THI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefoa Wednesday, Navcmbcr IK 1953 In. The Valley . Cdllc by MIEE FOEBES Mill City Mill City Santlam Re be ll ah lodge had their second nomination for clectiva om cen for the year at the last meeting. Nominated for nobleJ grand is Eva Daffy; vice grand, Maria Stewart; Ruth Heaa and Dorothy Vail; secretary. Car men Bernhardt and Ann Crook; treasurer, Rachel Olm- atead and Ada Plymale. Elec tlon will be in order at the Nov. If. meeting. Application for membership was read from Mrs. Blanche Struckmeier to be voted on at next meeting. It was announc ed that the president of the Rebekah assembly of Oregon, Lola Osburne, would pay her official visit to the lodge Dec. 2. In charge of refreshments were Goldie Rambo, Marie Stewart, Margaret Burroughs. and Nellie Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Morriss Howe have returned home following week'i visit with their son and daughter-in-law, LL and Mrs. Bill Howe at Parks Air Base, near Oakland, Calif. The M1U City Ministerial association held a short meet ing Mondsy evening at the home of Rev. Streeter. It was decided to have a Joint Thanks giving service at the Presby terlal church Wednesdsy eve ning, Nov. 25. The Women's Council of the Christian church held its reg ular meeting last Wednesday at the home of the- president, Mrs. Elmer Shaw. It was voted in rinnate pnouffh monev to the church to complete paying for the Hammond organ purchased last Year. Funds were also al lowed to purchase linoleum for the church parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hatha way returned home from the Bend hospital Saturday, after two weeks hospitalization fol lowing their ear accident at Lost Lake, when it skidded on lev navement and overturned Mr. Hathaway will remain In a back brace until the back fracture Is healed; Mrs. Hatha way Is still suffering from shock. Mrs. Fred Grimes is working In their home at pres ent. Charles French and Al Stahlman accompanied by Mr. Dorothy spent the week end duck hunting In central Ore gon. Mr. Dorothy remained at his home near Redmond. Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mrs. Ed Chance drove to Bend Saturday to bring Mr. and Mrs, L. R. Hathaway home from the hospital. This transportation was arranged by members of the Odd Fellows loage. mr. Hathaway Is a member of that order. Learn to DANCE All Types of Dancing Taught too per hour. Studio opea II a.m. to lt p.m. Jon-Mar Dance Studio 411 Ferry Ph. 4-4961 ACORNS FROM THE WITH OeL MltNl Del. this friend says. "What could be nicer than streU-htng your legs in front of a big first" 'Nothing I answer demurely, stretching mine alio. Del." the friend adds. "You don't mind if I take off my shoes, do yout" "Not at all. not at all," 1 re ply, removing my shoes. Ah-h, this is the life." my friend reflecu. "Ah-h. yes," I answer, eyeing the big steak In front of me and digglnc in. Several minutes and a good hour later, my friend lumbers to his feet. 1 cant y It's like home." he savs. "It's belter than home. Perfect!" "Why, think." 1 Mr. "Thsnks." "Yes." my friend sets s little carried away. "The atmosphere ... the out-of thu-world food . . . don't know when I've spent a more relATlng evening," 8EK WHY I SAY VISIT THE Oak Room? Remember jn Balern Its the The HOTEL MARION PHONE 3-4123 Open House Tdnite Dancing - Eats Entertainment YFW Hall, Hood and Church Sis. Dance 9 p.m. Hall Opens 4 p.m. COME ONE! COME ALL! By VFW Salem Post 661 Mrs. NeU Swift has been ill at her home the past two weeks with a virus infection. Her daughter, Mrs. Don Petersen of Puyallup, Wash., and her son, Clifford Swift, from Ta coma, spent the week end with her. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stew art have had an addition built on their bouse recently; also a garage built Dick Parker was the contractor. Paul Moore, an experienced mechanic, leased the Hatha way garage last week. He was employed until recently in an other garage in town. Estell Thomas, three-year- old daughter of the Charles Thomases, returned home on Wednesday from the Salem Memorial hospital, where she was receiving treatment for a mild attack of polio. She has completely recovered normal use of her leg muscles, which were slightly affected. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howe are home following a week's visit with their son and daughter-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Bill Howe of Parks Air Base, near Oakland, Calif. Mrs. J. F. Potter left Port land by plane last week for Washington, D.C., where she will visit her son and daughter-in-law. Col. and Mrs. Willis Potter. Mrs. Gladys Trask of Fresno, Calif., will join her sister there later as will anoth er son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lafa Potter of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garri son have returned to their home in Mill City after an ab sence of several months. Mr. Garrison was employed in Lakeview and Mrs. Garrison was hospitalized for eye sur gery. The Mill City Fire Depart ment has announced Nov. 21 as the date for their ninth an nual benefit to be held at the fire hall. Many worthwhile prizes will be given away. There will be dancing, games and entertainment for all. Pro ceeds will be used for fire de partment equipment and ex pansion. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Bur roughs were called to Eugene last Friday by the death of his mother In that city. The International dinner sponsored by the Mill City PTA and held last Thursday evening was highly successful. About 250 tickets were sold to the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Crosier were co-chairmen. North Marion Hubbard The Interclass cross country run will be held Tuesday afternoon Nov. 17 at 3:13 p.m. at North Marion Tentative date for the an nual football banquet has been set for Nov. 18. The GAA will hold a party at the school Friday evening. Nov. 20. Don Reed and Miss Char lotte Brummer will attend the state physlcsl education con ference In Prinevllle, Nov. 20 and 21. Education week, Nov. 8 to 14 Is being observed this week at North Marion high school, according to M. H. Beal, prin cipal. The North Marlon cross country team will go to Port land to attend the state cross country run at Lewis and Clark college Nov. 14 The run will take place about 3 p.m. Representing North Ma rion in the Junior run will be Verl Fobert. Charles Len hardt, Charles Ferguson. Niel Belser and Norman Luke. Alec Trwln will compete in the senior run. GERVAIS SCHOOL PLAY Gervals "It Happened at Midnight," a mystery-farce by James Reach, will be present ed by the Junior class of Gcr vais union high school on Nov. 20 in the gymnasium at 8 p.m.' Until after 1700. it Is j believed that all iron smelling! was done with wood charcoal. j BLUE LINE CAFE 276 Chcmeketa NOW OPEN 3 A.M. to 11 P.M. Breakfast Lunch - Dinner Hubbard Hubbard Garfield Voget spoke before the Pythian Sla ters of Arlon temple and their i guests, the Knights of Pythias, their wives and friends, about his European trip this past summer, Tuesday evening fol lowing the brief business ses sion of the temple conducted by Mrs. Harold Colgan. During the business meet ing, Mrs. Colgan appointed to the nominating committee: Mrs. Zsne Yoder, Mrs. Nor man Stauffer and Mrs. Clar ence Friend. The temple do nated to the McLaren school Christmas fund. Committees were appointed for the chili supper, Nov. 14, at the Pyth ian hall. Mrs. George Leffler arranged for the speaker. A looioau motif was used by so cial hostesses for the evening. Mrs. James Plant, Mrs. C. R. Amrine and Mrs. Clara Hard esty. Nov. 10 ended the first nine- week period at the Hubbard grade school and grade cards win be distributed Wednesday, Nov. 18. Nov. 16, Monday evening irom 7 to p.m. annual open house will be held in observ ance of American National Ed ucation week and In conjunc tion with the Hubbard Parent- Teachers association meeting wnicn will follow open house at the school. Thanksgiving vacation this year will be Nov. 29 and 27. The school census, taken this year by Mrs. C. K. McNary, shows a total of 392 children 4 to IB, regardless of school attending, in the Hubbard area, as compared with 404 last year. Turner Turner "Here Comes Char--ie," a 3-act comedy, by Jay Tobias, will be presented by the Senior class of Cascade Un ion High School, Nov. 19-20, at 8:00 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jensen have sold their, residence here to Mr. and Mrs. Paris of Hills boro. The Jensens have pur chased the acreage of Mrs. Sa rah Jenkins on the Turner Marion road. The Jenkins house burned last July and they plan to build a new home later. Now they plan to live in a trailer house. Mrs. Tom Kelly and daughter are visiting the Jen. sens. Mrs. Edith Munnlno nj-nt last weekend in Vancouver with her children. Gerald Win- per, Eldon Dalke, Arnold ; Schelske and Louie Browns en listed in the Army from Linn county as the Marlon county quota was filled until the first of the year. They left last Fri day from Albany. Mrs. Bert Waller is home from the hospital feeling much better. Mrs. Arnold Phillips Is con fined to her home with a brok en toe. She will not be able to walk on it for another two weeks. Mrs. Lulu Chapman hss re- turned from a trip to Califor nia. Mrs. J. M. Bones was a rec ent visitor at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bones in Stayton. Robert A. Ba'll has returned from an elk hunting trip to Lehman Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wies haar spent lsst week In Med ford visiting friends. The Wies hairs formerly lived In Med ford. Angus Frasier has been vis iting the Ben Wippers. He is now In Klamath Falls. The first of a series of bene (its for the new Community Building will be held In the Odd Fellows hall Saturday Nov. 14. A pot-luck supper will be served at 6:30 p.m. The card party will follow. The commu nity building board reports more than $1,200 has been earned from benefits since the project wss started last Febru ary. ' Aumsville Aumsville The Women's Auxiliary of the Gold Star post No. 175 of the American Le gion, held Ihrtr regular meet ing on Thursday evening. The group voted to hold two meetings a month starting this month. The second meeting night will be the third Wed nesday of the month. The post will also hold two meetings. Mrs. Florence More, unit sec retary, read a paper which she hsd prensred cuUii.'.r.g the slms and purposes and also the origin of the auxiliary. Mrs. Marge Shcpard was ap pointed chaplain and Mrs. Le ota Klllinger was named pop py chairman by the unit pres- DANCE TONITI CRYSTAL GARDENS OLD TIME MODERN Mask) ky "Pep" Edwards ident, Mrs. Blanche Wallace. At the close of the meeting the unit met with the post to hear a talk by Martin Boehme. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boehme, concerning bis trip to Boys State this past sum mer. , Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Alban are the parents of a son, Mitch ell Lynn, born Nov. 4. The pa ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charley Alban of Aumsville. The Albans have two other children, Freddie and Cheryl. Sweet Home Sweet Home Pack 31 met Friday night in the .Long Street rc-hool gym for the monthly pack meeting. ' Opening ceremonies were by Mrs. Bill Reed's den who were attired In Indian dress. A firelight ceremony follow ed led by Cub Scoutmaster LeRoy Schroeder in which three new cubs were welcomed into the pack. They were Evan Layton, Chuck Alcorn, and Sammy Barton. Pins were presented to Bill Reed as the new assistant Scoutmaster for the Cubs, and Mrs. Bill Reed and Mrs. Ethel Vallad were recognized as new den mothers with the pre sentations of their pins. The den, under the direc tion of Mrs. Carroll, gave a timely Thanksgiving skit, the den of Mrs. Dewey presented a den meeting, and the den under lie leadershln of Mrs. Hobart McQueary presented a skit depicting ''Harvest Fair." Mrs. Bill Reed's den receiv ed the traveling trophy for having the largest percentage of parents present. Wild Life and Conservation of Wild Life were the titles of the movies shown at the close of the meeting. The Church of Christ, 18th and L St., closed the two-week revival, Sunday. Lawrence Baird, evangelist with his wife, left to go to Myrtle Point af ter the evening services. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Palmer had as a week-end guest, Mrs. Palmer's brother, Art Trask. of Eugene. A bridal shower Is announc ed for Nov. 24 for Miss Ruby Taylor In the church parlors of the Church of Christ. Miss Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Tsylor, will soon be- come the bride of Tommy ! Wnmark. son nf Mr. and Mrs I finv Wnm.A i Municipal court session scheduled for Monday of this; week was nostDoned until Thursday because Judge Ed Russell Is on jury duty in Al- j bsny until that date. Mrs. Lora Redmond, direc-1 tor of special education In the District No. 3S schools, attend- H Ih. Tnl.rnMlnn.l ed the International Council for Exceptional Children I which was held in Portland, Nov- Mr .nri Mr. Rn - ' iH r.miiv i.n .;..:,;. ;;: 1 and family left Saturday for a vacation of several weeks visiting relatives in Caldwell, Idaho. Mr. Eames is the as sistant city engineer and city bookkeeper for the city of Sweet Home. People In the Twelfth street, south, area, are glad to note the survey is in progress for the sewer improvement for that district. City Engineer Jess Parker, aided by Willard Arnold, ia fixing survey stakes this week. Mrs. Arthur Wonderly hss been confined to her home this week with a severe case of flu. She Is slowly recovering Gervais Gervals Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bonn, Riddle. Ore., of the birth of a son. Anthony Ger ald, born Nov. 8. Thl-. is their third son and sixth child. Mrs. Bonn will be remembered as the former Irene Ferschweiler of Gervais. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Joyce, Saturday, Nov. 7. a daughter. This is the third grand-child of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meier. TiCHMlCOlf FredAstajre Cyd Charissc tnimintfM'tatonf Tfck gtw Oa Oar NEW WIDE SILVER 81 REEK mmm STARTS TODAY Maline Tnday rant. I. to - Willamina Wiiamina A well kaowa Sheridan Chevrolet company, Sheridan car dealer, .The Houser Chevrolet company, has opened a branch agency In Willamina, in what was former ly the Willamina Garage Chevrolet cars, new and used will be stocked, and a repair department with trained me chanics will be maintained. The FL club will meet Wed nesday, Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Jack Sisk in Sheridan, with Mrs. Robert Wise as co-hostess. Leonard L. Baker of Willa mina. Marion M. Masters of Sheridan, and Jerry L. Ohler, Richard E. Gaston, and Melvin R. LaChance, all of Grand Ronde enlisted in the army and air force during October. An attempted burglary fail ed Friday night at the Willa mina high school, following the Willamina - Sheridan football game. It Is thought that the burglars were hunting the safe in which the $1200 proceeds from the football game were kept. Marion Marion "Here Comes Charlie," a S-act comedy, will be presented by the senior class of the Cascade high school, Nov. 18-20 in the high school gymnasium at 8 p.m. In the cast are Sharon Bates, Walsh, Theresa Vose, I Cciaid Waldrop, Don Wilt, Smythe Kersey, Idella Wleble. Howard Speer, Irene Thomas, Dieter Hink and Carol New kirk. J. L. Calavan is very ill at his home. Mrs. Nora Pickard who has just returned from a visit with her daughter In Denver, Colo., has been called to Eu gene to the funeral of her brother-in-law. The Merry Ann Gliders held their regular square dance Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark have moved back to Marion. Detroit Detroit Though attend ance Friday evening In the school gymnasium at the an nual fall carnival, sponsored by the student body of the De troit school, was not so high as last years carnival, the gross intake of $500 compared favorably with the proceeds of Other years. Jess Lemming of Idanha. was !the winner of the automatic : toaster prize. Awards of table lamps, tumbler sets, casserole dishes, cutlery and many other novelties, were given to other winners. Proceeds from the event will So into the high school stu- dent body funds. CiMnH RftrtflQ W,U,,U fXUHUC Grand Ronde The Grand Ronde 4H clubs held their an- nual achievement day Nov. 3, in. the PrJt " Members 01 tne 4H 'uroished the enter tainment. The County Agents presented the yearly awards and showed movies of the RE-OPENING THURSDAY Under New Management . THE RED LANTERN 4010 South Pacific Highway Specializing in Fine Foods Featuring Italian Spaghetti BRUNO and SHIRLEY ZACCAGNINI, Owners TODAY! Today at 1:00 Most Amazing Ever. Behold! . nen " u xbsA Jvh u "THE MAGNETIC MONSTER" RICHARD CARLSON Blood Bank Due At Mf .Angel ML Angel Members of the Mount AngeJ Business Men's Club met Monday evening, Nov. 8, at the Mount Angel ho tel, for their regular business dinner meeting. The Blood Bank will be in Mount Angel, Tuesday, Dec 8, and Peter F. Gores, chairman In charge, asked all business men to help with advertising the date. - . The net proceeds of the an nual Shrine Benefit basebala game amounted to $593. D rex el White, chairman of the bene fit game, which was played in Mount - Ai:gel In June, an nounced that this sum was turned over to the Shrine Hos pital for Crippled Children. Al Dicker reported on the local Community Chest Drive. Collections for the drive have reached the sum of $1322 which according to Chairman Virgil Gooley, is short of the quota of $2400. Contributions may be left at Fisher Pharmacy, Stiffs Furniture Store, or the Farm ers Union Warehouse. The club voted a cash dona tion to the Marion County Red Cross Christmas baskets far the servicemen. T. B. Endres, who is observ ing his 21st year of business in Mount Angel, furnished the treats for the evening. Legislative chairman. J. T. Bauman gave a report on tiie proposed tax Increase and out lined the proposed changes in taxes and Its effect on the busi ness man. Various methods of enter tainment for the holiday shop ping trade were discussed by members of the business men's club, and President Schmitt in structed the program commit tee to submit plans to be de cided at the next meeting which is scheduled for Mon day noon. Nov. 23. Dallas Dallas Henry Coleman. Polk Co. chairman of the Red Cross blood mobile program, reports that the unit will be in West Salem at the Methodist church from 1 r m. to 7 o.m. Thursday, Nov. 19. West Salem chairman is Carl Persons at 'Persons drug store, j Phone 3-428 as early as pos sible for appointments. ! Mr- Coleman says some of i tne most common uses of whole blood are treatment of shock replacement of blood lost : through excessive bleeding ' maternity and infant patients j anemia, burns and surgery. i The national blood Dronram Is a service of the American Red Cross designed to help I provide blood and blood deri- vatives without charge to the ' County Fair, 4H summer school and the Spring Achieve ment Day. Those winning prizes for their entries in the poster con test were Carol Wstsll, Linda Jungling, Betty Burnett, Judy Johnson, Jauento Branton. . Mr. and Mrs. 'fed Smith were in Portland last Friday on business. P.M. It Breaks Loose Upon the City! Two of the Adventures in Space Your Frightened Eyes Will k . -am UU1 people in the United States who ned them. Mr. and Mrs .Oscar Kline Wheeler visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Effenberger from Friday through Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Bennet the week-end at Gearhart- Mr; and Mrs. H. A. Petersen motored to Lebanon Sunday and called on their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ha worth to see the new grandson. Mrs. Wes Sherman was host ess to the Pythian Sisters bridge club at her home Monday eve - ning.A dessert luncheon was reckless driving and one aerv served to the guests previous I ice man AWOL, Minor traffic to the evening s game. Colorful fall flowers decor- ated the rooms. Guests bidden were Mrs. Roy Wickstrom, Mrs. H. A. Davis, Mrs. John Brown. Prizes went to Mrs. Robert Kreason, who was high, Mrs. George Eberting, second; Mrs. John Brown, low. Traveling nriu was won bv Mrs. Elmo Bennet. Members present were Mrs. Elmo Bennet, Mrs. Wil liam Young, Mrs. C. B. Godlon ton, Mrs. Georgia McClanathan, Mrs. George Eberting. Mrs. El- don aughn, Mrs. Robert Krea son, Mrs. Sherman, and co hostesses Mrs. H. A. Petersen. St. Ann's Altar Society met at the home of Mrs. Donald Page Nov. 9. The business meet ing was conducted by Mrs. Wil liam Duncan and during the busines hour plans were made to hold a rummage sale In the Eakin building Nov. 13-14. Mrs. Fred Toevs, Mrs. Paulin, Mrs. Frank Willson, Mrs. Donald Grub, Mrs. Jack Blaumer, and Mrs. William Duncan were ap pointed to work on the sale. Members attending the "nest ing were Mrs. Onslow Althaus, Mrs. Ralph Lucanio, Mrs. Fred Toevs, Mrs. Robert Rodgers, Mrs. Donald Grub, Mrs. Elmer Goo sen, Mrs. Pauline Aulin, Mrs. Frank Willson, Mrs Wil liam Duncan. Mrs. Robert Rod be rs and Mrs. Ralph Lucanio assisted the hostess when re freshments were served at' the close of the meeting. nwi S-S7M Jane Wyman Sterling Hayden IN "SO BIG" "AFFAIR IN iinuTcriBin" In Technicolor STARTS The laugh -loaded talule to our P.W. heroes!. Stalag17 tuied h tht at) br OmU sum ui Uami 2ND MANOR MONSTER! FROM WHAT Vn-JX INCREDIBLE tf-J X WORLD DID XfcX .. Jt HE COME? --" I WHAT WAS i- : , Ji HIS t -' ' , -s- TERRIFYING 4 , , 8 I tse-CWIfll. r lb-jaL jLLA PLUS: LATEST NEWS COLOR CARTOON "Lebanon Police 'Check Drivers I Lebanon .City police dur I October made 39 arrests, 10 of which were drivers withou operator's license. Six person; were cited for speeding, fiv. were minora in possession o beer, and four had inadequa - mufflers on cars. I Only two drunks were arrest -I led: two for arsault, three fori ; offenses, minors out aner cur- Urw lnd conducting an auction without license accounted for other arrests, including one made on a warrant held by an outside law department During the month officers in vejtigited D v, wrecks and two hit and run cases. Eight miss ing persons were located. Six stolen bicycles were recovered. Police fouer 25 doors open at night in the business section. Next Friday al FRIDAY THE 13th (hase-fhe-Jinx Horror Show! AFRAID OF. . . Block Cats? Under-Ladder - Walking? Spilling Salt? DON'T BE! ATTEND OUR BIG CHASE THE JINX MIDNIGHT SHOW FRIDAY THE 13lhl Regular Prices! TODAY! ftornnf WILLIAM HOLDEN 00N TAYLOR J OTTO PREMINGEK aiu." ' n-oandwdtantMIt BIUY WILDER Wrrttai tor at K'm It SILIV WIIOCI MS (OWN SLUM Tncrolu A Psnwugst Picture BIG HIT TODAY!