Thursday, Novewber 11, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baleni. Orr Pe it Tele-Views Radio-Television Story on the Lutheran church Missouri synod program "This U the Life" in Saturday Evening Post for Novem ber 14. Story delve into the production of the play and the story content of the program, its background and how it ha been received by viewing public. ' "This Is the Life" is shown Mondays at 12 :30 on KPTV. Next will show Carl Fisher about .whose family the pro gram revolves getting a letter from former classmate, whom he has not teen for 25 years. Dramatic story of what happens when the classmate has but one hour to live. Phil Harris reaches "right outa' thi world" to grab a little family prestige for daughter Baby Alice by signing up for an experimental rocket trip to the moon, on" "The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show" Friday, KGW,at 9:80 p.m. When Baby Alice can't get into an exclusive private school because her father is an "actor," Phil decides 'to become an explorer to provide her with a more suitable family background. When he can't find anything to explore, Julius Abbruz lio (Wltr Tetlcy) arranges for him to join an expedi tion to the moon. Before he's finished Phil meets the most famous space commander of them all, Sports Features: On KPTV ta 7. "Race to the Rose Bowl," highlights of Pacific Coast Conference games; in "Big Playback"; Sid ney B. Woods, tennis star of the 1930s is Stern's guest at 10:30 p.m. On KOIN-TV Notre Dame vs. Penn in the game of the week. Thursday on KPTV: Bar 27 Corral Western serial starring Heck Harper at 5:30 p.m. Dinah Shore Show Quarter hour of music at 7:30 p.m. You Bet Your Life Groucho Marx is emcee on comedy quiz at 8 o'clock. Chevron Theatre "Pretty Polly" stars Lynn Ban at 8:30. A parrot plays a major role in a story of a double life and murder. Ford Theatre "The Ming Lama" stars Francis L. Sul livan and Howard Dufi with Angela Lansbury in adven ture story at 9:80. Martin Kane Stars Mark Stevens in detective work at 10 p.m. Thursday on KOIN: I'll Buy That at 3:30 p.m. , Strike It Rich Quiz show with Warren Hull, emcee, at 4 p.m. Garry Moore Show Garry gives his interpretation of "Walking Cane." Ivan Sanderson comes avisitin with another of his weird jungle friend. "You'd Be Surpris ed and "Easy to Love" are song production, at 4 :80 p.m J doo vrosoy anow r eaiurea tne Bobcats, vocalist Joan O'Brien and the Modernaires from Hollywood, at 4:45 p.m. Place the Face Jack Smith, emcee. Contestants try to place the face of someone who has influenced their lives, at 7 :30 p.m. Meet Mr. McNutley Stars Ray MiUend with Phyllis 45 Immunizations Given at Woodburn Woodburn About 45 chil dren were present at the No vember health clinic Tuesday at the Woodburn library for examinations and Immuniza tions. Dr. W. J. Stone was the physician in charge assisted by Mrs. Harmon Yeary and Mrs. Ellen A. Detering, county health nurses. Local women assisting were Mrs. Desn Bishoprick, Mrs. Lloyd Froom, Mrs. Lester Ros burg and Mrs. Charles Smith. The next clinic at Woodburn will be Dec. 8. i s .w a I: Q ST. RID'Or i SOOT REMOVER 4 teay te we, lefe: eroteett 4CAiielaetlialen. W . S Keoae vote name aleae; I A 4 Melee boetat i FOWftl 4te Ja mrteJe mm lea k l oeel uoufc. rZrfl - earn S tea Be mm mm f -O 91 mm alhmai tmrnrnmrnm gJ if l-l J WASTTSW M 1 j t It DIRTltS yssr komd J II ! ml eg For Added Smoking Pleasure 15c Pocket Tin Tobacco Prince Albert, Velvet or Half & Half 3 Your Choice Toiletry Regular 15.95 Twin Flex FLOOR LAMPS High polished brass with 3-way switch jim iignt wncrm you want It. Modern, streamlined Variety Fred Meyer Toyland Nov Open See Salem's Largest Assortment of Dolls! Toys of All Prices Lower Level For Growing Boys & Girls 3.99 Certified Junior Vitamins Contains vitamins A and D, I Complex nd 1-12 Telietry Fred Meyer Drugs res Tatsierv svriri W sssf 141 N. Liberty We lUserve the Kltht U Limit Quantities On Television icrrvdr). UHF KOIN-TV(6) VHF TELEVISION Seles Service & InttolUHMt Meleealt, Dimi. aaffaeea,. Valley Television Center 23U rreaA M. MkMflS See Urn Man Im mmy fee mm Seal Oeel la Tm hllMt TreJejaa TmUMuI Om Kmtm m P.H. TIDIIDII U.M B.B KPTV DIM Dams BD K M u KPTV-WUI' CMUUt II M mm. KfTV Intkl WmOm 1HU mm. Um-JImt Beaaette list mm. KPTV pm4 at nu lee mm. KFTV klatlaee Tfcrtter l:U mm. KPTV HeUmM KMI t:SS B-av, KPTV Cm Your Boeeuat liW P ae. KPTV Kilt Smith IM P.m. KPTV KU Smltll eTBBBJ KOlN Iu Buy ...el l:N.U FPTV Wtkomt re Koix ainu ii aim 4:M m.m. atrT7 Termater (. koin nm uoor 4:0 m.m. KPTV Toraaker KOIN Bo Craaar tm I.Bk KPTV HowO Doo4 KOIN eatiale Pa to :M W.U. rPTV Ranee Rider KOIN Mr. Weathermea ill a.m. KPTV Rama Ruler KOIN Photo Quia :M .av KPTV Hun tint aa rUhtnt KOIN O out Sdwarat Raws f:U m.m. KPTV Nortbvait DliMt KOIN sporta Scholar 1:M a m. KPTV Pootball HUM KOIN Claco KM liN P.. KPTV Dinah shore roiN Plat lha Pact til m.m. KPTV Newt, apart KOIN Plan tha Pan t:M a.m. KPTV Oroueho Mara KOIN Matt Mr. lUNultf f m. KFTV Chanoo Tltaatar KOIN Pour Star riavhouie its p.m KPTV Dranat KO'rl-VWee fltrhe-ue MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Sates Service Installation Open from a.m. to pro Ph. 1-1611 1140 8. Coral Salem's First Tele tit ton Store Avery. A pretty neighbor calls on Ray for assistance and involves him in an innocent plot, at 8 p.m. Four-Star Playhouse "Moorings" stars Charles Boyer as a successful but lonely businessman who finds romance with a blind woman, at 8:30 p.m. The Playhouse "Ballet for a Stranger" stars Vincent Price and Bambi Lynn. A dancing impressario under takes to teach dancing to a pupil with criminal tenden cies, at 10 p.m. Late Films Scheduled: - Nite Owl Theatre "Broken Melody," a modern day i siory on laun, at ii:io p.m. "Gold Racket" stars Conrad tune on channel 6, on KOIN. PRICES GOOD fr 25 $Q95 49 100 ) Capsules mm. DTf-rt Tfeeatar KOIN lit T.wa MM mm. Km UutU Kaa roift The Flarhetue UlN BJB. KPTV Bla alert! koix Deaee-reaa. lllBf M, KPTV Neve Bperte KO!UlhtvUH mm Sis Ilia) P-m. kptv wmw im KOIN ebevtlme mm Bra UlU mm. KPTV IK Owl fww MITCHELL'S ruterv Iratnei Bertie IS SUM SL rb i S-7JT) FBI DAT ie:ee a.m KFTV dim dw Baa W:M mm. KFTV Wbet't CMklMl 11: at a.m. KFTV Havklna Falla ll:U e-ae. mFTV Tke Seaaetle IMS a.m. KFTV FTItoo mt Family 1:M p.m KFTV Hettsee Thaatar I M u. KFTV Oa Tow Aeeeual m.m p.m KFTV Kale Baaltk ( I P.m KPTV Tate Smltb KOIN Double c Nottilaa 4:ea p m kptv wtioona Travtlaie KOTN Strike It Rio I M mm. KFTV Tbe Toraakat KOIN-Oarrr btoort 41 m KPTV The Toraakat KOIN Cartooa Time ee a re. KPTV Howdy Doooy KOIN Saddle Fala :at a.aa. KPTV Peanul Clreua rOIN Baddla FeU :e e.aa. KPTV Bay Klne KOIN WaatharmaB l p m KPTV Bky Xiaa KOIN Fbotoule at KFTV Dean CoUraa KOIN Douc Kdwarae Reva 4:tl P.m. KFTV NW Dltatt KOIN Hualeal MomaaU t ee a ea. KFTV Boom Celraleedo roiN Uaak Uecune Bhov T:a KFTV a porta caraloade KOIN ABio end Barrlat t:tt la. KPTV Nave cararaa KOIN Onie u Barrlal 4 p.m. KPTV Oerrawey at Imrev KOIN Amoa end Andy :M rat. KFTV Douc FelreenU koin Topper ee p.m kptv Bit story KOIN Playbouae at stare :Sf P.m KFTV You Aaktd for It FOIN Our Villi Brooke M:t KFTV WrtltUnt KOIN My Friend Irma : e m. KFTV-Wftitllnt KOIN hovUme en Sli ll:aa a.aa. KFTV Ktarenlb Hour Kiwa ll:le p.m KFTV Weather Vane lint a.aa. KFTV Rite Ml Theatoy I U. S. traffic fatalities in 1952 were seven and two-tenth per sons per 100 million vehicle miles, the lowest since records have been kept. on Kfl v. Nagel at 11 p.m. in Show-1 THRU SATURDAY- For Soft, Smoth, Lovely Hands Use Buti Prize Kitchen HAND LOTION Reg. 69c Full Pint Use after each washing and you'll have soft, smooth, lovable hands Toiletry Fully Automatic POP-UP TOASTER Gleaming chrome finish, heavy wound heating elements for fast toasting Buy Layoway or Thrifty Pay Plan Variety Reg. $3.00 MYNEX Reducing TABLETS SbT OW BB BPBB- BBBB BBBB BBBT Bern m aa .mmm. BOX 01 EaTS' 63 09 X boxes 1.0t Toiletry 33c My te Fine Fancy Florida Graepfruit and Orange BLENDED JUICE 46-oz. 07' Tin. & $2.99 Cose of 12 Toiletry Band Parents Club Backs Woodburn High Musicians Wood burn Tbcre wu good attendance at the m eating of tbe Woodburn Band Parents club Tuesday night at the local I high school gymnasium, lira. N. T. Tyler presided and Mr. Hazel Green Hazel Green Mother's club met at the Haul Green school for the November meetlnf with the group having a silent auc tion and seeing a film which was shown to the group by D. Brown, principal. Plans are being started to hold a supper after the first of the year to raise funds to purchase the screen needed for tlx newly purchased movie projector. Following the film, refresh ments were served by Mrs. Laurence Zielinikl and Mrs. O. P. Cotner. Named for the refreshment committee in De cember were Mrs. W. Baldwin and Mrs. H. Wacken. The meeting will be held Dec I. Labish Meadow Gardeners were guests of the Englewood Garden club Thursday morning at 10:30 at the home of Mrs. McCollam, 1225 N. iSth St, in Salem, for an all-day gathering. The gi'eit speaker for the occa sion was Mrs. Rice of Marquam who demonstrated "Candle Making." The Sunshine club plans to meet Tuesday evening, Nov. IT, at the China City restaurant for supper, from there to go to the home of Mrs. Alvin Van Cleave where the group will hold a business meeting. Mrs. Van Cleave will then show the group films which were taken on trips the VanCleavea have made to Cuba, Florida, Cali fornia and Arizona. BLACK FLIES INVADE BRITAIN London If) Eight English seaside resorts appealed Thursday for government aid against a pis Sue of black flies which hitchhiked across the Atlantic on floating seaweed. Bug experts say the flies are a type common along the east ern coast of North America. llavthconK All Channel UHF VHP Low Down Payment Bank Financing Trades Complete Repair s Installation by NORTHWEST TELEVISION MM State Phone -(!! 29 Plus Tax $099 1 $2.00 Deluxe Richard Kudnul Home Permanent Now QQ Plus Only 0l Tax Toiletry 4 00 and Mrs. Tom OeAnnond were (uexlB, representtna the North Marlon hifh school and Band Farents club. The outstandlrut number an the program was a trumpet solo by Miss Jean Haves, a freshman at Woodburn high, who was accompanied on the plana by Donald Jeaaop, band director. Also on tha pro (ram was a clarinet duet by Barbara Paulson and Darlene Green- infer In full band uniforms. The theme of tha meeting was "band uniforms" and a history on tha work of obtain ing uniforms for all members of the band was given by Mrs. C H. Ahrans. The band is nowj completely uniformed. . Principal Lester Keller gave a talk on tha new vision for the club, which is to work for an outstanding band musically, and Director Jessop spoke briefly in appreciation of the work done by tha club and the large attendance of parents. Superintendent Prank Doerfler was Introduced as a band par ent A welcome was extended to Mr. end Mrs. DeArmond and Mr. DeArmond spoke, express ing appreciation for the invita tion to be presert and the bene fit derived from tha meeting. During the evening the new piano just purchased by the high school wss used for the first time. No meeting will be held in December, the next regular meeting of the club to be Jan. 12. i . The February meting, on the second Tuesday of the month, I is to be a potluck supper for! band parents and families, after which the group will be guests of the high school student body! at the Woodburn-Sandy basket- oaii game. Two cash donations for uni forms were received, one from I tbe Woodburn Rotary club and one from the Woodburn Wom en's club. Refreshments were served af ter the meeting by Mr. snd Mrs. Vernon Blomberg, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Plank, Mr. and Mrs.- Clifford Applegsta and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hastie. T4 'T5V( "$ it :" sXbj ' ..t.!.U.r Va ' rrJ- 'ii '-'.-,?' ' 5'-Sifi('.tV-'"T s V a . I i 1 1 ft trf Skates Given Independence Independence The Parent-' Teachers associations of Dis trict 13C, and the young peo ple of the communities of Monmouth and Independence, have acknowledged receipt of a gift of more than 100 pair of roller skates for the roller rink sponsored by the FT A. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ban son of Salem, and former op erators of the Mellow Moon Skating Rink, presented the skates to the roller rink through Mrs. Francis Krieg, president of tha Independence Elmentary Schools FT A. , Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were former residents of Indepen dence, and while here owned and operated a dairy. There have been many im provements made in the rink since it opened a year ago. In volving a new floor which was laid by some of the dads. Rifle Fire Astoria W( An elk hunter's bullet killed Richard C. Road man, 20, Portland, in the Coast Range southeast of here Wed nesday, the seventh hunter to be killed by rifle fire in Oregon this autumn. State Police Sgt H. K. Healea said Roadman had been hunt mau WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Aulo-Truck-Hre Oeerge L 0SK0 INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-5661 Between Hood and Shipping I'm a firmer ...but rm t toatmail, too. Thari why I bank at First National, where they keep business hours. First National gives me 60 extra banking hours a month, so I can bank leisureljr t..more conveniently. So, no matte what your business, open your account at First National, the bank that's open 10 to 3, Monday through Saturday;. ing with another Portland er, Bobby Daaa Johnson, 21, ta tha Saddle Mountain ana. . Be said Johnson made his way out of the woods to No- ' eanicum Junction to report that Roadman had bean hit ao eiden tally by a bullet The aetv leant said ha had no ether de tails to disclose yet Johnson was shaken by tha death, and could not lead searchers directly to the scene. They wandered three hoar a through heavy undergrowth before finding the body. Boob Presented to . J Woodburn Library Woodburn A gift of it books from the library of Ar thur T. Foster of Harper, Kan, was made to the Wood burn library recently. Foster, a retired Spanish teacher, gave tha books to his sister, Mrs, John Sheley of Woodburn, who In turn presented them to tha Woodburn library. Tha books are written In tha Spanish language and range in difficulty from elementary stories for children to adult stories, history, drama, poems and legends. Acid Stomach After Yofl Eat? stsdtelisftiras Baa. kewnban. WOn IIMBeIBUUUe , Journol Want Ads Pay BUI Sta. en Hiway Going North "I'M A WHS CJ BUSINESSMAN TOO!" OF PORTLAND urs luito oftiooN rocnHi r