meeting in January,
at which time the area chair
men and yearly standing com
mittees will be named.
The Very Rev. Martin Pol
lard, O.S.B., prior of - Mount
Angel abbey, was guest speak
er, others giving talks includ
ed the Very Rev. Bernard San
der, O.S.B., rector of the sem
inary; the Rev. Louis Charvet,
to G. Robert West the cere
mony being solemnized in
Trinity Presbyterian church in
Santa Cruz, Calif. '
Mrs. Virginia E. Brown, Sa
lem, daughter of the bride, and
Roland E. West, son of Mr.
West stood with the couple.
Mr. and Mrs. West arc at
home at 4400 Bain avenue,
Santa Cruz.
Mrs. Raymond Hauth was! white paper as a centerpiece
named chairman of the hostess for the gift table. The mantel
committee in charge of the so
cial for members scheduled for
Monday evening, November
23, in the school meeting room.
Bridge, "500" snd pinochle will
be in play, with refreshments
served by the hostesses. The
assisting committee includes
Mrs. Gene Holler, Mrs. Gordon
Aman, Mrs. Edward Schaech
er. Miss Eustelle Bauman, Mrs.
Emll Bochsler, ' Mrs..' Harold
Bourbonnais, Mrs. Edward Hot
was decorated witn a urge
bridal doll to carry out the
theme for the occasion. Games
were played with Mrs. Aider
son, Mrs. Melchior, Mrs. Bieg
ler and Mrs. Pence taking the
prizes. "
O.S.B, and the Rev. Ambrose
Zenner, O.S.B.
Members voted their approv
al in a change in the club con
stitution to include any woman
interested in the welfare .of
Mount Angel seminary to be
come member of the Mothers
The club voted the purchase
of a act of dishes for the stu
dents' dining room, and also
contributed $25 for the stu
dents' annual Christmas par
ty. Member will solicit sub
scriptions for the St Joseph's
magazine, and also undertake
the telling of the seminary
choir records, with the profits
to be added to their general
treasury. i -
Mrs. Fred Baumgartner re
ported on the success of the
annual seminary ham dinner
served October 25.
The Mount Angel group re
ported meetings the first Tues
dsy of each month, wish the
November meeting at the home
of Mrs. Emll Zack. The ladle
began sewing article for the
fancy work booth for the annu
al Laity Day the first Sunday
in May.
A social hour followed the
business meeting, with pro
gram of entertainment furn
ished by the student of the
seminary - ...
Gates Mrs. Margie Ander
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Kadine and Richard
Parker, so of Mayor and Mrs.
W. R HutfhMon 1
at simple ceremony, Satun
novemoer 1, in Vancou
ver, Wash. Their only attend
ants were the bridegroom'
brother-in-law and sister, Ma
jor and Mrs. Jack Brown.
Following a ahnrt Kamw-
moon trip the couple will be
' nome in uatea, where Mrs,
Parker is m th in K. i
cal grade school. Mr. Parker is
engagea in the contracting
Christian church in Rtwi rw
gon, was the seen , of the r
am wvaawg oi sals Alice
WallL dauihter f Mr.
Mrs. Patrick Patterson of
Idanha and Dean Ruzie of
ldahna, the Rev. W. Hart ot
ficiatin. Mr Patt.
hi daughter in marriage. Mr.
ana urs. uno 1 nusseu were
the couple' only attendant. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ruxie im rm
at horn in Idanha, following a
honeymoon in eastern Oregon.
IOCS ' '
3 Day's Only
-t W QG&fc imm ase o mum a
' ar..
Mrs. M. A. Beyer.
A social hour followed the
business session, with refresh
ments served by Mrs. Ivo Bsu-
fer, Mrs. Joseph Frank and I man and Mrs. Albert Uhing.
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Boys' Sweaters
Cotton maple knit ent
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Men's Sport Shirts
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