Put 4 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orate Thursday, NstmbW 12, 1953 bol) IS to 20 minute or until firm, about I inch from edg but soft In center. Turn mix ture into bowl and whip with rotary beater until fluffy. Fold in apples, celery and grape., Pour into 1 -quart mold or In dividual mold. - Chill until firm In refrigerator (not freez- . i ,.fiil sn to AO minute. Un This Cake Party-Time Dessert ' This meringue cradle cake make a party-time dessert: Meringue Cradle Cake 4 egg whites 1 cup augar 1 cup pecana, filberts, or other nuts, very finely chopped 1 square unsweetened choc olate, grated 2 cupa aifted enriched flour 1 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon aalt Vi cup butter or margarine 1 cup augar 4 egg yolk cup milk . 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat egg whites until (tiff enough to hold up in soft peaks. Add 1 cup augar gradu ally, beating to a meringue that will stand in stiff, glossy peak. Fold In nut and chocolate. Grease a or 10-inch tube pan; line bottom with waxed paper. Colors Make This Fall Time Salad Her I a aalad befitting au tumn Urn with it colon. A a tuna Saaffl Salad 1 package Urn gelatin 1 cup bot water Vi cup cold water . 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Vi cup mayonnaise H teaspoon aalt 1 cup un peeled diced apple Vi cup diced celery ' Vi cup aeeded grape Salad green . Diuolva calatin In hot wa ter. Add cold water, lemon Juke, mayonnaise and salt blend well with rotary beater. Pour into refriaerator freezing tray. Quick chill In freezing mold and garnish with salad unit (without changing con- green. Yield: 6 acrvinga. :- J sw. .r ' i i-'- i XV X "V X X T X. V . Try These Cheese Croquettes Long th epicure'! favorite dessert, the wide variety of cheesee now In abundant sup ply can add a satisfying qual ity to tall aalads aa well. Cheese addt extra nutrition In I ITOPS IN QUALITY! a 1 - . . I I LOW IN PRICE the from of high quality pro tein. Hastening back to talk about cheese for deaiert: cam cmbert'in particular ia favor ed by the gourmet. Thia fall, while tart fruits are in good upply, aerve the gourmet at your house gently fried cam embert with siim slice of apple for a memorable des sert or party delight Camembert Croquettea (Makes one dozen) 6 (lVa oz.) portions camem bert cheese, well chilled 1 egg, beaten Vi cup dry bread crumbs Cut chilled camembert wedgea in half to make two wedges. Dip chilled wedgea Into beaten egg, coating com pletely. Dip Into bread crumbs, cover thoroughly. Fry in deep fat (37S F.) until golden brown, about V minute. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve im mediately. Note: Thia makes an excel lent hora d'oeuvr or unusual dessert when served with grapes or other fruit. Cheese Waldorf Salad - (Makes 4 to servings) 1 (6-oz.) package cream cheese Vi cup mayonnaise 3 tablespoons lemon Juice S cups diced fresh apple Vi cup broker walnut meata Vi cup diced celery Let cream cheese soften at room temperature. Beat until creamy; add mayonnaise .and lemon Juice; blend well. Add diced apple, walnut meats and celery- Mix lightly until all ingredients are well blended and chill about 1 hour. Serve In lettuce cups. If desired this aalad can be served in a red apple shell. This Pudding Is Spicy One Pickling p 1 c e fragrance wafting from the kitchen, wood and autumn leaf amokea wiap lng on the hillside . . , and from your oven, thia treat to finiah filling the family with good solid nourishment and enjoyment. Place 3 cups of applesauce (plentiful, both canned and fresh), 1 cup raisins and 1 cup brawn augar In a baking pan. Next make the gingerbread like thia or use a mix: Applt Gloaerbread fuddlng Vi cup shortening Vi cup sugar 1 egg 4 cup molasses cup buttermilk Spread merinuge evenly over bottom and three-quarters of the way up aide and tube of pan. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, ud sift again. Cream butter; add 1 cup augar gradually, cream ing well. Add egg yolks and beat thoroughly. Then add flour, alternately with milk and vanilla, in four additions, beating well after each amount Pour into meringue - lined pan. Bake in slow oven (325 degrees F.) 80 to 70 minute. Let cool 20 minutes before re moving from pan.. If desired, garnish top with chocolate-dipped nuts. Note: This cake may also be baked In two 9xSx3-lnch loaf pans. Bake at 325 degree F. for about 50 minutes. 2Vi teaspoons baking powder 2 cups enriched flour Vi teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons ground gingf ' I .teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon soda Cream shortening and sugar and add well beaten egg. Mix molasses and buttermilk and' sift together baking powder,! flour, salt, ginger, cinnamon and soda. Add sifted ingred ients alternately with molasses mixture or creamed mixture, i Pour gingerbread mixture over apple sauce and bake at 350 de grees about 45 minutes. Test with straw. When partially cool, t,urn upside down; serve warm with whipped or plain cream. ! POMEGRANATES Children love pomegranates. For a colorful, distinctive aal ad, arrange section of fresh grapefruit and slices of un peeled red-skinned apple. Sprinkle generously with ruby colored pomegrante seeds and serve on crisp green lettuce. mH seiHiDnyrcis Thaygo l R fegafhtrl 1 1 IB THIEI CHEERS for Schilling Pun Vanilja! Doe wonder for "ready-mix' cakes, puddings and ice cream, ..adds that extra-delicious homemade flavor. Schilling products have been the 6rt choice of good cook for more than 72 years. pum Vanilla rmuT iihitt sricis. ixtmct$. root coins, ihsohih silts, this nine's 1288 State St. Phone 3-6489 S lj Vegetable Specials 19c 19c 5c 25c BRUSSEL SPROUTS, basket , FANCY CI.LKRY HEARTS, hunch . , FRESH SALAD -MIX, cello FANCY SPINACH ' 10-oa. cello, 2 for Head I.eUure Romalne Endive - Watercress Parsley Calif. Tomatoes - Cucumber ir. Oninne ft Radishes Bunch Turnips - Beet Carrota Zurelni Thick Hubbard Soiuah Danish Squash-Solid Cabbage Brunei bprouta - dr. Corn Or. Peppers Spinach Cello Salad VeeUhles Local Apples Bay them by the box Roma Splri N. Spy Jonathan Tokays i Seediest Grope Avocado Persimmons Pomegranates - Cataboi lananat - Lima SUN-GIRL DATES New California Crop Whole or C Pitted JJC 3pkl.$1.00 Blue Rlhboa Calamey- 9 ena Figs, 11 oi J9 Bin Ribboa Black C Firs. U-ot. . XJC Model Market Pies Apple, Mine at A Cherry OUC ( award fcfl FumpkiaWUC Larte . 1-layer Cake Lady Baltimore. Chocolate Data Nut lac YOU'LL BE MORE SATISFIED WHEN YOU SHOP MODEL FOOD Good Grocery Buys BORDEN'S MAYONNAISE' 0u.rt59c SWIFT'S PREM ...49c FANNING'S B&B PICKLES llo,25c DIMEE'S COCOANUT 29c . 49c PITTED DATES 23c .... 39c CENTENNIAL POPCORN 2 39c (Yellow or White) NONESUCH MINCE MEAT BUMBLE BEE CHUNK TUNA BUMBLE BEE SOLID TUNA ALL-PURE MILK ARMOUR'S CHIPPED BEEF LIBBY'S PUMPKIN N. , LIBBY'S PUMPKIN No v, LOG CABIN SYRUP HERSHEY'S CHOC. MORSELS HYDROX COOKIES DENNISON'S T'i as. i os. 25c 3 can. $1.00 3, .n. $1.15 2 can. 25C ti,.. 32c 2 ,.r 25c 2 ,.r 35c 4... 59c 2Pkg..39c 25c .,39c SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS CLINES'S GRADE A LARGE EGGS CLINE'S GRADE A MEDIUM EGGS HOLIDAY MARGARINE PLANTER'S COCKTAIL PEANUTS MANDARIN ORANGES llM. 2 tans 49C Dos. 75c Dos. 67c 2 .b, 43c 2 cana 65C 2 ,., 33c SHADY OAK CHOPPED MUSHROOMS 13c DARIGOLD NON-FAT DRIED MILK 3. 98c MEDIUM IVORY SOAP SWEETHEART SOAP Balk Slse 10 bar. 75C 4 bar. 35C Model Food Market 275 N. Hifh (N,t to City Hall) Phono J-41U No Charg for Delivery Jg-Day Accoaai Service FREE PARKING IN THK REAR OP THI STORE Liberty Orchards Co. Cashmere, Wash. Famous Aplets and Catlet L 80c I60 s3 U. S. GOVT. INSP. ' SPRING LEG OF LAMB 59 lb. OVEN READY ROASTING HENS lb. 49 ARMOURS STAR SMOKED SAUSAGE 49 Pkg. BONELESS POT ROAST lb. 55 BAN'DALL'. These Prices Effective This Week Only We Are Doing Our Best to Hold These Prices-Buy Now and Save! ROUND STEAKS . u 53 BONELESS NEW YORK CUT .... 69 SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK . . 59' BEEF TENDER LOIN , 89 FRESH BEEF HEARTS 29 COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 29 FRESH GROUND BEEF FRESH GROUND ROUND 33 49' lUN SHORT RIBS LEAN BEEF CUBES ti. 21 49 New Lou Prices on Locker Beef Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beet. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Con venient credit may be arranged. .Nothing down a full year to pay. . Half of Whole 2L,2c ib. Front Quarter 24 Ib Hind Quarter 13 Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Roast Bumd.ct.R.".,?p .Lb.' 33' Fancy Faster Oregon Hereford jm Beef Steak S7L BABY BEEF LIVER L..39 FRESH BEEF TONGUES 29 U. S. Gov't Inspect Grade "A" Fresh Eastern Oregon Hereford GENUINE VEAL MUST FOR STIW ib io, SHOULDER ROAST !. lb! 43e SHOULDER CHOPS ib It. LOIN I RIB CHOPS lb. 50; CHOICE VEAL ROUND lb. 69c Fnlly Dressed and Drawa jm mm' Colored Hens S r'" lb 45