J Tbaraday, November IX 1951 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ka. Ortfoa FOOD BECTION-Tag 11 Pear Salad Go With the Fall-Winter Time Menus Pretty rear Salad rrutt flavor perki up winter meals. 4A ,s Ftalurtii Say thanks for pears when, maraschino cherries and sprits you are preparing winter sal ads. Russet-skinned Boscs and the yellow-green Anjou or Cornice all offer sweet Juice, creamy texture and delicate of parsley. Serve with Seven Minute salacl dressing. Sevea Minute Salad Dressing Ingredients: cup sugar, 1 Lemon Barbecued Hamburger Spicy Lamon adds it bit to th.Ii spies way of serving hamburgers: Lemea Barbae 4 Haaabargar M cup salad oil 1 tablespoons minced onion Va cup chopped celery '. 1 tablespoon brown sugar - 2 table poo ns sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon paprika Vt teaspoon chiU powder -Vt teaspoon salt M teaspoon pepper ' . -. 2 tablespoons catsup Few drops Tabasco sauce 2 tablespoons Worcester shire sauce . V cup fresh lemon Juice' 1 small clove garlic i cud water - ' ' Heat oil in saucepan. Saute onion and celery mixed with brown sugar until golden brown. Add sugar and boil rap idly for 1 minute. Add remain ing ingredients and simmer for IS minutes. Do not over-cook. Baste hamburgers with the sauce while they cook and spoon additional sauce ever meat when served. Makes about 1 cup sauce, enough for 6 large hamburgers. Quick Versions of Fruit Cake Easy and Delicious When then isn't time to plan too far ahead for making and storing fruit cake, count on one of these quick versions of the festive cake. Both of these are easy to make and bake . . . slice beautifulyL Of course, aa these cakes are not typical fruit cakes they are not designed, for long storage although they will keep for two weeks. Each recipe make a loaf ( by B by I '.) Craakerry Saace frnlt Cake egg white, 1 tablespoon water,1 ?'V: W!rr,,tablespoon light corn syrup. llPineaDD e i I . Upside-Down iCakeAppeals dressing. If your family likes in. vo,. . i.nt Tr, ,T: 1 tPoon grated orange rind. i.y,i y try thu r, cup mayonnaise.type nltA .i-Ciu. P.., K...H dressing, Vt teaspoon vanilla. IniM-Mlienti- S rim. iur Method:MlX SUgSr, Com (Bosc or Anjou or Cornice), jruD: " white nd wer to lemon or orange Juice, 1 cup !ther ,n t0P of double boiler cream style cotUge cheese. V1"" over filing wtter and cup sliced dates, 2 tablespoons, w th rotary beater for 8 chopped nutmeats. lettuce ito 7 minutes or until mixture maraschino cherries, parsley, i 'lands in peaks. Remove from Seven Minute salad dressing, i ,tlr in " "no. Cool; Method: Wash and dry pears; iblend n Mlad dressing and tir. inin iohih nin (ntn I vanilla. Set ve with Poinsettta lemon or orange Juice to pre-Pear. SaIad.- Makes 2 cups First prepare Upside-Down Topping: Melt 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine in a inch squire' pan ' or 9-Inch vent darkening. Mix cottage cheese, dates and nuts. Lino three salad plates with lettuce. Mound n cup of the cottage cheese mixture in the center of each plate. Circle mounds with pear slices,-cut side up and pointing out. Garnish with Shortribs Are Easy On Budget Kind to your budget that's short ribs. You'll, find short ribs (cut from ends of ribs and made up of layers of lean and fat) one of the best buys in your market today.' Prepare them by braising, the same a round steak or a pot-roast 2 pounds beef short ribs k cup flour 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 1 teaspoon salt ',i teaspoon pepper -hi cup water V cup diced onion ; 1 cup diced carrots 1 cup diced potatoes stalks celery, cut In 1-Inch pieces Dredge short ribs with flour round nan lr skillet: sprinkle and brown in lard or. drippings. with 23 cup brown sugar; Season. Add water; cover and arranie "over auiar mixture simmer 1 hour, or until meat is drained pineapple pieces. Dee- nearly tender. Add vegetables orate with m.rrhlno cherries and cook until tender. Place dressing. Store in covered land walnut nr fiihart h.lv. i meat on hot platter. Remove it desired. Set aside while you I " "X, "-ma "Q container in refrigerator, to be used as needed. It is estimated that the United States produced 2.297, 917,000 barrels of crude oil in 1952. JT a rftftV 1 IsV U III IMllaVIV X 4 MSls 1 V a perfect cup of coffee every time! CASUELLS tl r COFFEE make cake batter, using pack aged cake mix, or following recipe n cup shortening Vi cup sugar 1 egg, unbeaten 1 teaspoon vanilla Wt cups sifted all-purpose or cake flour H teaspoons salt lVi teaspoons bsking powder Vt cup syrup drained from pineapple Gradually add sugar to short ening, creaming until fluffy. Add egg and vanilla: beat well. Add alternately small amounts of sifted dry ingredients and pineapple syrup, beating smooth after each addition. Spread batter over pineapple in pan; bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees, for SO to 60 mln-; utes. Let stand S to 10 min. utes, then turn out on plate. Serve warm, with whipped cream. Makea 6 to 8 servings, vegetables. Make a flour paste and thicken liquid for gravy.. 6 servings. I cups (H lb.) raw cran berries H cup orange Juice 2 cups sifted all-purposa flour 1 cup sugar ' 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon H teaspoon each salt, mace k teaspoon each cloves, ; allspice tt cup shortening v 1 egg . 1 H cups glace fruit mix -H cup broken nutmeats ' Coqk cranberries and orange juice in ltt . qt, saucepan S min.; cooL j Sift dry Ingredients Into a large mixing bowl. Cut short ening into sifted dry ingredi ents until very fine. Stir In egg and cooled cranberry sauce; fold in fruits and nut meats. Spoon into prepared loaf pan. i -Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) about Hi hours or until top is firm to light touch. Carrot-Raisin Cake 2 cups diced raw carrots 1V cups sugar 1 cup seedless raisins - 1 cup water 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 teaspoon cinnamon ' ' ' H teaspoon each nutmeg, allspice 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Vi teaspoon salt ' 1 cup broken nutmeats Cook together, in a ltt qt saucepan, carrots, sugar, reta ins, water, butter or margarine and spices 20 minutes, stirring occasionally; cool. Stir in silt ed dry ingredients and nut meats. Pour into prepared loaf pan. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degreea F.) 1 hour, r . 1 e s ji. . r" i I Although incestuous unions J I ,re not censured in early -Ger- X4(g5j5 of unions between people of ssw f different social rank werei AT TOU OlOCirg I drip end r.gulor grinds Ha classed as basUrds. . i isL'MiroeT. i rrrv JuaAddto Cold Milk... Mix...lct&t and Serve 1 ' LSfiT Mraniw I' ESEiaBffl . . an - ii i isf-jts For Richer Ravpr! Creamier Tcxfure! Easy Wgesh'on ! tEb ( . HOWDY DOOOfS FAVORITE I CHOCOLATE VANItlA BUTTERSCOTCH If3 i ttrs. ill i a'--- Tt, ill This Quick Cracker Cake Good Quick Cracker Cake is that "something good to have in the house"when folks Just drop in for a friendly visit. You keep it in the refrigerator and slice it ot serve it. Sliced thin, it looks fancy, tastes wonderful. You needn't even wssh a bak ing or molding pan when you make this cake, because you can pack it right into a butter carton to mold Jn tidy shspe. What is left over csn be roll ed into a cylinder shape in the same way that you prepare Re frigerator Cookies, and used as wauled. The difference is that these "refrigerator'' cookies do not even require baking. Just slice them, and there they are, ready to serve. Grand with a cup of tea or toffee, or with Ice cream, you can also spot festive little slices of Quick Crscker Cske smong plsiner cookies on. a platter, and dress things up for unexpected company. Quick Cracker Cake 1 package (1 cup) semi sweet chocolate pieces H cup peanut butter 1 Vi cups sifted confectioners sugar 1 tablespoon shortening V teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Instant coffee Vi cup boiling water 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 egg 3 cups finely crumbled unsalted crackers Melt semi-sweet chocolate bits over hot, not boiling water. Blend in peanut butter, con fectioners' sugar, shortening and ssit. Combine Instsnt coffee and boiling water; stlrV Into chocolate mixture. Remove from beat; cool. Stir in vanilla and egg. Add rolled crackers; mix well! Pack firmly into a small loaf pan or butter carton. Shape any remaining mixture Pork Loin Roast for ; ' Big Dinner These next six, weeks will see many gatherings for rela tives and friends In addition to the Thanksgiving and Christ mas day dinners, as well ai weekend entertaining for the young folk home from college or other out-of-town guests. Advance planning will save time later and will let you spend more leisure time with your guests. For one festive dinner, why not serve a generous pork loin roast. Here's the dinner menu: Dinner Mena -Frosted Fruit Cup Roast Loin of Pork Spiced Cherry Garnish Whipped Sweet Potatoes Creamed Onions , with Paprika Cranberry-Orange Salad Bran Muffins . Butter or Margarine Date Nut Pudding Beverage A pork loin roast will make such a gay appearance on the table. For a clever touch, strip the meat from the rib bones and top each bone with a tiny paper frill. Be sure you purchase a large roast so there will be ample meat left for -snack sandwich making and for an additional meal, perhaps combined in sour cream sauce and served In noodle nests. -' Boasting Pork, Roasting meat takes little of your attention. You can place the roast In a 350 deg. F. oven and forge, about it until near serving time. The modern way to roast meat is as follows: Place the meat fat side up on a rack in an open roasting pan. "Do not cover and do not add water to the pan If you h a v e a roast meat thermometer be sure to use It. This eliminates guesswork. In serted In the center of thickest section, but not on bone or in fat, the thermometer will indi cate when the roast has reached the degree of doneness you de sire. You csn plan on 35 to 40 minutes oer round for a center cut roast; 45 to 50 minutes per pound for an end roast. Let the Nut-Tomato Dish s- For an extra special vege table dish, try this using either finely chopped walnuts or fil berts, wash 6 tomatoes; cut oft tops and scoop out centers into bowl. Mix with 2 cups dry bread crumbs, Vi teaspoon salt, Vk teaspoon pepper, ft tea spoon thyme. Melt 2 table spoons butter Or margarine; add 1 tablespoon minced on ion and H cup chopped nuts. Cook until outs are lightly browned. Add to stuffing mix ture. Bake in 350 degree oven 30 minutes. Six servings. Quick Main Dish Here Is a quick and easy main dish which is a topnotch er for superb taste: Heat to gether one can of condensed cream of mushroom soup and one-half cup of milk. . Add about 2 cups cooked turkey or chicken which has been dic ed. Allow to cook until piping hot Serve this creamed mix ture over hot rice to which some cooked green peas and diced pimentos have ' been added.- Really, really good! ! Corn Acids to This Chowder The art of making good. strong flavorful soup is one that is acquired. Most- good soup-makers add a variety ot herbs, spices and vegetables ... mainly to their own taste.. Take clam chowder, 'tor in stance. This recipe is one that originated in Europe. Here, wa would call it Manhattan atyla since it is made with tomatoes rather than milk. It also uses bacon, -which rules it out as a Friday night meat substitute. . A number of vegetables are added to giva it colorful taste appeal. The corn may seem un usual to you if you think of chowder In terms ot potatoes and celery. This recipe calls for a can of whole kernel corn. . Geldea Clasa Chawdar 3 stalks celery 1 leek , ' . 2 large carrots 2 medium potatoes ' 1 teaspoon thy ma 1 bay leaf ? . Salt to taste . : " . teaspoon parsley 4 cups water.. . 5 strips bacon .. V 1 tablespoon flour '. .12 clams and clam Juice 1 can whole kernel corn 7 cup cooked or canned to matoes .,."''.. Wash ami cut celery, leek, carrots and potatoes Into small pieces. Place in saucepan and cover with water. Add thyme. bay leaf, salt and parsley. Cook until vegetable are done- While vegetables are cook ing, fry bacon until crispy and well done. Add one tablespoon flour and a little liquid from the vegetable to the bacon; mix well. Add to vegetable! Wash, shuck and cut clams into small pieces. Strain clam Juice. Add clams and Juice to cooked vegetables. Add corn and- tomatoes end continue cooking about 10 minutes or until clams are tender. into a roll IV4 inches In diam eter. Chill in refrigerator aev- roast stand in a warm place for eral hours or overnight Cut IS to 20 minutes after it comes into V4. inch slices. Serve with from the oven to make carving ice cream. easier. ' km 1 MAKES A HOT MEAL - e.w I Alio Ta.Y-tfojh.nl, i 1 sjt ttltsa V mod KurW-Q Norft ... . , '. tMm-iourfiui AutousO ca. retiuNs, otMOM . The COMES tACK A6AlNri AGAIN Yfflr,.Vt&BUmNG! nd'ii 28C a pint! 150 N. Coirrfnercial St. m Phone 3-5563 FREEZER SPECIALS r'Tj t Afh STEERS SSS" AR 5moked 5ausa9eui! nr jldjj J aatsP Coma In for a temple f riday or Soturdoy .. mjlI..ZS VEAL ROAST .39' MDS""r-M. ,t 39' veal chops 49' BE ,39' HflM LOAF , 49 SPRING LAMBS 39 21 W 40 III. II. WW Ground Round 7 ,..$3e85 Pork Chops 5,b,$275 Ground Beef 12 ...$2.88 TURKEYS 59c 69c 59c 59 lb. lb 914 lb. Lb 1822 lbs. Lb Pak-etts Budget 7 lbs. Ground Round 15 lbs. Pot Roast 20 lbs. Assorted Steak 42,b,$23 10 ECONOMY 12 lbs. Short Ribs 12 lbs. Ground Beef IS lbs. Assorted Steak 21 lbs. Pot Roast , 37 59 . $25 All Prices Quotas) Man LacJter Ready BONELESS lOW PORK ROAST IL 65 LAMB LEGS . Lb. 49c LAMB CHOPS 49c LAMB ROAST .,' Lb. 35c LAMB BREAST u, 15c lONElBS WI ROAST OF BEEF 55' SWISS STEAK 55 HMJHD 59' ROUND STEAK Our beef sol last week wes sa successful we're repeating it this weak i! ! II! Hi Si S! i I H :