THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. OrtfM Thwsaar. NotmbW It 16I Pagt II Beavers '-Hold Secret Practice to Prepare for i . '.sr.. i4 -it? I v f e Allimni 81,t 0111 (l"' Oregon 8tit eollefe basketball MIUIHIil coack (or t( TCIrt, anj L, GuUlua, Salem HiVi football coach, nit acala Uat alibt it a U-Stater alumni banquet. Gill, aa OSC athlete whs made food, waa the apeaker and Goatafaon, former OSC ace, waa an honored fuost Beaver Hoopmen Will Be Strong, Slats Gill Says "We have a fine squad," Oregon State'! famoua basket ball coach. Siat GIU, told about SO O.S.C. alumni at a Thirty Statera dinner meeting In the China City Cafe laat night, and 1 added the hope that the Beavers' victory drought may he over. But Gill warned, "I've been coaching In the northern divi sion ZS yeara fend I've never seen a soft touch yet. I'm not figuring Ml be any different this time." Gill aaid Waahing ton la aure to have another out atandlng team and that the other three will all be strong. Washington State Is under rated by the public, he be lieves. Swede Halbrook may be come a "terrtilc player," GUI opined, but he Is stlU a young ster with much to learn. Hla great height, T-S, will be a tremendous asset. In fact the quad this year la will fixed , for tall men, and it has some fast; clever short ones to give balance he said a team needs. Jay Dean, the brilliant Idaho prospect of two years ago who was stricken with undulant fever in the fall ot 19S1 and SCORES in University Alleys stats norsi IMkOVE NO. s Clatter St (I) OellultM 3); roi 4111 Hart Ml: Au US! ' 411. rrlrr MaHftfrnMNt ) Hanntmtn 4411 Lyon 311; Ldd SOS: WkUar 441: UlHIf Ml SIAO II) -t OillMhrr 4tl: Klnt 444: Mcllwiln 444; r-rantt 141: OuilAfioa SOI: Pl'C Mlrc (II Rlntland 414: VntUih til: Hollli 444: Str 414. Htf. fin 4l. Til Cmmibmmi rs AhfoH 314: Itilyonoo JlSl striu 411: Crovrh 1S1: Ctafltld 414. MrMn BnilHri ril 3rtSll.kMa 411: Bdvtrila 111; Btrtir 411; MarciilDl 443; Koikl 401 Volorom Aflolro 111 Uomklf 411: tUa4 430; Otafrnitroort, 4M, llctn 47Ii Htuirifh an. otrif itNrf t oert U. Million 4l; Burtoa 411: Brott Ul: Toum 111 Traffk EKt.gsa ft) BlfiiaUy 4ii: aUcB IU Tut! ttM. Woodt 4it rhrotrd. t 417 nichvar hi M-i(M 1BI 411. Tutaf 4a. U4oia Mt), Du Ifhwar Marhtn Uttkt TT 1ff Ul. HtrrtM 4, HtrlKrftr 440 1 Unl 4tt. t'sMlrwml (4. A trim 414! K Phiek 4I. RuimII 4b: CM 4M. Totjltf 173. Itl. Utn tumtx BrtttrT Minu tnl. M. hlih tnd cn. 144. Ml; (.14)1 tad. Mrtw. Waviktr. Ml. TATf ROril LIACiri NO. 1 IT niHIloa 4D IhiimaB 41. Klrkr 4M, Rnillati 4M. Wthl 3I Jalffraoa t, lata PailM ID-Wmbi 111. Jink 3t3. Hunt 4tl. Alfsrd 441, Ruackar Ul. ralrvlt-a Nobm (!BnDiti 471. Bart rvtf 313. Luka at. raaiar aft HalaoH 4IT. Rigbvavr AaaBUaf 41) Harr 411. Yaaiar III. Rate haa 7t. Craoa 4H, Malaoa. I4t IUU PrlaUra (t Wl.ntT Ul 313, Ktona 47 MrOrarr 4M Dunraa 4M. lUkaif MaiartBb ill Rrov 4M. Piaraa 441, Dpvair 414. RaMaft Mt, Wbiu 4r. aap roB fir a fll taatfd 411. Watdi It4. Aajfrad Mra aM Ria aat Plvtoira mt Asliu dl-rlrt Ml 411 RaanaT . MaataantrT 411 Cerrltap 4M. (wtM 7 l(hy rMlr4Uati 111 Kavaar M MeUwtaa 4, AndartnB 411, Wrlft Tandy HI. Pataatrr Praaaatlaa 411 Rtarm 411. MorrMon 43T. Phlppt 411. Walkar 41. Rayrra IU . Tai CMmtMiM ut Jahaaaa Ul ttrapala 4U. Noah 411. Uatiafft ftlt Wilelt 44 ara4arT a tuta Hi Millar 4IT, MrOutan all. Praia 411. Pranir 414. Biatiar 4M Rich Uin lima and aanaa Rnhai fmutj-ttauan. mt and lit nigh n4 tat Ki U Jaas, ( -Kavaar. 111. Mich lad aariaa Capital Alleys MAJOR LIAOt'R RjrtBBaa Taa Rrla lit T Rranaaa 11. R. Clark 134. T OrtaarT m. R TaUaa 111. C Portia PraaA All-SUra (It R Valdaa 111. J My bar Tl. X. Letaa TU. U Andara . T. Titian Hi. OarllBtar rarrtar Ta. it- D. KaMltr aa 71. R. Whita Til. O Rraitcht 714. R. Parlar ' J Olodt TU Mar lata RaUl Car parka (It D Umu IM. H. Patr U. ? ItraM lit. T Rlllar T71. D. Cuahmaa Tt ardnar Oraaarp 41 W Oar3ntr 144. J. ll;M TP. B Raavaa VH T. Prti Mi IM p. Phlprv llf. MaraBala 4 Btara (II J. paarflar Ml O Cauaay U, 4. Raaa Ml. X. Ratata. Ml. R. Om 144 arfa VM Mtaaaa ill R Dm til. t OalBivd ill p Karr M4, I Palin VM, P. NariwaM 710 Salaai raa Ladaa 'I V MrMulian 137. J PttaMB POP, P. Kaipaa 4, MfKaitl T. R. Uul -ft til BIRR tR4. IBRVI BPd MflM Dtafc aUMP i 1 4 has played no basketball, la I new, plush football plant, Par now fully recovered. Out two I ker stadium, where it is hoped seasons he "has some catchine ! up to do," but Gill predicted he will be a subitantial helo before long. He has played two successful seasons of baseball ! but no basketball. The veteran mentor called! Larry Paulus of Salem a "fine I prospect." As it stands now the first five are Halbrook. Jarboe, Robblns, Toole and Vlastelica. Bob Knoll, alumni secretary, urged all alums to attend the Washington State game Satur day at which the new Parker stadium will be dedicated. There will be a crowd of about 18.000 If weather is good, he said. Lee Gustation. Salem high grid coach, praised his team, which he aaid maintains a 3.3 grade point In addition to win ning all Its games. He express ed confidence of sucess against Benson Friday night. The following new officers were introduced: Chet Loe, president; Chet Pickens, vice president; Frank Walton secretary-treasurer. Bill Smith is retiring president. the ALLEYS of Osrdnor Orortrr. ina Ml. High uiai gaaio BrpnDia Ttm Srrrut. mil Hull ln srrioo- -SUrlon Mul Cor rorki. 1MI. Ollut sot MrlwLorry Oi- luae t rArr'i. lit. Duck Pint rOMMlKI ItL UM.I I 1.0MO Tovrro It, D O'On 444. J. Urrrlmon 44t. B ririrr 11. B. Motor 114. S. BchoU lit. rorllont Bt. Blob, flolt (41 B HcGutro Ml. 1.. Oo 411. K. Hublor IM. B. Wornor 444, 11. BMlr Mirki am ht'i4i n Mum im. I c nainut 41. A Ooldbr 414. E Davii i 401. T Wood 414. BoMbtoaoh rormooo r. ( T. Buih t. p. johsaon in. n Inbbttt m, r. OtlmtT in. w. Ncinaat OrMBwoosj 317. J. Hln III, H. tev- 441 IU .! Mrnr 403. D Tar. RlHlk Pacttm ( O Rajodolt ill. lor Ml. T. Kmtlati 391. W. Rempf) 311, n Anaaraon 114. P FiUIn 411. Moor t Upper 41 tiMC Tf Batlva it I3f A r.llotl 431. Oktm.rt CttUk Ul U TUonM lb. D. tVtmoB III. R OlUrn- B Oh-atart . h. Towod 3. H Calj wafer U4, D. aVrtnoa JJ. O. UcWala ba 104. L. Ohmart III. T- Marrtion 373. 1317. BAR WhakMiki (4l. Amok) JM. Hlth Umvn atrtaa tvod tame afieki P. PaMoa Ft 4. a. ArnaM 413, H Park RUn Rrwp. 33M and m. Hilb lnd. aartta 30, H Johnaon 411 trlchaami Markl i Hart Nrloaat Micka. Sit. Hlth lnd. K MMtm 4. T. Barrr ML O. gantRd Dbtu Mcka. 117 ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT SHRYOCK'S PRE- HOLIDAY SALE OF NEW FALL SUITS All Nationally Advertised Brands Formerly Priced 55.00 to 65.00 $2900 tmiH lonof mnAS5aomiN6 I JL Formerly Priced 67.50 to 95.00 $49 ItaasartttJ Twasdi FanhMsa nMih I WtcJidi Capitol Shopping Center OPIH MON. 4 FRI. TILL P. M. OSC Plans Grid Coor For Alumni ret football practice behind I rioted ntM the third In thr rfBM -' J fW... C.. college preparations Wad nee day for Saturday's homacom- ln mm lltltut WaaMn tn State. PnArh Kin Tftvlnr'ai Rmwam have been improving steadily. turning in their beat defensive job in the last game against ' Michigan State's dynamite ag gregation. Nine Beaver seniors play ing their final home game will be Ralph Carr, Ken Brown, Jack Pinion, Ron Siegriat, and I Chuck Brackett, backs: and Joe Fuiwyier. Capt. La Verne Fer guson, Jim Luster and John Enger, linemen. We Edlger Day For Willamette valley fans it will be Wea Edlger Day, hon oring the 220-pound Junior right end from Dallas. Edlger is listed as probable starter. From Pullman, Wash., comes word that the giant Howard McCanta, and, and guard Mel ,K! l iniuries. i Thompson are not play because of leg injuries. Chief offensive threat for WSC is Bob Burkhart, quarter back, fro mKellogg, Idaho. Taylor indicated Oregon State will fill the air with passes, too, in a bold bid for second victory. Site of the only game this season at Corvallia will be the 'rom la.oou, to zz.zuo will show up. There are 18,000 seats on the sidelines and 4.000 more in the end zones, all of con- crele "'ucture. In addition to a noise parade - and living group sign contest, I apeciai prizes win oe given ,icket holders. You Be the Quarterback ANSWER . 4. Trap has least chance cause of delay in offensive backfield and defensive con centration in middle. 3. Fake into middle and pitch out. With that eight-man line, the enda won't be charging sharply. Play in volves some delay, too. 2. Field goal try. Position makes this No. 2. But with scores aa high aa they are today, go for the touch down. 1. Off tackle slant haa best chance against defense. If you miss the T.D., you may still make firat down. If you miss first down, you've lrft Missouri a bad kick-out sit uation. TO ENLARGE ORANGE BOWL Miami OJ.Ki Officials plan to increase the seating capacity of the Orange Bowl to 85.000 seats. The stadium now holds 65.000 fans. The project will cost an estimated $750,000. k dpi JACK PINION : . Right Half OSC Seniors in Nam Ralph Carr Ken Brown Jack Pinion Ron Siegriat Chuck Brackett Joe Fulwyler La Verne Ferguson Jim Luster John Enger PealUoa Right Half Right Half Fullback Fullback Left Half Center Left Guard Right Tackle Center Ducks Leave Today! Prophet Predicts ' iit L. t At T. Play California!"', Eugene, Ore. W) After light workout. Coach Len Cas anova and his Oregon Ducks Thursday were to board a train bound for Berkeley and the Pacific Coast Conference grid meeting Saturday with Cal ifornia's. nilrien Re-arc Tackle Chuck Laird, named game captain Wednesday, was listed on the squad but Casan ova said he doubted Laird would see much action Satur day because of a lag injury. Casanova stressed defense during a lengthy workout here Wednesday. Parker Stadium On Video Tonight Films of Oregon State's new football plant, Parker stadium, will be shown Thursday night at 10:45 over Bob Blackburn's weekly television show on be-lKPTV. TorUand. KPTV technicians recently filmed ancient Bell field as basis for comparison with the new plant Beaver athletic de partment members also are in cluded In the films. Black burn's show is called "Sports Den." Foolball Scores -b t Tot AiMclAtod Frail I COLLCOE aeriBtoa 14. Klnt ilH.l 14. Northern ISDI 44. Vojior Cllr (HDl S. kfontclltr NJ 43. Tranton auto 14. LACroaot rwio.) 11, Hinkato t. rt. Ord ICallf.) it. n. Law la iwtah.l S rraano ntata 41, Bon FTonclaeo at. 31. BIOS! SCBOOL Coteodo 14. Wmomlni I Lakiatow t. Alturu 'CollM S Ull. TUlomook 34. Nlohbonlo 4 new'54 with elegant STAN BAKER MOTORS 525 Chemeketa Salem LaVERNE FERGUSON . . , Left Gaard Last Home Go BeaetewB Oceanside, CaL Bend Reeds port Corvallia LaGranda Vale Parma, Idaho Gloucester, Mass. Salem a --- San Francisco ( Russ Newland's football selections: Friday Chico State over Calif. Ag gies by8. Occiden'al over Calif. Tech bv 21 Saturday UCLA over Washington by T. California over Oregon by 7. Washington State over Ore. gon State by 12. Stanford over San Jose State by 14 College of Pacific over Idaho by 13. Wyoming over New Mexico by 7. Arizona State Tempe over Brigham Young by 12. Texas Western over Arizona : by 1. Utah over Colorado AitM by Utah State over Denver by 12 Nevada over Idaho State by 8. Whitman over Pacific U. by 1. Willamette over Llnfield by 3. Seattle Ramblers over Lewis & Clark by 1. Western Washington over Central Washington by 6. Puget Sound over Pacific Lu theran by 13. Whitworth over British Co lumbia by 24. LIcC CENTER INJURED Portland din Freshman center Stan Radcliff of Lewis and Clark will be out of foot ball play for at least two weeks with a cracked leg bone. DODOE fabrics Prep Mat Schedule! JUICUUI6 IXCTCUICU Told at N. Marion Hubbard Wrestling sched ule for N o r t h Marion Union high school 1953-54: Dec. It Scappoose there; Dec. 22 Wll lamina there; Dec. 28 Me-; Minnville there; Jan. S Mil waukie there: Jan. IS Davtnn ' there: Jan. 20 Scappoose here; Portland J Portland uni Jan. 27 Willamina here; Feb.versity will play at least six of 1 Open; Feb. 10 Dayton ' 11 borne games at the Port here; Feb. 19-20 Sub-district ln armory this winter, Ath- tournament; Feb. 25-26 Dis- lf,lc Director Ed Fiene said te- trict Tournament at Newberg-i day March 5-8 State Tournament Tentatively scheduled games at OSC, Corvallia. , in the armory are with Utah 6tate, Wichita, Oregon, Seattle The firat modern set of box- twice and Gonzaga. The ar ing rules and the fir 'nn sana boxing glovee were made by James Broughton In 1743. TIRES MOUNTED I h'WA 1 If I. A i, I I I I ,avM ,1. , I W FREE! '&2ZiZiaiiMj&,jt rmnr fights last Wight t.. uui m ai a.- iu. UogUool. a. UNt attire UunMlkt UllOl. t uimw-wiim tw. am, wtts lacUB. UMHM MM Su4r aaer. 141. Tar 4. T. Portland U. Slates Armory Hoop Tilts -compared with about 2000 at I Portland's Howard hall. Be Safe! Your Brakes Stop Your Wheels Bui Your Tires Bmlr Nt gale Wes .. . Traite la Prise 4th Tin 4 Tins t tires, b4bb Us PIbs Tan arils. Trade-la 600x16 50.85 ' 3.99 " 53.14 65016 56.85 2.99 59.84 701S 36.85 2.99 59.84 71015 63.75 2.99 66.74 76015 69.75 2.99 72.74 80015 76.05 2.99 79.04 'Plus tax Truly a Miles-Standing Value! SEARS SAFTI-CAPS Fully re-treaded sidewell ttaw bbbbt bbbj to sidewoll 12-month ULJv M S Allstate Triple Guarantee f JJ .7xlt -i Plus eld re ctppsble Tire IACH SET OP 4 Low-priced Sears Saftl-Cap quality specifications a naw Allstate tires! You can depend on them for thousands of miles of extra safety. Sean Safti-Capt have modern tread design for extra "stop end 90" traction. X-41 Cold Rubber cap fires you up to 50 more mileage. Buy a set of Safti-Capa! SIMILAR LOW PRICES ON OTHER SIZES win tar,'.. ... your DOUBLE DUTY SAFTI-CAP Iracfon Grips Allstote Tirea Installed af.No Charge! tact' JLHiU 550 WSC Troy Knocks Out Sandy in 7th Canto Washington V-Hard hit ting middleweight Willi Troy looked every bit a champion Wednesday night in knocking out highly regarded Randy Sandy of New York at 30 sec onds of the 7th round of a scheduled 10-round bout that was televised nationwide. Troy, in winning the 23rd of his 24 fights, outboxed and out. fought Sandy. LAIRD TO ' CAPTAIN OREGON Eugene UM9 Senior tackle Chuck Laird, who recovered two fumble that led to touch downs against Idaho last Sat urday, hat been named Oregon game captain for this week end's contest against California Slop Your Car Buy 3 Allstate First Quality TIRES ilS Rf.85 tt lltfWtJtff Vkf rki rf WW 400x14 GET 4th TIRE for only Plus Tss II Month All.tere Triple Guarantee X41 Cold Rubber Construction 100 tended Rayan Cord lody 1.00 down' mount tat tiret meet the soma hioh cor wifh all-. ""appable Tire Phone 3-9191 N. (apilol, Salem tf 1