fti FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Biitm, Orofoa Thursday, NoTembtr 12. 1J5S Royal Satin Finest Quality Shortening : Dalewood - Colored Margarine All-Vegetable Individually Wrapped Cubes 5 Mb. Cartons $1100 u Kii-mii Gelatines & Puddings ' Wide Selection Pkg. 05' 29'i mm or pea: Gardenside brand 3o. 303vC( cans croc ra Seedless favorites . Pkg Frappe All-Purpose Shortening For All Frying and Baking All-Purpose 3 lb. pkg. 9 BUTTER MILK Spring Houio Lucorno 3.8 Creamery lyCHn New A1 Fresh lb.9 Gallon T2t1 isms PIE CBUST flflCl& 2 a 29 2 No. Vh Qc -cans AmU. t 39' 1 10 39' FAMCV Pumpkin mm meat Dude Ranch brand kikh mm mil matches l SOAP"' Enriched 25-lb. $1192 Flour pkfli With Coupon Caiion BIN 46-01. Pkg. ' Prices in this ad are effective through Sunday, November 15 We reserve the right to limit quantities no sales to dealers. Fruit Cake Mix Dixia Brand Mb.' pkg. Cranberries 23' Ocean Spray ... . - Trnoie or j.iuoa arjW no. jvj con Soda Crackers Buty Bakart Thin, Critp Mb. pkg. 28 Salad Dressing Dunthau I rand Quart ar 53 MAYONNAISE Famous Best Foods qi. 59' Fresh NuMade 01. 55 SUGAR VALUES Cane Beet Save on FRESH COFFEE Nob Hill Coffee 10-lb. ... 97c 25-lb. . . . $2.33 50-lb. . . . $4.65 10-lb. ... 97c 25-lb $2.33 50-lb. .... $4.65 Vacuum Pocked Edwards Coffee 87 Mb. 2-lb. $173 caif can rrvsn wnoit o trans fc-T 85' KB 1 Bag 2-lb. Fresh Whole Bean Airway Coffee Mb. JO 2-lb. $165 Bag Oi Bag A 9 Nationally Advertised COFFEES QO 2-lb. $177 W9 can A For All Washing! For Automatic Waihart Sanitary Napkins Trend Detergent Ail Detergent Modess Napkins 12'i-oi. pkg. 19c nS-43c' kg. J 2 pkgi. af U 77c lb. can 69 1 Sutter's Gold Orange Juice 25 Big 46-oz. can Emperess Finest Quality Mince Meal For th, most 28-OZ. delicious minco pio you ovor baktd can 9 Famous Zee Brand Paper Towels 2 29 Creom of the Crop AA' Large Eggs Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Boy-Ar-pee Famous Italian Foods SPAGHETTI DINNERS pkg. 39 RAVIOLI eon 25 SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS con 2S( MEAT BALLS eon 3S MUSHROOM SAUE B-oi. con 13t MEAT SAUCE B-oi. eon 15c SPANISH SAUCE 19-oi. tiit 19 You buy the best when you buy Bel-air Foods FINEST FROZEN FOOD LINE CUT GREEN BEANS , 21c BROCCOLI Brighter... pm. 27c WHOLE KERNEL CORN ,,...... W FANCY PEAS m-W LEAF SPINACH 19c PEAS AND CARROTS 19c