Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Peg in Washington
Miss Neal,
Mr. Nelson
;Are Engaged
Washington, D. C, Nov. (. I spirit could have resisted the
. Dear Marian: spell of the wonders of Amen
oucn a variety or activities ! ca. A magnuiceni view 01 At a dinner Wednesday Mr
and such a variety of weather ' Crater Uki with the plane ,nd Mr. Vincent NeaL Jr mnl
flyini low over its blue, blue i th, engagement of
wcr, niaue m wain io can i their daughter, Miss Joan NeaL
- - - 10 vriiuain neison, aon ox Mr,
commentator fortunately beat and Mrs. Leo Nelson.
me to it and claimed the lake Covers were placed for: Mr,
ior our state in place 01 giving and Mrs. W. Leo Nelson, Sa
as wa have had since returning
from Albuquerque. And on the
subject of weather, secretary
D a g I a McKay and Larry
pmrtb arrived from San Fran
cisco Friday night in the midit
Capital Women
of the terrific snow blizzard: it as usual to California. Ailere; Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Neal,
that piled up six snd a half in
ches on autumnal Washington
Three hours late, circling for
some time over Washington,
view of the Willamette river of Willamina; Mr. and Mrs
was another wonderful touch ' Bud Comstock and Terrv. Rs-
of home. There is mucn, much i lem; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wat-
more to the production, but the tenbarger and son. Albany Mr.
they were in the last plane that I American scenes alone would and Mrs. Guy Aydelott, of Eu-
managed to land. They report-1 have satisfied the average gene; Mr. and Mrs. Art Dahl
ed that from Pittsburgh the viewer. Wait until you find nd Janet, Langlois; Mr. and
night changed from clear skies I yourself flying through Zion'Mrs. Larry Carpenter, Silver
to overwhelming blackness and; canyon, with the plane twist- ,0": Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
they saw no lights until the
tires actually touched the run
way when a bright red flae
penetrated the gloom of the
bjizzard. in addition, it was a
ing and turning between the Neal, Jr., Salem; Bill Nelson
canyon walls, and you, too, jan1 honored guest. Miss
will say its is realistically Jo" Neal.
thrilling. Tne tabl attractive with
Adding to the theatre rounds;".1""" "na wn,le centerpiece of
struggle to drive home over last week was "An Evening onrysaninemums. Pink candles.
the slippery streets. About that with Eea Lillie." which was P'"cr m-
r I.. . i Pin IT nanlrina uiilh Iha 1
ltitIv onlrlainniif t' vorntu 1
from nlavs and scene. Hnnn ."fiption -Joan and Bill",,.tv nh h t,,,, i vealed the news.
formed the program and both
time I, too, was having my
own struggle trying to get
4U u A....... Ih. fnrm.rl th. nrnoram .nH h,h:. Mr- in is home Oil fur-
i - .." - """ wash.. rridav.
...em irom in own ne nex , No dat cn Kt for the
uiiiiauii-uiujc r cr ! lucrirt no
I wm an .musing lamasy, well
had attended the Hex Harrison
and Lilll Palmer show, "The
Love of Four Colonels," and
we were stunned to find how acted, If Incredible. The LJ.-,,:-, 4-
much snow had come down I Women's Press club entertain- ' 1 ICV.VI I III iy Ul
while we were enjoying the led in honor of the couple at (")Cf Intprocrc
nlav. After walking three luncheon at the Mayflower last! v--J- liHCICMa
blocks, standing for 20 min- week and as the guest of Mrs. I Annua) Homecoming for
Haroia IS. (Lillian-Porter) Say. "" ime conege mis com
I enjoyed the informal chatting I inK weeK d M draw a num-
that constituted the actors'! Der OI aiem people, i
talks to the audience. Miss' Highlight of the week end
Palmer's lively wit and flair wl" be ,he Oregon State-Wash-for
comedy were evident and!'nRl1on.?late 'ootball game and
she is delightful to look at, too. cd calln ' ,n new dium,
And, naturally, the w rm e n Pa?or s,adlum-
were getlir.g some close range ,overnor "ndu Mrs- Paul L
view.of the husband. Rex Har- P"r"n ang spe
rison. with his casual but debo- g""J . ,h lun? on'
nalr manner. Ka"d,e.d.'Ca,l0n.- 'hCr!
-v... inic planning w aiienu
utes while a bus tried to make
it up a slight grade, we finally
bussed homewards, but 1 had
to walk another three blocks
from tht busline. The wind was
stinging and the snow blinding
but in spite of that it was zrst
ful and, of course, everything
was beautiful as there were
still enough leaves on the tres
to carry a good mantle of
white. After one day of snow,
beautiful clear weather 'return
ed, but I shall be able to re
member the heaviest snowfall
ever experienced Jocally so
early In the fall.
The night before all this dis
play of winterish weather, the
American Newspaper Women's
club sponsored a benefit per
formance of "Cinerama'" and
we were all aglow with the
marvellous views of the Ameri.
can countryside, its national
parks. Its mldwestern wheat'
fields. Its mountains and
streams, canyons and lakes.
With the music of the Salt
Lake City choir !n a stirring
"America, the Beautiful," only
a leaden soul or frustrated
Salem Theta Sigma Phis will
are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blun-
er, Mrs. Gena Anderson, Mrs.
James Moore, Mrs. John Erick-
sen. Miss Joyce Traviss, Mrs
Sen. Merrifield
Talks lor Mothers
Salem Heights - State Sen
a tor John Merrifield of Port
land was the guest speaker on
Tuesday afternoon at the Sa
Jem Heights Mothers club. He
stated that- Bible reading in
the school is a very controver
sial problem. .
Twelve states require It by
law, nine forbid It by law and
27 are silent on the subject, as
Oregon Is. he reported. Senator
Merrifield believes that the
subject should be studied by
the state and local council of
churches, . and ' that people
should ask for legislation that
would make Bible reading at
least permissible In the schools.
Church attendances have dou
bled in the last five years, but
a lot of work has yet to be done
to make this a stronger Chris
tian nation, he said.
The conference method of
reporting was discussed and
conferences will begin on No
vember 30 and will be sched
uled for about a two week per
iod, Appointments will be
made convenient for parents.
There is to be a conference
Un , U .. i . . .
w h . rZnM. APP'e p with Cheddar Cheese
port at the close of srhnol. A11!T . H"rrK
the teachers at Salem Heights i J , ,
school favor the conference! I''r''d'ts: 1 miart finely
method Report cards will smoked tongue,
sent to those parents request-Vf8 "'Shtly beaten . i, rup
Ing them j "'' Raur'- 4 run minced
It was dre.d.d to nr.h..e gmn KPIx r. h cup mimed
,ui . i deI1- Mr. and Mrs. W. Fields
Peg Wlnthrop. national presi-1 Merck Mr ,nd MrJ
dent, has been here for a few w. Dpwey Jr Mr and MrJ
days and some of the local G F chambers. Miss Dorathea
members entertained for her , Steusloff, Mra. James W. Mott
at a reception on Sunday after- j Mr. and Mrs. Douelas Cham-
noon, as well as Informally ; bers. Mr. and Mra. Warren
after "Cinerama." She is pre- j Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
sident of an advertising agency Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
in Detroit and what intri- Foreman.
gnes me most about her agency ...
is that she lives in a pent-1 MrS. Boehmer Is
house on top of the building u. .
where her office, are located. "J."5 f, G'0UP .
.Wh.l . ,h.n Ih. enlrt' . FJv " "
.... . . ... . : Rising lunds for the Children s Visitors arriving Friday to
winns nmW m uctroii: ihospital at Eugene was dis- h. ,i. f Mr .nH Mr. wii.
I hope there are no cold ; cussed at the meeting of Epsl-' iiam E. Healy are her brother
winds at home. Sincerely, Peg. ' 'on s'8ma A1Pha on Wednes- ! in-law and sister, Mr. and
Iday evening at the home of Mr k-r.t p Ar.riorcnr. i
una. men mienmer. o-nost
r 1
M Ja J X I
I! I i
st- - v. w mi
I- A , t II
. ' lfr;i!lTiMiii
Wed November Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Raines
(Joanne Wengerj, above, were married Novemner 6 at the
First Congregational church. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Wenger and Mr. Raines is the son
of Major and Mrs. E. N. Snyder. (Kennell-Ellis studio
At Healy Home
stock. Guests were Mrs. Mitch-1" ". iLcnlcr- Wasn lhe ,w0 couples
elL Mrs. H. Savaie. Mrs. Lew- u" ., " '. " '." """"" will go to CorvalllS for the
is Mitchell, Mrs. Charles Cok-i Mr. H,rrf vi.'a r.i
Oregon State-Washington State
...e Healys" daughter, Miss Patricia
council meeting in Eugene. ,., ,,rient .t nsr
The doll and its wardrobe.
John Taylor, Airs. Warren Mul-i gnnnsnroH bv th. prmm i in' I he Andersons will leavs
key, Mrs. William Fry. Mra.i...
key, Mrs. William Frv, Mrs
R. B. Comstock, Mrs. Kenneth
Greene, and the hostesses.
Invites Cast
Jim Tooze, member of the
cast of the Willamette univer
sity play, "Hay Fever," has In
vited members of the cast, the
director and the staging and
production staffs to a midnight
supper Saturday evening at his
home. The party will follow
the closing performance of the
be displayed at Marcwen's and
Jesten-Miller studio.
Next meeting of th
comes November 18.
GATES Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Heath will be at home
to their friends Sunday after
noon from 2 to a o'clock in
observance of their 50th wed
ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs.
lhe Hcalys will be among
I those attending the National
group Guard association military M
the Columbia Athletic club in
Portland Saturday night.
Salem Art association is meet-
Family Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hay
will entertain at a family din
ner Sunday to honor his moth
er, Mrs. Arthur D. Hay. Mrs.
Hay has been visiting here and
is leaving Tuesday for Bruns
wick, Ga., to visit her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
At the dinner Sunday will
be Mrs. Hay, her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
James Cormack, her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Lawson, and her other
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Hay, all of
Portland, and the hosts.
Iiam E. Moses. HAS MnHisnn
Heath were married at Ash- Thursday at 8 nm. Members
. uir, nmcmoer io. asKea to bring their own fowl , h, ul. mm drop far cMidrae.
They have resided in Gates for I material and be DreDared to I ConWm MMmcliiiM. ifc. a .i
the past 43 years. I work en Christmas cards- I 'Mml ' m muaii
aspirin I FLAVOR
Today's Menu
Here's an old - fushioned
menu with a homely goodness1
that company will velish.
Split Pea Soup with Croutons
Tongue Loaf Mashed Potatoes
Salad Bowl
fOR YOU....
I Mrthnd;
cups soft
cup water.
Mix (onuup
ckks. Mix toKdhiT chili sa
and '5 for thr school, winch'
can he used cm days Umt rainy
wciilhcr demands the sludrnts
lav indoors.
Rivrn en the IUivcst Frst.ViU pr"vn1 I,rPP'r- '""" Crenel
i uiiius iii hi w tiler: add to
tongue mixture, stirring well.
let I
by Mrs ll.ile Mickey and Mrs.
Ron Miller. Mrs. Unv Crav
told of the traveling trouhv in u. '". Kria'"a l"t pan
the Cub Scouts, and Mrs. L. A I ll"x1"1 4 hy H '"' hes) in a niod
Clmker announced the Camp ,3:,UKI ovcn 1 h""r
Fire and Bin, l.ird candv sale:Mi,kp,, 8 "'" ings.
ai-nrauirn in Drgin on Novem
ber 1.1 "S:i(t in and Around
Si lmol" are topics that will lc
discussed and stressed at the
parents couneils meeting this
year. Parents with problems
are invited to bring them to'
the parents council mi-cling
The nllrnrianri' awnrds were
won by Mrs (il.iriys Farrand's
fjrst grade with Mrs Robert
Combs as roorn mother, and
Mrs. Maurice Kit ishman's third
and fourth grades wuh Mrs
Plul Brownell as room mother
Hospitality awards were won
by Mrs l.nn M Hammerstad
and Mrs Harold Knittcl
Hostess iliairnian was Mrs
Donald l)e. r.m niotlier for
Mrs. Pearl Salter's third grade
and she was assisted bv Mrs
Max Doleal.
Shower Given
A shower for Mrs R. L
Mitchell was given at the home
of Mrs Harold CnmMork this
week lltwteur, w.,.rr, M
Comstock and Mrs. Jerr Com-
From o fomeus manufacturer . . .' whose name we cannot diselos
. . . Your "Johnny Belinda" dress flats in beautiful block . . .
brown . . , navy suede. Also in red supple, soft colfskin.
ft I
ond BUTTER U fljjJ
f1e m with (ir.nimos '
tNJ (01 t KIDS' rt"!'
IftWiK kill SJUCkS
IIMrlhtttrit hr-
?SNinlh Mrttl .lrm. Orrt.n
hupple, soft glove
irainer , . . from
"Buskin" ... in Pala-
mino Mrej 4 to 9
narrow and medium
Regular 6.95 Value
$3 99
r- j
wpen rnaay
Night 'til 9 l
Camp Fire
Leaders .
To Meet
A aeries of leaders training
classes begins Friday, Novem
ber 13, for Willamette area of
Camp Fire Girls. Friday's event
will be in the First Presbyter
ian church, fireside room, an
nounces Mrs. William J. Lin-
foot, leaders training chairman.
Sessions start at 9:30 a.m.
There will be six sessions
dealing with home crafts.
games, creative dramatics, pro
gram helps and other projects
to help organize groups. A
baby sitter is to be on hand at I
each session to enable mothers I
of young children to attend. I
Program for the Friday;
event la as fololws: "Let's Get
Acquainted," led by Mrs. Ker-
mit Ward; Introduction of the
new executive director, Miss
Esther Fuenning, talk by Mrs.
W. . Gardner, region 5 rep
resentative and member of na
tional council, on "This Is Your
Camp Fire Organization";
games, led by Mrs. Ward;
Camp Fire and Blue Bird
songs, led by Mrs. Carl By
ron; session for Blue Bird lead
ers, directed by Mrs. Charles
Prine and Mrs. J. R. Tomlin;
session for Camp Fire leaders,
Mrs. Margaret Kelley and Mrs.
Hollis Smith of Dallas, leading.
SISTERHOOD class of the
First Christian church is hav
ing a cooked food sale and
bazaar on Friday, November
13, at 109 S. Commercial.
Catholic Daughters
Plan for Breakfast .
A communion breakfast or
Sunday at 9 a.m. at the Senator
hotel was planned by Capital
court. Catholic Daughters of
America, on Wednesday night
at the business meeting of the
group. Mrs. Nap Rocque3-30M
or Mrs. Roy Green 2-7179 will
take reservations - for the
breakfast. Mrs. Green also will
act as program chairman.
The Rev. E. J. Mumane was
guest speaker. He Is pastor of
St. Mary's Catholic church In
Eugene and also state chaplain
of the CDA.
Refreshments were served
by Mrs. John A. Richey, Mrs.
Hillary EtzeL Miss Mary Lois
Mondlock and Mrs. Edmund
Chapter Meets
Eta chapter of Beta Sigma
Phi was entertained Wednes
day evening at the home of
Mrs. Richard Trent, Mrs. James
Fortner and Mrs. Charles
Crane as co-hostesses. Mrs.
Norman Vaughan and Mrs. Al
vin Russell presented the pro
gram. Dr. E. A. Thistlewaite
was guest speaker and dis
cussed the need for hospital
equipment and a hospital guild.
Co-Rec Club
The Co-Rec club wils spon
sor a "Hobo hop" on Friday
night at the Oak Grove Grange
hall. A dinner at the YWCA
at 6:30 p.m. will precede the
Eddie Wulff assisted by El
win Pedersen will be In charge
Initiation -
At Amaranth
Mr. and Mrs. Everett D.
Crabtree and Joe Brooks were '
initiated inta CTherrv Pah.
Order of the Amaranth at the
yearly friendship night for the
court on Wednesday at the
Scottish Rite temple. .
Grand officers present in
cluded Clyde Lambert, grand
commissioner; Mrs. R Le,
Wood. Brand auael.ta 1
turer; Mrs. William Prlchard,
grana associate conductress;
Leroy Anderson, Mrs. Anna
Houck and Ray Johnson, all
grand representatives.
Past royal matrons- and
natrons honored lnrlr!H i
James Manning, Mrs. William
Horton and William, Prlchard.
Matrons and patrons present
for the event were Mr. and
Mrs. Morse Parment.e u.
and Mrs. John BeS, Alfred
sorg and Paul Gilmer.
Courts present included
Parkrose. Sunnvside. Minuk
Ionac and Christina, all of
Portland; Acacia, Hillsboro;
Hanna Ross, Salem; Camellia,
McMinnville and
Eugene. '
A harvest theme was used
for decorating and Mr. and
Mi.. Phillip Michael were re
xi eshment charman assisted by
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Stacey,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenks
and Dr. and Mrs. C. W.rH
of the dance. Miss Shirley
Branson is In charge of refreshments.
""ijv si f .
Helena Rubinstein
invents whipped cream
for soft, inviting hands
Hand Delight
Put your hsnds in Helena Rubinstein's capable hands and you know they're
bound to come away beautiful! Now she's dresmed up a beauty-treatrnent.
and-protector containing the most beneficial ingredient known to hands, ta -a
completely non-sticky form at last. And in its own pink pressure atomiser
that's safely unbreakable, wonderfully convenient and very pretty, indeed.
This light, heavenly whipped cream is so luxurious your hands will lead
softer life than they've ever known. Just the right amount fluffs out at the
pressure of your finger. ..even more-than-enough melts into your skin in no
time at all. It forms an invisible "glove" that protects you through repeated
soakings in soap and water, through drying cold weather. YouH use H
before snd after dishes, laundry, exposure... and for the sheer pleasure of it!
Faintly and invitingly fragranced, phenomenally smoothing. Hand Delight
i the happiest way to baby a busy pair of hands. And for sll its luxurious
feel, it's economy-minded. ..out of a single dispenser come up to 200 beauty
treatments. Just 1.23 plus the tax...hsve one in the kitchen, one on the dres.
ing table for months of luscious hands.
Here ore some of Helena Rubinstein's helpful Solon hand
to slim fingers
1. SDresd fMzrrt... smooth Usui
Drlilkt eowa eica niujrr, like put
ting on tisht gloves.
X rk int. rack ftnsrr . . . up,
dowa u. 'k. wriu.
to stimulote circulotion
1. n.nds in praying posilioa...
pre aii nib iron right ta Irll,
rotating wrists too.
for finger limbering-up
I. arm. torwtrd, iomMot fersi
2- 1it pisse ia tat air.
Capital Drug Store
405 Store St. - Coiner of Liberty
W Give Green Stamps
(611 Main in Ubaaon)