' WeaneedAV, November 11. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baltm, Ortfoa . Pat 7 Consumer Meeting On Nov. 16 'Representative of women's organization in Salem will delve into consumer attitude on meat marketing at a meet- inc Dlannea lor i p.m., nov- ember 16 in the old high chool building. Tbee women, named by their organization!' to repre sent them on a consumer meat marketing committee, have gathered Information from their membership on consumer views. Among questions surveyed were meat cooking methods and buying practices, ine women are expressing their views on self-service counters with prepackaged meats, ltbeling according to quantity, type of cut and grade, and buying in quantity, such as for freezing. Mrs. Mabel Mack, assistant director of Oregon State col lege's extension service, who is working with the local women, invites all women's organizations to send repre sentatives to Monday night's meeting. Some Salem groups tvere represented at a previous meeting, October 15. Salem is one of seven cities in the state where consumer attitudes are being gathered by the OSC . extension service in preparation for a state meat marketing conference Jan uary 6 and 7 in Corvallis. According to Mrs. Mack, the Salem representative will be organized into a consumer committee under a chairman and vice-chairman. A local delegate will represent them in compiling a statement of con sumer views, which will be presented at the January con ference. Meeting with the consumers then will be five ether groups, representing the steps from meat producing to consuming. When the views of all are gathered, the result is expect' ed to be recommendations that will improve meat market ing efficiency in the state, finally resulting in the con sumer's dollar buying more. Further information may be obtained from Miss Pauline Schaplowsky, county home economics agent. Friendship Night For Star Chapter Woodburn Members of Adah chapter of Independ ence. Naomi chapter of Dal las and Victoria chapter of Turner, were special guests of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Or der of the Eastern Star, for friendship night, Monday, at the Masonic temple in Wood burn. There were also visitors from Holly chspter of Sher wood, Beaver chapter of Beav erton, Rhododendon chapter of Falls City, Salem chapter of Salem and several visitors from Portland. Introduced and honored in the east was Karl B. Wipper, member of the endowment fund committee of the grand chapter and worthy patron of Victoria chapter; Mrs. Harlow Dixon of Evergreen chapter, past matron and grand repre sentative of Maine; Mrs. Dessa Hofstetter, worthy matron of Adah chapter of Independ ence; Mrs. Bernice Wipper, worthy matron of Victoria chapter of Turner and Mrs. Edris Woods, worthy matron of Naomi chapter of Dallas. Each guest was presented with gift. Invitations read to recep tions to grand officera were from Hood River chapter at Hood River, November 14; Spokane chapter of Spokane, Wash., to a reception for Mrs Bonney Berthelson, grand chaplain, a former member of Evergreen chapter and daugh- fter of Mrs. Maude Scott of Woodburn: Bend chapter at Bend, November 23, and Mult nomah chapter of Portland No vember 28 A letter was read asking Christmas gifts for boys at the MacLaren school An invitation was extended to members of Willamette chapter of Shedd to be guests of Evergreen chapter at the next meeting, November 23 when past matrons and past patrons of Evergreen chapter and visiting past matrons and east patrons will be honored The refreshments committee for the next meeting will in. elude Mr. and Mrs. John Schmid, Mrs. Hszel' Enos and Mrs. Edeltrude Jones. A no host dessert lunch will be served. Under "good of the order" a recess was called and enter tainment was furnished by the "barber shop quartet" coached by Mrs. Murjorie Mernott and directed by Kenneth Thomp son. Wearing old time cos tumes and sporting bristly mustaches the quartet Includ ed Kenneth Thompson, Late Peterson, Percy Seely, and A Harlow Dixon. The chapter was again call ed to order and there war talks by the honored guests and other members and visi tors. The traveling gavel of the Willamette Association of Matrons and Patrons was pre sented to the worthy matron to use during the evening by Mrs. Edris Woods, worthy ma tron of Naomi chapter. - The chapter room was dec orated with chrysanthemums furnished by Mrs. Joyce Ea gle. Refreshments were served by a committee which includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kel ler, Mrs. Bertha Wilson, Mrs. Grace Hurlburt, Mrs. Margaret Hastie and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor. Officers Named For Junior Groups Woodburn Junior court of Court Victory No. 731, Catholic Daughters of Amerca, met last week at the home of the chair man, Mrs. Kilian Smith. The Rev. Michael Fleming la the court chaplain. Other offi cers are Francis Klenski, pres ident; Kathryn Nonneman, vice president; Susan Nonneman, secretary-treasurer. The court is planning a food sale at St. Luke's hall, Novem ber 23. They will make a Christmas crib to display in a local store window. The next meeting of the court will be at the home of Frances Serres when the mem bers wil paint figurines for the Christmas crib. Plans also were made for Christmas caroling and for a monthly skating party. St. Marie Garettl troop of the Junior CDA (high school group) met with their counsel or, Mrs. Joe Uphoff and elected the following officers: Shirley Brown, president; Betty Reis, vice president; Kathryn Nonne man, secretary-treasurer and Betty Reis, reporter. The next meeting of this group will be at the home of Betty Reis. St Veronica Troop of the Junior CDA (eighth grade group) met with their counsel or, Mrs. Kilian Smith. Officers elected were Carol Klenski, president; Yvonne Smith, vice president; Susan Nonneman, secretary; Carol Heldt. treasur er; Marie Louise Haener, re porter. The next meeting of this group will be at the home of Carol Klenski on Nov. 20. St. Rose of Lima Troop, Jun ior CDA (seventh grade) have aa their counselor, Mrs. Leon ard Petshow. Officers of this group are: Joan Welgel, pres ident; Mary Donnelly, vice president; Margaret Petshow, secretary; Barbara Wengen- roth, treasurer; Janet Carter, reporter. They are planning to make toys for the children of Providence hospital. Jumorette troop of Junior CDA (sixth grade) have for their counselor Mrs. Joe Cam roth and their troop officers in clude: Marilyn Gamroth, pres ident; Sharon Donnelly, .vice president; Kathryn Haener, secretary; Lonna Smith, treas urer; Kathryn Haener, report er. This group is planning to make Christmas gifts for the Providence nursery home, Bridge Club Dallas Mrs. Clifford Hood was a hostess of Ootober 28, en tertaining the Wednesday night bridge club at her home on El lendale road, with Mrs. Roger Byambidden as a guest Re freshments were served follow ing the evening's play. Mrs, Del belt Hunter was high for the evening, Mrs. William Dal- ton won the traveling prize. Low went to Mrs. William Wood. Winners for slam were Mrs. Delbert Hunter and Mrs. Tom Starbuck. Members present were Mrs. Leland LeFors, Mrs. Tom Star- buck, Mrs. Art Quirin, Mrs. Dlbert Hunter, Mrs. William Dalton, Mrs. William Wood, Mrs. Orlando Peters, and Mrs. Hood. Birthday Event Dallas Mrs. Eldon Beven's was hostess for a luncheon in honor of her daughter, Laurie Bevens, who was four years old on Saturday. A Walt Disney theme was carried out in the favors and decorations. Covers were placed for Corinne and Brian Shetterly, Russel and Sandra Sanderlin, Bobbie and Fun Exclusively For IS Tears LACHELLES Junior Council of CDA Entertained Woodburn . The Junior council of Court Victory No. 731, Catholic Daughters of America, met recently at the home of the Junior chairman, Mrs. Kilian Smith, with the following council members present: T b t Rev. Michael Fleming, chaplain; Mrs. Kil ian Smith, Junior chairman; Mrs. Leonard Petshow. Mrs. Joe Uphoff, Mrs. Charles Yur ane; vice grand regent and Mrs. Alvah Cowan, grand re gent Junior court activities were discussed and recommenda tions made. Counselors named were Mrs. Kilian Smith for the eighth grade troop, Mrs,. Leo nard Petshow for the seventh grade troop, Mrs. Joe Gam roth tor the Juniorettes (six th grade), and Mrs. Joe Up hoff for the high school troop. Election of council officers followed. Those elected In clude vie chairman, Mrs, Charles Yuranek; secretary, Mrs. Alvsh Cowan; treasurer, Mrs. Leonard Petshow. After the meeting adjourn ed the members attended the junior council meeting at Mrs. j Smiths home following the council meeting. i I Woodburn CDA ; Plans Activities Woodburn The regulsr meeting of Court Victory No. 731, Catholic Daughters of America, was Monday night at St. Luke's hall with Mrs. Alvah Cowan, grand regent. presiding. . Plans were made to sponsor food and fancy work sale December 9 at a downtown lo cation to be decided by the committee, which includes Charles Yuranek, chairman, Mrs. Julius Vandehey, Mrs. Steve Bauman, Mrs. Mike Sel ler, Mrs. John Sticka, Mrs. Mark Purdy and Mrs. John Kosse. A Christmas party was also planned for December 13 at St. Luke's hall with husbands of the members and the Knights of Columbus and their ladies as guests. A no-host sup per will be served followed by entertainment. Mrs. Ignace Zelinka will be chairman of the, committee in charge. During the program hour the Rev. Michael Fleming spoke on the topic "Putting Christ Back in Christmas," and asked members to- usist the Colum bian squires in the- bishop's an nual clothing drive for the needy on November 30. . After the meeting cards were in play and refreshments served by a committee with Mrs. Francis Riding as chair man. . The next regular meeting will be December 14 with Mrs. Ray Andrews of the serving committee. Legion, Auxiliary . . 4 Entertain Group Silverton The Monday evening program of Delbert Reeves unit No. T, American Legion auxiliary, drew large group of members and special guests. After the separate business sessions of the post and unit, a social hour was followed by the appearance of one young man and four young women who were sponsored by the Legion and auxiliary at the summer Girls State and Boys State. The reports of the achievements of this special educational venture were giv en by the young people at the Monday program. Nobby Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aage B. Anderson, was guest at Boys State, teat from. Delbert Reeves post No. 7, and was introduced by the Boys State chairman,' F. M. Powell, and presented by the post commaander, Ronald Reed. . Miss Nancy Benson was in troductory - toastmistrtss pre senting Miss Donna Jackson, Miss Betty Montgomery, Miss Nancy Peckbam, and herself to report on Giris Ststa. 1 - Mothers of the young wom en and members of the Lions auxiliary aa guests were Mrs. H. H. Peckhau, Mrs. Willard Benson, Mrs. Edmund Jack son, Mrs. Robert A. Montgom ery. From the Lions club aux iliary were Mrs. Clarence Morley, Mrs. William Robbins, Mrs. Ralph Adams, Mrs. Charles Hopkins, Mrs. Delbert Iverson, and those aa members of both women's organizations, Mrs. Ma Higlnbotham, Mrs. Clifton Dlckerson, Mrs. F. M. Powell, Mrs. Bruce Billings, Mrs. C. 3. Towe. The Lions club sponsored Ground Laid For Planning A systematic arterial street grid for the fringe districts around Salem was set up as an immediate objective of the planning division of the city Planning and Zoning Commis sion Tuesday night To make a preliminary study.' Robert K. Powell, chairman of the planning sec tion, appointed a committee comprising Robert T. Stanley, chairman, City Engineer J. H. Davis, and Frsnk Gurin. Other planning operations of the commission as outlined Tuesday night Include: subdi vision standards, with Vera McMulIen chairman of a sub committee to make the study; acquisition of property tor ax tension of streets, Frank Guer in, chairman; possible finan cial measures en the May bal lot bearing en long-range planning, with Powell . as chairman. Commissioner McM n 1 1 n suggested that fringe areas could be much Improved by a consistent system of numbered sheets. The commission will con tinue ts stud of appropriate billboard location and regulations. GUT MOOR! BOMB Detroit Guy Moon has been released from the Salem Memorial hospital, where he baa been recuperating from recent major surgery. UNO GTJtTAVK ft TODAY - London " King Gustavo VI of Swdeen, observed his 71st birthday t quietly her Wednesday. The monarch Is 'on private visit to Britain, 2hf GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREI DELIVERY OUWUDWSJTOiJ ! i. 1 Caadalarla Blvd. . Miss Packham, who was their speclsl guest at a dinner ear lier in the evening. MARJORIE MONTGOMERY DRESSES at the - umi rdki vm . lUN.aichSt ji NOV. 13 '7our Lucky ,Fridoy,J MAP.iiWEN'S ' Hart sf bcasaiawar Capitol Shopping Center Connie Woodman, Darcy New ton, Craig Siebert, Fawn Ma rie, Allen and Marion Wil liams, Skipper Tadrlck, Bobbie Melcher, all of Dallas. Tom and Dicky Kingsbury of Corvallis. Mothers present were Mrs. Geo Sanderlin, Mrs. Robt Wood man, h.rt. Loren Siebert, Mrs. M. M. Williams, Mrs. Geo Tad rick, Mrs. Thomas Newton. at i. to keep fit! SunMey Uvjj 10WMCM0MB ITrOflRflVOnlTtfMISTIKf ALL YOU NEED: Sure-Jell r Cart Frottn O'snft Jsic CnfH CANE uir , v Irs w l " THE GIFTS ARE FOR YOU DRESSES Beauties for Fall and Holidays by: Mountain Home Paula Brooks $18.93 Ellen Kay Paul Bach 4 Franklin David Hart (,a a. and many others ov.m BIRTHDAY GIFT Pair Aberle or Trim Fit hose wiiit every dress SUITS Exciting Fabrics and Fashions by: Harrods ' Frtedmont $55.00 , Key Sachs t Nathalie Nicoli ,. Roth Le Cover $110.95 BIRTHDAY GIFT 1 A fUtterinf-lo-the-eye blouse, value to lass with every suit COATS Famous Creations by: Young Bet Kay 8achs Sycamore Melvin Modes ' Goldin Bonne S55.0O $139.95 BIRTHDAY GIFT A Schlaparelll costume pin or fancy silk scarf KNITS The Center of Fashion by Lotties Glengyl $32.95 $96S0 BIRTHDAY GIFT A beautiful metal belt to enhance ev ery conceivable waist Une ulth every knit SWEATERS Cashmeres Lambs Wool Orion All Colors $6.93 te $24.95 0 BIRTHDAY GIFT Two pairs Trim Fit Anklets SKIRTS By: Nathalie Nicoli $10.95 Benjamin Many others $22.50 BIRTHDAY GIFT Two pair Trim Fit Anklets Girdles and Pantie Girdles by: Lily of Franc Style Enhance and Cormier BIRTHDAY GIFT A UleCs Bra Style 14 SLIPS AND GOWNS New Holiday Arrivals by: .; Roger. $14.95 BIRTHDAY GIFT Skin Fit NylonPanU up to 9t You are invited to use li e Uo i que A SUCCESSFUL CREDIT PLAN REGULAR CHARGE UDGET CHARGE OR OUR CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN DURING OUR FOURTH CELEBRATION! fj A FOURW ANNIVERSARY APPRECIATION: Four years ago after securing location, much time and effort was spent in ' creating one of Salem's fine women's apparel stores. After two years the store was doubled in capacity, Justifying the confidence in Salem. Today, the ac counts enjoyed by the Vogue number in the hundreds, testifying to the accept ance of the quality merchandise, the nationally famous brand names and the true economy of buying wisely and well. In appreciation for this phenominal four ear growth. The Vogue of Salem considers it privilege to offer a two . week, store-wide birthday event Truly, this is not a sale, but an event which has been planned over several months. So The Vogue of Salem says "thank you In a big way, with appreciation values and gifts such as these. , . , ; .. , .. OUR BIRTHDAY SPECIALS-' DRESSES SUITS BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Group One $10.00 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Group Two $15,00 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Group Three , $21.00 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Group Four $31.00 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Group five $37.00 All from Our Famous Brand Name Lines "goats BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Shertie Coats Values to $59.95 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL -Group One $47.00 BIRTHDAY .SPECIAL Group Two $67.00 Volues to $110.93 . . And from Our Famous Name Lines . SKIRTS BIRTHDAY SPECIAL LARGE SELECTION . $5.00 - $7.00 - $11.00 $24.00 -$34.00 LINGERIE BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Regular Length Group One . $47.00 Volues to $95.00 1 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Regular Length Group Two $67.00 Volues to $125.00 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL . By Colleen and San Soucl Slips eno Gowns Reg. Values to $14.95 $3.00 - $5.00 - $7.00 Your Gift Is In the Price 1 pr. hose.. Blouse.. Our Birthday Specials Also Merit a Gift ..each dress .each suit Scarf or pin. 2 pr. anklets. each coaf .each skirt New Fall-and -Holiday Shoes Special Birthday Discount of $2 to $4 on every pair. Also a pair of sheer first quality hose with every poir. THE VOGUE of SALEM apparel of cistinctton for Smart women 1341 Ferry 81