Thursday, NoTetaber 12. 19KS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salens. Omon FOOD BECTION Paj Pumpkin . Pie Stars Meringue 4 If tradition ia your Thanka fivinf motif, then you'll want to earve eld-fssnioned pump kin pi. But if you'rt a "do it up brown" hottest, tbera arc soma tricks to do it . j Spies up your canned pump kin .with cinnamon, nutmeg, and tinier. Then stir in chop ped walnut! and crown this turkey-day clastic with ajnag nliicent, golden-peaked ', mer inguel Pumpkin Maria. -ne Pie x Brown meringue at 4ZS de grees P. for S minutes. Makes 1 nine-inch pie. 1 baked 9-lnch paltry shell 1 cup canned pumpkin Vi eup brown sugar, firmly packed ' 4 tabletpooni cornttarch , Vi teatpoon salt H testpoon cinnamon ' testpoon nutmeg -U tettpoon ginger IV, cup milk gg yolkt ' cup chopped walnuts 5 egg whites .Vi teaspoon cream of tartar " 6 tablespoons granulated su gar V4 teaspoon vanilla. 1. Prepare baked S-inch patt- ' ry shell (recipe follows). 2. Combine pumpkin, brown sugar, cornstarch, salt cinna mon, nutmeg, ginger, and milk in medium-tilt saucepan; stir until smooth. 3. Cook over medium beat, stirring constantly, until mix ture thickens end bolls l min ute: remove from heat. 4. Beat egg yolks slightly in small bowl; blend about U cup hot pumpkin mixture into egg yolks; slowly stir back into mixture in saucepan; cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and bollt 1 minute; remove from heat 5. Stir in walnuts; pour at once into baked pastry shell. 6. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy in medium size bowl; sdd sugar, 1 table spoon at a time, beating well after each addition. Continue to beat until meringue is smooth and stands in toft peaks. 7. Pile meringue over filling; spread to edge of crust (This will keep meringue from shrinking during browning). 8. Bake pie in hot oven (425 degrees P.) about S minutes, or until peaks on meringue sre golden-brown. 9. Cool thoroughly before serving. Two Apple Desserts That Please Apple days are here again. Actually, with the wonderful systems of transportation, ap plet never go completely off the market. But, lt't the fall of the year when everyone teemt to get apple conscious. Here sre two desserts that are perennial favorites: Apple Strudel and Deep Dish Honey Apple Pie. Both recipes are streamlined. Especially so the Apple Strudel which it made with a layer of corn flakes . . . rather than a crust. Quickest one we know to do: Apple Strudel S cups corn flakes 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 cups sliced apples A eup sugar, granulated or brown 1 teaspoon cinnamon In buttered 14 quart cas serole, place a layer of 2 cups corn flakes, 14 cups apples and Vt cup sugar. Sprinkle with half of the cinnamon and dot with i tablespoon of but ter. Repeat. Top with remain ling corn flakes and sugar; dot with remaining butter. Cover casserole. Bake in moderate oven (375 P.) about 35 min utes or until aoples are tender. Serve hot or cold with cream. Yield- servings. Note: If apples are not juicy, add about 2 tablespoons of water to strudel before bak ing; if not tart tprinkle a few drops of lemon Juice over ap ples. Deep Dish Honey Apple Plea H cup ready-to-eat bran 14 cups sufted flour 4 teaspoon salt 4 cup shortening 4 tablespoons cold water 6 cups sliced tart apples V cup honey I tablespoon lemon Juice V teaspoon lemon rind Vs teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon cinnamon . I teaspoons batter or margarine Crush bran Into fine crumbs: combine with flour i and salt Cut in shortening.! Add wtter. a little at a time. stirring until dough It moist 1 enough to hold together. Roll I out on lightly floured board I to about 4 inch in thickness.! Cut to fit Individual biking dishes. Arrange apples in In dividual baking dishes. Mix, honey, lemon Juice, lemon : rind, salt and cinnamon; pour! over apples. Dot with butter. ' Place pastry on top. Bake In hot oven (425 P.) SO to 60 minutes. ' : Yield: I Individual pies. PRE-THANKSGIVING You'll Want to Stock Up : : Look at This Lineup of Low, Low Prices Pkgs. $1 II vtfr?Sv. u. o P- r nrfn CV7A immf la .v tfi a - rrV T I T". 11 l M il I 'IV. . V . A sT - I 1 Special Price. I ; (O fl 11 I lElfU,.rrL,8U, and I fV X V IS I I . GA . I XzJKzJ VL-UU LI Umil ' Family it This Price i iR'w ii i i iin i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i zrzt n ii i i rivi i i j iiiiyjiiuiiijiiiivjiiixx i v j i I wv u ii i vwy.vw;vwy vy i v v j I If I ' x y i I J .ssa mn TSnnrr hail d.m i r i is ii h n i nu-iu. urn I lY 1 1 I I I I I I I I r I I y - wnmp nV.-....-''".:--. rviiMsiA i arrts i i i 1 1 1 - i f i i i i mm Einim iiiih hn 7Hi Meat - Rate VIIU U-- II Mb. Pka. . r io' I rjQ Umlt to Family at This Pries! (Q)(0lc WW IGA SNO-KREEM All Vsgetobls Quail Sunny Morn In Whol leon . . . I fjl,' ' Ground Fresh to Order lmD iKg 3-lb. tin CdBOGB U. S. Inspected and Graded Good ROUND or SWISS STUM , Armour's Banner ClirCn DATHM Tray i;i!J;lMillMilK U.S. No. 1 Snowy White CAULIFLOWER Z Buy for Freezing, Crate 99c Pack Lean, Meaty SHORT RIBS Eastern Grain Fed PORK ROAST Tender, Meaty PORK STEAK .59" a 19' .39' .49' Place Your Turkey Order Early 10c U.S. No. 1 Large CRANBERRIES t U.S. No. 1 Sweet POTATOES 2,, U. S. No. 2 Irish POTATOES 10 29 19 29 Fresh Baked FRUIT BUNS 8 ,., 29' Dollctartly frstsi, rirset bum filled wrrli flosed fruit nam Cake Mixes 3.89 mmm SHORTENING With 1 0c Coupon Mailed to You 9 lUFma DATES M FsMM) Fiduf 39 m Mirun MARGARINE 3..B9 IMSHKTIIH OLIVES 2 '-35' Shop Every Day at Your Favorite IGA! EMERY'S ISA FOODLINER Wolloco Rd. at 7th Watt Salem STATE ST. MARKET 1230 Stato St. IGA Stores Reserve tha Right to Limit VISTA MARKET 304S S. Commercial ORCUTT'S MARKET 4300 N. Rrver Rd. QuanHtl'ee IGA Irond Sweepstakes CONTEST WiKKERS BMCRT'S IGA J. E. TOUNG, tit Hsmmel Art e, Rslem, Orefoa. state gTRrrr MARKET MRS. L. D. MALLICOAT. till Planer Road, Raltn, Orefea. ORCCTTS MARKET MRU. WILLIAM MAT. Ittl WU1 Arenas, Baleaa, Orefea. V1HTA MARKET MRS. IRENE WERE. Mt Saleta Heights Aveaae, Saleta, Orerea. Tkese winners sre new eligible 1st recteaal and national arises. 1