TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. OrtfM Wednesday, November 11, 1953 Young Life Is Panel Subject talked ea the businessman's point mt view ea Ysssg Liie. White tepreaented the Salem Diesel Engine Fells 150 Feel OrevUle, Calif. (1 The Western Pacific's swift stream liner California Zephyr piled The train, en route -from San FtaacKce to Chicago, was de toured aver Southern Pacific Pilot Says Someone Took Gas From Tank Fairfield. Calif. Ml The owner of a twin-engine plane which ran out of gas and male a forced landing near here Tuesday says "someone drained SO gallon tank" cither at The Dalles, Ore., or Oroviiie, Calif. William J. Smith of Kent field, Calif., said he will ask the Civil Aeronautic Board to investigate. Smith and two friends escaped Injury in the sheep pasture landing. 5 Former Prisoners Have Checks Coming Piv Oregon World War II veterans, who have checks coming to them because they were prisoners of war, are be ing sought by federal and state veterans officials. The officials would like to find them to hand them their checks, which mieht run as Portland, and Robert Grimes Carlton, 104 SE Grand, Port land. The money is paid by the federal War Claims Commis sion. These prisoner of war pay ments have been given to 1,880. Oregon veterans and total $993,400. , . NIXON BREAKS GROUND Tsipeh, Formosa ) U.S. Vice-President Richard Nixon Wednesday broke ground for the first US-financed Chi. nese Christian university since communist armies over ran the matniand in 1949. The vice-president and hi wife at tended ceremonies at Tune. Ministerial association. tracks to Winnemucca. Nc Edwin Boal spoke oa the Sa lem Parent Council of which and will reach Chicago about 10 hours late. the Salem high PTA is a mem ber. It was announced the Sa lem high will have an open house November It and that the PTA will sponsor a rum mage sale In March. The meet ing was attended bjr a large crowd. hai university, an interdenom inational Protestant colleen Salem Ugh school principal & A. Carletoa told of hU three week seminar at Union Theo logical seminary la New York City lest dimmer, at the Salem Record Made in Loans to Veterans Oregon veterans of World War II and of the Korean War borrowed a record (982,100 from the state veteran de partment during October to buy farm and homes. Sisee the program started In lttS, the department has loaned $48 million, and $15, 500.587 already has been re paid. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trasses, AMasa. inal Bupperta. Elastic Hosiery. Eipert filUra private fitting into a huge rock slide In the Feather River Canyon late high PTA meeting Tuesday night Carletoa was one of 39 educator! from all over the United State invited to attend. - A panel diaeuaalon on the Young Life organization bad Douglas Co, Herb Trlplett, John A. Coffrier and Rev. Louis E. White speaking. Coe, the Salem Young Life bead, and Trlplett, a member, spoke n the organization. Goffrier Tuesday, and the lead dieseli locomotive unit plunged ISO feet down, the canyon. A WP spokesman said none high as $2,000. school omcni Liberty At recent elections Tne men. and their last Pta M ask Torn" DOCTOR' Capital Drug Store Ml Btaae 8tratt Center at Ubsrtr AR Gnaa Item of the 16S passenger was in jured, and that engineer R. E. Luzsadder and fireman M. W. Snow, In the cab of the locomo tive were only shaken up. known addresses, are: Charles Murray Roberts, gen- at the Liberty school Km Clark was elected student body president. Other officer elect eral delivery. Coos Bay; Albert ! Leo Willis, Box 17S, Umatilla; Walter Amundson, 1412 Pearl Street, Eugene; Wallace Glenn Taylor, 745 N. Russell Street,1 ed were vice president, Betty Behrens; secretary, Bonnie Bar The maximum loan are $15,000 for farms, and $9,000 for homes. ber, and sergeanvat-arms, Don nie Schur. Heavy rains were blamed for the 100-ton slide. 1 PBEC yDCE IF ; OAVEGNI GROUPS i ll'liil; 1 A J i I f . B I HUaf!!!! 11,1- m m IF 1 (;:.' ; 1 1 I ) - 2kWi U-i fit. vMI S ; p. 'if : 7 , ) f p p l TP4-;, j, - f k t- I I i - -r Ci J W . J i; 'A lU'ii- wpQ 1 i Ml II CHOICE No. 1 10-PIECE DAVENO GROUP Comfortable Sofa Bed, Coil Spring Construction . . . Choice of Smart Decorator Covers 2 Modern End Tables-Choice of Blonde or Walnut Matching Cocktail Table Living Room Throw Rug-Your Choice of Colors. Size 27"x54" All Metal Cocktail Smoker 2 Smart China Table Lamps-Choice of Shade Colors 3-Way Modern Floor Lamp Decorator Type Sofa Cushion-Choice of Colors All 10 Pieces . t n9rr PAY ONLY 10 DOWN Q BALANCt UN LUINb, CAM I LKMj CHOICE No. 2 10-PIECE DAVENO GROUP Famous Kroehler-Sofa Bed Choice of Colors ir Matching Upholstered Kroehler Club Chair ( 2 Modern End Tables. Choice of Blonde or Walnut ir Matching Cocktail Table -Ar 2 Decorator Styled China Table Lamps. Choice of Colors A: 3-Way Modern Floor Lamp ir Living Room Throw Rug-Your Choice of Colors. Size 27"x54" All Metal Cocktail Smoker All 10 Pieces For Only PAY ONLY $10 DOWN BALANCE ON LONG, EASY TERMS 10-PIECE DAVENPORT GROUP i Feorurlne famous Kroehler comfort atturlna immMrt w!fk Mhk " Prolate red u hjtr. Componioa ensemble pieces at featured in pnoro m ngnr. J MMIMf WHUBttHMMI VMWMUKiaasiKETnsaii t I 1 1! I : ii I m 1 I . ' - l UT-" PM 1,14 .? -. L&t -1 rc 1 1 , ! P : f ' HI j " ra i Wit ewwantrttttr 4 - . . 4 k 1'. w ; - .rr' 3 1 a r iWili mi I'liae'esLj!. '': ? j MraMMiMMMtJMtMMwrjMitMMrarMewsw "'f'firafaaaf AIL 10 PIECES Pay Only $10 Down For $vcq Only JLJJ Shop Friday Evenings Till 9 P.M. See the dozens of "sale priced" Daveno and Daven port groups assembled for your selection during this sale event! Though there' only epoe to feature two 10-piece room group en this page Weodry't have literally dozens of smart ensembles to show you. Regardless what your taste, you'll satisfy it when you tee this hug selection ... Com early! AND REMEMBER EVERY GROUP DOUBLY GUARANTEED . . . BY WOODRY1 AND THE MANUFACTURER.