Thursday, November 12, 193S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreenm Paft 11 Angus Sale (lets $129,700 Baker CV The second an nual Anf us tale here act a rec ord this week for the highest pricea for any aale In the Northwest thii fall. Arnold Weed, aalea manager J reported the Baker aale topped two recent aalea of commercial Angus in Montana. The top pricea there were $23. SO for in dividual ateera and IB centa for pen lota. Sold here were 1,487 head of commercial cattle for $129,700. Thirty-two head of range bulla were aold, with the champion going for $660. Top price for an Individual ateer waa $27.50 per hundred weight. Keizer Keizer The executive meet ing of the Keizer PTA will be held Thursday, at 8 o'clock at the new Cummings school. The grange will hold a rum mage sale in the store next to Fitts Market on Nov. 13. The Keizer Garden club members and their families will meet for their customary Thanksgiving dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17. Each member is asked to bring his own table service. This year the dinner will be held at the grange hall. The club will have as its guests all those who have been guest speakers on the year's program. Mrs. W. E. Sav age, phone 37460, may be con tacted for reservations. The grange hall boasts a new coat of paint. Officers of the grange elect ed at the last meeting are mas ter, Ernest Savage; overseer, Clilford Orey; secretary. Ken neth Hutchins; treasurer, Alvin Fleming; chaplain, Lena Ett ner: lecturer, Ruby Girod steward, John Johnson; lady ateward, Agnes Lutz; assistant steward, Floyd Lutz; gatekeep er, Fred Wolf; Pamona, Wilda Savage; Ceres, Thelma Evans Flora, Mildred Johnson; and pianist, Elsa Black. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson have just returned from a trip to California. They a pent a month visiting their son, and various relatives and friends. Explorer post 41 received a new member, Deloss Friesen. This makes about 20 members The majority of the troop went to Portland to see the show "The Robe." They will have their annual inspection of the troop next Monday, Nov. 18, In full uniform. Allen Lightner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Lightner, cele brated his 8th birthday with a party at his home at 630 Man brln Drive, on Nov. 10. Hi guests included Dick Breed lnv Ttaviri UamwF V.Wi f.i. briei, Carl Meyers, Steven Sul livan. Jimmv Sheldon. Tommy Ewing, Jim Hoxey, Barbara Hoxey, Wayne Bresslcr and Clair Mumau. REBELS BIDE La Paz, Bolivia Wl Boll vian officials say the leader of Mondays abortive coup and 13 other political revolt! tioniits have taken refuge in the Uruguayan legation avoid arrest. Two others are reported holding out In the Venezuelan embassy. The body of a tvniral arinll man contains a little over five quarts of blood. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 Special During Our Philco Silver Jubilee Sale I rats a ft ... i ... fi load liberty treet court etreet Equipped for All Channels And ALL New UHF Stations (lis LOW DOWN PAYMENT We Give and Redeem j?fC GREEN STAMPS ' We celebrate, you Save during our Silver Jubilee Sale I Compare this low-priced All-Channel Philco consolette I Repeated Usui prove nothing approaches Philco ALL-CHAN-NEL TV for noise-free reception on all stations UHF or VHF. Come in now for a demonstration . . . see this Philco 4004 with new larger 21-inch picture. Hurry, Our Special Offer is limited! COMPLETE. WITH UHF-VHF BUILT-IN AERIAL Only Philco offers you the Directional UHF-VHF Built-in Aerial. In many locations it's the only built-in aerin) that works at all I You may save the extrr cost of an ouunde aerial I 970A We celebrate you Save! It'i Pfailco'a 25th year of Electronic Leaderahi p 1 This distinctive Golden Hour clock if youri ai a gift with any 1964 Philco TV Console. Limited offer, come in immediately I New 21-inch Console with UHF-VHF Built-in Aerial Only Philco for 19M offers the Diree. tional UHF-VHF Built-in Aerial in many locations it'a the only built-in aerial that works at alll In addition, 195 Philco ALL-CHANNEL tele vision leads the entire industry with noise-free reception on all station, both UHF and VHF. Come in and ask for a demonstration of the new Philco 4102-M, with a 21" picture that's as much as 80 sq. inches larger -thanother 21"setsl Buy nowandSAVnl 95 W Give and Redeem GREEN STAMPS VERSATILE! IT'S A 3-PC. SECTIONAL! IT'S AN EXTRA LONG DAVENPORT! IT'S A BED FOR TWO AT NIGHT! REG. 259.95 rujru I NO DOWN PAYMENT ON OUR APPROVED CREDIT Upholstered in DuPont's famed fibre "E" yarns . . . moth-proof, won't , flatten out, keeps its beautiful new look! This sectional is just as prac tical, comfortable, big os it looks, too., Double spring construction; hord wood frame; bedding compartment. Upholstered all the way around in choice of beige, grey, gold, red, kelly, cocoa, rose. Furnitu -sys ourt Street Special Purchase, Reg. 7.95 Sq. Yd. AXMINSTER 9 and 12 foot widths! You save a big $2 o square yard because we bought thii broodloom in quantity to be able to offer this special low price! Excel lent quality, in a blend of the finest wools-and-rayons, and woven with a thick, deep pile that's destined to wear and keep its handsome oppeoronce for many, many years. Comes in these wonted colors: Green, beige ond arey. RUGS COURT STREET 8 Sq. Yd. Am rt ntflr far TT ftovtat ROBERTS BROS. Will c uve You FOR YOUR OLD WASHER ON THIS DELUXE WRINGER -WASHER Regardless of make.or condition of your old washer, Roberts will allow you $40 trode-in on a new 1953 GE wringer washer! Ameri ca's most popular machine holds 8 lbs. of clothes, lets you select any washing time up to 1 5 minutes . . . has famous "activator" s three-zone washing action . . . one-control " wringer with resilient balloon rolls; powerful pump empties tub in less than 3 minutes. Come in todoy! Roberts Appliances Downstairs Reg. 164.95 LESS $40 TRADE-IN We Give and Redeem ZVC Green Stamps