Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1953, Page 22, Image 22

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Thursday, November 12, 195S
Blacksmith's Son New
Philippine President
Manila O A bbdumitk'i
eon who only 10 yeare ago wM
an unknown guerrilla, capute
battling Japanese invsders a
The Philippines if thli lUn4
rcpublk'i third president
Ramon Magir.ysay at 4( il a;
riling atar among dtmacrauc
As defense secretary Magsay
say traveled widely, liatanlng
to complainta and meting eut
Justice en the spot Ha sooted
eut corruption In the army and
constabulary ruthleuly.
Hie explosive temper leaned
ubordlnatea who moved toe
lea dare In tbia eommunlit- Ulowly,
threatened part ef the world.
To mllllona of Fillplnoa be la.
a knight whose shining armor la
bright sport shirt and bis
charger a bouncing Jeep.
They turned out In record
droves to live him landslide
victory ever aging President
Elpidio Quirino. He takes office
for four years on Jan. 1.
Handsome, strapping Ramon
Msgsaysay is not a seasoned
politician. But many political
bservers agres thai his
honesty and almost limitless
energy, coupled with the fresh
vision of youth, may make him
an outstanding presidential ad'
He demands results, not res
tons or excuses. '
As national defense secre
tary in the Quirino government
be mercilessly slashed through
red tape to get immediate sc
In fighting communist led
Huks he spent as much time In
the field as in his office. Ha
drafted elaborate plans for re
settling thoussnds of Huks on
newly developed lands on Min
danao Island. And he finally
split with Quirino eight months
ago after trying vainly to speed
up action against Huk bands.
He became known through-
eut the 7.000 islands, and Fili
pinos began to look on him as
a champion of the common
iTwo enemies of the United
sUtes during World War II
gave turn hla chance to run for
the presidency after he split
with Quirino and bolted the
liberal party eight months ago.
Sen. Jose P. Laurel, presi
dent of the Philippines under
the. Japanese, and Clara H.
Recto, Laurel's foreign minis
ter, brought Msgsaysay Into the
opposition nacionallsta party.
Laurel withdrew aa a presi
dential candidate and threw
hla support to Magsaysay.
These two men are expected
to play major roles in the new
Magsaysay also will be able
to call on veteran Carlo P.
Romukt, former ambassador to
Washington and U. N. dele
gate, who broke with Quirino,
ran for president himself and
finally (cast hla lot with Mag-
The new Philippines presi
dent Is a strong friend of the
United 6tatea and la expected
to strengthen the ties between
this young republic and the
country that gave It Its inde
pendence). Magsaysay standi nearly six
feet and weighs about 170 lbs.
Ha is built like a wrestler, sel
dom drinks and never smokes.
Ha is highly nervous and con-4
tinually cracks hla knuckles,
twirla hla glasses or fidgets
with handkerchief. t
Born Aug. II, 1B0T, in Iba,
Zambales province, he ran er
rands for hla blacksmith fath
er and helped run the small
family farm.
Ha aays ha was swinging a
sledgehammer at 6..
School waa 10 miles from his
home and Maysaysay aaya he
remembers most vividly how
cold his feet used to get in wet
shoes. Even now he frequently
removes hla shoes to rub
warmth into his tors.
He became a mechanic while
attending the University of the
Philippines here. He 'worked
for a time in Zambales and lat
er waa named manager of a
bus company. .
When the Japanese invaded
The Philippines, he took to the
hills and organized a guerrilla
force In western Luzon. -
Later, while fighting the
Huks, he employed tactics he
remembered were effective
against hla band. He aaid his
guerrillas were hard to hold to
gether when the Japanese
treated Filipinos kindly. So he
operated on that principle and
widely advertised his resettle
ment plan. . i
The U. S. army named Mag
saysay military governor of
Zambales In 1945. The follow
ing year he was elected to con
gress and was reelected In
Quirino named him defense
secretary in 1950 when the
Huks were at their peak. In 2
years he broke the back of
Red-led resistance and drove
Rehearsals in High Gear
For High Fever Follies ;"
Reheersala are on in dead
earnest through this week and
next for the big home talent
revue -High Fever Follies," to
be presented for a one-night
show November 10 by Salem
Memorial Hospital auxiliary.
The show will be at 8:15 pjn.
that date in Salem high school
Twenty-seven acts (some
snappy and very much to the
point) are lined up for the
program, which was released
at mid-week. After glimp
sing some of the- rehearsal
work, here's to say this Is the
"show of the year."
The cast Includes 130 per
sons, Salem folk who are hav
ing a lot of fun while working
toward achievement of a big
goal. It Is hoped the auxiliary
will clear S5.000 the money
to go toward furnishing the
new Salem Memorial hospital
wing. ,
Patrons may exchange their
tickets for reserve seats, start
ing Friday at Stevens and Sons
jewelers, there being no
charge for the ticket exchange.
The patrons include the large
group who turned in money
in advance to assure the suc
cess of the show, a ticket going
to each patron in return.
There has been some neat
work done in casting for the
show as illustration, Clara
belle Dyer, long noleu for her
monologues and Mary Sba
fer, a riot at that sort of thing
too, being in the specialty act
"The Gossips", Then there
are BUI Dyer, Dianne alcMur
ran and Richard Chambers in
the act "Stooges."- And then
the men's ballet, "Beef Meets
the Ballet," you've not seen
such high stepping in a long
time, and probably won't see
such again soon, either.
There's quite a stunt in the
closing number, "By the Sea,"
featuring bathing beauties and
life savers. .
The complete program ia as
follows: . j
" "Away We Go," including
The Rockettea, the gala who
really are doing a nifty num
ber; 1, "The Gossips"; 8. "The
Lament," starring Peggy Fry;
4, "Silly Questions," featuring
Seth P. Smith and Nell Cro th
en; S, "Valae Rhapsodic," pre
senting t couples in a beauti
ful waits number: 6,
"Stooges": 7, "Guess Who?"
starring Flavia Olson; 8, "Art
and Mr. Williamson," present
ing Bill Ross and Dorothy Ar
buckle; 9, "We Never Talk
Much," but Just listen to
them; 10, "Harem Scarum,
and such costumes; 11, "The
Gossips" again; 12, "Virtue's
Reward," or "Did She Fall
or Waa She Pushed," starring
four performers; IS, "Flaming
Youth warmed over,- a
Charleston specialty.
Part IL "Salute to Fans,
and here's where the Can-Can
shows up; 2. "Stooges"; 8, "If
the Shoe Fits"; 4. "Stranger in
Town"; 5, "Samba Sortie" and
some good dancing; 6,
"Bodmpa-a-Daisy," and some
more fancy chorus work; 7,
'The Gossips" again: 8, "Uni
formity"; 9, "The Blues" as
put on by Betty Jean Joseph;
10, "Beef Meets the Ballet":
11, "The Stooges"; 12. special
act. "Coincidence"; 13, "Neu
rotic Me and Psychopathic
You" and, 14, 'By the Sea" act
for the bathing beauties and
life savers.
Tickets are on sale at both
UN Program Given
Blessing by Pope
Rome W Pope Plus XJt
has given a special blessing to
the United Nations program to
assist under-developed coun
tries. The Holy See also pledged
$2,000 as a token contribution
for the U. N. expanded tech
nical assistance program. It
was transmitted through Nor
ris E. Dodd, director general
of the U. N. food and agricul
tural organization, which la
located here.
banks through this week and
will be on sale at Miller's next
week, also at Stevens and Sons.
the remaining guerrillas back
into the hills.
White and Pastel
Super Special
Also black, brown navy! New
lush-textured felts! Young
stylet that flatter, everybody!
Morvelous value of only 2.77!
Special on Friday and
Saturday '
XL. . -W
' ! . ...
$19.95 Westinghouse STEAM IRON
with every home demonstration
CE7 Wt
Yes, this famous $19.95 Westing
house Steam Iron is yours, for mere
ly trying in your home either the
Westinghouse Laundromat or Elec
tric Clothes Dryer. We're making
this offer becouse we're sure you'll
love the features and results these
work and time-saving appliances
give you but if you decide not to
buy, we'll gladly take bock, the op
plionce you try. Of course, you
keep the Stea-n Iron whether you
buy or not! Call for details.
of the
r i
r- i v
'fit1 All
ap as M fsBons or mors of
with every wash . . . also sub
stantial soap savings! Saves and leas
boss of grading toil ... to say
nothing of wear and sear on doahra.
New, eadueive jumbo-eisad
Westa-to-Saye Door auwusab
BMesurae MM of load , .
Small, Medium, Regular.
New, ArtMsefk HATU UYUI
RagulatM eiaet amount af
water seeded for waahmgt
and soAwwe, toe!
Ivalaalve miMeest
JaoUW Baaeat sea
ataaoart Drains dirty
water aaa? (rota etaaa atotbai
Phone 4-2111
Ask to have either one or both of these famous
Westinghouse work-saving, time-saving Laundry
twins delivered to your home right awayl
Low-Easy Terms
V l v .
, .-eSSRl
eaeaJ Trade-in
Allowance On I
V Your Old J
Appliance y
A marry Srtrum 8isnal ebimae. "How
Dry I Am", to tail yon whan dotbai ai
raady. There's a new, direct "air-How"
eyrtem that drite with steady currents
of warm, purt filtered aift Other ernea
tioual nU) featuree frea you from the
stooping, etair-climbins: toil of wash
days. Stops weathar-worriea, too.
DSfsatof Sleee....
Chimes. "How Dry I Am",
when clothes are dry. Thia is
a Writinihouse trade-mark.
Qttw l-Wsy Pry D'sfl
Want slothes dry for atoms?
Damp-dry for ironinf? Wast
ta dry synthetka properly?
get Dial . . . It's eoeomatiel
D larger less tterf.
Kiel iain hnsbo-aisad loaitmg
' shelf fee year cravsiueaee
tlluaail- heavy lifting
mm os I unit err twins tan veil
8a the saw Clothes Drywt handansas
Identical Twin" the ltM Laundrs.
mat! Haaaiduain.MW Weif h-to-Sate
Door and Water Say . . . plus each
area WAJSHawaw, RINSEaway Aaetoai