Wednesday, November 11, 195S THB CAPITAL SsJms. Crssa Many Improvements by Departments of the City Tlx Urge number of prison- Irs in the city Jail, while the ity it taking care of county fenders ai well aa Us own, raws heavily on the hot wi- er supply at City Hall. This, together with the nor mal use of hot water by the rsonnel of the several city tfices, mad a new hot water ante necessary and it is being installed In the basement It eplaces an older tank of the me capacity but less efficient. The main use of hot water y the prisoners la in washlne fishes which is done three times a day, also In Dropping me ceils. Numerous Improvements are being mada here and there by various eity departments. T park service has added an Interesting piece of equip mcnt which is attached to the lawn mower. It may be termed a "leaf chewer." While the mower is cutting the grass the attachment cleans up the leaves, chews them into fine bits, and blows them onto the lawn where they are integrat ed into the soil as fertilizer. In Wills on Park postholes have been dug for the light standards that are to support a new lighting system provided for by the City Council at a recent meeting. 7our merry-go-rounds were installed Monday for the chil to, two in Buih Pasture Pfrk, ona in Highland Park and ona in West Salem. They are of the automatic type pro pelled by tna weight of the riders and are considered en tirely safe. In Bush Pasture trails are now being made around the perimeter of the park. For the fire department the City Council Monday night ac cepted a bid for 1030 feet of new fire bose. The hose is IVi inch, "Chevron" make, mada by the Fabric Fire Hose Com pany whose bid was $1.88 a toot. I Another recent Improvement at City Hall is a new electrical wiring panel installed in the basement. ' Lebanon Library Given Book Funds Lebanon A gift of $300 for the purpose of purchasing teen age books has been received by the Lebanon library from don ors who requested that their names not be made known. An additional gift is an up-to-date dictionary. Both are memorial gilts for the late Fred and Alice Bakawall and Benjamin Frank lin White. Several months ago a friends of the library group was organ- Lutefisk Today At Silverton Silverton The Trinity Lu theran Ladies are enouncing a portion of their menu for the Lutefisk dinner, Armistice Day. The main course will feature Lutefisk served with melted butter, meat balls, boiled pota toes, lefse, hot rolls, relishes, pickles, home made pies, tatlg man. rosettes, krumkakke, sprits, etc. The dinner is to be served from 3 to 8:J0 o'clock. Men called into the work are: Tickets, Harold Larson, Edwin Hatteberg, Harlan Bos, Ludvlg Meyer; music, Mrs. All O. Nelson, Mrs. Harlan Moa and Miss Loietta Toft; hostess es, Mrs. Adolph Haugen, Mrs. Dmand, tctpt gjfy lied In Lebanon for the pur pose of securing needed items I not covered oy tna city s budg et. Other currently needed ar ticles include a typewriter, pa per cutter, book truck and a volume of Who's who. James Nelson; waitresses. Miss Velories Margau, Miss Bonnie Operud, Mrs. Kleth Berg, Miss Yvonia Moser, Miss Shirley McEwen. Mrs. Albert Satrum, Mrs. Elmer Thompson, Mrs. Arnold Thompson; din in groom, Mrs. Alvln Legard, Mrs. Wil liam Scbwarx. Mrs. Weldon Hatteberg and Mrs. Melvio Brenden; to cook raw fi-o, Mrs. ran VOMITS 1ARBEST SBlffl AT 1D( Journal Want Ads Pay KtWJf1 Samuel, Mrs. Laura Johansen, Mrs. Ole Moen and Mrs. J. O. Setness; all these to assist the general committee, Mrs. Ed Hatteberg, Mrs. Harold Toft, Mrs. T. O. Reed, Mrs. John De mas. Mrs. Harlan Mae. Mrs. Chester Bergerson, Phone 14-1451 1955. Commercial I "....t --- SUITS One ft $.000 - vJra. II Values lo H.W " I One Group $fiLO A099 0,eO,.p $O00 V.I.....W5 W ! 11 Values !o 55.00 " J 0ne Group $ C Q00 Dl AIICCC . ai inn II Values to 89.95 V bLUUiti ll v!Lfts?S9.9S 11 one Group $&O00 j Several Groups SlighllY WW j jj Values lo 99.95 J2r) Your Opportunity to Save on Christmas Gifts! Never before have we found It to necessary lo move stock to quickly! Our accountant tails us we are overstocked! Our stock control tellt we are overstocked! New shipments are ar riving daily and we MUST make room for it! To accomplish this purpose, we ere making tome of the greatest price sloshes in our history! Profits ere absolutely disregarded . time It of essence! Come in today. Bring your friends and neighbors end SAVE . SAVE... SAVE! ONE GROUP Values to 7.98 Cashmere Sweaters Swsafers ONE GROUP ONE GROUP Value, to 10.98 Value, to 19.95 T 10" ORLON LILi.1 ANN SKIRTS SKIRTS ONE GROUP ONE GROUP Value, to 12.98 Value, to 19.95 7 go Gotham Gold Stripe COTTON II m gmm e-g fty fl I HOSIERY GOWNS SLIPS DRESSES DRESSES! ;m wi s, i,99 ::; rrs'srrri gg 72 price 3.99 j II II $O00 1 III IlimU GENUINE LEATHER Sorff, f . II VllVl0 if ' 1 MILLINERY HANDBAGS (j moo MS 4.99 OPEN Alfc W"B,11'5 11 PlusTa " 'TIL 9! COWttrM lAefilf nf COOvl ls I L- EASTERN STAR F0RMALS One Group 1O00 Values to 22.93 13 One Group i f 00 Values to 24.95 1 One Group J 00 Values to 24.95 m I GLOVES Value, to 2.98 29c Value. W to 14.98 .... leVU