Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1953, Page 24, Image 24

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Thursday, November 12, 19SS
Now is Fruit Calce Making Time; Holiday Period Soon Here
Suggestions and Aids
In Getting Ready for
Fruit Cake Are Outlined
With Thanksgiving day two with liquid. Spoon batter Into
weeks from today, and numer- pans . . . push gently into
oui activities, benefits, parties, corners to level. . . , ,
Christmas .hopping and other Tl, gtere ,f g,,
th Yuletide, many are getting 1
For a deliciously molit fruit
their fruit cakea made up and " ""'" P"
stored now ' water oa tn loweit rack of
the oven and let iteam work
I to red now.
'Over the put three weeki
the Capital Journal foodi lec
tion hat run several fruit cake
recipes. Some more are pub
lished today, including some
rated as "last minute ones."
There are many steps ahead
that can facilitate the making
of your fruit cake.
Take It Easy
Don t try to do all your prep.
its magic while the cake bakes.
Baking time will vary for the
fruit cake, depending on size,
but the temperature is the same
-for all, slow oven (300 F ). ,
Wrapping Fruitcakes
For Storage
Fruit cake must be complete
ly cooled before wrapping and
sttoring. Remove the baked
cake from the pan, place on
aratlon and baking of fruit cake Mck lnd pu ptfeI down lrom
in one day. Make a schedule ,ide, Cool hen replllce p!per
something like this: nd wrap ln pliofilm or cellc-
Any shopping day: Buy i phane. Over-wrap with aluml
frult and nutmeats; check sta-' num foil, molding it to the
plea- cake. Wrap cupcakes in groups
When you have time: Cut up ; Store fruit cakes in tightly cov
frults and nutmeats; store in ered container ln cool place.
screw top jars.
Day before baking: Prepare
pans; measure ingredients.
The big day: Put cakes to
gether; bake; cool.
Day after: Wrap and store
Prepare Baking Fans
Prepare baking pans before
mixing batter. Use tube or loaf
pans., coffee cans, ring molds,
casseroles and freezing con
tainers; grease well then line
smoothly with heavy paper,
(use brown wrapping paper or
heavy bond) grease and flour
well. Let paper extend up along
sides to. protect cake edges
from over-baking. Bake fruit
cakes ln muffin cups lined with
fluted ramekins.
There's No Trick to Mixing
Mixing is easy once fruit Is
eut and ingredients assembled.
Measure prepared fruit and
nutmeats into a flat pan; sift
dry ingredients over top, then
toss lightly to coat well. Add
to creamed shortening, sugar
and egg mixture alternately
Freezing Fruit Cakes
Well wrapped fruit cakes
may be kept in the freezer for
a period of 1 year. When ready
to use, remove cake from the
freezer and let it defrost, still
Shopping Know-How
Here weights and measures
of candied (glace) fruits and
nutmeats are figured for you:
hi lb. equals 14 cups cut
up pineapple, che Ties and cit
rus peels.
Ready-cut fruit is available
in cans, Jars and packages;
weight on contents label. A 1
pound jar or package will
measure approximately 3 cups.
1 lb. nuts In shell will make:
Walnuts, 1 cups nutmeats.
Almonds, 14 cups nutmeats.
Filberts, 1V4 caps nutmeats.
Sugar guide tor recipe use
(measures approximate):
1 lb. granulated sugar, 2
1 lb. powdered sugar (silt
ed), A cups.
1 lb. brown sugar, 2Vt cups
Honey and Orange
Rice Dessert Tasty
Here is a rice dessert your
family will really look forward
to having! This meal-end rice
treat is ut aa creamy and
good as you would ever want
a dessert to be. The bit of or
ange rind adds i exactly the
right amount of subtle flavor to
this honey and rice combina
tion to make a different and
refreshing rice dessert you will
serve many, many times.
Rice Dessert
Ingredients: ,
it cup uncooked rice
"3 cups milk
y cup honey
Grated rind of I large orange
Put the rice and 1 Vi cups of
the milk ln a 2-quart or larger
saucepan. Bring to a boil. Turn
the heat as low as possible.
Cover and took over this low
heat for 10 minutes. Remove
the cover and stir. Add the rest
of the milk (14 cups). Bring
to a boil. Turn the heat as low
as possible. Cover and cook
over this low heat until the
milk is absorbed, about 15 min
utes. Add the honey and orange
rind. Serve hot or cold with
cinnamon and nutmeg sprin
kled over the top.
This recipe makes 6 servings.
(firmly packed).
Fruit and Nut Cutting
Take time to cut fruits and
nutmeats nicely with a sharp
knife on a board; never grind.
Steam hard fruits in top of
double boiler until soft. For
effective pieces cut:
Pineapple rfng across into
4 pieces; then ach piece across
into 2 fan-shaped pieces.
Citron half into 4 length
wise strips: then across to make
8 irregular cubes.
Cherries in half from stem
to bottom.
Orange and lemon rinds
halves into 4 triangles; then
into smaller triangles. Use
kitchen shears.
Store fruits In Jars with
screw-top lids. , l
Dark Fruit
Cake Is
Time for remembering you
would like to send away a
fruit eake. This spicy rich cake
is easy to make keeps and
ships well. Use ready-cut fruits
or an equal amount of your
own cutting. One recipe will
make a loaf cake (SxSx3 ). a
1-lb. coffee-can size and 6 cup
Dark Fruit Cake
8 cups glace fruit mix
3 cups seedless raisins
1V cups broken nutmeats
3 cups aided all-purpose
flour . .
1 teaspoon each baking pow-
der, cinnamon
H teaspoon each salt, baking
soda, nutmeg
y teaspoon cloves
4 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
Vt cup brown sugar, firmly
3 eggs
Vi cup orange Juice
Prepare baking pans.
Combine fruits and nutmeats
with sifted dry ingredients.
Cream shortening and sugars
together well. Beat in eggs one
at a time.
Stir in combined fruits, nut
meats and dry ingredients al
ternately with orang juice to
make a stiff batter. Spoon into
prepared baking pans.
Bake in a slow oven (300 de
grees F. ) until center is firm to
light touch.
Baking times: Cupcakes, 1 Vt
hours; 1-lb. loaf pan and cof
fee can, 24 hours.
Sandwich Filling
Mix 1 cup flaked fish (cook
ed or canned) with 2 hard
cooked eggs (chopped), 2 tea
spoons minced onion, 2 table
spoons chopped celery, 2 cu
cumber pickles (chopped) and
enough mayonnaise to moisten.
1 can't get linens
ml Iv clean
without CLOROX!"
Ty. ix A -
You'll hov a brighttr, fresher.
mort sanitary kitchen with CLOROXI
Ym dn1 know hew ftrright;
(rh cmd tonlrtjry yojr drain
bear, link end UhKot flow
con b until rS)rrt Clow
1tov for CIrM rtmovtt
vaint, dvodof iitt, driinttttv
N wondtr lf Atntrite't
tarif Sm tab) dwcf(nt
for rkt moy vn of Coro.
a..don.. dlira indoor o. 0
l 4l u...o Si I I '
Saves money on grocbros
Her bill would probably be
higher if it weren't for advertis
ing. Both the store and the man
ufacturers use advertising as
their lowest cost uay to get
across news about their prod
ucts. On the average, the advertis
ing for a packaze of breakfast
food amounts to less than 310f;
nil aimntmrntrnt
for bread, less than the wrapper.
Selling more goods kelps
make mass production possible
which means lower production
costs, lower selling costs, fewer
Yes, advertising Is a low-cost
selling method that helps ktep
your living cotl down.
sV art ' '-x- , aatJlS v'i ,4 sV JUL,
ft"4. -m
Good in
Fruit Cake
You may wonder a little
about the flavor combination
of chqcolate with candied
(glace) fruits, but once you
have tasted this wonderful and
very dark fruit cake you will
want to place it high on your
list of goumet foods. It's deli
riously moist too. Makes a loaf
(9 by 5 by 3") or batter for
3 aluminum freezing contain
ers (34" by 44" by li").
Chocolate Fruit Cake
4 (one-oz.) cakes unsweet
ened chocolate
3 cups mixed candied
(glace) fruits
1 cup seedless raisins
1 cup broken walnut meats
2 cups sifted all-purpose
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
H cup shortening
1 cup sugar
3 eggs " ,
Vi cup cold tea beverage
Prepare baking pan.
Melt chocolate in bowl ' or
measuring cup over hot water.
Toss together fruits and nut
meats with sifted dry ingredi
ents ln a large bowl or flat
Cream shortening and. sugar'
well; beat In each egg thor
oughly and then stir in melted
Fold in combined fruits,
nutmeats and dry ingredients
alternately with the tea bever
age. '
Spoon heavy batter into pre
pared pans. Bake in a slow
oven (300 degrees F.) until top
is firm to light touch.
Baking times: Loaf pan, 2Vt
hours; aluminum containers,
14 hours.
Apple-Cabbage Cole Slaw
Half shredded cabbage, half
chopped unpceled apple. Use
Delicious or Jonathans; mix
with boiled salad dressing
thinned with sweetened pine
apple juice and you've some
thing really delicious.
This Known
As Jubilee
Fruit Cake
Beautiful slices of rich fruit
eake are the traditional des
serts for holiday dinners and
parties. Serve this "Jubilee
Fruit Cake" with coffee, tea.
eggnog or wine. It's a good
Idea to make your fruit eake
early so It will have about -a
month to ripen and age to all
Ma mellow goodness.
Jubilee Fruit Cake
14 cups seedless raisins ,
S cup golden raisins
14 cups dried figs
14 cups cut citron '
1 cup cut candied cherries
3 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
4 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 teaspoons rum flavoring
4 cup thick orange
Vi cup sweet wine
1 4 cups butter or margarine
14 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
14 cups sifted all-purpose
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 teaspoon soda
14 teaspoons salt
cup chopped roasted
unblanched almonds
cup chopped walnuts
4 cup golden raisins
4 cup chopped roasted
unblanched almonds
4 cup chopped walnuts
4 cup finely cut citron '
4 cup sliced candied cherries
4 tablespoons honey '
Vi teaspoon cloves
Rinse raisins, drain and dry.
Pour boiling water over figs
and let stand 10 minutes. Drain
and dry. Clip stems and slice
figs thin. Combine dried fruits,
citron, cherries, spices, flavor
ing, marmalade and wine.
Blend well. Cover and let
stand, several hours or over
night. Cream butter and su
gar together thoroughly. Stir
in well-beaten eggs. Sift flour
with baking powder, soda and
salt. Add a portion of flour
mixture to creamed mixture,
beating well. Mix in fruits,
nuts and remaining flour, ard
stir until well blended. Pour
into 2 greased 14 -quart cas
seroles. Combine topping in
gredients and spread over bat
ter. Put covers on casseroles
and. bake in slow oven (2S0
degrees F.) about 34 hours.
Place shallow pan of water
on bottom shelf of oven while
baking. Test for doneness
with toothpick or cake tester
Quick Dessert
This recipe combines two
well known Oregon products,
apples and filberts!
Filbert Apple Crisp
4 cup filberts, chopped
4 Vups sliced apples
. 14 cup flour .. j
4 cup brown sugar
4 cup granulated sugar
Vi teaspoon nutmeg
Vi teaspoon saltt
4 teaspoon cinnamon
4 cup butter or margarine
1 tablespoon grated orange
Sift flour,, measure and add
salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and
brown sugar. Cut in butter.
Slice apples into buttered bak
ing dish. Sprinkle granulated
sugar over apples. Mix chop,
ped filberts with .crumbled
flour mixture and spread over
apples. Bake at 3S0 degrees
about 40 minutes.
Here's a dessert Idea for holi
day time to file away for use
during these next two months:
Molded Mincemeat Padding
1 envelope unfavored ,
Vi cup cold water
4 teaspoon cream of tartar
4 cup molasses
4 teaspoon cinnamon
4 teaspoon salt
4 cup water
3 eggs, separated
. 3 tablespoons sugar
1 cup mincemeat
Soften gelatine in Vi cup cold
water. Stir cream of tartar In
to molasses and add cinnamon,
salt and half cup of water. Beat
ejg yolks and add molasses
mixture. Cook over hot water,
stirring, until slightly thick
ened. Add softened gelatine,
stirring until dissolved. Chill
until syrupy. Beat egg whites
stiff, beat in sugar and fold in
to gelatine mixture with mince
meat. Spoon into mold. Chill
until firm. For a festive touch,
garnish with marzipan fruits
and huckleberry leaves. Serve
with whipped cream. Makes 8
before removing from oven.
Baked weight about 84
When-it's CLOROX-clean... it's SAFER for family health!
Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half
$1 .39 ea.
Half or Whole
Tender lb.
Lean ... 4 lbs. for
Ready to Eat . .
Aged Cheese
49; ib
55 ib.
Loin End
Round Steak
59' ib.
Sweet Potaoes
10c ib.
9 lb. bag IOC
Toll Sire
2 can, 25C
All Populor Brandt
Can Cot.
Orange Juice
46-oi. K.C.
25c ib.
Kraut Cabbage
98C tack
Mm bottles 29c
Tasty Pak 14 ex.
2,o, 45c
Sweet Sixteen
IOC can
No. 303
5c ib.
3 can. 25C
Ploy fair
23c "if
Crate, Laka
U. S. No. 2 Netted Gems
10 ib. 19c
Danish Squash
Cove Oysters
35C con
Tomato Juice
20C con
Broadway and Market St.
Stan Hours a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day
Ne Limits luy All You Want
Prices Good Fri., Sat., Sun.