Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pag 10
Thursday, November 12, 195S
Leads In the Willamette University production of Noel
Coward'i comedy "Hay Fever", which opens tonight
(Thuri.) on the Waller hall stage at 8:19, are Bruce Foun
tain, aophomore from Salem and Lollle Coffey, Junior
from Portland. "Hay Fever", under the direction of Rob
ert Putnam, la the first major dramatic production of the
1953-54 aeaion at Willamette. The atage play will run
Thunday through Saturday.
Justice of Peace to Be
Tried for Game Violation
Grand Ronde A legal teat
of the Interpretation of Oregon
bunting lawa la acheduled to
be marie In diitrict court at Al
bany Monday when Juitice of
the Peace Alvin Hulett of
Grand Ronde and Ralph Mc-
Kern appear for trial.
The two men are charged
with violating the hunting
lawa by hunting game birda
from an automobile. They are
to appear before Diitrict Judge
Wendell TompUina In Albany
t 9:30 a.m., Nov. IS.
The complaint, aigned by
Curtla Reuker of the State Po
lice, charges that the defend
anta hunted pheasants from a
car near Brownsville on or
about Oct. 25.
(fJ,OTI !
Mrs. Florence V. Miv
berry, who will speak for
the Baha'l World Faith, at
the YMCA Friday night.
Speaker Here
Friday Night
Th T4aV.l HJ..IJ t- i ... I
- - - . "v. ui raiw
group of Salem will present
i i "jrorrry 01 aama
Paula, Calif., as a sneaker In
Room C of the YMCA Friday
night of this week at 8 o'clock.
The meeting is open to the
Mrs. Mayberry has been a
Baha'l since 1941 and has been
a speaker for the Faith since
the early months of her mem
bership. Prior to that time she
was a speaker on racial amity
topics and was one of the or
ganlzera of the Reno. Nevada.
Inter-racial Foundation. She
was a former manager of the
Santa Paula, Cal., Chamber of
commerce ana now assists her
husband In his building mater
lais Dusmess.
Before working for the
Chamber of Commerce, she was
special interviewer for the U.
S. employment service, hand
ling handicapped applicants.
She also was president of the
Santa Paula Business and Pro
fessional Women's club for
three years and la now junior
past president.
As a writer. Mrs. Mayberry
has had a number of short
stories and poems published.
Her most recently published
atory, "Kiko." is listed in the
index of distinctive short stor
ies In the "Best American
Short Stories of 1M3." com
piled by Martha Foley. This
compilation is recognized as a
most authoritative guide In
selecting the best short stories
for each year.
Mrs. Mayberry attended the
Inter Continental Teach 1 n g
conference of the Baha'l Faith
and the dedication of the Ba
ha'l temple in Chicago and Wll
mette, Illinois, in April and
May of this year. J
Judge Hulett, however, takes
exception to the charge. What
happened, he asserts, was that
he and McKern were driving
to the home of McKern's
brother near Brownsville to
hunt pheasant, when they stop
ped their automobile and Mc
Kern walked into a field, fired
one shot at a pheasant rooster
and missed.
No arrest waa made at the
time and no one but the two
huntera was present. Judge
Hulett said, but after nearly
three weeka a charge was filed
and a warrant served.
"If I could see that either
my hunting partner or I was
guilty of any offense whatever,
I would plead guilty and pay
whatever penalty might be im
posed," Judge Hulett aald. "but
I am completely innocent as is
Mr. McKern. We intend to de
mand a Jury trial and find
out what motlvatei auch an
action by the questioning of
witnesses In the case. '
Judge Hulett la handicapped
and confined to a wheel chair.
Morse On Bill for
Friday Night Talk
United States Senator Wivna
Morse will speak Friday night
at 8 o'clock at the Salem High
School on the "Defense of
The Junior senator's annear-
ance In Salem la sponsored by
the Military Order of the Pur
ple Heart and Morse will be
the first of a number of na
tional figures to appear on
wnat has been designated as
a "Freedom Forum."
Morse will discuss the "en
croachment upon American
freedom by political expedi
ency at home and Communism
on the International scene."
'Brassard" which now refers
a badge on the uoDer arm
" i-t" . .
originally meant a piece of ar
more for the upper arm
All Nationally Advertised Brands
Formerly Priced
55.00 to 65.00
Formerly Priced
Imparltd Iwieai rootminm FUnntli I WmMs
67.50 to 95.00
Capitol Shopping Center
Of San Francisco
San Francisco After
bringing a reminder of ancient
Greece to on of America's big
centers of learning. King Paul
of Greece participated in typ
ical U.S. ritual Thursday ac
cepting the key to the city.
King Paul and Queen Fred-
erika were to be formally re
ceived at city hall and attend
a civic luncheon before entrain
ing for Los Angelea.
Wednesday, some 11,000 per
sons ignored a threat of rain
to aee the royal couple at the
massive, columned Greek thea
ter at the University of Cali
fornia in Berkeley, at one time
the scene of classical drama
performances In the original
'Democracy as you know it
today is based upon the think
ing, planning and dreaming of
men who lived more than 2,000
years ago," Paul told the over
flow audience.
'Now, this proud heritage of
the Greek mind has come to
bloom In the heart and soul of
ine American people, rreeaom
la the message that came from
Greece. Unity is the message
that comes from you. "
Oregon Nuf Crop
About Harvested
Corvallla W) Oregon's nut
crop is Just about all harvested,
with quality and size good. The
yield though, especially on
filberts, was under last year.
Fred H. Dahl, agricultural
economist for the extension ser
vice, said some of the Willam
ette Vaiiej walnuts lost in
quality because of shrivel but
that the quality generally was
satisfactory to good.
Filbert quality was listed as
Prices have been ateady to
Half of American women
who reach age 65 will live 15
years longer and a third ofi
them will live for 20 years.
Paul Gels
Study of Origin of
Fish in Pacific Sought
Washington VPl Delegate
Bartlett (D.. Alaska) aald
Thurday it Is "Imperative'
that the United States began
Investigations to determine the
origin of fish in North Pacific
Bartlett told Secretary of the
Interior McKay In a letter that
he was gratified to learn the
department is requesting funds
to finance such a atudy by the
Fish and Wildlife Service.
Under the North Pacific fish
ery agreement reached by this
country, Canada and Japan,
fishermen of the latter nation
agreed not to fish in North
American waters. Japanese
fishermen, under the conven
tion, must fish west of a line
running through the Aleutian
The Japanese also agreed to
move further west if biological ;
Investigations proved that
some of the fish found within I
their fishing area originated In '
North American watera.
Worry of
Slipping or Irritating?
rjna't b nbrTtM4 ST Iom fli
tih iltpplnt, dropping r wobbltni
whn you tot. Ulk or touch. Jtul PTla- j
IW riM.iaa.tls ail ruu, pi,r.
Triu pluuit powdtr r v i rcmork
iblo huh ot dd4 comfort oml mcu
rltr or notdlrtl plKtoo moro flnplr. No
ummr. footr. poitr tosto or !Unt. I
It's BlkoKp (non-ocldl. Got rABTXTru I
tt tnr drug ilo'.
Wants Russians
To See H-Bomb
Washington W An atomic
j energy commissioner auggests
that foreigners, presumably
Including Russians, should see
a U.S. hydrogen bomb explod
ed as a sample of the destruc
tive alternate to world peace.
The Idea, expressed by
Thomas E. Murray last night,
came as America was ready
ing another and probably
more fierce hydrogen test
Murray, the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC) member
who recently announced the
launching of the first pro
gram for harnessing nuclear
power as Industrial power,
made his H-bomb suggestion
in a speech at Pittsburgh.
He said first-hand observa
tion of an H-bomb's thunder
"is an essential qualification
for future negotiators of the
great suvival issues in the
years ahead." Such an Amer
ican showing, he added, might
persuade the Russians to
match it with a demonstra-
I tlon of their own.
Bartlett told McKay that
many American fishermen be
lieve Japanese fishing expe
ditions took salmon this year
which had their origin in Alas
kan streams.
"Under existing circum
stances." he wrote the secre
tary, "there is no way to prove
or disprove this. The treaty is
clear In respect to an intention
on the part of all three nations
to protect fishing stocks of
national origin.
"Since the United States has
most at stake and since it is
the Japanese fishermen who
approach our home waters in
stead of vice versa, it is be
yond all doubt of utmost impor
tance that we gather essential
a vlm
TL5.2?!!!!""W"" udt NtaunM zss4 j
i Sjr'li' nS- 14 "liimorKJs in Mas. i
J '250 Jjjfj
5 UDT tUMIlTON MaV7 : H l- - ?r
i 12 diamonds In 14k 0V1&&i2 ! U.5? fc? ' 1
I $200 lfjl
U.r a.antoa ism f T'JLrST-ff SSI 1
ennrnids la 14k ' 'LmitZ " i ' 9
ic" iMiy
8 1 r J M00
Pay us a portion each pay day and give something
i really worthwhile for Christmas.
225 N.Liberty St.
Taking over this week are new oficert of Explorer Post
No. 18, Senior Division Boy Scouts, sponsored by St.
Vincent de Paul Church. Above, from left, are Bernard
Johnson, secretary-treasurer; Leroy Wille, senior crew
leader; and Vilas Royse, assistant senior crew leader.
Adviser of the post la Lou Amort
Election of Magsaysay
Conceded by Quirino
Manila WI Tired, ailing
President Elpldio Quirino to
day conceded victory in the
Philippines presidential elec
tion to youthful, vigorous Ra
mon Magsaysay, who won in
a landslide.
The 48-year-old winner, a
staunch friend of the United
States, becomes the third pres
ident of this seven-year-old
republic. He is to take office
January 1 for a four-year
term. Quirino steps out after
six years in office.
With about 60 per cent of
Tuesday's vote tabulated, the
unofficial count was Magsay
say, 2,269,131 votes to 1,002,
566 for Quirino.
The concession statement
by the 62-year-old Quirino,
still recovering from two
major stomach operations in
the United Suites, was read
to newsmen by his press sec
retary. "In this year's election," It
said, "evidently the people
expected much in a change of
administration. My roost fer
vent prayer at this hour is that
the change Is for the better.
The people's verdict should
be accepted for the sake of
naming rrkftrrw,lnMof pPndnrfT
tadachrs and disiinMs mar b du to tiow,
down or kidn function. Doctors any gotx
ktdntrr function la war ImmHint n wwu
waJth. W'btn mm svarrdar condition, aneh
as irvaa ana atrain, atutrt Mils Important
unction to alow down, many folks auffarnat
line backach feci tniseranl. alittor Mr.4.
ier irritations do to cold or wrorta: dit may
r "F nianwnnrwiwnipaasaar
Don t ncEleet your kidnya If thcMeondt
Hons bother you. Try Doan's Pilla-a. mild dl
orotic. It's amaiiriB how many times Doaa'i
lira happy rrlicf from the discomfort -blp
tha 1ft miles of kidney tubes and IllUn
Huah out wnata A W 1n 1
I liM andsava money. Ct Doan's i' ills today I
ur aianroe aj4
I ditmoodi In 14k
BMiml or whh. suid.
national unity. I have noth
ing but good wishes for the
country and my successor."
Magsaysay was cruising in
Manila Bay. on the palatial 1
yacht of Adm. Rlchrd H. Cru
zen, commander of U.S. naval
forces In the Philippines,
when word reached him that
Quirino had conceded.
We ve just got in our
Chfhtmas Hamilton
may we show them to you?
Isn't there someone specially dear to you
. . . someone you've always meant to sur
prise with a special gift, like a truly fins
watch? That wife you love so much . . .
that husband you couldn't live without
. . . that son or daughter you're so eter
nally proud of . . .
There never was a Christmas like this
one to givs a Hamilton. Of course, the
! W t? ilia eere. A XJ . iUTTtL' aVOC. ;0-7l7
I lW Xa ClJO'"" y t art. SlJoT"
Als mm the rvew IUINOt wMches-ttyM m4 guienlead by
WWf rtamltteni priced from S37.7S to $10,000
Bonn, Germany tl Chan
cellor Konrad Adenauer waa
quoted Thursday as warning
that withdrawal of "even the
5 (haion iJp
t SJT-J? X ' $7so J
if r. aaaiwBHKMBiiaaKM rrtaaX
Knew itM ear Manatee Lay-Away atant Com. la todiv
and choaaa the Hamilton you want to (it. . . . we'll ba
(lad to art it aside till Chrietmaa under this ipedal plsa.
smallest number of U. 8. troop
from Europe would be regard
ed by Soviet Russia aa the be
ginning of American surrender
in the cold war.
name's been famous for years as "the
watch of railroad accuracy" thanks to
the rigid standarda of precision each
Hamilton watch must meet But never
have you seen such beautiful styles as
these newest Ham il tons!
Frankly, we're proud to show them off.
And we'd be happy to help you select
the right style for your special someone.
HonRtsn-e. tnm 3i.9i