Thonday, November 12, 1953 . TOT CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Saka. Ortfoa food sscnoy-pat t o ..4 3 ' i i ! ' : : . : . ; . . . . Pork Loin The ideal pork roast for the smaller families. These are Loin end cuts averaging 2Vi lbs. to 3 lbs. per roast. If yours is a larger family, you cart take advantage of the exceptionally low price by buying two or three of these meaty roasts and cooking them to gether. Simply grand prepared with dressing. Pork Loins Here's a chance for you folks with home freezers or lockers to put away some "grand eating" for use this coming winter. Here is the "choice" cut from Young Porkers. When you buy a full Loin, you are buying "scads" of those juicy, tender, center-cut Pork chops. And look at this Low per pound price. YflM get more good eating meat for your money when, you buy Safeway guaranteed meats. When you compare meat "prices, it -'is important to compare quality and trimming, too. All Safeway : meats are trimmed free of excess bone, fat and waste . . . you ; pay only for good eating meat. Furthermore, Safeway buys only . the top Government grades of Beef, Lamb, Pork, and Veal. Safeway guarantees each cut to be tender and delicious or your ' money back. You may ask how Safeway can guarantee-, tender ness in every cut. The answer is meat aging. Meat not aged . . -even the finest Nature produces , . . can't have the complete tenderness ... that rich juicy flavor you expect in top grade ' meat. That's the reason Safeway built a million-dollar Central ' Meat Plant . . . bringing scientific, natural meat aging to you.' Pork Stops Just the lean, center cuts from pink-meated Loins. If you like them cut thicker for stuffing with dressing, our meat cutters will be only too happy to oblige. Whether you like 'em thick or thin, we guarantee every one to be "mouth watering" good. lb. Boneless Veal Roast Young,-milk-fed veaL Carefully boned by experts. A roast 1 that la easy to slice . . . a roast that is tender-eating from one . end to the other. , ' - ' ' . . t . . Sugar Cured Bacon You don't have to be going on a hunting trip to buy a slab of bacon. No, ma'am, keep a "chunk" In your kitchen, enjoy the . savings offered by-the-plece. Pan-ready Shrimp Just erease the frvini iwn and "dod" em In. These are V : Jl , all breaded and readv to fry. 1 -' ' :.:C's;-.(, l I l Li"!.;. in c ten urumsi c is Mb n 10 mc The "choice" pieces from fancy, young fryers. Thighs are now Being ouerea at in is same special price. 1 '" 'rr. - Pint Carton mokd Picnics Fancy, sugar-cured Pork shoulders. These roasts may be slightly more , wasteful than the familiar "Ham." But, when you consider this Low price, we think you will agree they offer as much, if not more, for your meat money as the leg cut. Shanks are cut short to give you as little waste as possible. Guaranteed flovorful and delicious. , lb. Fresh Oysters Selected, medium pieces. Each pint wlU average from 10 to 1 per. Skinless Wieners The finest wieners made. Look at C Ik Hn t Q) " jfcs "If ! the extra savings by-the-box. JNB. aWA I.TJ Fancy Sliced Bacon A Uniform slices of the finest bacon available. You could "close - !- your eyes" and still pick a package that would please you. n Pure Ground Beef , Nothing but pure, lean, whole-carcass beef goes Into Safeway -ground beef. For patties or meat loaf. It can't be beat! Standing Rib Roast , Top government grades of beef only. Tails cut short and sold IDt as short ribs at a lower price per pound. Carefully aged for ' c c real tenderness. Swill's Pork Sausage Handy one-pound rolls. Just slice right Into the frying pan. Sllehftv nennoned for that "eountryetyle" flavor. lb. Outstandingyalues from Safeway Garden Rooms! GRAPEFRUIT All the way from Florido come these heavy juiced beauties. Wide, eosy-to-spoon-out sections make for pleasurable' eating all the way. There are so many ways to enjoy cob boge that you will probobly. wont to buy a couple of heads at this low price. These ore really firm heads and they come in a voriery of sizes. 1 .c QUA Unions 1 1 Yellow -Dry- 1 I An you con b9 1 Itoterbogotd.s- I I play 1 WINESAP APPLES CQ School boy size, 5 lbs. C DELICIOUS APPLES PQ. School boy size, 5 lbs. IC TOKAY CRAPES J f" Luscious clusters, lb. IC i FRESH PARSNIPS 1A J Uniform sizes lb. I UC Broccoli Irlght Green ao Marbleheod or Hubbard. The finest of winter squashes. You'll find the right size piece for your family needs in any Safeway produce section. No. 1 POTATOES Economy Pock, 10 lbs. T3C No. 1 POTATOES Si A7 Jlyj Easy Peelers, 25 lbs. SWEET POTATOES Fine bakers SOUTHERN YAMS Louisiana 13c ,b 13c Celery Crisp, Pascal FISH VALUES Here's a Real Bargain! Lay Away a Few Packages in Your Freezer for Future Use. PALACE HALIBUT PALACE SALMON WCB . mi. m. JIICB' wa-oi m. 39c 39c LAC-MIX DRY MILK Let your family drink all they want. Rich LAC-MIX mokes Su per Quality NON-FAT milk for less than 8e a quart. If you've never tried it before, buy the small size, . , we guarantee you'll be back for the large family sizes. 91i-oz. Carton 23 Makes 3-0uarts Mb. Carton Makes 5-Quarts O0 3-lb. Carton Maket 15-Onarfj - Seve ea milk bills use ti In your boktne