PKt 8 FOOD SECTION- THE CAPITAL JOCRNAL, Sakaa. OrwN $aving Centers Af IhePoof of (he Bridge ' VV. Salem Nile North of the Underpass ' Salem OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.H. PRICES GOOD FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY Beef Steaks 39' T-BONI-ROUND - SIRLOIN Rib Steaks 29 EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF Swiss Steaks ib. 35' EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF CHUCK vnuui -fjk Beef Roast 29' . EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF BEEF TO BOIL 1 Short Ribs ,b. 15' "" EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF uiie nn uiuaic imu vk nnvu 9a, n Locker Beef b. 25' x EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF CASCADE Pound Ring Bologna 5 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Lamb Liver ..12' GOVERNMENT INSPECTED PURE Ground Beef. 0 EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF Vanilla Quarts ICE CREAM 25' SUNSHINE KRISPY ft 0 Crackers It 19( LIMIT M FEAST LIGHT MEAT large No. tins TUNA 15 LIMIT SWIFT'S CREAMY OR CHUNKY P-Nut Buffer 3 Large 20-oa. jar Limit Radishes nd Green Onions 3 10 LIMIT FLORIDA l)Wl Grape mi u fruil Each 5 LIMIT LARGE SOUD LETTUCE Head 8' If Friday Is Fish Day in Your Home, Try These Two Split Pea end Tuna Chewder HeaAy and nutritiouf. Servt it with a fruit ulad and it will make a meal. Thursday, November 12. 1953 4 Refrigerated BUcuiia come shaped and ready. Here , they are baked atop a casserole of tuna and lima beans. AP Mm ratura.) Ia Friday fish day at your i out of the oven for your fam house? Then here are two illy. luncheon or supper dishes for Next, . hearty split pea and you to try. . ,una chowder. Along with a Tuna comes In three styles 'fruit salad, it will make a nu-solid-pack, chunk -size and grat-i tritlous and satisfying two ed. Choose the type you need , course meal. Applesauce for Doughnut Offering Wonderful,; wonderful doughnuia ... what could be better to cat or mora fun to make! If you think they take too much shortening for fry ing, try our shallow fat meth od, It works fine. And after your golden brown doughnuts are still warm, geatly shake a few at a time in a paper bag containing about ltt cupa su gar and 1 tablespoon cinnamon. A little grated lemon rind la a good combination with sugar coating too. ' eggs lup sugar 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine, melted - 1 cup sweetened applesauce 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour 4 teaspoons baking powder . 1ft teaspoons salt teaspoon cinnamon U teaspoon each nutmeg and allspice 1 cup finely cut nutmeats Beat eggs in a large mixing bowl until thick and lemon-colored; continue beating while gradually adding sugar. Stir in melted butter or mar garine and applesauce thor oughly. Add sifted dry ingredients and nutmeats all at once, stir ring to make a soft dough. Turn dough out onto a light ly floured board: roll or nat about ft Inch thick and cut wilh a 2t4-inch cutter; let rounds stand for a few min utes before frying. Slip doughnut rounds, 4 at a time, into shallow fat heated to 37S degrees F. Turn each doughnut as it rises to the top, and turn again several times until golden brown on each side. This will take about 3 Pear Treat Pears are delicious in pud' dings and here ia on for this popular fruit: Speedy rear Pudding I Anjou years 1 cup all purpose flour , a cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda . 1 cup buttermilk Peel and (lie pears. Place in bottom of I x S baking dish. Combine sugar with flour. Stir M I soda into buttermilk and add to the dry Ingredients. Pour over pears. Bake in moderate oven, I7S degrees for 4S min utes. Serve with sweet cream. Will serve 6. minutes. ' Drain doughnuts on paper toweling; sugar whlla warm Hakes about 2 dozen dough nuts and holes. Shallow-fat frying: Use a heavy trying pan or skillet and half fill with melted shorten ing; heat to 375 degrees F. (at this temperature a 1-inch cube of bread dropped into the fat will brown in 1 minute.) 30NCENTRATO BWEETCNER For Horn Use "sUGARINE ' r tiHn, o"i 111,111 mmi Law Ctfaria DM, 1 TVtt fMslMlaMU ECONOMICAL Guaranteed non-fattening 4-Oz. Six Bottle OnHr 75c America's merchant fleets began to decline after 1840 when steam engines and lron ships In which the English held advantages began to be used extensively. jfySS. "T't: (55333 Rood to Use FRUIT MIX for delicious Fruit Cakes LYONS lor ine particular recipe you are preparing. First recipe is a casserole with a trick to it: you top it witn a package of the retriger School-day Bake Ingredients: One lui-ounce can cream of celery soup, H i cup milk or cooking water from lima beans, 1 package frozen sBawaBBBBa a ted biscuits you'll usually find' or 2 cups frash baby lima beans In the dairy case of your food j (cooked until tender and market There they are ten drained), one 7 -ounce can tuna little circles of fresh and delic-lflsh (drained and broken into lous biscuit dough, all shaped, large pieces), 3 tablespoons but All you have to do is set the ter or margarine (melted), Yt biscuits atop a tuna and vege-! pound grated Cheddar cheese, 1 table casserole. In less than i package refrigerated biscuits, half an hour you'll have a won- Method: Heat oven to 400F. derful luncheon dish to take! Mix soup and milk or lima bean ': lima beans and tuna fish. Turn Puts On Blue Bonnet lnto 12 by 8 incn bahin pn , . lu ""J""15 or 2-quart casserole. Mix but- JOinS tanS Of ter with cheese. Placeibisculta F,N,E. J ' !on tuna mixture in pan or cas- BCiuic. t?iinimjc uisiuiis Willi. cheese. Bake in preheated 400F. oven about 23 minutes. Serve at once. Makes 5 serv ings. Note: One No. 300 or No. 1 can of lima beans (well drain-; ed) may be used instead of the fresh or frozen lima beans. Split Pea and Tuna Chowder i Ingredients: lVi quarts hot water, 4 slices bacon (diced), 1 Va cups split peas, 1 large on ion (chopped), 1 medium-size carrot (finely chopped), salt and pepper to taste, one 7-ounce can solid-pack tuna (drained). Method: Put water, bacon, split peas and onion into a heavy kettle; bring to boil over medium heat. Cover and con tinue cooking over low heat ISi hours; add carrot, salt and pepper and continue cooking 1 hour. Break tuna into large pieces with a fork and add to soup mixture; heat to' serving temperature. Makes 6 servings. io r 98c l MRS. JOHNNY Mill Like the popular Yankee star's wile, you, too, will become a real fan of F. N. E. Blub Bonnet Margarine's Flsvor, Nutrition, Economy! Bu:e Bonnet's delicate, sunny sweet flavor makra bread, hot roll, vegetables, your favorite recipes all tast truly brtlrrl You get aim nutrition, too! Un like moit other brand., Bl.l s Bonnet contains aa much year round Vitamin A and Vitamin D aa the high-priced spread! Yet But Bonnet eo,t lc than half as much! So switch today to F. N. E.I Insist on Blue Bonnet Margarine and i jure of "all 8 " Flavor, Nutrition, Econom-e-al Many geees and ducks lose! their ability to fly at the time of moulting. 14 to YOUB SOI TNOII WHO MUST OUT EAT HEARTY SALADS HKt TNCSI AND LOSE POUNDS A WEEK! Ttafr. ffafc'tMrifa 4rMtM. Mmtm af at lew elTttt ONI CAIORII WHIPPIO FRENCH SlIU CHEESE Aha FRUITS end SWEET DESSERTS AT TOUR FAVORITI STOM-33 VARIITIIS BIG SAVINGS WITH YOUR COUPONS SAVt Vif Taslewell Cheese Spread DENNISON'S Chili Con Carne Miracle Whip t9 Pard Dog Food 3 2 -lb. fini WESSON OIL 59c WITH COUPON QUART 69c without coupon 2 Tall cans cans 49' 49 35' SAVI 101 tuirt anunuitiri WITH COUPON ifl, IIS. CAN O C 79c without coupon FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN FOOD SALE Peas, Corn, Mixed Vegetables, Peas and Carrots, Spinach 6 Pkg- for $1.00 .aa.-vWiXJ'- CHOICI UMJ FRESH FROZEN Whole Morsholl Strawberries 4 pkgs. ADAMS FLORIDA Orange Juice Each Con Makes Vi Pints BORDEN'S ENRICHED Biscuits ..c. BORDEN'S Cream Cheese Xmas Cards 49c 99c 15c a 2 - 25c I .r.PieniV 2p,29c 98c alCflll K 29' 1 pa I s u BT kj m FINI Snoboy Eatmore Cranberries Snoboy Celery Hearts Just right for stew en the Cold Nights! RUTABAGAS PARSNIPS TURNIPS Cell 25 19 Pork Roasts Lean Tender Pork Steak PURE Pork Sausage Vol Pok Brand Sliced Bacon Fresh Fryers 1 lb. 10 Of. Averoge Weight lb. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. 35 99 This lYeeh Locker Special Pork Shoulders ib. 4E' CUT AND WRAPPED FREE 3 lbs. 19' iNii. MEAT BAKERY VEGETABLES LOCKERS LIMIT it 1