TharwUy. November 12. 19SS TBI CAPITAL' JOURNA1 Salem. Orotoa P It New Jail No Penthouse; Better Than Old One By FEED ZIMMERMAN The jail top tht new Mar ion county Courthouse will not be a Park avenue penthouse, but it will be so lax superior to the old "black hole" of the for mer county buildinc that pris oners who have opportunity to use the facilities of both may feel like spending several months with Sheriff Young. One of the more noticeable improvements of the modern version of the lockup as com pared with the old, will be the absence of odors of boiling cabbage and onions that, waft ing out of the basement, per meated the entire structure. The layout of the entire fourth floor, all of which has been set aside for the accom modation of prisoners adults and Juveniles as well as for living quarters for the Jailer and his wife, bears the stamp of approval of those well versed in matters of this kind. Reinforced concrete walls where the Inmatea will gel a chance to stretch their legs. Those steel window sash that are being inserted in the top floor exterior walls will have glass pane insert a. Immediate ly inside there will be the exer cise corridors, each one com pletely shut off from the others. Denver 'so that there may be no co- mingling of the adults or Ju veniles. Pipes for radiant heat will be enclosed in the cement floor and there will be a minimum of exposure of any type of me tal that prisoners might be able to pry loose. There will be no breaking through the walls through the medium of a case knife or similar instrument. The day rooms are quite commodious as to size. The men's will have an outside di mension of 18 by 41 feet, the Doyr, zt by 28 and the airls' 25 by 18. In addition there will be rooms where visitors may see weir incarcerated rela. British Consul On West Oregon Tour Albany Norman R. Prlck ett, British vice consul at Port land, was in Albany Tuesday In the course of a week's tour of western Oregon, during which he will visit Eugene, Coos Bay, Roseburg, Medford, Klamath Falls. The vice con- will separate the various divi-I lives or friends. sions. There will be day rooms The sheriff's quarters will for all, showers and corridors , be located on the first floor. Here there will be rooms for examination of prisoners and for the keeping of records. An elevator for the exclusive use of the sheriff's office and the prisoner will take the offend ers to the top floor without the necessity of passing through rooms frequented by the gen eral public I The court rooms on the mezzanine immediately below ! the jail were approved by the . bar association an to conveni ' ence and aifaaaihllitv Th. sul is meeting those Interested will be no necessity for the In trsde with the United King- mingling of prisoners and the dom or having any problems senertl Public, Jurors will be such as a vice consul could S "T"" imm- t. ji , iw . . ... tones for men and women in handle. In Albany he met with case they are compelled to re Seth French, who Imports Brit- j main overnight lsh china, and with D. J. Dona-j All In all Marion county's hue, manager of the Chamber prisoners "never had it so of Commerce. I good" come next May, Oct. Building Oil in Oregon October Building permits In It Oregon cities were four per cent, below October, 1952, ac cording to the monthly con struction report of the Equi table Savings & Loan Assn. of Portland. Eighteen Washington cities were down 18 percent and eight Idaho cities were down 21 percent. Salem's figure of $543,660 was second only to Portland and was far above Eugene's $202,365, but the Salem figure was far below the abnormally high $1,373,009 recorded in October, 19S2. The figures follow, October, ItSS in the first column, Octo ber, 1952 in the second and the percentage of gain or loss in the third. mi r.uo 7.711 41. I nils soi.m Alitor ... Attorn ... Baku .... Bond carvalllo . Sana. ... Oraata Foaa 12. fmila LaOranaa Com Bar uoafom . On. Ctt? rtodltloa Portland .. RoMburt . an Mtira Saltai .... Bo'lloM . . Till Dallol 1HI M.30 03.104 41.3M moa ai.m Tt.jaa 14.77 10.444 141.1:4 n.ioo 130.17 4.106.17a 3O4.1.0 xtra su.asa at. lie MI.4M 311.740 14 CM sar.M 31.40 111 OS 73.174 41.14! 13.03 S.M0.TU 11 an 10.470 1.373.0O0 111.000 -41 14uaa too World War I. he has been with the company continuously since that time. In his long service, he has represented Southern Pacific In many capacities, in all parts of the nation, being recognized as an outstanding authority on all subjects pertaining to freight traffic. His acquaintance with business leadcra extends from coast te coast. During his career with the railroad, his assignments placed nun in posts at Chicago, De troit, Portland, Houston, and San Francisco. As general traf fic manager, with headquarters at Chicago, from 1838 to 1M1. he had general supervision of traffic solicitation in the mid western, eastern, and southeast ern states. He has held his pres ent post since 1942. BOMBER CRASHES . Naples, Italy A U.S. Navy torpedo bomber plant crashed into a bouse near here Thursday Injuring four peo ple inside and killing the pilot The plane was return ing to its Capodlcnino airport headquarters from Rome. Two members of the crew also were injured seriously. Albany Grange Karnes Morgan Albany Job Morgan was chosen, master of Faurmount grange during elections at the meeting recently held at the hall in North Albany. Other officers are lonard Brush, overseer; Cwen Rick ert, lecturer; Psuline Brush, chaplain; Zed Merrill, stew ard; Allen Howells, assistant steward; Helen Brush, lady assistant steward; Maebell Abraham, secretary; Pearl Schmidt, treasurer; Chat Hughson, gatekeeper; Maxine Holmes, Pomona; Daisy Mcr dill, Ceres; Zoo Lanley. Flora and Carolina Morgan, musi cian. Members of the executive committee are Hubert Schmidt, Herman Luther and Herman Abraham. I BRITISH FRIGATES IN TRIESTE Trieste 7 Three British frigates docked in this trou- Tot. Onaoa .1MJ S.0O.4SI Hale Leaves SP After Career of 52 Years Salem offices of the Southern Pacific Company are Informed that after a railroad career of 52 years, W. W. Hale, vice president, Southern Pacific Company, in charge of system freight traffic, has just an nounced his retirement, effec tive December SI. Hale Joined Southern Pacific in 1 Qfll at Qn . clerk in the general passenger 'office. Extent fnp 4h M.inJ r ..... pviMiu m 'Federal control of railroads in milt L. Oiloasa. . Ar. Detroit.., Ar. Toronto. , Ar. Tha Srta.a, Mrtm. Ill ., Tho Iritomotlmal LMNd 1:1 pjn. StSI a.m. SiWlkra. Cormaetlona a Toronto and Montrool lor Ottawa, Quokoa, '" Now Vorfc, PhllooolaMo, Waahlrvtari, B.C. (AM Uraaa axial d ara Standard Tumi. Atk aaoof Canada. 10 If Ateoo Uaf Toon . JAMES H. IEU, Gi J.D. Sutu Hi. Joupk vaaoa aids. BoaUla 1. Wart, nana: Mala 4001. or aaa raw an Trait Allot. CANADIAN NATIONAL THt (AI1WAT TO iVfrWH(M IN CANADA AMI.) Mnii.fw I bl port Thursday while red-1 and two Bran gun carriers pa capped British military police I trolled tho quay. A Royal Navy spokesman described tho visit as "routine." r m IT'S LUCKY when you live in America Yes, it's "Lucky- for 1 and fishing and "Lucky tor the best m ixreehmento age-dated Lucky Lager beeoj You see. Lucky Lager ii snstak better' to it tastes better. Try Lucky Lager today... , and you'U agree; nS LUCKY when you live in America!" '! . mem VjLJ .-QTr'jVr-i-qf ir(iinwjwiiwiiLlu r? Leaders aft LoweirDini All Types of Plumbing and Keating for Ml Types of Homes LIMITED TIME ONLY! Va W . : . A Gleaming 3 Piece Homart (Bath Sett Reg. 154" Complete with Chrome Trim Save Over $16 42-in. Homart Cabinet Sinks Sturdy Stool Cobinets Reg. 114.50 97 88 I ns down Heavy steel sink is covered with acid-resisting white en amel, easy to keep clean! Cabinet has sturdy all-steel construction and extra toe and knee room .Crystal Flow aerator, basket strainer, and other features. Toilet Seats P-fiiFl' '-' ) ' ji . r i -v; j i f., NO DOWN PAYMENT LJ Up to 36 months under FHA Homart Electric Cellar Drainers Heavy-duty Motor 4488 Protect your basement at all times from heavy rains, flash floods, melting snow and backed-up sewers! This automatic electric drainer is on gusrd 24 hours a day. Completely automatic, easy to install . . . low cost protection! f II I 14.00 down oa J J en Sean Easy Terms SAVE $15 Reg ISO 7.88 lailrm aiHhar at soarl hank caal aoal ar araetl lH-la. tblok. vaa'l arpT Ohraau-olaud oort klaaa. Wall-Type Cabinet Keeps Bathroom Needs Near 2 Roomy Shelves. . 2.95 uii An iteL Lw mimr. m tkM Homart Air Filters r.berglai, 16x22x2 iiz Esch 1.40 Trtpt Oast. Jtri and Uin la ht u Ini. ntiittin. UrnrMUUMlBC tr torn. VMmtu lim Tm t tu. OtlMr Swing Spout HOMART FAUCETS Reg. 9.50 Chrome 6 u Homart Jet Pumps Reduced! OfivfiQ FRFF HFI IVFDY CDCC OADVlUfl M m ' a " a-oa t aa a BV,Saaa I I VJ SaiZtfzcjUcaUKtkJ MUOm money fact" 550 North Capitol Salem Phone 39191 Adjusroble from 7" Cantor to '" o 1 man Ik lHn hiJ ui a tk.itukiiT i'lnrf' ' Viiinyiia a. Floor Furnaces 12895 Reduced lo 36 Mo. to pay under FHA This Homart furnoce will keep tho oir In your homo frtsh ond healthful no dirt or odors! Ideal for homos with or without basements. Call Sears today! I Homart Heating Oil Coal fT2 INSTALLATION! B and I FINANCINO H wm.9m m arrangta oy f rw II AS hnioSailora and Nwric- B rrS If 10) Arrongad Wka To R l lf T o Airy Sol.Moaal Domoor rtaejulotort 19.88 CONVERTS FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL RMtUtalM M. 1 1 r 4 him mm I InclodM dKHptr, etor, hm a&4 puUtrjl ftAVBI Fulflo Oil Filters 4.95 rfklvntty tlMtu tvu typM t fMl ett. Cml mrrf cMtt tmi Mttl rtiffn. A 13.00 down on M 1 Sears Easy Pay Plan JuB M If your woter level foils below 22 ff. this pump converts eany ro pump rrom new depth up to 0 tt. . ..' kUTl FURNACE CEMENT Lb. 30c - 5 lbs. 98c Sears hove o complete Selection of Accessorial STORE HOI RS: Men. and rrl., I It to Other Days, 14 U I 1 f Hi '4 1 1 if