Thontiay, Nerembcr 12. 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galeta. Ores Pm it FOR SALI HOUSES ST OWNIL Mtmh u4 Sea, aU M aw llMr. Will aU at Uaa tar MuUar . havm. 14M H. Mt. Phaaa 3-04JJ am fT EQCIYT bC a BCD BOOH Mdm Bam. Attached lirtii atitlty. Low ateathlr HTnU. Paoct 4-fcAM. Tlf REDUCED TO SELL t lUTIIftV HVtag NM, dial 1MB kltclm, atlUty. Fllr4. Otrut. 1-MM. COZY HOME t Birlrismi baaatllwl Uf- flMff, U. garage. Utility, duett. Bit km- w. iknte. seaatad Seats. Term Ovaar. 1-MM. a3T3 -.LOOK AT THIS ' Onlr fr4t 4wn aula pa tat lata Bt aa boawoom ham a lovtlr eer Br l ar Llt cbl. OU Btaur raaa included la nele. Oarea. Moatbiy payment Ml par matb To tal price ty. m. a-.. BY OWNER I bedraom. double plumb ing, ail Baal, rttw. Klaxwood Height, sacrtfie. Pbasa 3-34M. a279- BKDBOOM suburban home, fireplace, all furnace, approximator 1 acre. Bu ar door. Har school. 112.000. Trade ; far homo ta Baltm. Phono 3-3049. oJ7l j RENTS FOR $60 par aaoatBa Tatal prle 11.414. Beat! medera Bob with a bdrm, larti. Blca kltchea. saw bath room, atimr rm., garage, large lot. Cleat t but. Term. Bv. Ph. I-itn. $500 Down BalaBca Ukt root, m tbli a aadroom Beau vith uaflatahcd u attain. Barda-Ood floera. U hat. aitacbcd arta. LecaUd aa patad ititat aita dtf watar aad atwer.. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor Ml Portlaad ltd. pn. i-1941 Pvta. I-IM4 a37 1565 Evergreen Bait Uortland addition. Juat fin laha4 I badna aaparato dlnlna room, lulda tUlllT. dooftl await, full buantat partr room)L 1 flrtplacca. dblt. Inaablag. pavad atrial A atatr. Eaat front. Thta la tttra Blca with urn wood kite tit o. 111,900. Owoar A balldtr. Earl Btamtter. a572 WIDOW UUFT BELL INCOME PROPERTY U PTJRNUHED APTS. PLCB OWNER S lncono appr. tiOt mo. Win takt a Bad Rat. homo aa down parmtnt. Xaar tornu. Total prlta $11 BM. CaU OSCAR 0EDERSTROM Wltb JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 41t . Hlah Ph. t-MU Bra. 1-ftSlt m 0. X. BARGAIN Lf a. a RR Houat an amall cor. lot, 1011 aa- ft., 4 rr. old, all lia rata, ww earptt la Llv. rn. Pull prlca aalf ITJM, Call Bob ConkUn. DUPLEX Mod. mut block blf. Each ttda-b-aldt volt haa 3 BR and urut. 1M ft frontata an 0o. Pacific HtWar. t mat raturn on invaatmtnt af 7W. CaU Bob Cod kiln HOOflES Hod. vaU built Cap Cod typt. a BR Bauat plat amalltr houaa la back. Let lMilJt ft. !7M far beta. CaU Bob Coaklla. 11000. DOWN Maarlr atw 1 BR Hotna 4'B1. to L!n- tola Behool. Pull prlr I7S5C. Tttma 1 1004. down and pta Bta. Call Bob coanitB. a BR Be 1 BATHS Older but aolldlT bu 't bouaa lacatad east aa D St, 1 lit BR batb up, La Llv. rm. dm. rn. Kit. A bath down. Baa STATE OI Loan. Pull prlca aao. cau sod contaa. BAST A food toll Drainage, gaod 4 BR plaatarad bent, gar at, young famlli arcbtrd. 111.000. Call Don WaU. SO. SALEM HM. for home oo lOOllOO ft. 1U1I Ut. rm, 1U14 Fit . a BR 11(11. i. attic, vaoaiiaa Minos, nw lira. CUT But tt door, call Don WalL COMPLETELY FURNISHED All raadr to walk In. Pint J BR Homt la good DUt- completely furnUned, 114.111. LR. Ilxlt, D.R. 10x10. 3 BR 11x11, atlJlty rm. Lot OOxlJI ft. wltb atta, taraca, nOO. Magnavox TV Radio, t7a. rug. $410 frerarr, auto waahar, Tinge, etc. Call Don WaU. BURT PICHA REALTOR aia w. Huh st. off: a-ui Itei: Don Wall 4-4461 Sim. Bob ConkUn J RM Sim. a310( FINANCIAL AUTO LOAN WILLAMETTE CHIDD CO. 13 BoutB Charcb ParklBt a-Plenty t-11 Lie Na M-114 S IM HONEY TO LOAN on Oood Homaa. OuUk aarrlea. Set Pen Colbatb. Real tor, Dial 41494. Office $14 Court St. rl7l EI US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAOX LOANS BEAT OP TERMS WE BUY Btal aetata Mnrtgegea contract State Finance Co. ir ft Hlrh St Ph 1-4111 LOANS . UP TO $1500 o Signature. Purnlture. Car AT Personal, it a promptty t am ploy ad man or women. 4) 1-tlalt loan . . . pbont flrat Yea ealeet beat payment data Between pardar loan Phaaa. write ar coma la TODAY t Personal Finance Co. 1H S. HIOH ST.. SALEM Stat Ltcffua Not. !, M-lll Leaaa erar $194 p ta 11404 and up to to moatha ta repay mad by Peraonal Fiaanu Co af Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companlet Act of Or eg on. tJti' Ua B-iu an M-SM aad rot b aiMMona IMSURAftCB AND LOANS Rear Tov Tradet" ta 4 Dally KSLM 1M4 Ka. OBWBBAL PI NANCE CO LOANS 114 Sa Com eternal st Tm 1-4! 11 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Ltf iru Aiittimai . r Wart, ( UM Ik tm W.rS 4. tm mwt4. mm. I tm WM. I Main tt, a. a.f i, Mhif It Wr4 UADIBA la LmI am sir. Tm tH . . ... . t, Hhlm M mtrtt. T rim Ail l Rim Df 1 riarr, Ph.M 1-1404) Mm I -m FOR SALI HOUSES Beautiful Home m Bomwrn adotttou f bedreaaa, svea gar. BuMa aunty, a' atiMta. mil Bart af laBtNM aa Portland IU $14,194. 49.144. at rear teaa. Take aaad let car ar la aa part dowa permaal Call tart Senuir. 4-9M. am ELDERLY COCFLS MUST SELL 1U iCAB) AOOJOUUMO DAOU Tory Uveal lint Boa aa4 out kiaii Aawat ft M. w uator. Atarax, 10 acre caltivatad. Laraa troataae a Bigbway. Wouid mak aaaaivutaB. Prtc aalr $34 40. wald acrtua, Bowse r Salem. CaU OSCAR SEDEKSTROM With JOHN J. DAMN. REALTOR 411 M. MlaB PB. t-UU Eva. 4-4314 ill new duplex Trr eampletc. m aaaauactaal Bid Br td unit. Loan, appraisal lit aoa. Our prlca lata taaa tkla. Claat ta aba piot bos. HINT BEATO a fwra. baaa aa a 4aa4y aaratr be Laraa iirui. litke ua a aflar am Ihla e. U 4aaa will Baaia. KDOI OP TOWN Owatr tan fAovaa at af atatt. Prat Ileal!? atw 4 BR Baaa vltB Ikoa fi. f float aaaea. t aaUu. 1M fU fToataat. PrUt WO. Call Baa CXttrr. W. afUSORAVr RKALTOBB 1111 Bdttvaur HUB. Bra. MOM ant Btra's tha Bouaa ttat'a lot tvarrtblBf ! 1 aadraoma, aiabocaa 4oari, blrcb caamtta, big Utlag rooa.. dtalaa area. -It. aroxob clowta laraa ataraaa apaca tetaia at 7 B. n. ONLY SMO.M dowa! IU t par aaa. Lncladini vrlaclpal. latarrat, tun aad tnauranca. BaUt on tht lot af yaor cbalca for aatfy aanooa SB THE MODEL ROUE TODAY. PHONE J-Oail A.. MOD. 4 BB bouaa near Jefferson. Write 4114 NE Maltnomab, Portlaad. MU 1450. 027$' t2S0 DOWN. 144 A MONTH buy thta email but seat a bed room borne, acre txeeUeat tardea ground. E. A. McOLADFLHf REALTOR 1IIS Broadway $-MIL Era. .4flt 0314 FOR SALE FARMS GOOD FARM BUYS 30 ACRES on Highway, at ta cult., lira craek. bdrm. older modern home with fire place. Barn, etc. jo tractor, plow, bar row, 17 head eattlt, aU hay feed. iubi Term. 300 ACRES 'Klata Valley DUt.) 144 A. ta cult. with water rlthta for lit atrea from creek, 1 A. faU plowed. I bedroom bungalow modern home oo cement inundation. Lrte barn and machine ahed. All kinds of good machinery Si truck included, for 4M.000. Term: day poaecaeloa. BBS T. T. ANDERSON FOB A FARM XV E. PH. 4-2714 iri.xsn.iet.rWW;WJ REAL ESTATE INCOME! Duck pin alley. Snooker aad pool tablaa. Fountain. Largt building. Oood lot on Hlchway tlE. All for ITt.490. Will take aome trade. Home and Rentals Modern a-bedroom home for owner. Alio 4 separate units that Tent for $3 304 a year. 1H acres. Oarages. Fruit. NuU. $19 100. RAMSEY, REALTOR 10M North Commercial Office 4-1IU Ev. Al Bender, Salesman. 3-7441 Eve. Jim Ramsey, 4-l$94 C3T0" Growing Family? TRADE If your family tt or has outgrown your present homt. TRADE lor this very substantial older home located Terr close la North, t bedrooms and a small den or otudr, large living room and dining room, full banement, nearly new forced air oil fired furnace, fire place, well aiianerd. roomy kitchen with plenty of built-taa. All of tht rooms ar on one floor, and there Is a let of gracious living left In this weU kept home. Pull price only 111, WO 00; eery good terms available. $250.00 DOWN Here la a change to aavt money by building soma "sweat equity." The In terior of Ut is home needs attention from a new owner. The house Is buUt on a eoncrete foundation. It only 4 years old. and tt vary livable "as la," but It hat never been completely fin ished. It beads such things aa walla re flnuned. aome Inside doors. Inside trim, floors recovered, and plenty of paint. It has 7 bedrooms, auarhed garage, utility spare, on a lot 46x117. located North of the city, about 1 blocks from ME, and bua aervlee. 10 04 per month on the balance. YL4 REALTOR "" PHONE 4 4454 1955 fairgrounds Rd. If n, ,Mwtr. ctu: Onl ,1 S-S341 r JHH M .77T. ,171 Thli is nothing to worry about. Call Colbath Land nJul"Vn,ing. '""iTo Ploce Classified Ads present homt for a larierl , - houM." c27e Phong 2-2406 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM, TRADE Thm tor lr cBraa wtdreem Bom ha Owner wants amaUer Same ta tawm, Cbel Be. alias for appacauaeat I tea. 2 BEDROOM DOUBLE 41 444 44 dawa ban thta tta two bsdreeao bam em ar ta reiser, levelr ahraba aad grauaaa. This Been la saw vacant aad tmmadiai) paaseaaiaa. Out af tan owner says teU aaw. Pall at) amhr 49.e44.44. CaU Chat lag appetaimeat t ae. 11 UNIT MOTEL Lacatad aa 99B Mart, tarauaa the aeat, Bic arter'a truartert. Tnl mate! ba 4 auu'-et. t daaai. gaiages. Worth th aatus prkea Par upetalaneM ta tea call Dala Barbara. THREE BEDROOM V2 ACRES Nice three bedroom em aa floor, bu basement, plenty shad treat, worth to aaiaa arte af 14,14444. iocated star Raiser. CaU Da Bayaarm far appataiauai ta tea. FIVE YEAR OLD 2 BEDROOM $5,350.00 $500.00 DOWN Claa ta avburbaa location, neat and clean a b Pla. Large lot, paved atraet, io to city bt and acbooL Jist redMtV lmmedui f oasasslaa- Hutry this woa'l laat. CaU Jim BawUa. PROUD OF YOUR HOME Tbla ham will afford roa plenty af pwrtoaal aatltfactlea te ! af awaerabip. la attracttrt iui Knticwaod secUaB aa larg well land acaped lai. Two extra larg bedroom, large Uvlng room with cixculatlatT flraplac. good dinlag room, big kitchen with ample eating apac. Blca auiltr ream, attached garaia. FHA fla anting 1 11. 90 04. call Jim aUwUaa. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) WW a. OMUi 1UMI Oftlc Fhcua: -HH f -im ETtolbt. raon, Ob,t HUt JIB 14111 TIUU I-14M BASEMENTS - BASEMENTS! Dry tmot; daylight; gome with playrooms fireplace All with fanucaa. SOOTH J bdrmt. oo one fir. a fireplace, daylight basement, de- UfbUnJ birch kltchea, near new school. Price I14.U4. SOUTH Mc Kin ley DM. 1 Bdrmt. on ono fir. a flreplacto, D. Rm. dream kltchea. rad Ule roof, eery attractive, Frtc. $11.44. BOOTH Bagllah ttacca, 4 Bdrau. la Laall dlt, bssement. Prtc 14.944. NORTH a Bdrma. plus nnf. bdrn, up. D. Room, L. Room, Waul. fully decorated, nice lry baMment lovely landscaped yard. Owner aeeds acreage. Prtc $13.)0. NORTH Older borne ta Highland Dtsl. Newly radscarated, a Bdrm., alee L Room Elect, heat. Also basement wltb furnace, tl.too.00 down. Prle ll.eoo. INVESTMENT TRADE for California, a atory. a fura. rental apt., plus owner's large guar tars. Income it $4M per mo. Terr aloe ta Stat Olflcea, University shopping center. Price $40,404. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR m a. aim n. atM. ud Tht.: i-iTJi. i-twi, t-tin TNOLEWOOD SPECIAL A very comfortable and aeat a bdrm. homt, Br. rm.. din. rnu. lnatde utility rm.. attached garate. Fenced back yard with petto. Price $10,400. Terms. CAU. H. K. LAYMON OWNER WILL CONSIDER TRADE Breathtaking It w overlooking rirar aad valley and one of the bast bura in year. Dole, garage, big llv. and din. rm.. all birch kitchen, auto-dUhaaahcr, bdwd. fir., auto all heat, lie. playroom on main Door. 1 alee bdrm., trees At Patl. Yea couldn't aak for anything more. Bread new. CALL. ROY S. FERRIS OWNER TRANSFERRED Almost new a bdrm. roach type homo. Lovely llv. rm. with beautiful tough atone fireplace, din. rm, bath, atll ltr wired for dryer. Attached single aaras. Dble. wardrobe closet, ail farced air furnace. A fin home and ONLY I12.M4. CAU. J. B. LAW ACREAGES J0 Acre 11 acres bearing cherry trees, fine bide, tlta located couth in the Liberty District. Price 119.000. I1- Acre on paved road, nearly all la filbert. Oood bide, att clot to PrlngJe School. Price fS.tOO. $M0 down, balance easy terms. 3 Acre tract on main Pacific Hwy., 4- miles tooth of Salem, 30 acre of bottom land balanr- unpaid. Oood bidg. sit. Battl Creek runs throve this tract. Price 412.000. 19 Acres view property located 4 '4 ml let' from Salem. Ooud road. Pin bldg. alte. Price 14,000. CALL O. K ORABENUORST. JR. INCOME PROPERTY a homes on one lot. located In Bnglewood School District. Neat and comfortable one bdrm. home. Prtc $4,900. TERMS CALL H. B. LAYMON CANDALARIA OFFERS MORE So be first to e thle !oely homo nrarlug completion, dble. plbc bug dble. garage, central hallway, ma hogany trim, llv. rm. Si din. pm.. blrcb kitchen, auto-oll beat, t bdrm., brick and paneled front, nice view, outstanding location CALL ROY SX FERRIS A LOVELY a BDRM. SUBURBAN HOME Convenient to Schools and transportation and shopping. Beautiful II 1 23 ft. llv. rm. with fire place, convenient kitchen at nook. Pull bath. Auto-oll best. A good buy at I.JSQ. CALL J. E. LAW GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS . 114 a. LIBERTY ST. p j.,7i rVENINOS 0UNDAY8 CALL 8ALEMIEN B. r. LAYMON 1-tltl ROY . FERRla l-Ml, J. a LAW 14111 For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3365 REAL ESTATE $75 DOWN Only 433 44 per mo. burs a small home. It need some work to mate it livable. Inside city limit. .With city water. Close to bus line. SOUTH SALEM 17.954 burs a lovely a bedroom home with only 91.004 down. Deltchttul kitch en with apace for larg breakfait set Attached garage. Beautiful lot with plenty of flowers and shrubs. Excel lent neighborhood and beat of TV re lation. TRADE SPECIALS 1. Dandy 3-bedrom hrtme Just South of city with ftreplsce and lots of extra for 110.404. Trad for good 3 ar 1 bed room la town, up to 113.904. 3. Wanted, a good home In town In trade for a tourist court on North Portland Road. f. Wanted, a email houe or car or truck la trad for a good, btt, I bedroom home with sawdust furnar, in baie ment. Large corner lot, clo.e to new high tehool. Bargain at anly $1,994. 341 South High St. Phone 1-9393 Salesmena' Phones: Evan tot St Sunday 4-1471. 1-1154 4-1344, 4-4314, 3344, 1-4474 ca;o TWO ACRES POUR ROMM HOME Oood barn, largo poultry house, fruit bouae. ga ratt. Juat etdf cltr oa paved ttreet. Bear tehool. Prlc ittfto TEN ACRES WILLAMETTE LOAM Oentlv rol- Bng and well drsiaed. Ten minutes from city Bast. On paving and near arhooi. a alandy auiidina git, rrtee 44.344. An addttinaal 4 arret avallael TWELVE ACRES YEAR 'ROUND JTRPa.M l1 acTea alee limber I t acres in cultivation. 3 acre bottom, family err-hard fruit and But. Mo bulldinst. THIS IS OOOD. Th arte g t 754 CENTER STREET REALTY 1114 C eater St Phono 4-MJl No. Phoaaa: Oiei t-Tllt. Bright l-f5 rill REAL ESTATE FOR 2 BEDROOM Bettor am . acta af flaa eL PuU prtca aeUy 414.144 44. Call . GARAGE KEIZER Oil, lurbim MM REAL ESTATE G.I. SPECIAL What happened to the financing on all those Cv I. Homes that you used to be able to buy with only 10 down? It ait re tot scarce U of a audden. but one of our loaning companies ha eom back asain with O. L loans 14 down. 34 years If desired, and we have a home which we have reason to believe will to O. I. It has 3 nice bedrooms, a tl bath, large living room with fireplace, nice kltehen, Inside Utility room, plumbed for washer and wired for dryer, attached garage, beautiful corner landscaped lt this la a bur for anvene at $9,004. Now vacant. Seeing Is believing. Hammer and Saw Plus t little work will make this S-yeer-okt home a dandy plac to rata a family. Located on a large double Int. all kinds of fruit, aut. flower and shrubs, paved street, cllr sewer, wa ter, school a block away,' city bu haridv. ove raised garage, res. there' a fireplace. Can be sold to Stat O. L on low dawn payment. Money to Loan Wa again hava 4'a to 9 money to loan on a 24 year beak for newer prop er t tea, leant oa elder properties 4 to 4. ' Joe X. Bourne, Realtor 1144 Iff. CtPltol Ph. 1-4314 Rome a-7311 ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 144 ACRES Appro. 43 acres la taltlvatum. 4 teres la strawberries. Bel. in pasture and timoer. oood $ Bdrm. heme with lie. rm , din. rm . kit aad atil. rm. Lent sheep bara, 4 ataachioa cow barn and several aut building. fenced. Would trad for Mot) or Court. $31 too. TWO HOUSES ON ONE LOT 95x149 let. On new bus. Rem to build 4 mor rent!. 144S4 ov trad for tcrtact. t ORADB A DAIRY SACRIFICE SALE Prtc lust reduced n this 4 acre irri gated ranch. Located aarth. Modera hnm. 33 aUactoa bara, )lo la faU HMO will haadl. Prlc $ it 904. ROY TODD REALTOR 31 tt start Rt 0fir phn t-1941 Iveniata call Vandrvori 144 SimPBon 3t23t Baas I741S REAL ESTATE NELSON $4,950 Price Down $600 a bdrm. Boaaa aaaat 4 rr. aid. wen wwilt. smsaL, 14 44 13. fruit, law taiea. Oaad atf hWrbaad, I au. K. aa 90 a. Call Mr. KacntB Below FHA 1 BDRMS $9,733 Owaer win aac rifle belew PrfA ap pramei. Tbia la pour opportunity bow ta tea a new bora with aU Beat, ta aMe aullty. tiled fpiaew. largo bH. At Bowl CaU Mrs, Wttm $9t950-Just $1,200 Dwn. Daat ear tt I Sad only know. Yes tbu i a real bay. Tn evifl at la Calif, aad at want ta sell this antel- Iral a adrm., 1.144 a, ft. home. The UvtM rm 11 x 14 with Boenea brick f pi ace. Ola inc rm. alee larg inside atllltr rm. Paved at, aldewaUts. and ewer all paid far. CaU AL Walt. S-TM4 Acre on Creek Tht aoaWl b roar dream borne, starter ham, one tarte rooom alts at tic. A gaod plac ta lla wbii ra build. BeauUful homesita aa groin ban, af a spring fed track, Dnat mua this oppanuBltil Prtc $MMu Dowa 4L44B. One Acre CROISIAN CREEK D1ST. Her ta aa emwartunltT 4b eoJoy a aountrr setting af natural baauiy: 4- I rm. bom with larg Uvlng rm. paneled with cedar, open beam celling. New En si and fplace., part basement. Only 44.444. Easy terms. Suburban Home With . Duplex Atirtctlrt Cat Cod 1-Mrm. home wits K acre land. In good location, dot to store di but. It haa a rental nils far added Income. Owner wUl ac cept 44.404 bom ta trad. Prtc re duced to $14.74. CaU Mr. Schmidt. NELSON & NELSON SPECIAUZINO 141 N. High REALTOR ph. a-sM CJ74 THESE HOMES ARB WANTED (By You) "SECOND STORY MAN Will be sure to like tbt two floor Soma la excellent section of calterlin Ave. Basm't, fireplace, oil furnace, 2 bedroome. A BUY WORTH CHBC&LNO, FOR $12,909. TERMS. TRIAL BY TORY CH ARM INO that would b their erdiet oa this new 3 bedroom home, fireplace, daylight baam't. NOB HILL DIKT. Buy now and b able to choose your on color. YOU WILL AOREE THIS IB EXCELLENT VALUE FOR 412,904. "OCILTY AS CHARQED Yet, this home It auiltr of BEAUTY and INDIVIDUALITY. Overslaed lot. Brand new 2 lovair bedrooms, large living rm. dining rm. French doors. blrchwood kitchen, 3 fireplaces, day light bajmt, oil furnaca. A TERRIFIC BUY FOR ll.eJO. EXCELLENT TERMS. "BT1CKEM DP WTTH ANY HOU8B IB tht price range. 4 bedrooms oa mala floor, lane basm't. with furnace. Oarage. A DE SIRABLE HOME FOB $S0. TERMS. "CRIME DOES NOT PAY" BUT IT WILL PAY YOU to at this attractive SHOW HOME with so many wondreful features. Located oa vie Lot South. BEE THIS FOR 44504. WILL TRADE INTO LARGE I bedroom b UP to $14,400, South. i "SEE THE D. A Ye, you must see thla DREAM ABODE It's modern ta tht FIRST DECREE. Th living room and dtctnt room dealtn la early colonial. Fire place, bdwd. lira, ell furnace, til bath, Lovely location tn the Bnglewood Diet. 9H.M0 with good term. "LINE UP- ALL TUB HOUSES YOTJ-VB SEEN and none win compare witn older room Bom la the 37.904 PRICE RANOE. Baamt taw dnat furnace, large corner lot Just 3 Worts from new Leslie cVliooL WILL TRADE FOR ACREAGE. "rob a Bank And roa ar steal in, buy thla horn at $J.Pso and you're doing the tame. Lovely acre with 2 bedroom modern home fireplace, oil furnace, hdwd. firs, wonderful kitchen, dinette. THIS IS A PLEASURE TO SHOW Short dlitnce eail Just outside city limit. TVF PHONFS 35373 4M94 Of JtWIv BUYING A DRESS And burinr a home are much the tame. It haa lo fit the individual o la going to live In III Look over th followinr selection for the home that ult your needs. PAINT & PUTTER Save $1,409 by palntltu nd puttering this modera home Into a $10,000 prop erty. The corner lot 1 out of thta world, beautiful, and the house Is aound but tt doe need shining up In side and out 2 bedroom with abund ance of closet space. Knotty pine room could easily be made Into a den. Forced air heat, lovely kitchen and bath fin ished m Colonic. Only 9 yrs. od and a sua! at U.9M. CLOSE IN BASEM'T FOR THE SMALLER FAMILY TH TT WANTS A (KOl) B.UFMFNT AND LOVELY KITCHEN This basement Is abaolutelr tin -tousled It Is perfectly drr. healed and ha tond lighting and wnnderlui shop space. The kltcnrn will make her Jump with delight bees u as tt U really at tractive. Por all the family the bed room are OVERSIZE and the bath haa a tub and aeparat shower stall. Love ly fireplace la living room. Onir 4 yrs. oM. Al) this wrapped up In a beautiful Christmas Package on a close In cor ner let. Selling for $11,000, which 1 substantially below FHA appieual. BUILT AROUND A BAR Somewhere there La a man who has dreamed of a 2 bedroom home that has a lovely den with fireplace and com plete bar. We have that home for rou bow It u located on rernr lot with TREMENDOUS OVERSIZE garase Priced at on'.y $19,904. SUBURBAN LIVING at It's flnrati Have you dreamed of living la a fin suburban horn where the entire neith borhood Is a picture stralrht out 0 BETTER HOISTS OARDFNS Would you IU to llv oa a sweeping boule vard that carries only the traffic in your own Immediate area? Do ynu want a home with a lovely yard that ta com plimented by neighbors who kMp lh.ri th same war? Would you like to live la tbia home with paneled living room with picture window and lovely patio Do you want a DRY batetnent that Is a lovely play tooto for your children If you want the thing in a home, call u now to vour dream bom priced at only $13,000. INCOME MR PrXTT INVESTOR Dear sir: W htvt a sound 1 twftom older Borne that could eeaily be made into a larg apartments. Located by new aoning la a high potential district Di vided Into a ana rt men s this homt would easily bring 1110 04 pe- month We tnvit your laspecttoa. Priced at only M 994. CLIFF BOWOEB Prance Knapp faint.) home phooe 3-4)s Cliff Bowder bkr. borne phone 1-nH 1940 rairtrounde Road BOLLYWOOD DlaTTRJCT Plt 4-3306 CwliTeMn H:WieH:1 AUCTIONS AUCTION! S mlln . bt Suyton on SUyton-Mehanu Hlghwiy. Hiving told my farm I will Mil t Public Auction SATURDAY, NOV. 14TH-12:30 P. M. SHARP CATTLE Drciam Bereford. 31 me. aid dwe Feb. 14th.. CMseraae Berefwrd. t4 pr. aid. 4u March 4. Halsteta. rr. aid. da March la. Janoy 4 rr. old. du Jua S. Durham. U m. oM, aaetaro brad. Oaeraaey aad Arr Air. it m. aid. patr bred. Pur Bras ctexeXard BaU. n at ttf ttoisteia Sler 4 aa. aad Metier. FARM MACHINERY Medal 44 Oliver Tractar. Avery Tandem cnaa. a tat, Sprtmg wMtb. bottom U in. plow, a sec. aptk tMb st arrow, a wheal trailer. Wheal barrow aa rwbber, a aew rails Wevea Wire. I rU Beavr barb wira. . aew 'ctrts fence ahargcr, wir aad buaialar. Many tat tU a4 miacaUaaaaaa turn. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Bat Model Calveraal Electric Range. 1941 M W. BfrWertr. M W, Waiaar. btonair Davene and Chair, a badroam set, Sprlag aad Mat treat, knee hole desk. Swing rocker, 13 by 11 Axmlactay rag. 4-ptec carom a Duetto set, wood circulating beater, lamp, ahalta aad mUceliaoeou Item. Tbi Nnntart at aU aaarlr aw aaattmoa. E. R. KELLER-OWNER ' LANE SUDTELL-Auctioneer 3913 SILVERTON ROAD, SALEM, OREGON, PHONE 1-8098 REAL ESTATE We Specialize In Trades ' ( VERY GOOD VALUE Haa larg unfinished upstair. Well located for store, school and bua. Mica yard. Extra lg. lot for garden. Private well. Oil beat. Insulated. Ima. pots. Pull PSK-e 91.144. Offered for constd erablo les thao tn owaer paid tar tt for a aultk sale. Terms, Inside Tells the Story Just Ukt aew. Xa tht very beat af condition. Extra larg eating space. Ex cellent fireplace. OU beat. Hardwood floors throusnottt. 1 alk. ta bua. Aa txcclent yard. Extra large lot. Att. garage. Pine ntlltty room. Xmm. ot. PuU prtc 414,904. FHA terma If da aired. DON'T PASS ME BY! This la a cat oat. Aa unusual Amount af built-in. Automatic all heat, insulated, sptcloua living room. Hrdt basement. 19 X 114 lot. Quiet tt. Pull Price 49-9S4. (Call for MR, CRAW FORD, eve. ph. 4-4024 Sim ) Roomy Inexpensive 4 tpaclou bedrooms oa an floor. Only 3 yrs. old. Insulated. Fireplace. Bu front dooapPBlae-top L Hardwood iioort. prapca laci. la tn bargain prlc of 99.904. Libera term If de- elred. iCell for MR. KULLANDER, v. ph. 4-40ST tin.) NIGHT CLUB And dandy. Owner report a art between $1,004 and $3,004 per mo. The equipment is in tht nett oi condition. Bttabllbed IS yrt. Rent oa bldg. only $150 per mo. Liquor by the drink. PuU prlc for everything $34,000. Owner will consider property aa part payment. (Call for N O. "DAK" ISAAK, vt. pa. o-ss4i aim.) APARTMENT 4 wntta all MrcUhed. PiUat baths, Income on I rentals 4144. per ma. plus owner' quarter. Well located. rd down will handle. Full prle 430.004. K.-B1I lor If. O. "DAN" lAAAhy, gva. pti. 4-I&3I Sim.) 425 ACRES Oat Camp Adair war. This ta I dandy. 143 A. under cultivation, Mew extremely modern a bedroom house. 4C by 40 barn. Oood sheen barn, rarac. 40 Acres tilled. Oood soil. Only $5,000 cot wm nandi. cn tor MIL leav ENS, gv. ph. J -4735 !m. 1 ACRE No bldgt. 43 ft. well. Good Son. Choice bid, site. Full price 13,000. (Ca! for MR. LEAVENS. V. ph. Driver bottom 4 Acres minus. Right oa th duck fly vsy. Chehalla soil. Well. Small bid. Fine soil for produce. PuU price 94.000. .Call for MR, CRAWFORD, tv. ph. 4-4020 Sim.) 2' 'o ACRES Cloao la north. Modern, cleaa older type home. Oarage. Oood well. Oood soil. Irrigation pipe. Barn. School bus. Full price $7.44. Term. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. Ph, 3-4734 Sim.) FHA tt CONVENTIONAL MTGS-, 34 YRS. FEDERAL OX MTCiS., 34 YEAR LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. St IDAHO Al Lsaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phone 4-3311 or 3-1924 Eve 3-473$. 4-21)3. 4-tOft. 3-1974 If no answer. caU 4-2344 211 VIEW VIEW VIEW This lovely 3 bed room horn haa a view from every room but one. Pull basement, oil furnace, fireplace. Beau ful yard. Pioneer Drift and yet only 4107M. E A McOLAUPLIN REALTOR 103$ Broadway 3-1111. Ev. 1-4413 C270 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property it for sale. rent or exchange, tut H with a We have all kinds at cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS It! S Hlgb St ga HI ARE in need af good bouse to selL In ar near Sa.em If you wisb ta Ut your property for sale, aee ORABPNHORST BROH REALTORS M S -Lloerty Ph 3-J171 ct BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Residential Court 13 units with batementi. Walking dmtanca to the Capitol Bldg. No va cancies. Priced to sell at MS, 000 Shown by app't. only. Please -no phone In formation. See "K;e" Fleolns. Eve. Ph. 4-Mr:. VARIETY STORE Located la good shopping district. Dut to lllatat aomeone caa get a real buy. Long list af ate future. Priced to sell for $1,100 pi 11a inventory See "Kit" Kletin. Eve. Ph. 4-Mtt BfTAI BANY Kqi tPMI.NY and bustnem 01 Oe:d Arrow Restaurant, 199 Fair grounds Rd Cd3i4 NOT A DREAM But 4 true resllty. Lars trscerr Bt wtet market. Sac r if king becaus other intereats. Excellent location. tiioo atorg ai an nxturea in etude 4 TtJ itlri for til 44W4 Be B-n Cr'ralh Realtoe IIS Court ntal IIMI F edI7J FUEL DRY ej.AR wood, anv lenitB. Prompt tervtre. Phone 34434 after $00 pm 379 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUCTIONS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BEfXEB DISTRICT Beautiful ranch type S bedroom bom. Attached g erase. au aa vs acre, au large room. 1,140 aauar ft af floor apae. Hots about on sr aid. Owner leaving far CaU feral. WUl take smaller bom aa part payment mat caa a resold. tiT.i This to really a good ralu. J. E. CUrc. 2044 M. Capital Ph, MM, cbrTf farm Trade 34 ACRES. New Bara, Ursa Medwra Poultry Houat. Real Deep WeU, 4 Acre af Orchard, a Acre af Timbered View. baL: paatiua St cultivated, a BR. mad- era Mttag. 404 laying pullets. Batch- tag egg eon tract. 4 milk oow. Bast of locations. 1 mile Bast wa Stat Eerihltv go for 414,444. WUl tk trad. SUMMERS, REALTOR ITU Btal St. pa. 4-4903 cb27l t BED ROOM bom ta West Salem, a lot, value $4144. wu mad for Slm Bom to about $9044. E. A. MrOLAUPUM REALTOR 1434 Broadway 3-M1L Bv. a-44Il ebJ79 WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LOCKEB BEEP Whit face Hereford, 34c Nothing dowa, 4 men, to pay. Custom killing. Trailer ie...ed free. Salem Meat C 1334 S. Stta. Ph. S-44S4. 0 PEEDEB STEEBS 19 aad UP. Salem at Co. 1221 s atts. Pboa 9-44U. BAKER COfNTY Feeder Sal. 3404 head feeder wlart and ytariinge, aetiera and steers. 104 lctd aholo feeder ateere for 4-K and F.A. project. Baker, Oregon. November IS For fur ther InformaUoa ton tact Laror C, Wiiht, Seeretary, Box Tl, Baker. Oregon. 170 PETS BABY PABAUBTTS, alnatr eanarlee. Soma aatea. Mr. A. B. Power, lit Belter. Between S. Winter aad Cot tage. OC294 POMERANIAN PUPS. Sabl femal AKC registered. Perfect for show. Sired by International Champion Dromaro Bombardier. Will aell only ta part wh cn afford and appreclat championship quality dogs. IdlewIM Kennels, phon 3-0714 after 4 p m. week daja ar Saturdays aad Sun day. C270 Jl'lY a LEFT. Beautiful purebred Colli puppies. Registered. Iral S. Church. C270 CHAMPION SEED Boxer puppies. Moore Tropical Flita Equipment. Parakeets. Fets. Madcap Road. 41773. Closed Wedneadays. C234" BOLLYWOOD AqiABIi:M 1444 McCoy. one block east of N capltoi. its block north af Madison. Ph. a-449f. c2$4 BEGI4TESED DACHSHUND pupple. very reasonable. Phono Albaar 1419L, 1231 Taken St. c214 POR SAI.B 3 rtsli tared Siamese kittens. one mala, en femal. Call a-3$39 after p.m. ec374 POS 4A1X Toy -orkrs. Blond mats. Phon 3-4371. 4194 FUher Bond. OC273 PARAKEETS LIVINQTTON. PHONB 8-1443 c374 FOR UALE POULTRY HE ARE hatching New Hampshire OoM- tn Broad and Arbor acre Wblt Rock, every week. Special price to year around fryer growers pox's Hatchery. 1310 Stat at Phone 2-4B49 f WHITE CORNISH GAME CHICK 4, ac claimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now a v liable t commercial fryer gTowers. Proceaaora a y premium prlre for this broad double-breasted fryer. Quantities limited and If un available, try tht axt best, oar first teneratloa Arbor Acres White Rock. Year -around hatches every Thursday. Also, New H am pah t re LEE'S HATCHERY 1114 Center Street Ph. t-iatl PRODUCE WAIN IT and Filbert Phono Corvalli. 3-1924. ff279 FIVE VARirrtKft of apple. 43 44 or yon pirt, 11.0. ceeil Eord. Rout 3. Box 394. Phon 3.9132. fflll' DATE PRI'NRS in bulk r gift boxes. vaiity Fa-m Store, phono 4-4424 tmi APPLPH RPRAYED $3 40. Walnuts 2tc lb. Filberts 20c. Majors, 314 W. Che mawa Rd. 1 mil straight west of Kelier School fflll1 HELP WANTED MALE TRAVEL "AND EARN I Need ill anen, 19-23. fre to travel return Transportation furnished, ex- pens drawing account- Salary, com nv ton S bonus oaralnct ta 9394 mo. thiy. Advanremenl. Be Dan Mc Clellaa. Salem Hot!. 14-19 t 3-1 gJT0' H ELMNTr FMALE AVON Pot elllag ar tervtc. writ bt trlct Mntr, P. O. Box 3141. For U and 4. Ore. Phone VS 1101. gMTO WAITRI.49 WANTED. Must be 31 or Over. Apply la person. Red Lan tera, 4019 South Pacific Hwg. gbJIO TRAVEL AND EARN I Young ladies. 40-23, ta assist field manager, traveling Wast Coast A re turn. TranspoTtattoa furnished- Ex pert a advanced. latereslinx work. Salary, commission S bonus. S Mrt. la lScClellta. Sslem HetL 14-13 I 3-4 hno 1 w ANTED SALESMAN W I tLr JLUmAH SALESMAN Popular make new car dealer ao ba openlnt for good new cor tales man. Bed tf working condition. Oood erwrt unity for anyone with previous eipetlence Write Box art. Capital J turn a 1. for Interview gt 714 WANTED POSITIONS CAnrtsTta a arrtia rnon. MM Mir riTi,o. l-HM. mm iM ..Ufa, rw WANTED POSmCNS UGMT CUIflll 4mtaM. . lm,. tnduu. Ttamt .UW OIU uu U oU u k mt kmi MIW CON.TailCYION. HB.WItl,,. . pur. a, mw va, i tmn M ht. DKUI MAK1MO. alttrauaeia, Bvidav, kridd fwm. ai -!tJ!. pet lai oallawa. SL P. Bai WASBLtO S traaltm ta ar bam. Pboa Hoaa. mnw LAND4CAPINO. tract aad tiller wwrh. Srvtc C eater, rboa 4-ut. a CABPfjrrS4V Baaalx. rem ode L aaMaetB aad garage, amaaa jat wesee-w. PnatM 4-4344. aJT PAINT1NO Spraf ar avaaa. ar 444L "'" BABY BITTEB Will SO day ar aigbtg, Phoao a-4944. BSSP COMPLETE repair aad remedallag wrw le. Ala. Bw CMSxracuaa ats am aeta. Pnoco 4-3A2L B371 EXCELLENT CABS tor Pt atOid. 1194 Shipping. Fnocva t-ona. bttj CHILD CABB 1 my hMk UU B. Com ma rclaX Pbaa 4-4314. nxn YBES OBB. Tap tag. trlmnUaa. re- moitng. iMBtwd. lahB Fay a. Fhoe I-443A h391 MICKBHHAMr DAY BURSXRY Stat Ucad ex lataattad. Fa. I-7994 B391 MIMEOORAPBINO and TYPDCO. OuaUtp wark. Baonabla rat, Mr. Pa. 444 N. 14th. PbOM 3-3443, . hS44 WANT WOBK alter 4:34 p. m. Raetau- raat, bay attttag. auarn. at. 4-U44. hait YBAINEE Vt BOOKBEEPDia AND OEM- EHAL OFF1CB WORK. PHONE 1-4043 WOODBURN. INQUIRE 1444 BOONE FERRY RD.. WOODBUBN. h214 OABUEN WOBB bf Ik sap. Fhoa B314 3-1244 eve. ot sewobk, by boar ar tab? gtuing. Fhono 3170. snr DEPIUVDABLa, 9JARWOB9UNO maa d ilre teady ompMynwat. u rear nax plant egperleaca. Writ box C4S, Cap Ill JournaL btm WIEMALS Day aursery. Llrtnasd and Stat Inspected. Pboa B4014. B394 COMPANION FOB my boy. Child the to lira. Permaneat aara. FBca 4-379. Bira WANTED Sewing and Clea Mertoa, 434 M. Mr. B33S . Pboa h3T3e FOR RENT LABAB sea, Cmat naarA arma miwmaj. Dowa tow. Inaulxe B. I Stiff Par allure Co, Phooe 4-4144. f ATTENTION State Employes Wo Bar strwctd a new parklas are at th rear at the Stat Junaut tsr Bldg. with available aao ft approximateir 30 aara. Rental M 43.44) per month. Call Floater Trust C, 3-311$ for details. 174 WANTED TO RENT PBOPE84IONAI. MAN dMlrs 4 bedroom horn by De. a. rreieraaiy wim awa, refrigerator. Bear Salem Ooatral Hos pital .- pgrmaaeat mldcnta. phono a-49(4. Jal7f FAMILY DEI IRES twa r three bedroom Boaaa by November llth. Phon t-43. jaaia FOR RENT ROOMS FOB WOMEN, r lichen prlvclege. Nle warm room, as n. wiairr sh. ikih- TELEVISION Sleeping loom. Kltchea prlvllM, 42Q.;o Bairn in C BOaro near by. Phon 2-1434. jk311 PLEASANT sleep in room fog gsntleman. 10&4 Norway. Phono J4J41. 14372 NICE CIS AT room with hot plat, wa tr. 3131 Center SL 3-110. Jk313e FOR RENT HOUSES 8 BED SCO M unfurnished Sou, 19000. ioqutr 1979 aroadwar. jni7f PBONT DUPLEX, first floor, larg twa bedroom, wardrobe closet, ale Doors, venetia blind, electric heat, refri gerator. tov, ale kltchea, ale atlllty. Adult. 3-44. 4097 Warner SL jmSTP a BEDROOM ROCHE, sawdust heat. 944. inquire eerier atarxai. .iw mar ket. Jm374 1'BJECT TO I ALB r WIU lee aew t bodtoam Some, wall rurnaee, tia aata, $9 0 r 3 bedroom newly remodeled $45 re.- Both 4 mL from lty, N. B Phon 3-347). Im374 ONE BEDROOM furnished eettage. Adult. Year a leae. 949. (7. u. An dren. 4994 M. Lancaster Dr. Phono 4-1247. latfTie LOVELY INTL'BNIBRED ttpptt duplex. 1394 Court. Phon 4-7134, mTTl MOD. Ft EN. 4-BM. Cottage. 3 mL N. of BrooU en 991, Afttr 4 p. at. imirt . BEDROOM duplex unfurnished. Also Bat garage, North, 3414 Portland Rd. lm314 CIJtAN PCBNIXBED on bedroom Bouse. 1113 4th. Fbon 20494. jmju Fl'RNlRHED, modern room, raasoa- abl. Laundry, garage. Inquire 3444 Portland Rd, lm372a SMALL MODERN HOCffE oa Waconda Rd., 2nd nous west I'RA, B. eld. Rt. 1, Box 44. Brook. Ore. jmlll 4 BE It BOOM HOME Noiih 2 1st. Auto matic beat. Phon 3-4012. . Jmi7l PtRNIRHED ONE BEDROOM. Ltvlnf room. klUhea, dtntt. 94. Phono 3-1129 2m271 MODERN TWO BEDROWM OOBTt. Stovo, rrfrigerator, and Bendtx rorauhed. Hear Salem Oonaral HetpttaL Phono 3-9444 JmS74 4 BOOM furnished ho, at 111 IT ta les. Phon 3549. Jmlll FI RNISHFD on bodroom oottaga. Bear State Building, ahopping center. Oa North Capital. Adults only. No pet. After 14:39 am. 934 Oaraat St, Phono 3-144. ftn374 NICELY PT'RNISHF.D modern duplex. Some utilities. South. 4s4. Adults. Phone 3-1749. Jm27l NICE "ci.EAN "bedroom " aotumiihed house earagg, electrte heat, V mil eait 4 comers. 4t. No pet. Phono 1-14S1 or see at 4474 Stat. Iwi37t 3 BEDROOM unfurnished bom walk In disUnee ta stat building. 44. bedroom unfurnished Bom, wul iv tease. 1 bedroom very largo bom ta pair moat Hill area Jo L. Bourne, Realtor. 1144 H. Car Hot Ph 3-4314. ImTIl 1 BEDROOM furnished house. 4 l west. CaU 4-3944 after 4 pm. ll w a BEDROOM Modern home, attached fo rage, Hollywood Diet- 94. See r Call Oscar Sederstrom with JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 414 H. High. Ph. 43443. Eva. 34119 lm213e C1-C4N 4 bedroom houaa. 440 Oalaes. $44. Phone S-4H1 ftn37$e BUSINESS REKTALS OROUND FLOOR RTORR tpac aa Ptrrw Street. Very reasenftfel rent. Call 1-4114. 1- WAREHOL'tB 4 FACE Sepat at aalL 3T X 40. Oeort Dlita. 434 4th St . West Selrm. Phon 9-4111 toflt FOR RENT APARTMENTS COXT I aooMI turnithtf. Hfftl AdulU. II. H. CwilKII. 1.314- Hid. CLI4N. IUI.UW4 .Irt. C10M 4. a. Cott.14. jr t-anoM apt. ana,ruife n a., rn. Ph.n 1-1,44 trtrr 4. JPJ11 rru.M Art mtiif.ior rim. mi mtirmdi aa. Pba, t-IPH attrr v. imi' I BOOM furnlibMI. k,U. tat. Ill a II il ftt. Pnnn, I-74T4 'IlZ IOVII.T t.annH.-prlv.t, aatrtat 134. cim at. pot. .;;t. j.iii' tovILT l-aooil t. Omina fliM,. prt T.l, , 4BUHM. A1W .. H4 aiun. latn