Thursday, November 12, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakm, Orefoi FOOD SECTION Pan t Baybook muscus moot JVew FREE! NIW Damascus Cook Book! Our fnnd new cook book It your for the asking! Packed with almost fifty new, tested recipes (or main dishes, salads, desserts including our priced Cream Pie Recipe with 3 jiffy variations! Menus, too, and many hints and ideas. To get your Damascus Cook Book, send your name and address to June Goode at address below. Nature provides no finer fond than pure, fresh whole milk. And there is no finer milk than Damascus Nu-Rich Homogen ixed Milk, with extra protec tive Sunshine Vitamin D. I'm sure your small fry, too, lova that eream-in-every-drop fla vorso let's plan today on other ways of using this finer mil k. Cream soups and creamed vegetables, ot course and here's a recipe for a delicate, lemon-tan gy surprise custard! When you turn it out in dishes, there's a little sponge cake sit ting on top of each custard I CAM ON TOP OP Suggestions On Buying Meat Cuts As every on knows, the ne tion's cattle herd hss Increased rapidly sine 1948, reaching a record of nearly 14 million head last January. Consump tion of beef and veal this year has increased by a fourth; to record per capita levels now estimated at around 73 pound! on the average for every man, woman and child in the coun try. While beef to plentiful and relatively 'inexpensive, good cooks know that every cut of meat no matter what the cost or kind, contains the same high quality complete protein, B vitamins and essential mineral!. Best buys ar to be found among the cuts and "choice" quality meat that require long slow cooking in liquid so that the good tasting meat will read ily separate from the bone. Economical ground beef dishes are a budgeteers favorite stand by. Chuck Pot Roasts An economy pot roast from the beef chuck (shoulder) is a smart choice. Prepare by braising which means long slow cooking in liquid; water, meat stock, tomato Juice, canned to matoes, canned soups or to mato sauce. Meat should be thoroughly browned before liq uid and seasonings are added. Seasonings most often used in sddition to salt and pepper are chopped or sliced op ions, bay leaf and sliced celery. West coasters like to cook pot roasts in catsup diluted. with water, then add sliced onions, a thinly sliced lemon, a little Worcestershire. Swiss Steak Favorite Tops in cooking bargain Good Old Spaghetti And Hamburger Treat When buying bee for grinding ar you In the habit of asking (or round- stesk? If you are, then you're miss ing an opportunity for sav ing yourself money and at the same time having a Juicier, "more flavorful beet loaf or pany or aisn sucn as in is Spaghetti-Hamburg. It has been found that meat contain ing 23 per cent fat is best for these purposes. For that rea son, boneless eubed beef is suggested the meat you select for beet stews. Save lean round stesk for Swiss stesk and for the many other popular braised beef dishes. Spaghetti Hamburg . 1 pound ground beef 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons grated onion 1 small can mushroom pieces ' 1 No. 2 can prepared spa ghetti Cook meet until crumbly and brown but not hard. Add sessonlngs and mushrooms Fold in the spaghetti and heat until the flavors are blended. Four servings. French and Italian Dishes Are Featured in European Foods Event Surprise Custard I (MakM 4 wvigi) tup sugar t tablespoons flour i teaspoon salt 1 oaf yelks 1 cup Damascus No-Rich Homogenised Milk Vi cup lemon ul 3 egg whites Mix sugar, flour, salt, egg yolks and milk; beat until fluffy. Add lemon juice; fold in beaten egg whites. Pour into medium cus tard cups. Place cups in pan and surround them with water. Bake in moderately alow oven (323'F.) 35 to 45 minutes. ORANDMA used a broomstraw but I prefer to stick a silver knife in the cus tard! When it comes out clean, custard is done. SANDWICH riLUNO ID! AS Mix S hanj-cooked, chopped eggs with V cup dropped olives, 2 tablespoons chopped nuts and Vi cup mayonnaise. Combine 1 cup cooked chopped chicken or tuna, Vi cup each of chopped celery and pimiento and Vi cup mayonnaise. For a"surprise"- blend cup softened process-type Amer ican Cheese with several table spoons Damascus Half Half and V4 cup chopped dried beef. ) Partslaa Cake French favorite adapted (or America. tar Mm nuiw ' ' ' V ' Paris, Franc You can share In a fabulous baking bee and cooking spree! Her In Paris for the inaug uration of. a European Recipe Servic (sponsored by the Plllsbury Mills of USA), we have taste-tested dozens of Europe's finest yeast breads, cakes, cookies and other cjish es, so that we could give you some of the secrets of their making. priced steak. Have 1H pounds chuck beef cut Into slices. Com bine S tablespoons flour, 1 tea- sprinkle meat with half the mnnPrriPC flour mixture: round with rlmi I Ul IUCI I 1UO 01 a saucer. Turn over; pound remaining flour into other side. Heat 2 tablespoons lard or oth er fat in skillet, add 2 medium onions (sliced); cook until light brown, remove. Add meat and brown well on both sides. Put onion rings on top of meat. Add tomato Juice; simmer 1 Vt hours or until meat is tender. Figure that Hi pounds will make 4 servings. I uZ? SNOW CHOWDER with tander sweet corn from Main farms . . . , picked and packed within minutes! Tr rr ton SCHOOL LUNCHES TNI MAKItt Of SNOWS CLAM CHOWDER, I I Good Any Time Now Forget about limiting cran berries to Just Thanksgiving and Christmas feasting. Try this unusual main dish of meat balls in cranberry sauce. Cranberry Meat Balls 1 pound ground beef 1 cups soft bread crumbs . i cup milk 1 egg 3 tablespoons chopped onion Vc teaspoon nutmeg 1 Vi teaspoons salt V teaspoon pepper ' " 1 (16-ounce) can cranberry ' sauce ' V cup vinegar 1 tablespoon cornstarch Soak bread crumbs in milk; add slightly beaten egg, onion and seasonings. Mix with ground beet. Shape into 20 balls; roll in flour and brown in cup lard or other fat. Drain off excess tat Break up cranberry sauce with a fork and combine with vinegar. Add to meat balls, cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, turning once. Remove balls to hot platter and thicken liquid with cornstarch fixed with lVs tablespoons cold water. Top halls with hot sauce. For the first time, to knowledge, an American food company has (on Into Euro pean kitchens with this aim: to work out Continental recipes in American cooking terms. and at the same time keep them authentic This recipe translation is of utmost importance in baking, because our flour differs from that of Europe In gluten, and so we need to adjust our liquid measurements . in preparing these great products of the Eu ropean cuisine. Eventually these recipes will be put into the company's flour sacks. Meanwhile we offer you two samples which this column alone has the right to publish for the next six months. One ot these recipes is a typ ically French and utterly de lightful version of thst great cake the Genoise. Here, too, is another scrumptious dish never found in American cook books Pommes de Terr Dau phine. It is made with cream puff batter, mixed with mash ed potatoes and grated Parme san cheese, and deep-fat tried to become golden-brown mor sels of taste teasing delight. As soon as these recipes were m our hsnds, we hied . our selves to a kitchen and tried them out If you follow our di rections, we assure you of su perlative success! Originating In Genoa, Italy, the feathery Genoise has be come so popular throughout Europe that it could be called the Continent's "Cane oi Cakes.". It is baked in round and square layers, for Jelly rolls and Christmas logs, for tiered cakes and high loaves, and tilled with flavored and tinted whipped cream, butter- rich fillings, fruit purees or fruit preserves. European cooks, famous for their artist- Homogenized Cows. My email daughter boasted, "Our milk comes from Damas cus Homogenized cows!" Made me realize I didn't exactly un derstand the word so I looked tt up. Seems creamy whole Damascus Milk is forced through tiny openings under terrific pressure, in modern high-speed homogenizing ma chines. Breaks up the cream into such tiny particles' that there's cream in every drop of Damascus Nu-Rich Homogen ized Milk. No wonder it has that extra-creamy flavor that makes it top choice with alll Sandwiches All LORDLY FOOD! Did yon know sandwichea were named for John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, back in the middle of the 18th century? A sandwich,-fruit and a ther moa of Damascus Nu-Rich Homogenized Milk is still our standby for the school lunch box! A well-balanced meal! for FREE Cook Book wrife t o. JUNE GOODIE DAMASCUS MILXCO. Pacific lldf. . Ph. 4-5441 BEHM'S Nolley's Beef Stew 17' OCCIDENT FLOUR 10-lb. Bag 79 Cream of Tomato Soup UftaS liriMT 0 OOes num. j 7t UPHOl NO. 303 GARDEN PEAS HEaUNT-460Z.UN TOMATO JUICE 2.25 4 99 DDURLE RICH in WAX..M Crack or Powder! 12 Gal. 98' Tender, Tasty Meat swim MEM PA HAMS msrean GROUND BEEF jWTMB 753 Veal Shoulder Roast swim MEM O4 Veal Loin Chops . .67 swim MEM Veal Rounil Steak Breast of Veal lb. 19c CL0R0X K Gal. 29' ALL PURE MILK 2 f0, 25' TRELLIS WHOLE KERNEL CORN 20-oz. can 229' ry, sometimes decorate Genoise elaborately with glaceed fruits, nuts and decorators' frosting shaped Into leaves and flowers. Our Pommes da Terr Dau- phlen stems from the days when the potato, brought from Virginia and Introduced Into France In the loth Century, be came high culinary fashion In royal courts. . .. Superb cooks in Paris wen lavish in the help they gave American horn economists In recording these two cherished recipes. They send them on the chance that you might like to share in France's culinary her itage. Bon apeUt! . Genoise Feurree aa Cheeelat Ingredients: 1 cup (about 6). eggs, X cup sugar, t teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon vanilla, lVt cups sifted enriched flour, Creme au Beurra au Chocolat, 1 cup apricot preserves, two 1 to -ounce jars chocolat shot or t ounces semi-sweet choco late (grated). - Method: Creas bottoms t two (8 by iVt inches) round layer-cake pans; line bottoms with waxed paper. Beat eggs in large bowl with rotary beat er (hand or electric) until they begin to get thick and ar lemon-colored. Gradually beat in sugar, with salt and vanilla; continue - betting until thick and Ivory-colored. Fold in flour, 1 tablespoons at a time, until blended. Turn Into pre pared pans; batter will be thick enough to "ribbon." Bake In moderate (350 F) oven 25 min utes or until cake tester in serted in center comes out clean. Cool In pans placed on cake racks. Esse cake gently out of pans with fingers and spatula; strip oft piper. With a long serrated knife, split cake to form four layers. Spread layers with cool Creme Au Beurr Au Chocolat Frost top and sides of cake with apricot preserves; cover sides with chocolate shot or grated choco late. Refrigerate until serving time. ' Creme aa Beurr aa Chocolat Ingredient: cup sugar, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, I eggs, li cups milks, 1 square (1 ounce) unsweetened chocolate (shaved), 1 taaipoon vanilla. Va cup butter or margarine (creamed). Method: Mix sugar and corn starch thoroughly in heavy saucepan. Add eggs, beat with fork until blended and bubbly, Stir in milk. Cook over mod erately low heat, stirring con stantly and vigorously until thickened. Remove from heat: stir in chocolate until melted and blended. Stir in vanilla. Strain, cover, cool. Gradually beat into creamed butter until blended. Pommes de Terr Daaphln Ingredients: Vt cup butter or margarine, 14 cup boiling water, cup sifted enriched flour, Vi teaspoon salt, 1 eggs, 2 cups mashed potatoes, tt cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Method: Melt butter in boil ing water in saucepan. Add flour and salt all at once. Cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until mixture leaves sides of psn and is smooth and compact, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat; cool about 1 minute. Blend In eggs one at a time, beating vig orously after each until mix ture is smooth and glossy. Mix potatoes and cheese; blend into flour-egg mixture. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls Into deep hot (3S0 F.) fat Fry until lightly browned on both sides, about 4 to a minutes. Drain on aosoroeni paper, Keep warm in low oven until all are fried. Serve at once, allowing 8 to 6 for each serving. Melees about 4 dozen. ROYAL RED Razor (lams ' 29 SWANSDOWN Cake Mix 2Pkg,39 FRESH PRODUCE 9' DELICIOUS BRAND Tomatoes Tube FRESH READY Salad Mix m 5' LARGE FIRM HEADS Cauliflower tt. ' IVIN ILINDf OlDID.YOU i v Can't miss its 'Freeh. Milk' flavor! FOOD MARKET 120 S. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 34489 r ew AflSIT SniADIN MAtoAsiNi rvnl Piss) ftvr hj ajajai ffai feaaja) fjfcalaj M ww n is Mt arrtasia iu, , tart,, mm aMW arMf M ! , VH i A, Mitxa Mnsja m i Goooa at SAFEWAY Yes, It's a: Fact You can save money, time and patience shopping your favorite Busick Market day by day . , through the month. ' " v Fruits & Vegetables Carrots y.g 3 b;S9' ' " Firm, Crite, 81a lunch Lettuce 2 Solid Heads, Good Sli Qua, Too! SUNKIST Oranges ; 20' Nic Sli Rlpa, Juicy - . Here's a Real Value in Florida Pink Grapefruit Not UtM Ons, EIHi.rr V 7'each; ECONOMY MEAT Tandar, Laan Pot ROAST OF BEEF lb. 35' : RIB STEAK lb. Wei SIRLOIN STEAK 59 ; ROUND STEAK LAMS STEW .,19' ; GROUND BEEF ,5.29' ' CHOICE GRADE ; : This leaf It Rail , Tos Quality -; Pot Roast . Nicely Trimmed Beautifully MarbalaJ :V9' Rib Roast f rl Choice arada at Genuine Lamb Net Mutton Legs :!B9'' Lamb Stew : lb.119' BANNER BREAKFAST BACON Beautifully Dresi FRYERS !! lb. 59' Beautifully Dressed, Fen-Ready Yeunf Each H1 19 BEST FOODS Mayonnaise 0,59' NUCOA Margarine FABST-ETT CHEESE 2-lb. loaf 67' HEINZ CATSUP 2 Large Bottles " 43c HEINZ CREAM MUSHROOM SOUP 2 for 33c Heinz Vegetable Soup 2f.725c HEINZ CREAM1 OF CELfRY SOUP r 2 for 25c ; Hcres' Real Tuna Value White Albacore Chunks 29c -Trellis Vacuum Pack Whole Kernel Corn packed by Green Giant, 2 cans 33c, case $3.89 Minnesota Valley Peas Packed by Green Giant 2 cans 29c, case 3.39 HUIuDT FLOUR KKD MIDU FLOUR 3ifl77 BBBl ar -ajar aj B Yes, you can do well shopping at BU SICKS Court St. Ph. 3-9176 Marion St. Ph. 3-7962 FREE DELIVERY . Salem, Oregon