Par 8 THE CAPITAL JOITRNAI, UIea, 0rt9 Wednesday, November 11, 1953 Salem Will Be Host to Police ., Salem will play hott Satur day to torn 60 law enforce ment officers from four north west states and Canada at tht quarterly ' meeting ' of the Horthweat Check Investigator association at tha Senator ho tel. t In addition, a number of banker and other business men lnterd n tha problem of controlling tha patting of bad cheek will attend tna meetlnc. - From tha 6alm department Detectives Ernest Finch and Wayne Parker will atteand tha afternoon buitneaa aauion and probably aavaral other officer and detectlvea will attend If "business" will permit, Polica Chief Clyde Warren announc ed. A considerable number of offican ara expected to attend thte T p.m. banquet and pro gram, be added. .. Offlcera are alto expected here from departments in oth er cities In Oregon, Washing ton, Iraho, Montana and Can ada and from atate pollee de partment. . Purpoie of tha meeting it to dlicuii new method of solv ing bad check eatei and to swap Information on current catet. A recent meeting in Olympia resulted In the apprehenaion of T. J. Short of Texas, now awaiting trial in Marion coun ty circuit court on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Short it teemed of patting a number of bad checkt on check blankt that mysterl outly disappeared from a gravel company office la Sa ' lem about a year ago. The group to meeting at the Senator hotel for lta firtt Sa lem meeilng in several year. Captain Mas Alford of the Oregon State police It la charge of arrangement. Blaze Damages Albany Hotel Albany Searing fire, and water uted to bring it under control, caused damage esti mated at more than $50,000 to the Morria hotel and five ground floor establishments houted In the Firtt Avenue hotel building early Tueaday morning with E00 pertont looking on. Some 35 firemen battled the blaze for an hour before con trolling It and fought for an hour more to quell the last of the flames. The roof, celling and hotel bedrooms In the two - story structure were most seriously damaged in Albany a worst fire alnce the zirconium plant at the Bureau ef Mines labora tories wat burned about a year ago. The metal roof crumpled In several place but wae kept from falling by the charred rafter below. All of the bedrooms were damaged although aome par tially escaped the steam and water bath. The China cafe, where the costly fire began, waa almost a total loss. The kitchen was ruined by fire and water and the front of the establishment was heavily damaged by water spray and Intense heat. Fire Chief Don Hayne said the fire began around a stove In the China cafe and from there leaped through a broken window and fed up an unpro tected wall to the second' story. No one was reported Injured. TWO BIG SMILES - f. iff . "A. gsl President Zisenhower and Chief Justice Earl Warren turn to each other with big smiles aa they posed at the White House, (Nov. ) with other members of tha Supreme . Court. The occasion was the annual dinner-reception for the high court at the Executive Mansion. In background are Associated Justices Robert H. Jackson and Tom Clark ' (right). (AP Wirephoto) Woman Killed at Sea Lion Caves Florence, () A car plunged 300 feet down a ateep slope south of Rea Lions cave Tues day morning and there threw the driver, Mrs. Eugene Dame of Tenmlle another 200 feet to her death. The two Dame children, a boy and a girl, were taken from the ear with what ap peared to be non-critical hurts. Tha victim's husband, an applieance dealer, sped toward Four Sisters Die in Fire, Parents Absent Davton. Ohio IPi Knur i. Mrs, inree or them under were killed todav in i which destroyed their modest three-room house while their parents were gone Nancy Louise, 13. Linda Mae 4, Sharen Elisabeth. 2 4. and Linda Sue, children of Mr and Mrs. Earl West, were as phyxlated, Montgomery Coun ty Coroner Robert Zipf said Cause of the fire was not determined. the scene when notified of the accident and hit ear left the highway. Dame suffered minor hurta. Mrs. Dame's body came to rest betide the ocean. A Flor ence physician, Dr. Navarre Dunn, was lowered by rope and pronounced her dead. LOG LOADER KILLED Enterprise, Ore. W) Merle David Adrian, 39, of Enter prise waa fatally crushed Mon day when a log rolled off a truck he was loading for the Harris Pine Lumber Co. at Joseph. Driver Test Unit Arrives A dew driver training field unit arrived in Salem Tues day for a one-day stop to test drivers of the Union Oil com pany on tralfl o aafety. In the It foot trailer drain ing unit, a aertea of five op tical and mechanical devices test driver for distance Judg ment, reaction time, night vis ion, field of vision, visual ac uity, glare resistance and glare recovery. In addition, written teat check the driver' knowl edge of safe driving proced ure and his driving attitudes. "The results are used to ad vise the driven on methods of Improving their driving safe ty," aaid O. C. Alexander, res ident manager for the com pany. We want them to operate their vehicles in the safest manner possible, making al lowances for careless actions and mistakes of other drivers." J. G. Brown, operator of the driver training unit, expected to test all the company's Sa lem driven by Wednesday noon and then to leave for Eu gene for aimilar testing there. He showed the equipment to interested city and state offi cials Tuesday. "We review the result with the driven taking the tests and recommend that they see their doctor for new glasses, if needed, and point out how new driving proced ures or a different attitude could help them become a bet ter, safer driver," he explained. The company acquired the unit early this year and thus far has tested driven in all of Washington, most of Oregon and Arizona and part of Cali fornia, he said. SOCIAL SCUFFLERS v? U v Tf - WW 1 f - Cmmr' ) 5VV " . -r lis .la-aiT .- '. t ' TV?.. 1 jruT'-v v jr jri'Coast Guard HiersMeet Lebanon Members of USCO auxiliary. FlotlUa TO, spent tha week-end at tha coast guard air station at Port Angela, Wart. Their planes left the Lebanon airport Sat urday morning and they were Joined In Portland by Jerry Wildman, commander of Port land's air wing Flotilla 75. . The men were guest at the air station over night and on Sunday fl.-w to Tacoma Beattle airport In one of the two new Cruman U-F planes which the coast guard recent ly purchased along with two new 11-patsenger helicopters. A man identified as Italian movie director Pletro Mele (left) aits in a New York police station, accused by police of assaulting two patrolmen. Disturbance occurred when police were summonded to the Park Avenue apartment of Brands Frailer Kelly (right), after a neighbor heard a disturbance. Police aald Mele assaulted two policemen when they wera escorting btm from the building. Mele is being held for questioning, but no. charges have been placed against him. (AP Wirephoto) Price of Fescue Seed Cut Sharply Increased quality decreased quantity and a market price of 12 to 13 cents, about half of tha 1952 market price, is the picture confronting Mar lon county alta fescue growers this year County Extension Agent Hoillt Ottaway reports. While only 65 percent of (he county's 1952 crop passed, as oiue tag, io percent oi ine 1953 qualifies for the blue from thus Indl- tags. These figure were com puted from the first 652,000 pounds of alta cleaned and sampled latt year and 551,000 pounds cleaned far in 1953. Certification records cate that alta growers have been plowing up some of the poorer field. Each year in the United States about two million peo ple enter the U. S. labor mar ket and about one and a half million worken die or retire. - The Lebanon plane returned home Sunday evening. - K. R.i Harris and Inland! Tucker, commander and vice commander of tha Lebanon Flotilla attended division elec tion in Portland Monday. At the next meeting of tha local . Flotilla on Nov. 10, new of ftcen will be chosen. DON'T FORGET! lasts apaetlla Xsaas OUt i as sauea irau a pra seives, soma with eat assets mat deUrtoaa dried Oretm Italian enusa. We aba have a few eaaaa ef f4 salti aatek tomatoes in Ns. tVi Una. AUfluUK CUSTOM UNWrM4l7 Journal Wont Ads PayV SPECIAL WALLPAPER SALE 200 Pattern to Choose From ALL FADE-PROO1 WASHABLE LESS THAN HALF-PRICE Among rhli selection ara many paper regularly told (or $1.50 per roll . . . TO BE CLEARED at 30 Per Roll - - if V If t 4 . 4 HUTCHEON PAINT STORE 162 N. Commercial Phone 3-4687 (SEARS) V ROEBUCK AND t&J Speciall IP as if En cases on IpLrSirai) LD?asss Jj0fm '!r3'rr" LOOK ft tkt fothioa derails ; . . etaitic waiiHiaet, H Wt I co8a' M on,'orl'b, sHort sleeve."' i f.' , ;--; VC4'lr LOOK af tt'beotttlfid eor5. . . peccoek blue, red, ooW. tjnr- V Jjk t ya,r3laogwW JmCil eStCj ' . CHOOSE fnim l flor fWrrir; s" ' UVi uw k, t STORE HOURSi "v Itllliilisilll yliijl-lyl Iv' Other dey,9i30 to 5:30 V h .win m'wI -m k 'Iw'jLM l a. 3 r-'is4 i5nrr:T-' Z S'-"!L AMERICA'S MOST ACCOMPLISHED CHEESE MAKERS BRING YOU A RICHER. CREAMIER, TASTIER COTTAeE CHEfSE ... BORPEH'S NEW.IMPRCVEP COTWCE CHEESEt I 'fee "Utdt ,i I coCaW I M Oregon, T" ii m 4 4 m at m 1 a) et a a a- 3 -t 1 t For noarrsGr, teto cottage cSeese-bo) r, ir BOWBK CDTW6E CHEESE