ikifiigs to Use Siiie I Salem Sets olid ' Oneup Ageiiist ieoBsosi The Sportmeter 4 BA. C JONES. Capitol Journal Sport. Editor Arc Drills ForTonite IT COULD BE VESSE: Llniield hi itj Wildcatt v ' But the wildut of them U It that rippinf, roarinf Rutachman With the tatt, eluaive ball. They aay he'r alwayi injured ' . . And likely not to play; But with thread and tape they fix him For a 60-minute atay. EUGENE NOT STEAMED UP YET OVER BASEBALL Hugh Luby thinks Eugene is as good a bet as Tacoma to get the franchise available if Weifctehee drops out as ex pected. The advantage of having a W1L rival as close as Eugene, is plain. Luby, Salem senator manager, and Director George Faulus were in Eugene last week chatting in base ball language to persons whojpw' mi.ht hm (nt.reat.ri enmieh tor' 1 , put up the peo. What they" learned is that Eugene proi-f pects will sit t'ght and not J raise a fever until the Iran-' chise is offered them, ponder! the attractiveness of the offer and then act. Wenatchee haa been given . until Nov. 24 to announce whether it's in or a has-been and Taeoma has been boost ed by the new league pres ident, Robert Abel, an at torney from Taeoma, Luby points ont that Tacoma has not been a baseball town and suffered In the purse when it was in the-Claaa A elrcnit, Eugene has an ample ball park, the one msed by Its Class D team In the Far West league which folded Its tent like the Arabs a couple of years azo. Training in Salem next spring, besides being convenient, i also a good thing because "we'll be spending our money In Ealem where It belongs," Luby pointed out. It will afford exhibition games with Willamette, OSC, Oregon U., Lin field, OCE, or other colleges besides some Monday gsmes with Pacific Coast league teams which happen to be up this di rection. OTTRE WANTS TO FIGHT KAYO ARTIST A light heavyweight boxer from Parma. Idaho, has fought 11 times as a professional and won every one by knockouts and Sllverton j Harold Kottre wants to match mitts with him. The Parma puncher, whom we have watched since he was a nign scnool rreshman knocking the argyles ('ft the older boys, Is a natural bruiser with a jaw like an anvil. For his early showing since January, Harley Bresheara has been ehooen Ring macaaine'a Dramoet at th. nmtk In that .nvialon. It is reported that ht won two bonis la no Bight ait Pasco, Wash., brtnglnc darkness) to both ee-. ' pesMDts. Wo think It wold bo a fitting teat for both Kottro and Broaheara to match them, since both an tented as the best light heavies In the northwest. Here's Breshear's record: m v'T1,? M? J W,n KO ta . D Anderson, Idaho Falls, KO m J; Wally Pittman, Spokane, KO in 2: Loster Boyd, Boise, KO in 2: Fraud. IWWI.M v K 'w'JTZ W111Um. p. KO in 4; Harold Wilson; KO to ; Iddlo Ssvage, Cambridge, KO In 2;-Harold Bertram, K.5nn,Vck.KK0 "." K: J" THEY LIKE OGDAHL IN THE RAIN In practieo yesterdsy the Willamette players were drilling along who tt started to rain. Everyone Was warm and cosy, or didn't ears, except Coach Ted Ogdahl. It was !!U-,.",!ment,1,!nt" ?" ' " """-t-work linemen apoke to two ailing players on the eld.il.... limped at a trot way Into the dressing room and ... .. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Cascade Beats Willamirj 14 0 for District Crovn HAROLD KOTTRE Would Face Dynamite to bring Ogdahl a parka. 25 Hoopsters Out At North Marion; Hubbard Twenty-five boys reported for bssketball at North Marion Union high school, in eluding three lettermen, Larry Colo, Merle McLaren and Dale Calloway. Basketbsll achedule for North Marlon: Dec. 4, Wood burn there; Dec. tWCanby here; Dee. 11 Woodburn here; Dec. 18 Jamboree here; Dec. 29 Canny there; Jan. S Sheridan there; Jan. 8 Sher wood there; Jan. 12 Banks here; Jan. 15 Yamhill here; Jan 19 Amity there: Jan. 22 Willamina here; Jan. 28 Dayton here; Jan. 29 Sheri dan here; Feb. 2 Sherwood here; Feb. 5 Banks there; Feb. 9 Yamhill there; Feb. 12 Amity here; Feb. 18 Willa 'nina there; Feb. 19 Dayton there; Feb. 23 Cascade here; Feb. 28 March 8 District Tournament at Salem; March Bratton Believed Able to Dethrone Gavilan on Friday By OSCAR FRALEY nw xorx njrj Tnere la a well-supported theory in sports that you should alwavs ride with the champion but ine nunch in this corner is that Welterweight King Kid Gavilan Is going to take his lumps when he defends sgsinst Johnny Brstton Fri day night Tho keed at the moment is an 8 to S choice to make a successful defense when they climb through the ropes at Chicago stadium. However, the man with the cigar to whom I talked figures it will be "pick 'em" when the gong rings. "Glass Jaw Johnny" may not look like a good risk at first glance, considering that 18-20 State Tournament attn keed 100,5 permanent pos- Eugene. session by handing him his third frscture the last time they went st it with the title st stake. But that was two snd one-half years sgo and the traffic goes two wsys on the glory hill. By PAUL HARVEY, III Salem high's undetested snd untied Vikinga will prob? ably use their regular line-up Friday night when I hey meet the strong Benson Mechanics at Lincoln Bowl in Portland to open the state A-l playoffs. .The game will atrat at 8. The locals will taper off with an arclight practice to night at Waters field, streuing kickoffs and kickoff returns, plus timing in signal drills. Yesterday they worked on de fenses sgsinst Benson's style of offense. Three Salem Backs Seniors . Lee Gustafson'i Vikings, with nine strsight victories behind them already, must win to stay in state title con tention. Salem will be up against a Mechanic eleven that finished second In the state last year while Salem is making it;-first appearance in the playoffs. Hank Juran s backfiejd has. nero mpieu ai quarieroacx, Neal Scheidel and lor at the halves, snd Ken Rawlings slated for duty at fullback. Terry Salisbury, 180 pound junior fullback, also will see action at fullback. All are seniors except Schei del, who has replaced Injured starter Mike Campbell, who suffered a broken arm earlier in the season. Al Gray's light fut fighting line conilsts of Phil Burkland and Paul Beck at the ends, Ron Mather and Jerry Wall ing at the tackles, Vern Coates and Larry Newsom at the guards, and Tom Pickens at center. Burkland, Walling and Newsom are all juniors. Pickens a Star Center Pickens ranks as one of the best centers in the state. He is part of the Salem place- kicking team with Triplett holding and Ray (The Toe) Taylor booting. They have missed but one extra point all season. The line, one gala faced with the problem that they will probably be outweighed, face a big task of stopping a speedy Benson backfield. The line, although out weighed In almost every game thus far in the season, haa looked very ' good as they helped Salem backfield rack up yard after yard and point after point. The only comparative score during the regular season waa In that both teams defeated Clevelsnd high of Portland. Ralph Harper's Techmen barely edged the Indiana 1S-9 with a last quarter surge while Salem was blanking them 21-0 to open fee season. The Vikings ran over Eu gene 24-14 last week in their final game while Benson wss taking a rest. In eight games the Mechanics scored 140 points while their opposition scored 29. Gustafson's Vik ings had 278 to the opponent's 52, a very fin record. Of the 140 points made by Benson, their see Jimmy Wil liams had 74 to lead the Port land league and get elected to the loop all-stsr team. Winner May Play Catholic Salem appears to have a better passing attack with Herb Triplett doing the pass ing along with second string quarterback Herb Juran. Passing targets are ends Burk land and Beck and halfbacks Scheidel and Taylor. The Viks may not get much of a chance to use . their weapon against Benson due to the mud but also csn depend on a fine ground attack, in that they have aeveral 100 yard dash men and good power. Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 12, 195S Page 15 a is ' ' n m LmmmiimI i -'if ir A . . - , i. - ' LMiMaaiMriiMi Ray Ty- Tjrrl Tft(PrC Getting the first atock certificates nd speedy III il IUICI) St,em DMeball club at 18 o'elo i for the Salem baseball club at le o'clock mis morning were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schimberg, firm backers of the Senators. Stock Is being issued and aold to pledgers at the First National bank. Left to right are Schimberg, Mrs. Schimberg, Mrs. Blanch Hull (in back), bank em ploye; George Paulus, vice president of the club; and Hugh Luby, club manager. Willamina The Cougars from tho Capitol league, won the District S A-2 football championship her last night with a 14-0 conquest of Willamina from the Yawama league. Cascade now will play Esta- cada. District 4 2-A champion. at a p.m. Saturday at Stayton, Estacada also being Willam ette Valley league title holder. Cascade drove to touch downs in the first and third quarters in the mud. Jevry Wal drop, 188-pound fullback, cored in the first period with a climactic 15-yard run after Cascade had powered from mid-field. Don Mickey, right half, plunged for the extra point. . It was Bill Brown, . small quarterback, leaped aero as from the 1 In the fourth guar- ter and Don Wilt converted with a alant off left guard. Waldrop had set up the in sura nee touchdown with a 25 yard jaunt, being stopped on the 1. Willamina generated two thrMta am fn th. iMwnri nmr. 1:W p.m. -1.1 " vHiwi, to im uic Cascade . other In the final period to th Cascade 29, where a penalty cancelled chances. . . Cascade T T 14 Willamina .... Dykes Selected Oriole Manager X Baltimore tut Jimmy Dykes said today be believed the enthusiasm of Baltimore's fans "will help to make th Orioles a winning team." Th 57-year-old Dykes, nam ed to succeed Marty Marion aa manager of the American lea gue's new franchise, expressed a desire to acquire First Bas. man Ed Robinson from th Philadelphia Athletics but said he didn't know what lmmedl-. ate moves would be mad un til after a conference with Gen eral Manager Art Ehlera next week. . . .. . Dykes, a colorful, cigar smoking veteran of 38 years in baseball, showed nothing of tb "defeatist attitude" which Kn lers contended cost Marion his job. . . Salem Ball Club Stock Issuing Begins Today Issuing of stock certificates to persons pledging to th Salem Senator baseball club , began today at the First Na tional bank In Salem, where a special booth haa been aet up. Pledgers are asked to pick up their stock ss soon ss pos sible and pay for it at the bank. New subscriptions to stock will be taken, sine th sale is not eloaed, tt was pointed wit T date, I21,e has been collected from ft,Se in pledges. The goal is set at 856,000, from which a mort gage of $20,000 will be paid to the Portland Beavers and for funds to get the team rolling the coming season. Hugh Luby, team manager. Slid that cards will b mail ed to pledgers mter remind ing them. You Be the Quarterback By Worren Gaer Head Football Cosch Missouri snd Kansas State Two Sports Clubs are u-u in ine tim quarter Ksnsss State has the ball n PlnN Dinner iVlPPf I the Tigers' three-yard line in 1 ,M" "H"'"" lilCBI I the center of the field, fourth indoor Sports and the Good down and two. Sporta clubs will have a Joint Running plays inside the! business session Saturday night miHoun lacnies nave movea . ai me uoia Arrow restaurants Amity, Gervais Lineups Listed In Playoff Tilt Probable storting lineups lor Gervais and Amity, who will send their football teams to a neutral Newberg field Friday night, have been announced by their coaches. Amity it District 1-B cham pion and Gervais is District 2-B champ. They will tangle in the state quarter-final playoff. Coach Ray Stephens lists his as follows: Ends Bob Engelland, Jerry Burch, Ray Tozor or Sam Wilcox. Tackles Doug Ingram, Wes Kosta or Ron Smith. Guards Glenn Stevens and Al Kilmer. Center Jack Larson. Backs Ben Hubbsrd, Gene Ehlers. Don Martin. Dick Mc- Kenney, Merle Stephens, Jerry Lenhardt and Walt Lawson. For Coach Bill Patterson of Gervais: Ends Gary Espe and Gil Thompson. Tackles John Weiss and Charles Bergerson. Guards Darrell Climber and Norm Keppinger (captain). Center Bob Funkhouser. Backs Don Reiling, Larry Lacey, Gary Williame or Bob Riggi, and Ron Keppinger. Charles. W. Comiskey, vice president of the New York Athletic club's vetersns asso ciation, is a former Dartmouth quarterback. 7-Foot Prospect Among 50 Frosh CogsrsGtGSC Corvallis ltt Coach Paul Valenti greeted 50 freshman basketball prospects yesterday as the Oregon Stat Rooks opened 1053 practice. Among best known Oregon players are Fred Kroush, Marshfield; Bob Clsrk, Benson; Johnny Freder ick, Tigsrd; Ron Smart, Asto ria; Dan Ellison, Mt. Vernon, and Earl Goldman, Tillamook. There's also another seven footer in Phil Shandoin of Cor vallis, who finished high school two years ago but worked a year before stsrting to college. TIDE TABLE TUli f,r Ttl. Owl Ntwtw, Cm.hs br n. s. Cm ,t oMltu Sam,, rartu.4, Ohih) Hilh Waur, Low W,tr, Tina Hrlihl Tim, HfUht l:0S a.m. 41 S:U a.B. S4 1 11 I I. a t li:!7 a.m. -ss I u a m. I I 11 (O a m. i t a IT am. tl n il a. al a. 47 a m. ! IUl It 1 II a.m. at 1 14 a m. I 1 I It am. II a IT la. IS at a m. II I M a m. 1 1 II a.m. Ta !o:IT .m. S 1 10:11 a.m. T.I II IT am. II 11:01 a n. II II IT 11 1) II a.m. 1 1 11 4a am. tl 1 41 m. 11 1 11 a m. I I IS am. 1.1 1 10 a m. 14 I II a m. o.l 1 M am. 17 4.41 SJB. -I.I 4 01 a.m. S 1 I II a m. -1.1 v a.m. 14 :9 v.m. -1.1 1:41 ..m. l.T 1:M p.m. -l.T Beck. Tsckles Ron Msther, Jerry Walling. . Guards Larry Newsom, The winner of the gsme will Vern Costes. play the winner of the Hills boro-Central Catholic game. The Central Catholic eleven is heavily favored. Probable lineup: Ends Phil Burkland, Paul Center Tom Piokens. Qusrterbsck Herb Trip lett. Halfbacks Neal Scheidel, Ray Taylor. Fullback Ken Rawlings. the ball 83 ysrds in 18 plays. The Wildcats anticipate an eight-man line against them. Aa the Kansas State quarter back, rate these plays 1, 2, 2 and for this situation: Fullback down the middle on a trap (defensive man al lowed through, then blocked from side) Field goal attempt Fake down middle and pitch out around end Off tackle slsnL (Answer on next Sports psge) PRO BASKETBALL Br Tha Ameclatatf mail Wrdnrsday'a results: Philadelphia 78, Boston 71 it waa announced today. Dinner will be served 8:30. at Why Suffer Any Longer . Wlm auara ran. mm am cUiaaa lamialaa . a-matm mm far SMS raara aa Cbtoa. X, aiitttr wltn what allmanm roa in affile tad. dlaepflara. maim. baarV law. H-ar. tktuar. til, aaoatlaatlaa. Mean. eiaMlaa. rhaamatum. tan an4 aladoar fatar. tata. tamalf am.lalota. CHARLIE CHAN cnmtti atna 0 Offle to TM. M4I tai. mmtf nw tttrn , irt out PLYWOOD SPECIALS I Dick Meyer Lumber Company 2.6 " Shop Grade 4x8 Sheet at . . (B'. par sq. ft.) (Equal or Superior in quality to reject) ALSO just received another shipment "A" Grade Inferior Slab Mahogany Doors On Special at 7.75 Per Door (Regular selling price $9.00 to $10.50) Above Items en special only at long at quantities lest Located 2 Block North of Underpass And 1 Hock East at 1775 Lena Avenue No Parking Problems Phone 3-4939 let's Lunch AT THE 515 LOUNGE Prime Rib Baked Ham OR BAKED SALMON Served With Salad, Relishes end Coffee from 1! noon 'til 1:18 .m. 190 DOWNSTAIRS Senator Hotel I OPEN TILL 9 FRIDAY NIGHT J. J. CLOTHES SHOP Salem's Quality Clothiers (or Men and Young Men Slashes Prices? To Increase Our Volume Sales Thats' Why You Get the Best Buy , And Better Clothes for Less Money When You Shop J.J SEE THESE MIRACLE VALUE GlVllIG NEW 1953-1954 FALL AND WINTER SUflf Regular $55.00 " SyDTSi3950 $60-$65-$70-$75 Including! Pants ''.'Vfc.;.,f-J ;I NOW 50 55 60 100 WOOL IMPORTED LOOMED YARNS, FLANNELS AND WORSTEDS LARGE SELECTIONS ALL SIZES, REGULARS, SHORTS, LONGS AND STOUTS ... Superfine Quality Topcoats AT MIRACLE LOW MONEY-SAVING PRICES REGULAR $22.50 to $50 VALUES . $4750 $4050 $1750 $9750 $750 II 17 LI JL JU NOW GENUINE CRAVEN ETTE RAINPROOF GABARDINES, SCOTCH AND DONEGAL TWEEDS, FLANNELS, FLEECES, CHEVIOTS, SOLID COLORS, CHECKS, MIXTURES AND PLAIDS. SUPER QUALITY IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FABRICS. RAGLAN AND SET-IN SLEEVES. ALL SIZES, REGULARS, LONGS AND SHORTS SportCoalsF $195QJ225Ql I 4 A 4 I . Reg. $16.50 Slacks $1(195 ) Now 1U Reg. S6.9S SLACKS Cm w Id Reg. $14.50 Slacks $095 Now O You'll Find It Pay. All Way, te Buy Your CJothea at JJ.'l Selem't Quality Clorhlart for Men and Yovnj Men OPEN FRIDAY KIGHIS'IIl 9 O'CLOCK Jfl CLOTHES SHOP 307 STATE STREET NEXT TO HARTMAN'S JEWELRY STORE 2 Doort Wett of Liberty St. at the But Stop i 9 - HI i 'j 1 1