Fat 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL.' Salem, Oregon Wednesday, November 11. 195 J Agricultural Clinic Dated November 13 discussion of the sublet and talks concerning it slated 1m mediately following. Moore uyl the clinic will be doted with a tour of the new OSC dairy products lsboratory in Wlthycoiub hall. An agricultural clinic, spon sored by the atxlcultu and (on Bankers Aasoeir.tion and I Final Week for Crop in extension ci v tc, viciim Stats Collesa will be held November 13 at OSC, reports Tames C. Moore, OSC exten sion conservstion specialist. Moore, progrsm chairmen, says the clinic is one of two held esch yesr to brtnf up to date agriculture end forestry information to members of the Oregon Bankers Auoeiation. The morning session subject will be "Costs and Efficiency in Production" with discussions to be given by OSC staff mem bers. A general diicussion con cerning the subject will be led by Herbert A. Pollard. Klam ath Falls branch. First National Bank of Portland. A. L. Strand, president of Oregon State College, will wel come the visitors during lun cheon and J. E. Blinkhorn, ag ricultural representative of the U. S. Natior I Bank of Port land, is to discuss future pro grams. The "Agricultural Outlook" it scheduled to be the after noon general subject with i 2956 SIZES 20 Distinct Style! Here's an easy-to-maks wits many different lal To be made with set-in Bhirred neckband or with scoop neckline and tacsea on sea-iaonc cut-out flower I Appuque in cluded m pattern. No. 5 is cut in sites 10. 13. 14, 1, IS, 30. else It: Either style takes 4 yds. M-ln. fiend 30e for PATTERN with Name, Address, S'.yle Number and Site. Address PATTERN BU REAU, OaplUl Journal, 691 Mis sion Street, San Francisco a, Calif. Patterns ready t fin aiders im mediately. For special handling af rder via first clan snail Include an astra 5c per pattern. Also available the 1963 - M FALL-WINTEt FASHION BOOK, beautifully illustrated in COLOR and presenting ovtr one-hundred new fsshlons to bridge the sea eons. Easy-to-make practical pat tern designs for every age and type of figure. Order your copy now the price Is only lie. Protection Contracts Unprotected farmers in Polk, Linn and Marion Counties have until November 18 to place an all-risk loss floor under their 1954 crop plsnting, 1. was sn nounced this week by Earl Johnson, sales manager of the area. "The door will then have to be closed until 1854," said Johnson. "We want every eli glble farmer to have a chance at the program." Under the federal contract, which functions under Con gressional mandate, a nominal valuation approximating the total production cost It placed on the acreage ahead of the planting date, he explained. If the crop is ruined or damaged by the elements or other na tural causes, the policy holder receives the difference in the form of an Indemnity, Iniur ance for farm crops has been in strong demand because of the soaring production costs that have come with greater mechanization, even though cropping hazards have main tained a fairly constant level he added. As many farmers as possible are being contacted by field representatives. Those farmers who are missed may file appli cations at the county PMA of fices, Johnson explained. MISSING BODY FOUND Reedsport VP) The body of Richard Orville Haga, who disappeared November 1 while boating, was found Monday in Tahkenitch lake 10 miles north of here. Emll Anderson, who lives In a houseboat oen the lake, saw the body and notified police, Carol Curtis Pattern a WORKWITHASMHIl w 'X 129 New Pancake Beret. The smart est "pancake" of the year la flat, colorful, crocheted, flattering, easy to make! Ours is done in worsted spot yarn in dark red, lipstick red and a sort oi Durousn red. Crochet It with a double strand of one color, a single strand of each of the other colors for gayest effect. Use navy with varyti.g blues, smoke grey with two darker greys; champagne running Into the deep beige shades, white, black and two tones of grey. Do it In all black if you like It's good looking In any color! It can be made in one and one-half hours! Send Soc for the CROCHETED PANCAKE HAT I Pattern No. 1291 all crocheting instructions. YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER (o CAROL CURTIS, 653 Mission street. San Francisco 6, Calif. fr.!.... - Chewing does it y riyt Crt a hsppy little lift. Chew Wrily Spearmint Cum. Helps you nine Job. ..! ACU70 J KOOM ft BOARD- BTAhern M HERES A FUNNV TWN6 HAPPENED. f ViP' OHNO JUDGE ME AN LER0 HAD A JUNIOR DON'T TELL 1 RASSLIN' W01KOUT THIS WORNIN ME THAT BLAST.' I AN' I TRIED MY PlLE-DRlVER. NOW YLVvf SPOILED HOLD ON HIM""TH' JOLT TO HIS EVERYTHING' 7 MEAD MUSTA UNTIED A KNOT IN MIS BRAIN. BECAUSE HE HASTED 7 SFEAkiN English again I TH'SM0Ck: CURED sTT 5vJ him of talk;n- rorNrtiA B VK Pv LANGUAGE 'yV' 4SA the Play is being J VV? ; V0 ANCIENT jj I STEVE KOPEK I ' I . i-liMvi IT M I? A nrj V ti f J I i H A M 1 T -m"'' -Jt-tKy j i If , vl l W snoDui.nvi..Tuc f itLL 1 radio mike wmlE r "shave'.- TVuS wTI s-aaew w " .,. ItNOSGN CFCCPi AVD Wfil ill I OLD 6ENT HAD TWO CAB OF ALL CBEP HAiS ITCHES mTZ lac. csrvAs iu uiau- )Vrem III 'II IJSI. VI r 11 I mi ft I -J S- , nr; . .... . . , . - . dSWTjjM?!7Jl f s awJay.j: j-Lp1fia- ,v i l(&r tPs7 I2:14e..s Liu oa it nm iu kw sm " w ffJZftokSstEl TSSm k m lOraTfn. I flP&'fl&Jlf' '! ' f tR ' "TTesi a wi Hint. KmT juTwnt aVtm ei t siMfT l:0el'l WI- OSS, Fit Girls IbviSm SmI N. WftrlS ,, rUttU j15l TrxraM lul HUM licCUb TAIM Is MM ' Tw Tlaa P 11 , , I 1-sa Or. Pall SUIefe'. SMrH rr Clrla Ij.ck lf.ls.r PIUfM I I - -4 rrri en H arr rMi trf t I l.., . law.i I Milt taiw iurim, rr ci,u airta S,M " caaiaiar )kuaflMttwi wokt I CAjrsl MHNoCrMMoc'cmpMr jhwofcmAeyJ COM' IIS ;'"..T EST.. PstV."" KnifiMfiMua f rairYKUrUi Kwairhiiu' uu luuwaisvM iiaMauinidl a.sy.0us . JrtKJiX M l ""7. V.' ?SI . I;"?: P." L"rr II -' . - f rviMiii. , V vn.B r. 4 ivn I I nun . ,n r w . t , i ,m. whi I rvifwiw I CJr rSMCjKi I L " . . - - , hamm r Mwm IracaTua arrssviao;9 1 lu-iuf vunll m.iw uataa , w. I I UIAirv AuiAi.a,sia lj aarK I vliiwv I wIfSO i-u,Hiu rf sairia lun tin hiliiii l.i.m m, I sm I lwrJi1",",,,7"nUwl rsynftprviwT wss I iwi w iwmsr 1. 1 Ml4. V Aware?' I J . . m g.aa ilJl "T I iiBKllggla- I - .1 ORrnAN ANNIE 9:0(1 r.ib.r aai,b !o..r,. r,i. H.rj, Trs,b V:i3 lafl Bill nai.ncs uiam m.,.., n.w. I D I n WP " S "33 :30 CaaAuiM Ga ritkftt B.r.ll. IM..I, Tr.fk KM. I ' V-LJ U 11 rW.YES-OOOOOU) 0H41-0OrT f HM-KRBMB.THe'tWME Bosrro y :s ll.r.H....in. wu-r I f weu-.weu. istt rr erys ime A K. Kwa. lowHS-aaMt! lst tmsn ask L I tt "3TH-suvczv?cxwM9r io:Matri, s-su, ruai rui i.iV.i... u.i. (..,.. rk.i I I t tA,K.KWMffli. I peptRSHCigons II ouster TweuuwE-u. Me y r l knows who shot tKRr wiu. io:i5sMrt. ni d cm. u..n tiim,k m.i .., , a Kfi CToDTMC m Rial n I Tr, UMDfi nirr U CM i miiii ru I ajcewUE- I I u-.up aam-v a, . .n. i 1 f 7 fl .ark. N.,1 ,.a... n . -u -ri-u N,a. O.bm e.,t M HMSELF UPCVCP TV I eANSSTBtltM M II I1D.IN MMUrLS. tm CUKTl I Ik . ' I 10:45 F.rl... Orcbnlra nM Tin NUStun Dfta- P.rlr f I eOOtEWT IOU.1NC- J TM8 STTfTrt-OM. I P V. I" "V I C'M'a If V, y 11:00 N,w. n,.r. ShDe Tlaa Klrtlasn Naelama f'fr , H6 Ofy COULD II -J-lS-aas m m "XJI 1 I U ir V ll mm ' r"l LI' : H:1S Iwaa MeCall acar4 Shap Danea Tlaa MaMa Naalaraa ti-lT- VaLJr irj""1" 71 b S 1 SroJI if JRS l'-i J 1 ll:3iairc...,ii s.c. n..,. Tia.lM.,i. Nc.r.. r.iJ,"-E,.-?-l I I 1 ID U . 11 f Tl I A KI HI W YeltM tr 1I:S5 ini, C..n,ll I IU.. Danca Tlaa Halla Naalaraa mm IrwSi mA i bMmw f. V ' " I Nji ' ' 1 B JC Ai I I 1 -e tT :00ina,a Waal iniOniii rara H.ar N, praakfaal Waalara 1 mrM I 1 S- 2-1 m aaawVarar Ai I V V lABiYal -e l t'.lSlOava Wart KOIN alack rara Haar Tlaakaapar I Naak MalaSa W7 A I H f I II jT I 1 I f A lqw ' AT S:30 Oaa Wart KOIN Black Para Haar N.wa Braaklaal Fa,a Nal 1 gM I I IV l ' Bar" ILyXll I 7 r '"m Tl" t"" eilll a Carl Saak Van J eS K ' r ajaab. a. I It lL I B I 1 Ay fc . -iui rt-. aait.r koin alack In.. Hninm, ar.'.kt.,t Knrn aiub laT 1 I - e"-l I ' N aaaaV I jjMZ. J lj 7:15 Jahnar Will Newa M. Arcamkr Braakla,! Naak KO(0 KM W 2J Skat I ", H 1 1 t 1 I M ... g t7 IJ 7;30 Nawi Ne Bab GarraS Brtaklail Braaklaal KIK OKI.ck ' . I aaasra, aaaaaaW a I ilmmmr mmwm0S-2 laaaaaaaaaarlj 7.45 K. Maaalai B. Bakblll B.k U.i-a Ne.a Naak BOCOBIaab LIL ABNER . B:IMrO!a Baaaa Naara Rr-.kfa.t r.HI Rr.walN.a. KnrA Kt.-a &MUT-5 CAIN'T COMt TRUE J t. 4 ? tVOMtl-OtW ) 7 VT MARIWN KTDI 1 ci LE Bk -3- .... ,..,, -ON ACCOUNT NOHOCV J Z-IA S?l iNTS' IGOrHERtE A5vTM?Ng rjOl"" W. War,.. V... Dr. S..,a Baa KIN OUT-PUN U , ' RACE') S VORE LI'l. iftwANTjrr) Jlljlaiar. Wlto. . J MirtlUl c...,.i.r, BatarSa r W.jTh IJ tw-t- HELT WANT4."; 9:30lB.aa..a H.I.. Tra.l Daabk ar raalar Call S-..b. a.,'. yv r-yWl V55?' V 7 j irlL 9:45Baaaca Cal SaaSar Walbl.k Bar.al. r.,..a. BtcarSa ."?&tmJ Vi'l t IL tt - n kilFm. S!?!""1 " fC- O. Bars, Naw. Sara TrfS' XVkJ - TnWrrrs, 't- .P IPiiJ'zX . !S :2?l '" airs Dr. M.ln. MrTraa M..I, Mr. a.rlha Bara M.Tf") jJv.tit -JZZ- I rSti jilmlr ' Slrlka Blrb Gala. Llibl SlarF Mail, Mr. m,lh. K.carSa Ivii 1 I r' "1 t'lCSflVi TssXX V SlflTV' Vrtt XmXtrt C""V A-N .,:Wrk Mra.BarlanWhHa.riai L.JI,.- Fair Saw. ian fOaatJ -rVTSfZf Ire. V 1.1 W itralanfeN Jl!- H:t5lNlwarb F. Brl.hl.r Da: Kaap Karbail p., S.ia.r Bataraa M" ntxvSl role '""f "L, A, ;. Naw 1 Kj f,, b V 11 iMl HOPALONG CASSID '. Ma.l.i t.u, Haaitallaai U:M, sua I Fr.ack Haalai I f. Oil Sh.lli :, Far a-Vty.. :jm-r 1 , . . . 2" 1 'Hftwia A j-tlt -aaffVf Q-6LORY Be .' FOR SEVERAL 7H' STAGE THEN WEU WAIT . KEP STARTING EARLY DESERVES VACATION &EEN THROUSH ) AINT VOU THAT VWiEiS HOIYEtT V AND vdikS T 6ET "HUOT 7 Roberts, 11, asked his father stein cow owned by KansLS HERE VET T V CASSIPV FELLER WHO'S OU ANSWER MISTER w T 6ET hukw for money to buy bubble gum State college has completed a .jjjrfjk KTEP IN EJCKSKIN FOR-- My QUESTkOH.' 7v CASSitM". 7& 1 for his classmates when told he production record of 518 i lnaaii i ' tftn -1-fa-k. "RD )7 was S0'" hve 1 new broth- pounds of butteriat and 14,217 eft? ffljtl&A?! Ssfc$B HW S f5"2fi' ' iTl ' 'M-foL er or "ster- pounds of milk in 322 days. j BTCorl Anderson MUTT it JEFF " - "TyifQff J' . I CAUGHT VOU, V I JUST WENT VOUOAN T GET I AFTER ALLl f NEXT TIME KEEP ' I I W l1 f f S0SH, I HOPE THE ( MUTT.' WHERE: J DOWN FOR A MOuR HAlR BOSS, THE VouR OIlD JOKES ggAT7 , JT TOt---. 'S5?''.i:-air PUT ,W HEAOl " O05g YSUR EVeS .' "TH AT... THAT'S J I VOu RE SO TIRED t...t CAN'T... ,7T I ".VL DONALD "'w i'Jdor. CM a i i a j Kit l ; , a i i IJ. Grow old 7. Permit PiAlGltOb'tl NHS I T Fl ciLisT I A Qkte 1 Q&z&j iiJsisr 3iovr& jMMll&TSa ii- v a, ti!?hT i3Z2ba -: Jt.ES.SS? SSUlt- .iut,.aY..,.rtJ.y..pUB,. ;JI ?JS. I"XYS. AjviiJ IT't lrvv aVWElfj, v-fcr LelVw2 la.TsbleUnrl 4.Bow jJ.C, ' CLll rp Crna?"l tti'irJ MART WORTH niUajaAiiiL k utiiLlU LL1. t L !J'W WTtl.THKftWVItet A I ION 6E THCOWS TO OCN OF CUVN'tLS: r MtKt NlcOMtSI" OH, NO- . s, ATTCAirTioN'rr y"aa--tw- W .-,fc-.a Skaraaa-V atF BT 'ia-VB a. fs5 "'s5TS?gH'fsjSS a-i' n "anikr, bh ll m . i I -i ixvl ' r r..nu. .-.nrc ur arrrruiu . "OH.K r T. m3 a,Tw SarTu, ' WTME. YOU MAV HAvt Ht DIDN'T HAt TIME TO CHANGE.' r rvi:n.liii.iYl 1 y WALTrC CALfM:' I rsTrrmFn f,-c r.Av Ar-weTK. I VJ ' RUT SV roOl1- A-.D vvOA'E."! v ' J J l I' r'H7 I I' I" I' t- 7j 13 -r S 737i " - .. - 35" T7-p7-rn s 3j -jj L- , ' v :'' n "W ii ( r'7"r"7r' " rr . 7T 7 - 7$ :JT ,l ri, tl - A S. Fresh-water porpoise 1 Civet a wrong idea T. rreoch wins t. So miT It be t. Chest bona 10. Wins 11. Norse fod 1. "John a 11. Pilot 23. Blunder ' Vat 28. Everybody 27. Beverat a 2. rru.t 30. Barked Jl. Poorly 32. Born 33. Mske isee 34. Attempt 38. Senior 40. Bouquet 41. Bird 42. Lost from a container 43. Hriilla 44. Bsrd 45. Pouch 47. Former Presidents nirknsme i 4. Crchin SO. Permd of