aletn'j Authentic feed (juide to Setter XMng THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FOOD SECTION Edited by Maria Lawry Fischer ' r , LATEST, IDEAS FOa YOU.T ARRETING Published Thiindey Each Week ' Solem, Oregon, Thursday, November 12, 1953 Late Fall ' Abundance in Markets Provides Much for Menus G apital jLJoiiirnal Onion Biscuit Ming , Good . By ZOLA VINCENT There is something new un der the autumn sun. Easiest thing in the world to do. too. Can't imagine why we 'didn't think of this before. A firm, delicious, nutrition-packed bis cuit mix with grated onion add ed; then baked in a well-greased 8-inch ring mold. And here's where the "Planned Over" (meaning any leftover that you've planned) comes in. Flan to use up two cups of any left over meat, poultry or .fish, wrap it up in the sauce recipe below. Just pour it into the baked ring or pour it into a warmed mixing bowl that will fit inside the ring. The family " will really like this and you can repeat it often with vari ous fillings. We made both biscuit Ting and filling with liquefied non fat dry milk as indicated here because it is economical (a quart costs less than a dime), Scan Best Buys in Markets Menu planners will find a wealth of good ideas simply by scanning the best buys to be found in local markets. Many staples suggest stocking up so we'll need to go to "the store" less often as weather becomes more uncertain. Meat Supplies Beef continues to good sup ply with excellent values in rib roasts, beef shoulder clod roast, pot roast, stew, rib steak, liver. Plenty of freshly gibund beef for the making of burgers, meat leaves, spaghet ti sauce. Ty corned beef for a change. Good supplies of pork sausage' frankfurters are a good solid huv. Fish and Shellfish Halibut is tin fnr bi oiling and baking Fresh Oregon pink salmon is In season for a short time. lr good supply are ling cod, sablefish, sword fish, yellow pike. Lake White fish, carp and suckers. Fillets findahle are Dover sole, ling rod, true cod. northern rock fish and sea bass. Pan readies are sanoabs. smelt, whiling. rex sole, catfish and brook trout. You'll find good sized eastern srallopes. west ern fcallops. fresh cooked lo cal lobster. Eureka Dungeness crab (frozen, excellent flavor). And of course both eastern and western ovsters. Vegetables Cabbage, corn, cauliflower, celery, carrots, lettuce, onions, potatoes, winter squash, good supplies of cucumbers. Bell peppers, parsnips, sweet po tatoes, tomatoes. Fruit Buys Loose apples. Tokay and Concord grapes, bananas, seed less grapes, some melon va rieties, citrus fruit in good va riety and size, cranberries, pears. Dairy and Poultry , Chocolate mtik, skim milk. nonfat dry milk, sour cream evaporated milk; poultry spe- nutritious (only the fat hasj been removed) and it offers i fewer calories. Obviously you can use regular milk If you like. Onioa Biscuit Ring Recipe fills an 8-inch ring; makes 4 generous servings. Make your own or use a pack aged biscuit mix. , 3 cups prepared biscuit mix i table poo n finely grated . onion 1 cup liquified nonfat dry milk v Place biscuit mix in mixing bowl; add onion and liquified nonfat dry milk following sim ple directions on package; mix until dry ingredients are just moistened. Spoon mixture into a well-greased 8-inch ring mold. Bake in hot oven, 400 degrees, 20 minutes or until golden brown. "Planned Over" Filling Filling and satisfying to your family will be this recipe Wainut Loaf Is Different, Good There's an abundance of walnuts, all west coast grown. Oregon and Washing point with equal pride to their fine walnuts (and filberts, too). But let us be about baking this walnut loaf which is a main dish, not a bread. Walnut Loaf Saute 2 medium size, finely chopped onions and 1 cup fine ly chopped celery in ltt ta blespoons butter or margarine. Add 1 Vi cups finely chopped walnuts, 1 cup grated carrots, 1 cup minced parsley, 1 cup cheese cracker crumbs, 1 tea I spoon salt, 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning, 1 lightly beaten egg and 1 cup of milk; mix thor oughly. Shape into loaf and place in greased baking pan. Bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees, about 45 minutes or until vegetables are done and the loaf is brown. Serve with mushroom sauce. A can of mushroom soup, thinned slight ly is really ideal with this. Enjoy Grapes Season for Thompson seed Imu miwi will be endinff i soon. Clusters are large, long, j heavily shouldered and well fillnri RerriM are uniform, me- dium-sized. greenish-white to light golder and always seed- I less. Firm and tender in tex- ! ture. neutral in flavor, very sweet when fully ripened. In season June through Novem- ber. ! cialties include chicken pies. Plenty of turkeys. Grocery Items Chili con carne. canned ta males. spaghetti and meat ) balls, canned chowders, chili beans. deviled sandwich spread, packaged cereals, salt ed crackers, cookies, pancake ; and waffle mixes, chocolate frosting mix. potato chips, pea nut butter, mayonnaise, short ening and salad oil. Good 1 buya in instant coffee, wheat ' germ, margarine, honey, wine ' vinegar, popcorn, candy bars. j Good marketing! whether you put it-over regu lar biscuits or cornbread or toast points or pour it inside the Onion Biscuit Ring. s cup chopped onion ' cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt . . Dash of pepper . 2 cups liquified nonfat dry ...j jnilk .... 2 cups cooked and diced meat, poultry or flaked fish In sauce pan, saute onion and green pepper in butter until lightly browned. Remove from heat. Stir in flour, salt and pepper; blend welL Gradually stir in liquified nonfat dry milk (easy directions on every package). Return to heat. Cook over low heat, stirring con stantly until thickened. Add meat, poultry or fish. Continue cooking until thoroughly heat ed. Pumpkin Chiffon Tarts Good The pleasant pumpkin ic add ing color to western markets and variety to menus. Pump kin is good as boiled or baked vegetable. Is fine for custards as well as for making pies and tarts. To get all the good pump kin flavor from fresh pump kin, boil Use-pieces in a mini mum of water. When pumpkin is tender, put it through a sieve. We're sissies; we buy canned pumpkin. Coconut Pumpkin Tarts 1 envelope unflavored gela tine Vj cup cold water 2 eggs, separated 1 cup evaporated milk, canned 1 U cups mashed, cooked pumpkin 'i teaspoon each salt, nutmeg and cinnamon '4 teaspoon ginger 1 cup shredded coconut, toasted 8 baked tart shells Vi cup cream, whipped and sweetened. . Soften gelatine in cold water. Put egg yolks in top of double boiler, add evaporated milk and beat until blended. Stir in cooked, mashed pumpkin, cup brown sugar, salt and I spices. Cook over boiling water 1 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from neat. Add gela I tine and stir until dissolved, j Ct ill until slightly thickened, j Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; add remaining sugar gradually and continue beat ing. Fold pumpkin mixture into 1 egg whites with cup toasted I coconut. Fill tart shells, chill! ! until firm. Serve topped with i ! whipped cream and remaining coconut. i I To toast coconut, spresd j thinly in shallow pan. Place in moderate oven, ISO degrees, land toast for 10 minutes or un til delicately browned. Stir I occasionally. Cool before add ling to pumpkin mixture. Deviled Flank Steak Different An up-to-the-minute tip to the homemaker who makes it her business to know good meat buya it to buy beef. An other tip if to (et acquainted with flank steak. Here'a a hint for cooking flank steak cut it Into Individual servings and prepare like this: DeTlled Flank gteak 1 flank steak 2 tablespoons flour 1 H teaspoons salt ' Vt teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 Vi teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Have meat man score flank steak: cut Into four pieces. Combine flour, salt, pepper ar.d dry mustard; pound into steak, using a meat pounder or the edge of a heavy saucer. Brown on all aides in a little hot fat. Mix Worcestershire sauce with mm ri jss&issswsm I : - SAVE MONEY! REDEEM COUPONS COB -IN YOUR MAIL ON THESE FAMOUS PRODUCTS! Wesson Oil on WESSON OIL Your coupon worth I0f on the regular price of 1 qt. bonk or 2 pint bottles of Wesson Oil America's Number-1 salad oil and liquid shortening. Using Eggplant Eggplant is delicious and re ally should be enjoyed mbre often. Here we use it in a main dish with economical frankfur ters. Or you can vomit the franks, reduce the tomato sauce to 1 can and add k cup of minced onion and serve it ta a vegetable. Cut 1 medium eggplant Into slices. Do not peel. Dip in an egg mixture made by beating 1 egg with 1' teaspoon salt. Brown eggplant slices in hot salad oil using about Vi cup. Place half of the slices in a greased casserole. Split 8 frankfurters in halves length wise. Place 4 on top of egg plant; pour 4n 1 can tomato sauce and Vi cup grated cheese. Repeat layers; bake at 350 de grees, SO minutes. . i Vi cup water; add to meat Cover and cook over low heat until tender, about 2 hours, adding more water as needed. 4 servings. The Sauces Pep Up Halibut From frosty waters comes plenty of firm, white and meaty halibut, the fish with two eyes on one side of Its head. Delicious as It is, we know that halibut fUfvor is bland and needs pepping up. Here are sauces to delight when used either over halibut slices or over baking size pieces of 3 or 4 pounds. Wine Saace Melt 3 tablespoons butter in a heavy pan and cook 2 tablespoons finely chopped carrots and 2 tablespoons minced onions in the butter until soft but not brown. Stir in 1 tablespoon flour; add 1 cup white cooking wine and 1 cup cream, gradually. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour over haiibut in baking pan. Bake in moderately hot oven, 3TS degrees, 30 minutes, 10 on New FAB Your coupon worth I0t on the regular price of 2 large-size or 1 giant-size new Fab. New Fab has Twin Power! Cleans and whitens clothes m no olbtr product cnl basting occasionally. Creole Saace Simmer 1 Vi cups canned to-, ma toes with 1 thinly sliced green pepper, 1 thinly sliced medium onion and Vi cup thinly sliced mushrooms, about 10 minutes. In separate saucepan, melt 1 tablespoon butter; gradually add 1 table spoon flour, cooking and stir ring over low heat until well blended. Dissolve 1 beef bouillon cube in hot water; stir into blended flour and fat. When thoroughly mixed, add to first mixture: cook 2 min utes longer. Pour over sliced or whole halibut and bake in moderate oven, 37S degrees about 30 minutes. General Favorite ' Many think finest halibut sauce Is made simply by dot ting halibut with bits of bay leaves, salting, peppering and masking with any favored canned tomato sauce with a bit of Worcestershire added. SHE on SNOWDRIFT Your coupon worth lO1 oo the regular price of one J ib. can or two Mb. cans of Snowdrif t-the Wesson Oil shortening. It"g made of costlier oils, yet costs you do more. Rice in Squash ! A super delicious and heart ily different main dish to mad by stuffing cooked acorn squash with a mixture of rice, cooked ham or sausage, onion, Won ceatershlre sauce, Tobasco sauce and some milk. The) squash and the filling are cov ered with bread crumbs and dotted with butter or margar ine before being baked In a moderate oven until lightly browned. This dish is extra good aervd . with cheese sauce. Green Bean Variation Cook green beans as usual, quickly in small amount of boiling salted water. Tuck a whole clove of garlic (peeled, of course) in with the beans; add butter, salt and pepper. Or try serving them with a thin or medium cheese sauce. Snowdrifti I j5p II ! I .1 4 .