Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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In The
Gataa WMkmd guest at
the hom of Mr. and Mra. Wit
11am Pennlck from Cottag
Crova were Mr. and Mrs. Ut
ile Anderson, former California
friend of the Ptnnick family.
Mr. and Mr. Oliver Willla
obaerved their elfhth wedding
anniversary at their home
Sunday, Nov. I. Those present
for the occasion wen Mr. Wll
lla'a mother, Mra. Margaret
Willla of Salem, and hi brother-in-law
and lister. Mr, and
Mr. Harold Schmidt of Van
couver, Wash
Pupil of tha slKth grade In
the Gate school surprised their
teacher. Mrs. Margie Anderson
Friday afternoon with party.
They presented her with a
wedding gift and assisted by
Mr. Elmer Klutke served cake
and punch. Mr. Anderson was
to be married tha following
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulll
gan visited In Klamath rails
from Wednesday through Sat
urday at the home of Mulll
gan' brother and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Mulligan. Their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mra. Melvin Newberg
cared for their business, The
Chill BowL during their ab
Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Hutch
son attended the wedding of
their ton, Richard Parker and
Mra. Margie Anderson, in Van
couver, Wash., Saturday, Nov.
T. Also present were the
(room' brother In - law and
lister, Major and Mrs. Jack
Don Miley, superintendent of
tha Gate schools, announce
the following students who
made the honor roll for the
first six weeks period of the
Junior-senior high school.
Seventh grade Susan Gor
don, Ronnie Kuhlman and Jim
Eighth Margaret Palmer.
Ninth Ellen Chance and
Donate Oliver.
Tenth Lois Evans and May
Haywood, .
Eleventh John Bernhardt
and Loretta Stahlman.
At tha city election held on
Tuesday, Nov. I, A. T. Bern
hardt and Ray Lord were elect
- d to serve on the city council.
, Both men have served In that
capacity before. Lord having
served as mayor for some time.
following Jerry Lyons. Percy
Mulligan, who was not a can
dldate, received a number of
write-in votes.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brlsbln
had as their guests the first of
the week Mr. Brlsbln' two
sisters, Mrs. Rose llennlng
from Houston, Texas, and Mrs.
Onna Williams of Roeeburg.
Mrs. Hennlng and Mr. Brisbln
had not seen each other for
12 years.
The Gates Parent-Teacher
association met last week in
Learn to
All Types of Dancing
Taught oe per boor.
Stadia open
14 a.m. ta It p.m.
Jon-Mar Dance
414 Ferry Ph. 4-4K1
Back Again With
Two Floors of Dancinq
Two Bands -Adm. 74c
Second Floor
Old Tim Dancing
FraedM fans
WrfiHHen. i. 13
MUad Irmpkeai,
NersmbN 17
Kkj fsrar FeWet"
November 20
WIHtSMH (aactrl
Sarin bK
Utra-ta. 21
RetlsKred Jewelers
Aamlran Gees geetaly
the auditorium of the high
school. The president. Mr.
William Pennick. presided at
the business session. II was an
nounced that the pupil of the
sixth fad were winner In
the recent membership drive,
bringing the numbers of the
P.T.A. to SS. That room also
waa awarded the banner which
they will hold for a month,
for having the largest number
of parent present at meetings
of the association during the
month of October. .
The banner was made and
presented to the school by Mrs.
Kenneth Martig and Mrs. El-
Bier Klutke.
It was decided to sponsor a
i dance, to be held in the school
gymnaaium, r rioay evening
I Nov. 13. The "Stubby" Mills
five-piece orchestra has been
engaged to furnish dance
Following adjournment the
meeting wa turned over to
Mrs. Edward Chance, chairman
of the program committee,
who Introduced W. S. Whar
ton, of Salem, director of Mar
lon county civil defense, speak
er of the evening.
Bob Geddes of Salem, rep
resenting the Ground Opera
tions Corps, was present and
announced he will bring a
speaker and film from the air
fore to be shown at-tne ecnooi
Monday evening, Nov. IS. He
wll lendeavor to organize a
G.O.C. in this locality.
At the close of the meeting
a piano duet wa played by
Mr. George Cllse and Mra. Al
bert MllUap. The next regular
meeting of the P.T.A. will be
held Thursday evening. Dec. J.
A safety program under the
direction of Capt. Walter Lan
sing of the state police, will
he nrrsented
Refreshments were erved daughter and son-in-law, Mr
by the. mothers of the first and ,n Mf- G1" Ju"n
second grade, Mrs. Oswald! Sunday night and Monday
Hlrte, Mrs. Oliver Willi and UM, n home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rose.
Jo Joaquin and daughter,
Darlene, had as weekend
guests bis brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Layton
Guaneil and son from Rose-
Talbot Mr. Eva Winter
mantel, Mrs. Verna Wash, Earl
and Evamarie Wash, of Canby,
were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Blinston.
Mrs. Gilbert Belknap met
with an unusual and painful
accident while she was trans
ferring potted plants from her
yard to a store room.
She had a bamboo stake in
one pot of fuschias.
A she stooped over to pick
up the flower pot she hit her
cheek on the sharp stake, sev
ered the nerve in the cheek,
and caused her eye to turn
It has required medical at
Albany The YulctidersV
leering committee held it
first meeting Tuesday morning
In the organization's new quar
ters at 233 Third Ave. Organiz
ed to coordinate community ef
fort to make sure that no fam
ily in the Albany area need
sit in a bleak home without a
Christmas basket, the Yuletid
ers have buckled down to the
work of seeing where the need
is, and of supplying it effective
ly. First Floor
Modern Cabaret Style
W1 1
&i I
Lyon Mrs Charlaa Cru
snn opened hfr hsm Monday
aftarnoon for a tea, a benefit
tor the Method Ut home. . Six
was assisted by Mrs. AUca
Huber and Mra. Donald Ma
Whirk, Bonnie Cruson, small
granddaughter of Mrs. Cm
son, lav two readings.
Pouring at tha serving table
war Mr. Alice Huber and
Mrs Art Rallrer
Attending were Meadames
John Kunkle, Glen Julian, Al
bert Remmenga, Loren Cham
ber's In, Ivan Smith, Alex Bo
deker, Fred Slienfeit, E. L.
Roye, Kirs. Ina Stockwell. Mrs.
Ines Ring, Mrs. Leota Worden.
Mrs. Catherine Julian, Mrs
Alice Huber, Mrs. Art Bslt
zer and Mrs. Charles Cruson.
Dr. George Roseberty, dis
trict superintendent, and Mrs.
Rose berry of Salem, were In
Lyons Monday evening, where
Dr. Rose berry was In charge
oi ina first quarterly confer.
mu-ience at the Lyons Methodist
church. Plans for finishing
tne church were discussed
with refreshments served at
the do of tha meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chrlsten
on. Duane and Sua of Mo
hawk, were week-end guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs
AI Aronson. The Chriateneons
sre former residents here. i
Congratulations are going
to Mr. and Mr. George Huff-1
man upon the arrival of their
first grandchild, a son born to
their diuchter and husband,
Mr. and Mr. Vernon Diger
ness Sunday. Nov. t. at the
Salem General hospital,
weight ( pound 1 ounce, nam
ed Steven Psul.
Don Remmenga. who Is with
the merchant marine, spent
Sunday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert1
Mrs. White of Portland Is
iuni at me nome oi ner
Mr. Ed Cruson were Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Ewing and daugh
ter, Rosalee, from Sprague.
Music will be furnished for
the morning service at the
Lyon Methodist church Sun
day, Nov. 1J. by Virgil Rogers
and hi band.
Atter-ding the first series
of the "'morning coffees" at
the home of Mr. Ivan Smith
Friday morning were Me-
aames Alvin
Palmer. Oscar i
Naue. Loren Chamberlain,
Charles Cruson, Chester Roy.
George Huffmn. Willam Har-
gm, Vernon Dlgerness, Virgil
Rogers. Leonard Cruson, and
Mr. Alice Huber. Thi Is a
project or the Women's Society
of Christian Service and will
be carried out through No
vember. Mr. and Mr. Bob Wallnn
and daughters of Salem pent
Sunday at the home of herl
parent, Mr. and Mrs. Ri..,.ll
Mr. and Mr. Harry Lari
mer had a their guest his
brother and family, Mr. and
Mr. Murlle Larimer of Mo
lalla. Mr. and Mr. Leonard Cru
son were week-end guests in
Portland, returning home Sun
day evening.
Lawrence Wales vi.ilr.rf .1
the George Huffman home
home Monday aftrrnnnn
Wales who Ii with the East
man Kodak company in Sing
apore. China, will return to
Singapore later this month.
mra. latnrrlne Julian is at
ui ner grandson.
Glen Julian She Is staying
there while her son and wife
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian'
are visiting relatives in Mis
Sam Bridges was brought
home the last of the week
from the Good Samaritan hos-
pual in Portland. Bridges I
was seriously burned Sent J '
ine lire which destroyed
hi home, and will have to go
10 aiayion eacn flay for treat
ment. Mr. and Mr. Earl Allen re
turned home Sunday from
Midvale, Idaho, after a weeks
visit at the home of her sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jess
Fox. They also visited the R.
J. Fox home while there
Spending this week at the
Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
With 30 salads to help yourself to, coffee
by the Silex-full, and choice of desserts.
All You
Can Eat
44 c
Earl Allen home is hi aunt,
Mrs. Edes Allen, from Blue
River. She aUo will visit at
tha borne of Mrs. Leots Wor
den and daughter, Msrjorle.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lyon
and son, Larry, have returned
to Lyons ton the winter. They
have been living at Claukanle,
and have their trailer house
parked at the Wayne Ran
soma. i
Mr., and Mrs. Keith Taylor.
Maurice and Jan of Wald-
port, (pent tha week-end In
Lyons. They were guests at
the noma of her parents. Mr.
and Mr. Pat Lyon and sister
Mr, and Mrs. Wsyna Ransom
He remained for the week to
help Wayne Ransom at tha
Gaa Heat company, Mra. Tar
lor and children returned
home Tuesday.
Monday Mr. Taylor and
children with Mr. and Mrs
Pat Lyon and Mrs, Wayne
Ransom spent tha day at the
Ed Ciller home In Marion.
Mrs. Gisler is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lyons and the
occasion honored her on her
birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mr. Henry Hols
fuas and Mr. and; Mrs. Oscar
Naue were evening guest at
the hom of Mr. and Mrs.
Cheater Roy. Later in tha eve
ning Mrs. Roy was honored on
her birthday anniversary with
cane ana coiiee
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brlske of
Salem and Mrs. Edee Alleif of
Blu River were Monday eve-
nlng dinner guests at the hom
or Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen.
The Briikes brought Mrs. Al
len to spend the week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye
moved last week Into their
newly completed house. They
plan to demolish the old one.
Hubbard The H..hkrH
Community church (Congrega
tional) will hold the monthly
potluck dinner Thursday, No
vember 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Parish haU.
The Rev. Robert Hamnel of
Aurora will speak following i
in? dinner and music will be
presented by Miss Shirley
Moore of Hubbard.
Everyone interested in form
ing an adult Sunday school
class in the Hubbard Commun-
ity church 1 urged to meet at
me rarisn house at 10 a.m
Sunday, Nov. IS. Coffee will
be served and plans discussed
for organizing the group. The
nev. cawin Salter of Salem
will be in charge of the wor-
""'PJK":' " 11:18 " l
Mrs. Glen Purdom was host
ess for.- the Monday evening
meeting of the Mary-Martha
Circle of the Hubbard Com
munity church, and led the de
votionals for the meeting.
mrs wayne raxton gave a
report from the book "Sand
and stars, s missionary story
of Peru. Miss Lenore Scholl
Forty five dollars was re
ported netted from the pie so
cial Saturday evening. Twenty
five dollars wss voted out to
help re-decorate one of the up
per rooms of the Parish house.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mr. Elvan Pitney,
December 14.
Webfoot After a short visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I. H. Williamson at Lafayette,
Mrs. J. R. Bell of Webfoot has
1 returned to her home where
I she is convalescing following a
in iiiojui vfviaiuil ill run
Twenty-two members attend
ed the regular monthly meet
ing of the Friendly Neighbors
held Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Carr In the Webfoot
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Curfman
The annual election of offl
cers of Dayton-Wehfoot grange
No 718 will be held at the reg
ular November business meet
ing Saturday evening, Nov. 14.
finest m
2S5S South Commercial
Phone Mill
FAM ttH if Fsrrf and Rkjs.
HnneweU Tha Uujwu
Missionary society held It
thank offering meeting Tues
day evening, Nov. 10 at the
hom of Mr.- and Mrs. Kuitl
Seiala. Mra. Glen Harris, sec
retary of spiritual Ufa, was the
leader and Mra. Howard Steph
ens and Mra. Rosa Roger were
assistant boa tease. Mrs. S. C.
Waller, president, was In
charge of the business meeting
Homecoming servlc will be
Nov. 22, beginning at 10 a.m.
The first meeting of the
Hopewell Community club was
held Thursday evening, Nov. t
at tha school house. Officer
elected for the new year were
president, Mrs. Glen Harris;
vie president, Mrs, Frank
Hersha, snd secretary-treasur
or, Mrs. Frank Westerhous.
The next meeting of the club
will b held Dec. I.
A newly-organized Garden
club held It first meeting at
the bom of th president. Mrs.
John Geisler on Friday after
noon, Nov. 6. Mrs. Eugen Wil
son Is secretary-treasurer of
the club. Tha next meeting will
be held Dec 4 at 2 p.m. at th
hom of Mra. J. S. Gllkey.
Rev. and Mrs. Clair Harris
of Portland were Friday vial
tors at the home of their son.
Rev. and Mrs. Glen Harris. .
Mrs. Mary Balrd of New.
burg, sister of Mrs. Charles
Stephens, is slightly improved
at Good Samaritan hospital In
Portland following surgery last
Tuesday morning.
Arthur Hauser (pent the
weekend y-"Ji his family at the
home 01 Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Deedon. He returned to eastern
Oregon Sunday afternoon for
another two week's work as a
government accountant
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wester
hous ipant last weekend with
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. CT C. Shoop in Al
bany, helping care for a new
Mr. and Mrs. Rose Rogers
visited Mr. and Mrs. Seth No
ble in Newburg Sunday after
noon. Mrs. Noble is a niece of
Mr. Rogers' aister-in-law, Mrs.
George Rogers of Los Angeles,
land was a recent visitor with
her aunt in Los Angeles, who
has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kotka
and family apent last Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kot
ka In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steph
ens called on her aunt, Mrs.
Will Branson in DeLake on
Saturday, and found her some
what improved. She has been
seriously ill following pneu
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Steph
ens returned Saturday from a
hunting trip. Their new home
is progressing rapidly, with
Charles and Russell Sergeant
doing the building.
Stephen Reed left Salem by
bus to report for overseas duty
on Tuesday. Mrs. Reed and in
fant son will be guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Art Reed for a few
Richard Ketchum is plan
ning to join the merchant mar-:
ine, and went to Portland on!
Monday for examinations. j
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lafferty 1
and Glen Pershall were Sunday
afternoon caller at the N. O.
Pearse home.
Elder R. G. Schaffner of Sa
lem continued his studies on
"Revelation" at the S. D. A.
church Friday evening, and
j Mrs. Richard Jones sang a solo
miuit uie service, r-a lernu
was morning speaker at the
S. D. A. church Saturday, and
r-&ldJuU l-n
W have had so many requests from ardent horror
show tons to get a program that would strik terror
to their vary being, that w hav at lost complied.
Here is the answer to these requests. Here
is the terror-ridden show you will see:
Make no mistake: This is strong stuff a
show deliberately designed to terrify the on
looker. Here are 132 minutes of stark horror in a
show which you will long remember if you
eventually recover.
Tomorrow at
Saturday evening, several
member of th church lav a
program over tha radio for th
pauenia at tha IB. hospital.
Among thoa who participated
were Mrs. Albert Terr ill and
Mr. and Mrs. Wsldo Maker.
Larry and Lonni Ledford
of Salem were guests of their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N.
O. Pears this week. Sandra
and Vickie Ledford were
guests of their grandparent,
Mr. and Mra. Kenneia Coberlt
Sunday night.
Balaton - Mr. and Mrs. Jer
ome Reese obaerved their for
tieth wedding anniversary at
their bom Nov. T with a fam
ily dinner.
Present were their son snd
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Reec and three chil
dren, and their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Cartrlt and three children of
Portland, and their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Rudd of Sa
Another son. Edward, was
unable to be present
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bowman
of Dallas were visitors at the
bom of Mrs. Lily Bowman last
Walnut picking was started
In the Keck and Hill orchard
the tint of the week.
Weekend visitor at tne
hom eof Mrs. Edna Tulford
were her brother-in-law and
sister, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Silvis
of Eugene; her nephew, R. E.
Silvis Jr., wife and three chil
dren, of Portland; and Mr.
Mary Blakley and Mr. ana
Mr. J. P. Byer of St. Helens.
Mrs. Fred Smith of Gopher
Valley spent the week end at
the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Shade Snow.
Ora Rebekah lodge met in
regular session Friday evening
and elected the following offi
cers tor the coming year: no
ble grand, Hattle Brooks; vice
grand, Edna Tufford; secretary,
Lucille Focht; treasurer, Delia
Detroit Hallett and Contin-1
ental Construction company, j
headquarters at Madras, Ore.,
has established a job office at j
Detroit from where a crew of j
approximately 30 men will
work to string wire from De
troit to Maupin for the Bonne-.
ville Power Administration.
Estimated length of time for
completion of the project Is one
year. Wire Superintendent Dell !
Edlefsen is an uncle of Marion
Kite of Detroit
Mrs. Cal Schlador and her
sister, Mrs. Lula Briggs of Cor-1
vallis were Sunday visitors at
the home of another sister and
her husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
1 Scheurer of Eugene, who have I
just celebrated their 92nd wed-1
ding anniversary.
Visitors at the Schlador home
Sunday were Dr. and Mrs.
Woodmancy, former Silverton
friends now living in Salem.
Fred Aataira, Cyd Charts
Comedy Co -Hit -"LOOSE
With the Bewery Beys
Bee This Shew Oa Onr
New Wide
Dallas Th Westminster
Ouild of the Presbyterian
church met Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. Frank Ouy.
Mrs. Virgil Trick conducted
th business meeting and Mra.
Eldon Bevens led devotions.
Mrs. Trick appointed th no
minating committee for the
1954 officers. They are Mrs.
Frank Richard, chairman;
Mra. Howard D Vo. and Mrs.
Norman Baker.
' Dr. E. W. Warrington of Sa
lem formerly professor of phi
losophy and religion at Oregon
Stat college, was guest speak
er. His topic wss "The Chris
tian Home."
Hostesses were Mrs. Almos
LeFors and Miss Mildred Staff,
rin assisted by Mra. Andrew
Irwin snd Mrs. Guy.
A bouquet of fsll flowers
centered the refreshment ta
ble. Guests bidden were Mrs.
Jean Howe, Mrs. William
Maas. Mrs. Lloyd Cooly.
Members present were Mrs.
Norman Baker, Mrs. Claude
Beebe, Mrs. Eldon Bevens,
Mrs. E. W. Benbow. Mrs. Ho
bart Carr, Mrs. Henry Cole
man, Mrs. Howard DeVoe, Mrs.
Frank Guy, Mrs. N. John Han
son, Mrs. Bruce Hoff, Mrs. An
drew Irwin, Mrs. Blaine John
son, Mr. Almos LeFors, Mrs.
Msx McGlsssen, Mrs. David
Moser, Mrs. Hollis Ottaway,
Mr. Frank Richards, Mra. Hol
lis Smith, Miss Mildred SUf
rln, Mrs. Ross Simpson, Mrs.
Virgil Trick, Mr. Tony Zan-
dol, Mr. Robert Woodman.
The Women's Missionary So.
eiety of the Presbyterian
church met in the social rooms
of the church Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Frank Richards
conducted the business meet
ing. Mrs. Tracy Staats led the
Mr. John Fully gave thel0f bridge.
yi ay w jur uic missionaries in ;
the Year Book. Mrs. Earl Rich
ardson presented a film on the
phoni a-taa
Now Playing!
Richard Carlson
S0e Till i t
William Holdea
Den Taylor
Clifton Webb
"Mr. Scoutmaster"
raoNi s-stm
Jane Wymaa
Sterling Hayden
in "SO BIG"
la Technicolor
" Miiilmiii ,J5L
1 'H:M
r" mm a.
Thunder. NorMibw 12, 1953
'hom life of th native ef
aiit boxes containing dona
tions for th year were collect
ed and opened.
Hostesses for th afternoon
were Mrs. Claude Beebe and
Mrs. Harry Holverstort Guest
bidden were: Mrs. Paul Mor
gan, Mrs. Howard Carpenter
Mrs. Fred Rosen crania.
Members present were Mr.
Earl Benbow, Mrs. Roy Bla
chard, Mrs. J. E. Jonson, Mrs.
c. j, tniieao, Mrs. 1 w, plum
mer, Mrs. Tracy Staata, lira.
E. J. Fully, Mrs. Ed. Himes.
Mrs. Conrad Stafrln, Mrs. Earl
Richardson, Mrs. Milton Mil.
ler, Mrs. Holli Smith, Mr.
Sidney Hanson.
Wheatland Mr. and Mn
John Stockhoff of Kansas City,
Kan., arrived at th home of his
brother and slster-hj-law, Mr
and Mra. Fred C. Stockhoff, in
the Wheatland district for a
one week visit
They have visited another
brother and lter-ln-law, Mr.
and Mr. Henry Stockhoff, at
Halfway, Ore., one week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gil
christ of Portlsnd were week
end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe'
Beaty of Wheatland district.
The women are lister.
Mrs. Aria Hagstrom of Port
land was a weekend guest of
her nephew and niece, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Beaty in the Wheat
land district.
Wallace Road The Novem
ber meeting of Willamette
lodge country club will be held
Saturday, night, Nov. 14, with
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sloper, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Doan and Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Lantis as hosts
for the 8:30 supper and evening
Starts Sunday
n amy I nuc mm
rutmuia) ui it rLW.
IV ithbegrtrftj,
If -Af. "Las
leCHNlCOinQ GMffKniV
North f the Sahara
Pro Footfall Gam Thrill
L .A. Ranu-S.P. 49ers
tei Ukaif
Dial i-nu