Wm1&t. NaffMfite u- 133J THI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sal, Ortym Pan 21 I FOR SAHMISCaLAHIOUS I Bis rum trsciAL. v mi iti. Www Oid- KruMk Bacb OUI. BaU- fill- nuvivoa Mur wun. Tillau Ptaaa Start lac. aver M rear IB UM PlBYA kWUMt. SOB . UU I FtAT MOOS larUfled wit poultry drop- Phono 4-434. Ull gocntAL ss cw tarn W Ml OSKB sUAXTRIC tin. 111.01 fMiir Appltanca Caw TI CBeareksia it. Phono 1-4311. B 0000 CU Wbtll, 1100 Bp. Yt- paoaa Hill- a PIEPFKCKXX MOMB frees-rs. Tutir raw 1-4111. ' Anno DIED re fr Iter atom 040.50 ii up, rnono i-wii. - ,. plianea C tit Cnemeketa SL Phone J-U. flM IIUINO Br tools, hand and HI S. 10th St. Bill MTf TREES. 1.100 WhlU Fir. Boi 154 umi PIANO. A Spinet 04. Mahotanr VllDOUl juii obi minor nriKn. u you art looklur for a email piano this to too bu bar pou have been looklnt for. $110. Ttruu. PfULL'S, 3 N. Llbtrfy. open evonlnto. mil SAWDUST TIRES, riO-lS, 7 . Lftla'a Tiro Man, mono a-ow. nw BABY GRAND PIANO Uehaaaar flnteh. Beet out la tows, aMe. WUUej Mull. Houee, IMS Stale. BROWN MOUTON PUT Coat. Xlke new. AlS II. Only tSS.W. rDOBO JHH. B370 REDUCED $3 per day until told Starting price, Nov. 12, $75.00 1 used office desk with glass top and chair. Keith Brown Lumber Yd Phona l-tlll Front Court At. w i onn b&r pr era taup- GARAGES Ob rour lot. to your specifications. II month to par. Pree utimataa. t BORKMAN LBR. A HDWt. CO. 1440 8UU St. Ph. 1-1701 B34I' MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD Item. Don't can Mturaar or Monoey. ate h. Church St. n270 tlSED ELXCTRIC Cabinet !n Ma enine. news forward im reverse, in cludes free aewlnr lenon. Ouarenleed. Only 179.00. Slnier Scwlni Ctnttr, 130 N. Commercial. Open Friday avtnlnti. n371 rOB BALE Belie Davno, 130. 3-4313, Rt. S, BOX 403. Prion alio1 ELECTRIC , ranee, washlnt mac hint household furniture. Phona 3-1700. n271 DAVENPORT A chair, tood construction. pleca chroma act. reasonable. Phone Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Roufh lumber, well manufactured. Top price prompt pay. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phona 1130 Turner, Xventnta 4-4710 Salem . na2iQ' WOODRT WANT! Piano. Phcma 3-1110. na ftLECTBlO 3-1110. RANGES. Woodrr PERSONAL SECURITY DETECTIVE AOENCT Private lnreitlt itiona, all tpft. Pa- tine Bidi. Phona day or sunt -)7M. pan PRIVATE lnTettiaattona" recovery. trac- lnv, ahadowlng aywbro. Pa. 3-H73. Balem, Oreion. P370 PSYCHIC AND PALMISTRY READINGS Advice on all matters. We will help you aoWo your problem. Brlnt tbli ad and l tor a 00 raadff. Open 0 a ro ll p.m. Mo appointment Decenary. 1740 Portland Road. (Next to Hie' Inn.t P3II AUTOMOBILES STAR HI-LITES '47 Pord V-0 Olub Coupe, R AH , utalOa Tlaor, whit wheal rtnia. A vary clean ear. STAR SPECIAL - $545 B-S Tnni Win Tk Tr.dM STAR MOTOR CO. TJnton and N. Com'. Ph. 1303 O.3701 1040 WILLTI Jeep. Hydraulic lift. Win trade for lata model ar or pickup. Will pay different If naeenary. Phono i-llM. 1330 windaor uiana ltd. (Kcia r DUtTlct). 0370' iota MODEL T Coupe, Good condition Sao and make offer at 110 N. Elma Avenue. O.2101 1041 BVICK Sedanette. Oood. 1390.00 Bit Ha iel Ave., even Inn. ph. 2-113J q373 ARMISTICE DAY" LET NOTHINO WE EVER DO OR BAT DETRACT FROM THE MOMEN TOUS SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS OR ANT OTHER DAT IN AMERICAN HIS- TORT WHICH MEANT THE END OF WAR AND THE PRESERVATION OF OUR HARD WON, FKECIOUB LIB ERTIES. BO Mere. 4-Df . aedan 11301 RAH. 3-ton tan and brown, apotieaa In and out. overdrive 3 paatlnt tear, turn atanali. oalr 3 13.000 mllaa. 1 owner. Drivai Uk :1 new ear. Tou'll love Itt VIO Ford Dilute 4-Dr.. eadan ... I 000 j s:cs. an. aztra elean, etc. A very alee cart 4I Chev.. 3-Dt clean and aharp ,. 040 ', 47 oodac 4-ooer. very nice ah ape. RAH. eicelleot condition 9 001 --a rora c-Door, mh, run nloa 0 4 Chav., panel 0 410 -w vntv, i-unor, ominai iiaun. 1 1 IfMT, 1 Tou mm "W PlTRIOUt RAM tfKd tire, perfect. lum ate to appreciate ....I 349 1 out n 3 -Door ............1 40 Cadillac "13 " f 341 CHKAPIL8 10 Plmoath 4-Door, per feet motor and urea I 01 00 Packard 4-Door I 70 4 KANNIER'S I USED CARS I. BUfTI N,oI.i Mir. . Moot L moil. S.IM1 M4 4-sm ' i STAR HI-LITES J ' .lwr -oor. It H . mtl- 4 II. bliw. A ..r. thtrw nr. STAR BARGAIN - $495 ; t T.rwi win Tit. Trttn STAR MOTOR CO wa tm K. Cm, L pa. Mm flTt AUT0M0IILES TWrr I POST imuus lie St. Uk. UUm u luacuar iuhdto ItftH. .v.rdrlTfc whit. .M.V.U lirM. t.m kw mumt, .mcs mm ItunwMt Mdri II'. a buaiu.1 wl tt MASH HAUaLIll -TATIOK WAOOK SUM H.dM. ba.Ur. .vanum. tw wUU UMwtlS. I owrr. bio. luUb. It'. Uk. Btl .! IUROUIIT arOKT CT.OB COUFf (I.H Xto, UMttr, .vr4r!v, pracmluai wblU Md..lU. Btr. I. M. t th. .burnt. .r.-..ublnt w la aabiml 'II CHCVItOLIT STTLIXim 1-DOOK I1IM D.1UK. wdu. RAH. vblt. W4.wla; Uk. Ul u4 lui, Tarr aharp. Xt-a cltui and . baaulr to mM arlv.l tl MASS cnSTOH aTATSSAIAlt aBDAM Illll H. OD. ad. saw Una. Ilalabad la ba.utlral l-taa. fraaa. a. MXRcuitT aaoAM nan ltaH. ar.rdrlra, Manila, lat blaek Oalab. blu aldwU nraa. A baaart t aoicr araciAL t-DOoa aon ml RAH. llabt (raaa llobb. Wta udaa.Ua; U l a ear rou'U ba ptoiKl u .wat W FORD CLUB COUPS M1 H.atar, 4tfrt. citron, wbaala. ...I aovara. Hara'. rour pick .1 tw. rordi la at tbl. lo prlcl ' CHEVROLET CLUB COUPIB (t) (Kl Bolb ban radio, baalart an. altb poarartlld.. balk ra .uallabl eondl tloa. Tour .holcal CHEVROLET I DOOR BIOAM 7H SfuuVl"" t,'"t "" B,l' la.a and run, baau. 'IT DESOTO CUSTOU CLUB COUP Ill, Ordinal blaek ImUb. aiar alula UdewaU llrai, IUeH. fluid 4rlra. A real buy I il PONTIAO SILVER STREAK " 4.DOOK 1M Radio, baaur. aaat oor.ra. A il.al a buialal . ' CHEVROLET l-DOOR SEDAN RH. H.i, Mvan. carama abaau. ThU ar u immatulata Inaidi ,ni 'it HUDAOM TW .IWi. avri.w' CIAI, -tlM H.atar. defroatara ad a lol a car laftl OLDBMOEIIJ 1-DOOK SEDAN V V .2.$ Vfii ur RAH. brdramatle. wblta aldawall v ifn faf tlrea. Nical STmSvii ' BUICK PHAETON SEDAN I HI f3 HoUrwood top. Ra. motor arer- f XW baulM 1.00 nilla. wo. .oup.d-up . -afBJfX motor. Really aharp: aKl, 1 41 CHEVROLET SPL. DLX. CLUB an. COUPE ,,, aTE I R4iH. aaat cover., ileamla. black POC.T If W llniah, aew arbiu ildawaiu. If. tba I I W bMt '41 Chvrolat la Salami MAN' I I V mmJm SELECT USED CARS HERE IS ANOTHER GROUP OF FINE USED CARS, SPECIALLY SELECTED TO SATISFY THE MOST CRITICAL BUYER, AND TO GIVE MANY, MANY MILES OF SAFE AND ECONOMICAL DRIVING. 1952 RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE One owner, low mileage, with radio, heat er, overdrive, nylon condition. SBLLINO PRICI DOWN PAYMENT $1666 $555 $52.31 1951 RAMBLER HARD-TOP A very sharp locally owned car, radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers, sparkling rust and ivory. SELUNO PRICE DOWN PAYMENT $1295 $435 $40.49 1951 RAMBLER STATION WAGON Just overhauled in our shop and ready to go. Ivory finish, new seat covers, radio, heater, overdrive. Our most popular used car. SELUNO PRICE DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENT $1295 $435 $40.49 1951 AMBASSADOR SUPER SEDAN A truly beautiful one owner car, hydra matic drive, bed, weather -eye, heater. Don't miss this one 1 SELLING) PRICE DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENT $1445 $445 $47:08 1950 STATESMAN FORDOR SEDAN One owner and really a beauty. Motor over hauled in our shop, bed, overdrive, radio, heater, light blue finish. SELUNO PRICE DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENT $1245 $415 $40.49 THESE CARS ALL CARRY A 100 WARRANTY MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. jIaxaA a 33 coiuawy pial. a-9aa AUTOMOBILES STAR HI-LITES 4. DaSeto 4 -door Sed.n. R AH.. flnUhed la .lack arlUi lata af nlrkal trim. STAR STEAL - $495 yt Term win Take Tradaa STAR MOTOR CO. Union and N. Cori'L Ph. 30303 270 '40 POKD V-0 Tudor, radio, heater, per fect. One. let black. ftStO.OO. Hl'a Shell Station, Mt. Ani el. Pa. Oreen 0- JT0 1050 PORD Cuatoa line l-door eeden. Radio, heater. 11.350. Phone 4-1713 dare. eTIl AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AVINO RADIATOR TROIBLE? Valley Motor Co. expert will aolve your area em aad aav yon money Free cati Mates, aacedy aoTTte. Center at Lit any OF TRUCKS 1M0 U ton Pord panel, excellent con dition. Phone 1-4030. adi70 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-1 CAT FOR HIRE. Phone 1-0440. Will ie SI Phtlllp. 3l0 Abrami SI 370a Journal Wont Adi Pay! AUTOMOIIUS .am top and in the finest MONTHLY PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENT FINANCIAL IWi0 aoro loan anLLAiirrra enron co. in aoata Caere. Pmrfela. a. P1a.tr B-leel Ua a. M-1W aVIM MnNT.T TO LOAN OD Oood Oatek Mrrfcw- Bee Eaa Colkelh. Bal tar. Dial 4-44M. Oflle. lit Cvn at. SEl CS FOR PARK. CITT OR AOtEAOI LOANS) BEST OP TERMS WE BUT ftl uti Mnrteaee. aj antrana State Finance Co. in aa. hub at, n. i-sui AUTOMOBILES STAR HI-LITES 41 Mercury -4eac Sedaa. aeae r. Ovardrlra. .ad Bee Ceeco. A' STAR BUY - $895 -S Term. WIS Tab Tradaa - STAR MOTOR CO. Valaa aad . Caa'L . Pa. I-eJM alia SIGH DESTBUVS 'OS BUICK ROADU ASTER REDAN OS HI Power ateerlni, dyaallow. E-E-Ey laaa. new whltewJl. radio, heater, deiifhtfuliy oofflfo tie and powerful. Traded on aew Btuvk by original own er. 17.303 mllea. '13 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN. 01000 Deluxe model, traded on new Bulck by original owner. 35,4"T BilJaa. cellist Urea. 10 CHEVROLET SEDAN 11141 One owner, 30,430 mile, fold condi tion, cover on .tinea 'tw. Stylellne Deix. tt PORD CUSTOU CONVERT. U0 Show perfect care one owner new black top. radio, heater, '41 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1 101 Drnaflow. radio, heater, excellent con dition. '00 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA. .IIIM Purehated fron us, traded oa bow Bulck, aervlce record available for your lrupectlon, Dynaflow, E-Z-Era olaaa. very .good condition. '40 Chevrolet Sedan. R H ...,. 0910 ' Pord 0 Tudor, a eem 005 '41 Chevrolet Sedan 400 '40 Pont lac 0 Sedanet 09S '47 Packard Sedanet 018 '41 Bulck Special Sedanet 100 '41 Ol da-mobile Sedan 131 Vbu get a better Used Car from a Bufek Dealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phono IO0TI 370 STAR HI-LITES 40 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan. R. w H., new Seat Cover, paint and lintan vary looa. A STAR VALUE - $595 X-E Term i Will Take Trade STAR- MOTOR CO. Unloa and N. Cam'L Ph. J-UM aw FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Sltnature, Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL. It'a "re" promptly to employed men or women. 1-Tlalt loan . . a- phone ftrat Tou select beat payment data Between payday loan Phona. write or eome la TODAY! Personal Finance Co. 101 S. HIGH ST., SALEM State Lieetue Noe. S-133. M-lll Loan ever UM up to 11000 and UP to 30 month to repay made by Paraonal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Induitrlal Loan Companlea Act of Oregon. r3SV Ua 0M3S and MHO nod ROT 8 BlMMONt OtBURANCB AND LOANS Sr-ar "Toi Trad U OO Dally KSLM 1300 CO. OSNERAl FINANCE CO LOANS 130 S Ceaimarelal BL Tat 1-1101 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINE! All make used anaehlnea cold, ranted, repaired Roe. 400 Court Ph. 2-4773. 0 BfJLLDOEINO Bulldoalni. roadi. cleartm teeth. Vir 11 Huakey, 1010 Falrvlew. phona 3-3 HO. 0371 CARPENTER REMODELING). CABINET work. 1 building. Free BatlmaU. Phono 10411. 41033. 4)371 COMMERCIAL TTPINO Alao direct mall advartUlna. NATHAN SWAN. 1101 Helta te. oOf 1 B-n Otjen A trtitzx. Ls,z4 i Son. excavating and eesriDC. PB. J-IQOO 0304 IN0ULATION InsulatlOB. weather trip, atom aaab. Pre eeumatea. T. Pnllxaaa. Phone l-IMI. ! MATTRXMES Pali iia. omca rtaiiTtm .irn.ni Datk ehalra. fllea fliln. aapallaa. aarea. duplicator, aapailea drak lamp, tree arrllar etande Reea. 4M Coari rrric tanks Mtka'a Saptle aertfee. Tank, .leases. Drooler eewere, draloa. Phoa. -4e. o371 Raanes'i aeptle tank eleaned. line aervtea Guarantee work Phone 1-7404. l-0:74. O304' REPTIC TNKR Sewer, aeptle tank, draini cleaned Ro S. Renter Sewer Berne Pfcose 3 -0337 T TPS WRITERS Salt. Corona, Remtr.ftoa. Roral, Om trweeaf portable AS aebae BMd aeeh.ae ft part 4 real Roea no OfTSDOW CISAMTNO Aetna Window Cleaner. Industrial floor beaeeepeaaind PheM 0-3J37 8 (USfDCJlfiS GOP 'Snollygosters' Are Blamed by Truman New York M Former Pretident Harry S. Truman laid the Harry Dexter White case to republican "inollygoi- tera" today and aaid "I don't know" when asked if he will make an appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee. "In ease you re wondering about the word 'anollyioster' it's a Southern word meaning a man born out ol wedlock, he aaid. Mr. Truman said lie had talked over the White matter Tree Pest War Almost Won Portland W Spruce bud' worm and Douglas fir beeUe' damage to Pacific northwest forests is on the decline but damage from the engraver beetle now is becoming a threat. R. L. Furnlas, a government insect expert, told the Forest Pest Action committee meet ing here Tuesday that forest officials were recommending praying only about 61,000 acres of timber next year for spruce budworm. That com. pares with ' 900,000 acres sprayed in 1950 and 1951. The 51,000 acres Is near La Grande, Ore. Harry Harrison, superintend' ent of the Mt. Baker national forest, said heaviest engraver beetle Infestation was in the Puget Sound area and the Ol ympic Peninsula in Washing ton state. The engraver beetle attacks silver fir. Dean Insists He's Not Hero Carlyle, 111. (U.R Ma). Gen. William F. Dean celebrated Armistice Day with 'his child hood friends, insisting that he was "just plain Bill and not a hero." . . The erect 54-year-old gen eral visited his birthplace to reded lea te the old Kaskaskla river suspension bridge, which will be named for the medal of honor winner who spent three years aj a prisoner of the com munists. Thoroughly enjoying him. elf, Dean spent long hours greeting former schoolmates and old friends, and he often displayed a better memory than theirs. But Dean wanted it clear tht he is just another ex-pris oner oi war. "Anybody who's so damn dumb to get captured doesn't deserve to be called a hero," ne said. Busy Day for Greek Royally San Francisco (U.PJ Th King and Queen of Greece embarked today on a demanding day of wreath laying, speech making, luncheons, receptions and ban quets. From 11 o'clock this morn ing until probtbly that hour to night. King Paul and Queen Frederlka were scheduled to be on the go. They will be just as busy tomorrow until their train leaves for Lqs Angeles in the evening. The royal couple observed Armistice Day by laying a wreath at the tomb of the un known soldier at the San Fran cisco Preaidio. Then they were to cross the bay to Berkeley to attend a luncheon given by President and Mrs. Robert Gor don Sproul at the University of California. Funeral Thursday for Ora Amanda Foster Funeral services will be held at the Virgil T. Golden com pany chapel Thursday after noon at 2 o clock for Mrs. Ora Amanda Foster, 74, who died at a Salem nursing home Mon day following an illness of two and a half. years. Rev. R. G. Schseffner will official . the service and interment will be In the City View cemetery Mrs. Foster, a late resident nf West Salem, was born in New Hampton,. Mo., and later resided in Benkelman, Neb. ! Her first husband, J. D. Stev enson, died in 193S, and short ly after his death she moved to Corvallis. She was married in 1936 to Emery Foster, a Capital Journal employe, who preceded her in death in 1941. Mn. POSter WSJ member Of the Methodist church Surviving are four daugh ters. Mrs. E. R. Penn of Santa Maria, Calif., Mrs. Edith Mil lion of Portland, Mrs. Mar guerite Follett of McCook. Nebr., and Mrs, Kate Mauser of Hastings, Neb, and a son, John Stevenson, in Washington. LODGE A Salem Lodge No. 4. AT. & A.M.. Wed- Nov. 11, M M. with former Judge Samuel T. Roaeman. a member of the White House staff during his administration, but he declined to say whether Roaeman might serve as his counsel in an ap pearance before the committee. May Break Silence The former President Indi cated he might break his for mal silence in the political up roar tomorrow morning. He tola reporters it would be a good idea for them te wait for his regular morning appear ance outside the hotel tomor row. The former President was served with a subpoena late yeiterday demanding his ap pearance at 10:30 a m., Friday before the Un-American Activ ities Committee in Washing ton. i It was believed to be the first time a former President has been served' with a sub poena. Passing Mention The former President spoke last night a,t a dinner of the City College of New York Al umni Association and made only a passing reference to the political storm whipped up by charges he ignored an FBI re port branding White as a com munist spy. Grange Master For Low Tariffs Burlington, Vt. (U.IB World markets must' be recaptured or the nation will move in the direction of communism, Herschel D. Newsom, master of the National Grange, told the 87th annual convention today. Farmers are caught in a price squeeie similar to those following World Wars I and II, the Columbus, Ind., farm er said in calling for a full national policy aimed at cap turing, and maintlning those venues of foreign trade. As a meant of reaching such markets, Newsom suggested: 1. A two-price system for domestic and foreign sales. 2. A lowering of tariff bar riers. 3. An easing of government controls. "It we continued to make it difficult for free men and free countries to market their produce or service., we move in the direction of the cpoa lng philosophy, Ideology and political structure," he said Train Derailed. 33 Injured Philadelphia A crowd' ed Pennsylvania railroad commuter train derailed on a bridge over th Schuylkill river Wednesday Injuring 33 pasengeri. One of the derail ed can was cut nearly In half. Twenty-two pane ngera aboard the Chestnut Hill to Philadelphia train were taken to hospitals. Four others were given first aid at the PRR'a 30th street station. No fatalities were reported. The wreck occurred just outside the huge 30th street station, on a bridge difficult for rescue workers to reach. The bottom was ripped out of the first car of the eight- car train, which omaihed into concrete protection wall. The car scraped along the wall, churning up atones and ties for about 20 feet. A bridge girder knifed into the twisting car and out of the gaping hole Injured passenger! pilled onto the tracks. SHIPPING HALTED Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentina newspapers de manded Wednesday the gov ernment halt all shipping to neighboring Uruguay follow ing Uruguayan charges that an Argentine ship captain at tempted to smuggle gold into Montevideo. PertlanO Bart Ida Market Portland Prleee held eteadr en the Portland produce market Wednesday wltn plenty or moat eeaaonai Item net thi nnderat demand. But bakma ie pntaloaa were 0 Hit aearr ?; a apaioa a pre mium pried of 04-4 31 for 100 Bound iae from the Deeenuta dietriet- Callfornla tomato aold for a low aa 11.70 compared with th lentrel ranee of 13-3.30 for other to aualltr packa. Mott cauliflower went for II. 10 a crate with a top of II 31 Spot i a It v llmi available at aeatUrfj i'.;u tnrt'lfl pehcock mtloii. prirk- ir p4ara, aouin American roeoanuta, Hawaiian pineapple and California per ilmsioni and pi apple. Cklrac liveatoffe Chlraae i Reeelpta f llvaetack Wedneedar were far below advanre esti mate and the feweat for a Wednaadar were far below advance aetlmate aad ka I.H.I fa at Synata m air,.. flA aa. 'The reauUine dl appointment te the burtBt eide wa reflected la the hither prtf ther were required to par aaually In order te rill their orderi. Hoa moved at ateadr to .PI cent o huadred pound hlaner In an active turnover. Cattle were trreiularlr from 00 eenu hie her on ateere and heifer to aa mueA as 00 lower en eowe which romprised about 10 per cent of th run. ih' .en.r.iir , U -mt butcher weieht hoc oM at t0 tl to 130 00. Sow broutht 17 II te 010 00 Oood to prime sierra eold mottle from lio to to 1310. flood and ebeloo belfer ma'i Hi on lo 34 oo. In aeneral wooled Iambi sold down ward from 110.00 OBtf clipper from 111 31 aelable merpv were Hdmated tt I.PM hoe. 1.000 oattia, 000 cauao and 1,000 FIRE RESCUE (h ili ...J" ' Fire ladder (upper right) nears the third floor ledge of Harlem, N.Y., tenement as Mrs. Mary Lena Mack, stands clutching her two-year-old son, Alfonso, awaiting rescue. Flames and smoke billow from second floor windows. The firemen brought Mrs. Mack and her son to safety down - the ladder, then rescued five others who were trapped. (AP Wirephoto) MARK E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PRUDTJCI LIST Batterfei Tentative, aubieet ta Im mediate ebanaa: Precclnm ouaUtp. meal mum AO of on r?r seat adwU de livered in Portfnd aa-7ie ib.i nrat anal. Itr, oo-00e, flteond oualitv, 04-ee. Vailer route and eountrr povadta. 1 eanta lea. tteiwWtaoletai f.o.b. bulk cube to wholesale, arade aa, oo aoore, oovoet a iraoe, aoore, bbhoi m, aw aeora, 4ei C, 00 aoora Wo. Above prteea itrictlv nominal. Che aeiilni prloo fta Portund wholesaler, Oraioa alniles, IVWat Orecon I lb. loaf. m-ltt. aa ta Wbeletaler Candied ana eontainlns no lots, eaa included f.o.b. Portland: A trade 1st a. 01i-43S4o: a trade medium, 04Va-ime; A trad affiali, HVt; B trade larta. 1-Mi. Fertlaad oatrp Market Butur Prloo w retaiiorat caram a print, 1301 a carton. 73e; A prtnta, Hot oarioa, ic; prima, eve. en ta preaweere candies r.e.a. PorUand: Oncraded larta, 00-0 la doi.i trad AA lata, too doa.i a larta, oie doc.t AA tnodlum. 01a do. I A trade medium, 4t-40o doa.i A trade email nominal, ll-iee. ait te ReUIUre OrodO AA. larta. OSe; A larta, O3-04ei AA medium. 41c t A medium. io-i7et A email, 47; Carton I 3nU addiuonaL Cbee prlee to retailer. For tl and. Oreion ttniles. 00H-4tVkei 0 lb. loavaa. ll-tti. triplet. l4o lea tbaa tlaa. Premium brand, ami lea. Uvtt lb. for etna l wbeela OOVc Prooaasad Am erican cheese, l-lb. loavao to retail. 41 ra ise lo. PeJlIrp Urs Chlekena (Ko. 1 tUOUtp, fob. plants): Frrers, JM-I lbs., 37e; I lbi 37-llc; roasters, 4H lb., and over 37et heavr bene, all weiehtw, Ii-I0e: llcbt heni, all waltbta, ll-iee, aid rooateri. 10- c. Dressed Calebeao No. I dressed to retanerai rrrer. proiiera, 4i-43 roast era, all wt.. v4i.43ci litht hen. ii-net neavr Banc, ii-tae: eut-up frr ers, all wis. 06-Me lb i wbole drown, il- 04o lb. DresaH Tarbero Te retallara: A trade aneareted nana, CT-oie la.t ovuerated torn. 01-S4e lb.: accordlnt to welthta; Ifew York dressed torn. 43e lb.: New York dressed hens. 47c Jb. To producers: urade A rount Bens, JOVac lb. f.o.b. farm: A tome, 3 Jo lb. Ka libit Averaie to troweril Live whltoa, m-l lb., 10-31c: 0-4 IbiV, 10-Me lb ! old doe. 1C12C. few btihsr. Fresh dresaed frrera to rtUra, U-I70I out up. ftv-03c. Ceanlrv Killed Meata Veal Top quaiitr. II -10 ft. I reutb bear ics, li-soe. Hec Leans, bieckera, 11 -13c lb.: aowo. litht. 30-30C. e Rest. 10-33 lb.i raarUnaa. io-3ipe lo. Mottea EaiL 10-lla lb.i etill-aUlJtr. a-ac. Beef Oiiiltp oowi, 10-34 m.i aanr cutter. ll-18c; shell down to lie. Freak Dressed Jleale Wholesaler to retailer. Dollar per ewt.: BeefSteers, choice. 0O0-T00 lb.. 140. 43; tood, 134-41. commercial. 031-34; utllltr. 131-37: commercial cow. 133-31. utllltr. 031-31; c a finer. -tutttr., i-31. Reef Cat Choice ateer hind euart- . IM-04: round, 043-40; full loins. trimmed. 07T-I6. triancie. oil-so: lore- quartcra, 13. 40-33 Mi ahucWs. 0-41; rios, sai-ai. Fork Cat Lotna. oholea. l-lt tba. 41-00; shoulder. 10 lb., 130-40; spare rib, ISO -54; fresh bams. 10-14 lbs- It 14. Veal and Calvea Oood -choice, all Merit. 131-31. commercial. 133-33. Imbe Choi re -prime, I3S-37K) tood. Ilmebed Hama-Sklnnad lftl-01. 11-10 Ibs.i fined lard la drum 114-11 Ml slab bacon. 101-71. For l land Mlaeellaaeoa 1 oniena M lb. sacks.. Wear... rallow medium. 1110-114; lane. l.H-i.4; Idaht rriowa, md., l JI-IA0; lorie 01.50-1. Tti wblta, 13-3.00. Fetateea Deschutes Ruuaa. IT. R. No. 1A, 12 00-TOi tew $3 00-04; same brands to 13 25; No, 3 00 lb. kj.. 71-000. few U Wash. Ruaseu, 03.71-1: Me. 1. to- lb. sack, 00-70C; Idaho, 03 -lb. sack, 13.40 3 M. 100 lbs.. 01. 40-3. 50. Har U. 8, No. S areen alfalfa, da- Iivered car lota f.o.b. Portland and Se attle. 31-30 Weal Or rase basis. Willamette Pal- lr medium, 01-OOe lb.: eastern Ore on fine and haU-bleod. 00-03c: Willamette Vaiier lamb wool, 43c t 13-month wool. 44-TW. Hehalr 00-01 lb. oa 13-month rrew- th. f o.b. couBtrp ahlpptnt point. I Flia-riwatn aanni orlee f.a.b. Foriland. ealf akiai. U-lTa lb accord-' tm te condition; treen klpa. 11-lie ib.: 1 areen rvrw hide, l ie Ib , arrordlnt t t weiiht and oualltn ball hide. l-4c tiu owes, to per cant below price tor above rlastes. I Filbert Wholesale aelttnt prlea t.o.b. ! Oreton plant No. 1 Jumbo Barcelona' laraa 37 ! lb.i medium IS1 lb.; i to irewera f ,o b. plant before Nor. 1. 1 10 Ib. for Barcelonaa, DuChlllra 17 lb , walaata WholMale aelllna neee. ( first ejuallty lane Fr enqueue. 12-33 'Ac' helled, lleht amber halvaa. 10-lae ib.i Ucbt halve. 70 IJ lb. ! SALEM MARKETS Cam plied f'-tm reperto af Balem dealera far lac rBldaaea ef Capital JearBal i reader a. (Revteed daltr.t Retell Peed Prleeet Rabbit Pelleu U 00 (00-aw, beet. 4 10-0 M MM-lb. bail. tee Mask 04.41-0 30. Dslrr reed 03 30-1 01 fOO-lw. bat): 01 00-4 00 UOO wt.); pasture mix, 13 01 woo Wl.). PeBltrr RbvIwb Price Colored frrera. lie; eld rooetera. lie; eolorid fowl, 10a; lethora fowl, lit: roasters 17a. Berlat Prleee Beta. A A. Uci larta A. It-OOei madtum AA. 47 : medium A, 4t-47; email, II-I3C. Kit wholesale pne fenerell? I-T rente hither then price above; lane trade A. tenereUr qumcB ai air . meciuma at ass. Belter, Betterfal Batterfei Burine erHre k a ) VM Christmas Tree Harvest Under Way Prlnevtlle WP) The Christ- mas tree harvest is under way in central Oregon. Truckloadi already have started moving to Los Angeles and Saa Fran cisco. James ' Thompson, timber management specialist for the Ochoco national forest said about 20,000 treeu will be cut this year. They will bring about fii.BUO. Most of the cutters are local area residents but soma are from California. LINCOLN CLUB ' Lincoln The Lincoln Good will Club member, will be guests at 1:30 dessert lunch eon at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hoxle Thursday. Mid Willamette Obituaries Ralph G. Richards Woodburn Funeral serv ices for Ralph G. Richards, for mer Woodburn resident, will ba held Thursday, Nov. 13, at the Pool Larson funeral home, 11th and Charneltorf atreeta. Eugene. Mr. Richards, a long time Southern Pacifio employe, died at the Southern Pacific hospital in San Francisco Mon day, Nov. 9. - DEATHS Arthur J. PUnl Arthur J. Flint, at residence. TM V. 17th St.. Not. I, at the ate of to rear. Survived br wife, Mr. Mabel Flint. Salem; brother. Walter Flint. Cot tonwood, Idaho; nephew, Or. Weldon Flint, Ferndale, Wash. Member Flrt Christian Church. Services Thunder, Nov. 13 at 1:30 p.m. In Rnwell-Rdwarda Chapel with th Rev. Donald Fame ef ficiatint. Interment at Belcrm Memor ial Park. Jennie f. Blaekbeern Mr. Jennie a. Blackbnurna. lata real- dent of 410 N. Beach St., Portland, at on Oraioa CHr hosp'tal Nov. 0. Survived br slater, Mrs. Sophia C. Millar, Salem, brother. The Rev, oeorte Cromler, Sa lem, and asveral niece and nephew. Servloaa Thursday". Nov. 11, at 1:30 p.m. at ina rashienc ar aire, rjiacKboume brother, Th Rev. Oeorte Cromler 1030 cnurcn at., naiem. with interment at Rose Cltr Ceraeterr. Portland tudar dlrecUoa af Clouth-Barrlek Co. Ora Paeter Mrs. Ora Poeter. at a local hospital Nov. 0. Lat resident of 130 McNarr Ave. survived br two dauthtera. Mrs. B. Rv Penn. Santa Mario, Calif., Mr. BdltR Minion, rortiana. servic Thursflar. Nov. 11 at S P. te Vlrrll T. Ooldea Chapel with the Rev. X. O. Schaffnar af fidaU&a. interment A City view Ceme tarj. Mr. Dora aUbbarl Mf. lora Uubaard, at the reatdenes, 000 Shlpplnt St., Nor. 0. Survived bp eons. Ban oriawold. Redmond, Our oria wold, Newport, PTd Or Is wold. Miami, Pla.; two alstar. Mrs. Bdttb Alder la, Salem, and Mrs. Bthel Shannon. Sprlnt fleldi two brothers, Ror Foberu and Howard Roberts, both of Salem: tw randchlrdrD. Announcement of aervKM will be mad later br the VirtU T. OoM en Oo, Dr. f . f. tarn, N D. Dr. O Chan, RA OHM. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS I pstairt, 241 North Liberty Office open Satarday eaip, it bob. to 1 p m.i 0 te T p.m. Consultation, blood pressure and irtnt teiu arc free of chares. Practiced alnco HIT. Writ tar attrootlvB sift. 'Mb obil- tatleaw mm n4 arhar raM Sltaraan, acini ui jruiei uunmi elirilH (Ivak) Oa, rovte - Write erCeB THI DIAN CLINIC Open 10 eefll I JOonew t0reea Mevv. Uwfll 0 p. st. Me-rder, We4eT friOe Cltlteeetk nrttclsne . . . le ew etSfd we b 90M HOBTHIAIT 0AMOT OOUtrvAlB f 1 tVa IAst3t PjrTWid 1 J. CarWa degree, 7:30 p.m. OP It v& awaMi era, , jt0 ftBOOi Be. S, OOC, 4