Capital Edited fcy MABIAN New Dental Auxiliary Formed Here Organization of an auxiliary to th Marion 'Polk Yamhill County Dental, society was completed at a meeting Tun day evening at the bom of Mrs. Robert Siddoway. OMiceri named include: Mrs, Richard Sprinter, president; Mra. Floyd L. Utter, vice pres ldent; Mri. Robert Siddoway, aecretary; Mra. Murray Scho- field, treaiurer. The group haa act its meet Inga for the second Tuesday of each month, the December event to be at the borne of Mrs. Utter. Roll Call Tea Annual roll call tea of the South Salem WCTU will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Vick, 123 East Meyers, on Friday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Mra A. W. Metzger will give the devo tions. The study book will be reviewed by Mrs. C. W. Stacey. Special music during the after noon will be given by Mrs. Fred Butler and Mrs. V. E. Bur son. Assisting Mrs. Vick will be Mesdsmes Mason Bishop, L. Connor and J. L. Heldler. DeMolay Mothers DeMolay Mothers club Is meeting for luncheon at 12 o'clock Thuraday at the Ma sonic temple. . Guests will include mem bers of the DeMolay advisory council and the three coun cilors in DeMolay. -. ' UNIVERSITY or Oregon. Eu gene (Special) Wayne R. Mercer, son .of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Mercer of Route 5, Box 23, Salem, was recently elected treasurer of Phi Mu Alpha Slnfonla, men's music honorary. Wayne la a grad uate of Salem high school and is now a senior in music edu cation at the university. Glenn A. Benner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moody A. Benner of 2873 Lansing avenue, was re cently pledged by Phi Mu Al pha Sinfonia. He is a graduate ot Salem high school and la now a sophomore in music at th university. AMERICAN Amateur Art. lata' aasociatlon will " meet Thursday at YMCA at 7:30 p.m. Miss Darl Herman will give in structions. a KENSINGTON club Is meet ing Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Floyd fressler, 2093 Garden Road, dessert at 1:13 o'clock. Additional guests will be Mrs. Clay Cochran and Mra. Ned Gerlinger, the latter of Portland. THURSDAY club la meeting tomorrow afternoon at the Mis sion street home of Mrs, Keith Powell for dessert at 1 o'clock with Mra. Paul L. Patterson and Miss Mabel P. Robertson as co-hostesses. Today's Menu It's fun to give meals a for eign flavor once in a while especially when It's easy to do Mexican Style Supper Meat Sauce with Corn Chins Shredded Lettuce end Avorsdo Salad with French Dressing Fresh Fruit Beverage Meat Sauce with Corn Chips Ingredients: 1 tableipoon fat, 2 tablespoons chopped onion. 4 pound ground chuck beet, 2 tablespoons chill tsuce. 1 ta blespoon water, St teaspoon aalt, teaspoon pepper, ' tea spoon chili powder, 4 teaspoon dried crushed oregano, li tea spoon garlic salt, psckaged corn chips, grated sharp Ched dar cheese. Method: Heat fat In skillet: add onions and lightly brown; add meat and stir until crum bled and browned. Add chill aauce, water, salt, pepper, chill, powder, oregano and garlic salt. Simmer, stitring often, un. til flavors combine. Serve over corn chips: sprinkle with cheese. Makes 3 servings. MOTHER NrW.SKCUUZEO JT. JOSEPH CHILDREN'S fROOUCT J"nh Nr Drop, fnr Otlldrrn M aoothins. irntl (or drllc.t. uul Uuu So tllmn In check. ln haad cold," mllllri, tnetm. Con Ulna iwo-,rnphrtn, oth.r doctor approved medication (no oil) Water baas. Genermi, bottle, 5Sr, sac. Get at. Jo ph No Drop, Tor Children. iiuvi roue, chiuvs couom dua ea coldi Mw. IT. mu nasi iiisf aaiuiu ULtn Kim CEXTO Whir tatty Women Will la rtSMutlMWilkOut... WMIl BMP' Ml (IKTQ To Plact Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 Women LOWBT FI8CBEB Junior Guild Members of the Junior guild ot St. Pau.1'1 Episcopal church are meeting on Friday after noon at the parish bouse to work on articles for the eU church baiaar to be staged De cember 4. The guild met for its reg ular event, Tuesday. Salad lunch waa served. Guests were Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mra. F. C. Wissenback, Mrs. Henry Marsden and Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs. Elmer H. K. Dorr was welcomed as a new mem ber, e Mrs.- Woodmansee gave a talk on the bazaar. The nomi nating committee report, pre pared by Mrs. Paul Gemmell, Mrs. W. C. Gabriel and Mra. Donald C. Roberta, waa sub mitted. In College Skit Oregon State College, Cor vallis (Special) Dick Mey er of Salem, sophomore in bus iness and technology at Oregon State college, Is scheduled to appear in the midnight variety show for OSC's homecoming week end November 13 and 14. Events for the week end in clude the annual noise parade. rook bonfire, queen selection events, living house sign con tests, midnight show, barbecue and a dance. The game this year against Washington State college will mark the dedication of Parker stadium, a 22,000-seat struc ture. . Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Meyer, 944 Belmont St., Salem, is one of two appearing in a comedy akit. Party on Birthday R i c h a rd VanWyngarden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce VanWyngarden, observed his fifth birthday anniversary. Tuesday. His mother sponsor ed a party for him in the afternoon at their home. Fet- BLOUSE CAMVAIP1 J- ffl A 11 III I VV7 JHfAUltmSl VF J Judy Bond H VtirW y Ship'n Shore rH . T 1 !fll " spec,al ! i 8 m P if life group MWmzK fl: i Va!ueito$5.95 A Famous Brandt ... 7 ft L T I Some Slightly Soiled. J j -tv Fftm Judy Bond . . . this tucked- In tub-lovely oeetote ond royon tis- I ' a AVqV front blous with jewel neckline .. . sue faille ... toilored perfectly with s$Sv--r!!is:il k ' newest dress-up fashion. little collar, pearl buttoned front fr:?' VulovM! Whit, red, block ... Siies 32-38 ond cuffs. Whit. Sizes 32-38. T" I V H ill Ml This Judy Bond In easy-wash nylon v Ifjj J I k V P lllloirifk Motelass tricot ... with flattering i I , w ' L Ifl Ln ilXi J V-necklin . . . soft little stond-up M V, I I V nMIl'V collar. Sites 32-38. $5.95 1 1 Uf I .. ,.v. ". """v . ...v..-.'f. ( 5 . f e Engagement ToldThe betrothal of Mias Hannah Walter, above, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. John Walter, to Jack Orsborn, son ot Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Orsborn, was announced recently. (Kennell-Eilis studio picture) Mrs. Green Party Feted A miscellaneous bridal shower honoring Mrs. Donald Green (Florene Ingram) was Tuesday evening at the home of the W. C. Cavenders. Mrs. Cavender and her daughter, Ing Richard were Alan Wilson, Bobby Travel, Bruce Wil liams, Diane Armpriest, Susan and Jamie Smlther, Billy Ross, Laurie Barclay, and his two brothers, Larry and Stuart VanWyngarden. yt Such famous names as . . . lil & Cameron f -,F i "T T-T f .Z, y Exquiste Girl (frf M JZ lYl I VlVfe til 9 t . CZZ j THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salea. Ortfoa I Miss Doreen Cavender, were co-hostesses. Each guest was dsked to bring a copy of her favorite recipe to the shower. Invited to the party were Mrs. Green's mother and grandmother, Mrs. M. L. In gram and Mrs. P. O. Bowman, and Mesdames Jess Cox, Lau rence Hellman, Mike Dom browski, T. W. WesJ, .Mm Pyeatt, Marion Putman, Meri dith Holbrook; Misses Lois Roseler, Pat Roper, Beverly N u n n, Shirley Newberry, Margie Feller, Janice Feller, Hertha Long, Vlda Remy, Es telle Ronne, Carol West, Dor othy Painter, Carol Hardie and Marillyn Dahlquist. Some Notations . . . A chatty and enjoyable 'gathering, during the mid-day Tuesday waa the informal cof fee for which Mra. L. C. Me !l4 and Mra. Roy L. Beack were hostesses at the McLeod residence . , . Guests were invited to call between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. . . Beauti ful bouquets of chrysanthe mums featured the decora tions ... In the living room, lavender c h t j a a nthemuma were arranged in a large bou quet on .the mantel and on an end table ... In the dining room, the table was set against the window and at the back for t b e , centerpiece was a large arrangement of yellow ebrysanth emums, a few bronze ones at the base for accent . . . Among those greeted dur ing our stop, Dr. Helen Pearce and Miss Dorothy Pearce . . . I Dr. Helen Pearce is leaving next Tuesday for Chicago to 'meet with officers and com mittee chairmen of Zonta In ; ternational, women's classi fied service club ... a past international president, D r. Pearce is chairman of the reso lutions committee. National committee chairmen from all parts of the country will be at the meeting with the inter national officers . . . Dr. Pearce plana to remain in Chicago for a few days. She is making the trip by train. Among others at the coffee during our call Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., Mrs. Claybonrne Dyer, Mrs. Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. George Hog, Mrs. W. Wells Baum, Mrs. Harold Hauk, Miss Mabel P. Robertson, Mrs. William Cole, Mrs. Dan Johns ton, Mrs. Frank Bnrlingham, Mrs. John Black, Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. W. I. Needham, Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mra. Ralph H. Cooley, Mra. Law rence A. Ballmer, Mrs. Edwin F. Snider, Mra. G. Herbert Smith. Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. Hall Lusk, Mrs. Earl C. Latourette, Mrs. Murray Wade, Mra. Mark Hillary . . . Mrs. Hillary awaiting a chance to see the new grand- ' By M. L. F. daughter, Marks Mao Hillary, born October 7 to IX and Mrs. L. David Hillary, now at Fort Ord, Calif . . . The younger Hillarya may be hero in Jan uary ... a a Regular collector's items Is the best way to describe the beautiful memorial plates now on sale by St, Aane'a guild of St. Paul'a Episcopal church . . . Mrs. A. D. Wood nausea is directing the sale. The plates come singly or in sets, a set including one plate with a picture of the present church on it, the other, a view of the old parish house (which was the original church for the parish organized more than 100 years ago) . . . Framing the picture is a pale blue background on the china plates . . . On t h e back of each is a legend about the buildings . . . Through this project the guild hopes to build up a sizeable sum to ward the building fund tor the new church edifice now under construction between South High and Liberty Streets . . . Marking the change from the old to the new, members of St Agnes guild of the church have printed Christmas cards and note paper with the picture ol the new St. Paul's church on them . . . Mrs. Hope Edwards is chairman for the card and paper sale . . . One of the busiest groups right now is the directorate arranging the Harvest Tea at the Methodist Home . . . Wo men from all four local Meth odist churchs, First Methodist, Jaaon Lee, Leslie and West Salem, cooperate In staging this affair, this year arranged for Friday, November 20, at the home . . , MISS MARY CHENEY was a guest on Tuesday night at the "Crazy Card" party of the Business and Professional Women's club at the Center street home of Miss Florence Beardsley. IT MEN WWIi If you can spare 225 per week ... Theme for Rainbow Ball Listed mk.ui o.n" wu the theme chosen on Tuesday night at the meeting of Chadwicx asaemuiy. Order of Rainbow for Girla, for .u. lh aiaemblv Will Li 1 IT u,v sponsor on December la at Crystal Gardens. It was announced that the m,kt mnn district first prize on inspection by Miss Mildred Patton, oaaer, grano worthy adviser. Pians for a reception to hon or Miss Arda Lien, grand rep resentative to Pennsylvania, nil Wavne Henry, grand ex ecutive board member. On November 24, a courtesy nioht will be observed with seven assemblies invited. Following the meeting, the Mothers club served refresh ments. a Job's Daughters Th. Jnh'a Daughters of beth el No. 48 will assist in serving refreshments at the benefit card party Saturday, Novem ber 14, sponsored by the social club of Ainsworth chapter, Or der of Eastern Star, at the Scot tish Rite temple. Members helping are Mrs. Alvin Luhr, dining room arrangements; Mrs. C. W. Bottorff, Mrs. Ralph Barry, Mrs. Lowell Shinn, Mrs. Jennie Madison, Mrs. Jeanne Monsanto, Mrs. Lawrence Lee, Mrs. H. F. St. Johns, Mrs. R. W. Carpenter, all serving on the refreshment committee. The public is invited to attend. CAPITAL Youngstown Kitchen Store 181 No. High Phone 4-5431 Citfe (SB 3HD 03832 0 Think of it ... at a sensational low price, your home can enjoy freedom from hand' dishwashing ASD freedom from earban nt aoW Tounaatown Kitchen VT Jet-Tower Dishwasher $4S9.93 You run town Kitchens Pood Waste dispomt $109.95 TOTAL ' S569.90 SAVE $13000 SPECIAL $439.90 Offer foan (UtdimmtcAend Call yonr local Western In Ion operator No. IS for name and address ef year nearest Xeungstown dealer. Wednesday, NovAnber II, 195S Alumnae ot Delta Gamma Entertained Plans were discussed for a Joint Christmas party with the active chapter when Delta Gamma alumnae met Tuesday evmlng at the homo of Mrs. Joseph Matujec. The event will be on th second Tuesday of December at the Willamette university chapter house and the girls of the chapter will present the entertainment Co-hostesses with Mrs. Ms-' tujec for the Tuesday meeting were Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr Mrs. D. K. Gardner and Mrs. George Wagner. Twenty-five attended the meeting. Mrs. Frank Oettinger, mag azine chairman, outlined th magazine subscription plan. a Cast in Play Oregon State College, Cor vallis (Special) Jim Jaqua of Salem has been chosen for a principal role in the second dramatic production of fall term at Oregon State college. The play, "Elizabeth the Queen." was chosen .for the coronation year. A tragedy in three acts by Maxwell Ander I son. the production is in cos tume and includes much pomp and color. It will be presented December 3, 4 and S in the College Playhouse. Jim, a soph-' omore in engineering, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claren Z. Jaqua, 1131 Center St., Salem. SHOO FOB EVERT MEMIEt OF THE FAMILY Jolt C. lobar. For Mm DANA'S BOOTERY Capitol Shopping Center mm Ye for only $t.ti with no down pay ment you can male your wife the greatest possible present for lasting satisfaction. FREE kitchen planning. See your dealer soon. Includes 42" Diana ensemble sink, two II" base cabinets, two 13" wall cabi nets. Installation tra. F.H.A. terms. einlrea Christmas, 1951