THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oretpn Men of 65 or More to Meet rat it The First Presbyterian church of Salem ii sponsoring pre-Thanksgiving meeting of all In tern ted penoni who have reached the age ol S3 or more, from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13. Thii fellowship will be quite Informal in nature conversa tions, group singing of famil- lir songs, and speacial features from the Golden Age club of the YMCA, arranged by Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Stenger. Checkers, chess and other games will be available and re freshments will be served. B. F. Newton will give a Thanks giving meditation. The Christian Education committee' of the church has designated Mr. and Mrs. James M. Class as the conveners. The meeting will be held In the downstairs club room with entrance off Cbemeketa street It has Its inspiration from the poet Browning: "Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be, The last of life for which the first was made." Applications for Exams Going In The State Civil Service Com. mission Is accepting applica tions for several examinations which will be administered in the next few weeks. Applications will be accepted until November 22 for field examiner I examination. The starting pay for this classifica tion Is 1298 a month and qual ifications include high school graduation and four years of accounting or office experi ence, or an equivalent combi nation of experience and train ing. Two immediate vacancies exist in the southern Oregon area. Other classes to be examined Include FBX operator I, ad ministrative secretary, and penitentiary hospital manager. The Public Utilities Commis sion at Salem is urgently in need of hearings reporter. The starting pay is $322 a month, but may be higher de pending upon an applicant's experience and training. Salem Heights Salem Heights Activities ol the Boy Scouts, troop 19, in cluded a week-end camp-out. The troop left Salem Heights hall Saturday and hiked to the six-acre park purchased recent ly by the South Salem suburban chamber of commerce and set up camp. Charles Rybloom, camping activities chairman, was in charge. The troop worked on measur ing, compass problems. Instruc tions in handling an axe and a knife. Contests were held and the chopping contest was won by the Buck and Eagle patrol; tent peg contest, Pine Squirrel; camp site Inspection, Pine Squirrel and Eagle; edible plants. Jay patrol; compass course. Pine Squirrel; camp in spection. Buck patrol. During the entire week-end the Pine Squirrel held top place with second going to Buck, Eagle and Jay. Attending the camp-out from Buck patrol were Lane Olson Bill Crandall, Dennis Olson and Bill Kanz; Pine Squirrel, Bob Miller and Jerry Reiwald Fox, Charles Harris; Owl pa trol, Ed Bacon, John Meeker, Dennis Neilson and Warren Harvey; Eagle patrol, Darrell Rybloom and Kim Clark; Jay patrol, William Rector. Jerry Burger, Olin Teston and Em mett Meyers, John Kinney, Scoutmaster, was in charge of the camp-out. Visiting the troop were Lloyd Clark and Ed Crandall. CHI1I AT Hl'IIBARD Hubbard The annual chili supper by the Pythian Sisters of Arlon Temple will be held Saturday evening, Nov. 14. Serving will begin at 6 o'clock in the Pythian hall. Mrs. Tom Baldwin is in charge of arrangements. Tele-fun by Wirren Goodrich "Thanks for waiting, I was (leap lust faking little catfish nop.". . . It always pay, to answer the telephone promptly. Otherwise the per son calling may think you're not at home, and hang up. . . . Pacific Ttleoaona, ii n i w m t blbt A 1 aaaBaaaaai aaaaaW aa tfgM TUSSy f Price Sale! yWind & Weather Lotion ( V H Vl Uy lf rhe corf of your hand lotion 4fc I if ' "tUvXV buJ9- S,oc "P "' Pcl pne! I C f NvWVA Rtg. $1.00 lottk UU y .htbM bcowttt belterl. Ulllttil aw- - ff T ST-.: 19c RUBBER DOOR MATS 1.29 unHnwRfHlEFS SLCeT 89c nicu TfMHS ST 17c waxed paper r,szr......jit ifr flIAY nKllfflR 9C MOY7FM& CREAM yjSttT "jjc IITIIITY COTTON 59c HARD RUBBER COMBS... 9c NYLOH NET CAP 39c FUSES iHOampv-YwChrita: 3C . .. for Houie'noii Sea, 3?t IIQ. Small, Medium, Urge . Plastic Ba Wrisley SOA Atiefttrf Frtgrwnctit 8 Bars m - special! Ammident Tooth Paste WHITE or with CHLOROPHYLL 39C 2-59' $1.00 Boxes CHEWING GUM Popular Brandt 55' Carton 30 Pack: nRLASH Eyelash Curler Soft rubb.r cu.hlo, ..,,, JU0 P'otjcti .... ,r, , 9'ckly. E.,v do, Ptdicurt TOENAIL NIPPER rVwciiion Stotll S14 MAC rolutl W 1 IV Reo.ISc CANNON DISH CLOTHS 3112' si is u COlOftNI FREE SOF-SET spray JIM Velssl lot '-" 9 3 IS 24 ' eo. SI. 98 "Calef" dti.u ALARM CLOCK Uminoui tnn I . m . Nn .... , m n"T-on. w au INO qrooina i, tt. , a TTr color ea,..' ' noV I case. Lamlnout Dial Marbelire ASH TRAY Assorted Colon "Flosho" LIGHTER FLUID Full mt Tin t Blended with Havana for Milder Smokinq! HEADLINE INVINCIBLES Ftavorful. Ntw t.Z Draw Cigars Sr Mi l"ii( plcaiur . . . o," th.i. . Dad! Vacuum Tin of 25 139 'Chief row 2.4V Famous-Nam 3-SPEED ELECTRIC HEATING PAD RCSe'Mt MS Removable flannel outer cover; rubberized inner cover. 7-foot cord with 3-speed switch. Moisture-proof type. Gift special! i1 Mtic VdM,! i Jeweled WRIST WATCH $ J "Astoria " L &ftZJZtt X 5-Tube Superheterodyne 4 . 1 "Prior utility wri,tw.tch. fS TARIP RADIO Attractive Wain Dial f- Mf I MMlili Jm 7 wtni C Smart Radium Dial 1 if X Power, tone and beauty, all r ' I QC ? ' f" L Leather Strap A m stunninq radio. Has iAjfj JT'5 ; n r f built-in aerial. Ivory, Ma- I 11 tf'i if Uabelievable low orieel jw ' , VVoon, Mahogany or Black. 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Ascorbic Acid VITAMIN C TABLETS Diotary SuppUmont! ,0?Br-"TBnc .or I' I Thiamin Chloride VITAMIN B-1 TABLETS Halpt You I.H..I 25 mg. 100 for Kcopsit VACUUM BOTTLE For School Lunch Kits I" aT?5 Eyebrow Pencil 29c Glycol Inhaler 49c- 9c Beauly Gloves ?vs,',e: 19c 4-Way (old Tabs. 23c Roux Peroxide 25c Boric Acid pK;dt.t 9c Lilac Vegetal Zu& 25c " Tincture Iodine 3c Lady Esther 4Fap,ur;:m 98c Aspirin Tablets Ar" 9c Soap-on-Leash or5on 21c Rubbing Alcohol jg1,, 11c BurmaShave K5c 2for 33c Shoestrings B2gp7m... 3c Citrate of Magnesia 12c Super Anahist 98c Bottle Brush Ki. 13c Vick's t40ou.ghb.e,", 57c Protect-O-Pins yjn-... 23c Kleen-AII Kit SSaZtt 79c Dextrogen IK 23c Cleaning Fluid PK.V 12c A: Ivaloa SPONGE SPECIAL! Dish Sponqo on Stick Household Spongo lathroom Sponqo $1.13 Valdai ALL St for nv" , aSV r Man'a- .-J III icii j ana nnmen t I Mastic Raincoat; y Lad-es coats hove hood small, medium, large. f;ti Reg. $2.29 49 ilCUP ALUMINUM PERCOLA i M, .$1.25VAIUI! i fan 98c Big, family-size perco.u.u. -hinged lid, block stoy-cool hondle 4 If SALTED PEANUTS Plump and full of nour ishing energy for school or oork lunch lift! J- or ork lunch lift! "Wk U W 11 oi. Cello Pock t f Virginia Peanuts, 11 ots. 45c I Caihewt, 11 ess. 79c Bk I ' Va. f laanfiei far Saaca-Senkel DECORATED f METAL TRAYS J Srv ohi Jrinki Iron thtm r 1 hop thtift w!th aantjwichot. f kj I wwrf w W". W I Mfth for Ho kirf. T Cftormmo COLONIAL FOOTSTOOL aaf. turtle charm fo, ptt;, Serck. r,n TV Sarck for ft, a k;. e1!"! te. $!.!. 35 DECORATED FIBRE WASTE MM BASKET Reinforced Rim Metal Base Assorted Colors 17