Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday, November 11, 1513
Pact 17
Man Paralyzed by Spine Wound in 1918
Boston l Tht dawn of
Armistice Diy 1853 will ilnd
Albert L. Schcnk, former
infantry urgent, almost ex
actly it he wu when the guns
went silent Nov. 11. 1918, In
pain. In a hoipltal bed, uf
fering from the effect of the
game wound.
Only now he may be deep
ing, instead of unconicioui
from a German bullet in hit
pine, and the bed li in a vet
eran hoipltal here, not in a
war-torn French town.
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen will present another In series
"Life Is Worth Living" on KPTV at 7 o'clock Wednesday
Wednesday Sports on KOIN-TV:
Pabst Fijrhts, 7 p.m. Willie Troy vs. Randy Sandy,
10 rounds middleweight bout from New Capitol arena,
-Washington, D.C.
Wrestling from Hollywood, 10 p.m. Semimain: San
dor Szabo vs. Jack "Sockeye" McDonald. Main: Gino
Garibaldi vs. Rito Romero.
Wednesday Night on KPTV:
I Married Joan, 8 "Tropical Fish." Brad takes up the
hobby of tropical fish.
My Little Margie, 8 :80 Margie agrees to help a e
cretely married school chum hide her baby.
Kraft Theatre, 9 "The Threshhold," stars Eddie
Binns, Joey Walsh and Marian Seldes. Story concerns
the problems of young people who stand on the threshhold
of growing up.
This Is Your Life, 10 A detailed story of the life of
some individual selected by Ralph Edwards.
Cavalcade of America, 10:30 "Man Who Took
Chance." starring Richard Denning and Rhys Williams.
Eli Whitney invents a system
the threat of war.
Arthur Godfrey at 8 o'clock. "Strike It Rich" at 9
o'clock. "I've Got a Secret" at 9:30.
Late Films Scheduled:
Showtime on Six KOIN-TV at 11 "Cottage to Let"
' stars Alistaire Sims, John
.Lehman. A storv of espionage.
Nite Owl Theater KPTV
Henry," stars Raymond Walburn and Walter Catlett
Soles - Service - Installation
Open from s a-m. to 1 p ra
Ph. X-1B1J 1140 8. Coml
Salem's Pint Television Store
- On Television
. KPTV (27) -KOIN-TV (6)
10 :0 m. KPTV Dim Denff School
10:U ft.-. KPTV Whift Cooklni?
I;00 ft m. KPTV Hftwklnj PUt
11:11 ft.B. KPTV Tht Bennetti
11:10 i.BJ. KPTV Friend of Fimllf
1J 00 i n. rPTV Whtt'i On Tour Mind
1:00 p.m. KPTV MftilnM ThctUr
3 30 w m. KPTV Oa Tour Account
3 00 p.m. KPTV Kftt tntth
t 10 p in. KPTV Kit) CotUi
KOW-Double or NoLhlot
4 00 p.m. KPTV Welcome TrtwliM
KOIN-etnke It Rick
4 10 . KPTV Th ToreiftlttP
KOIN Oirry Moon
4 iS rm. KPTV Tht Toymaktr
KOIN Variety Time
00 9 m. KPTV Howdy Doodr
KOIN-fiaddle Pkla
I 30 p.m. KPTV Bar 37 Corral
KOW Kit Ciron
4 00 P.m. KPTV Name tht Sana
KOIN Mr. Weatherman
. p.m. KPTV Same tht Saint
KOTH Photo Quia
. 10 p.m. KPTV Sid Porter
rOIN-Douc Kdvarda
40 p.m. KPTV NW Dliwt
KOlM-ThU Ii Your Musi
f .00 I E KPTV B I. hop Chttn
KOI N Troy vi Candy lUht
4 T IO pm. KPTV Cokt Tint
KOIN plthta
T:4ft p.m. KPTV New i Caravan
KOtN PlfhU
1:00 p.m. KPTV I Married Joan
KOIN Arthur Oodfrty
130 P.m. KPTV My Uttlt Mania
row Arthur Godfrey
t 00 P m. KPTV Kraft Theater
KOIN I t Oot ft Kccret
10 00 pm. KPTV-TI-.U ! Your Idte
KOfJ Hollywood Wraatling
U 10 p.m. KPTV Cat lead America
KOTM Wraauiot
. 11:00 p.m. KPTV UUi Hour Ktt
-ahowtima on ii
-NJtt Owl Theater
Technicians on Duty
Till :3t p.m. Dally
MUS. lltb Ph 4.1511
Highest Cosh Prices
Willamette Nut Shelters
Schwtnk regained corn-
ciousness t i x diys after Um
bullet aounded "cea firing'
to find the enemy bullet had
left him paralyted from the
wairt to hi ton. He haa been
that way ever since.
"The doctors a ay I ahould
have died 25 years ago," Sch
wtnk said. "But, here I am,
still around."
In a time when the idea of
rehabilitating a man with
half his body paralyzed was
almost unthinkable, Schwenk
rehabilitated himself. Clever
of mass production during
Mills, Leslie Banks and Carla
at 11:16 "Leave It to
Sales Service
1880$tataSt. Ph.3-7577
10 00 ft m. KPTV Dim Dont Bell
10:30 ft m. KPTV Whftt'l Cooklnf
1100 t in. KPTV Hawklnj Ptllft
11:10 ft m. KPTV Tht Bannttu
11 30 ft m. KPTV Prlend of PamtlT
1.00 p.m. rPTV Matinee Theaier
MS p.m. KPTV Hollywood Roel
3 30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account
1:00 p.m. KPTV Kat Smith
310 p.m. KPTV Kale Smith
KOIN I'll Kur That
4 90 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler!
KOIN Utrlke It Rich
4:10 p.m. KPTV Toy maker
, KOIN Oarry Moon
4 p.m. rPTV Toymaker
KOIN Bob Crotbr
1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody
KOIN Saddle Pali
1:00 p.m. KPTV Ranee Rider
KOIN Mr. Weatherman
II p.m. KPTV Rani t RVder
KOIN Photo Quit
0.30 p.m. KPTV Huntlfie and Plihlrt
KOIN Dour Edwarde Nea
1:41 p m. KPTV North wet t Dtim
KOIN Spot U Scholar
1:00 p.m. KPTV Football H in tee
roIN Cisco Kid
1:30 p.m. KPTV DmaA snore
KOIN Piece the Pace
1:41 p.m. KPTV Neva, Sporti
KOIN Place the Pace
1:00 P.m. KPTV Grouch o Marx
KOIN Meet Mr. UcNulty
I 30 p.m. KPTV Chevron Theater
KOIN Poor Star Playheueo
0 00 pm. KPTV Drat new
KOIN Video PlarhPUM
1 SO p.m. KPTV Pord Theater
KOIN B If Town
10 00 P m. KPTV Martin Kane
KOIN The Plarhoue
11:30 p.m. KPTV Bit Playback
KOIN Notre Dame Pens.
11:00 P4B, KPTV New. 0 porta
KOIN Showtime on Six
11:10 pm. KPTV Weather Vane
11:10 p.m. KPTV Nlte Owl hTeater
Service & Installation
Malorala. Daaiaot. SlafraiaB,
Valley Television
2303 FairgrcwiMb II fh. 2-1913
m C't lirr In Btf
Por Uw RnI fl is Ta
FoMldtry TrmtmaxJ fackDltlftH
Otw Vmtn
t4ll KtMtrt MltirtUy
with his hands, he learned to
be diamond letter while atill
in Army hospitals.
Then ha did the seemingly
Impossible. He left the hos
pital, got married and reared
a child. With little help
from a pension and hi wife
working, Schwenk supported
the family by dragging him
self down the basement stairs
each day and putting in seven
hours at his work bench mak
ing Jewelry.
Schwenk has been in hosp
itals around Boston for year
now, away from his home In
Westport, Conn., hi grand
children and the gardens and
terraces he made himself.
Grand Jury Gets
Thomson Case
Toledo. Ore. UFi The case
of Richard E. Thomson, ac
cused of attempting to kill his
former business partner by
hitting him with an iron pipe
and then sending his car over
a cliff, was turned over to the
grand jury Tuesday.
jnomson was given a pre
liminary hearing in the Justice
court of Wallace Tindall here.
Principal witness at the hear
ing waa James Mueller, the
man Thompson is accused of
assaulting. Mueller testified
that Thomson struck him with
a pipe while the two were en
route from Newport to Port
land Sept. 10. He said he re
membered being in the car
when it went off the road.
State police officer Everett
Hockema also testified. He told
of a statement Thomson made
while being questioned at the
time of the investigation.
Thomson later repudiated the
The grand Jury is to be called
sometime next week to hear
evidence in the case.
Another Oregonian
Dies in Prison Camp
Portland W The death of
another Oregon man in a Ko
rean War prisoner camp was
reported here Tuesday.
The parents of Sgt. Orville
P Phillips, 21, Portland, said
the army had notified them
that Phillips, previously report
ed missing in action on Novem
ber 30, 1950, had died of pneu
monia in a prison camp Jan
uary 1, 1051. Phillips was with
the 2d division at the' time of
his capture.
Gladstone 1 Gladstone
voters Saturday night rejected
505 to 103 $115,000 bond is
sue for a water filter on the
Clackamam river.
Gladstone's water now comes
from the Portland Bull Run
Buy no truck until you get our deal1.
Be cheod en prital Chevrolet trucks are Americcft lowest priced
truck lint! It's easy to find a truck that costs more, but nowhere
else will you find sll the advanced features, all the thrifty power,
all th ruggcdneis and durability you get in a Chevrolet truck,
go ahead en ep rating mtil Both th mighty Loadmuter engine
510 N. Commercial St. '
Same Now
Still the fight goea en
hospital bed.
"I am going home," be said
'Home to my family. I don't
know whan, but I'll get
Credit Losses
Washington U.B The Com
modity Credit Corp., biggest
food buyer in the world,
watched it lone mount to
day despite offort not to throw
the United States' check book
too far off balance.
Its multi-billion dollar op
erations are of major concern
to Secretary of Agriculture
Ezra T. Benson, who hopes to
reduce some of the spending in
the new farm program ha will
suggest to congress next year.
The corporation already ha
toted up a S27.7l.l7 loss in
the two months since July 1.
That's three times mora than
the losses it showed for July
and August a year ago.
If the rate continues, and
chances are it will, losses will
exceed the $148,800,000 esti.
mate for fiscal 1954 by the
time next June 30 roll around,
Bids Opened on
Alcohol Plant
Seattle W) Six bids and a
liquidation proposal were re
ceived by the government
Tuesday for disposal of the ex
perimental alcohol-from-wood
plant built by the Defense
Plants Corporation at Spring
field, Ore., during the last war.
The bids were announced by
C. E. Ocamb, real property dis
posal officer of the "public
building service, General Ser
vices Administration. The plant
was built at an estimated cost
of 3 million dollars and oper
ated very briefly, using wood
chips and wood waste as an ex
pected source of ethyl alcohoL
The Dulian Steel Co., Seat
tle, offered to liquidate the
properties acting as an agent
for the GSA, with the sum of
money involved not being an'
nounced. '
The highest was that by
Western States Development
Co., San Francisco Item A,
$188,500; Item B, $500.
A contract may be awarded
within the next 30 days, at
though the GSA ha 60 days In
which to award one, Ocamb
The Marion County Jersey
Cattle club will hold its regu
lar meeting Sunday, Nov. 15,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Art Buyserie, near Woodburn.
A potluck dinner will be serv
ed at 12:30 p.m., followed by
election of officers. The Buy
serie home is situated on the
Salem-Champocg highway.
vest fine fofe$r
f v I Mat
Social Security
"'Head Chosen
Washington W President
Elsenhower ha Dominated
John William Tramburg, 40, to
succeed Arthur J. Altineyer a
commissioner oi social security-
Tramburg, a republican, has
been executive director of the
Wisconsin department oi pub
lic welfare since 1S50. A na
tive of Fall River, Wis., ha is
a World War II navy veteran,
former schoolteacher and for
mer Juvenile court probation
Altmeyer resigned early
this year. .
Estimate on
'53 Corn Crop
Washington W The agri
culture department, in a late
harvest-time report, Tuesday
estimates this year corn crop
at 3,180,430,000 bushels. -
This is 13,671,000 bushels
leas than lata month's estimate
of 3,186,101,000 bushels. It
compares with lats year'a crop
of 3,216,007,000 bushels and
with the ten-year 1942-51 av
erage of 3,036,380,000 bushels.
The department made no
new estimates for wheat, oat,
barley, rye, flaxseed, hay, dry
peas and hop. Final figure for
the year will ba issued Dee. 17.
Supplementing the corn crop
I a reserve of about 730 mil.
lion bushels from past crops.
laste todays
'. . . you'll know it's the
in ages !
until isisiir ii risoF. s inn iiittu tnini. tiauin um. iil, if.t.
on heavy -duty model and th rugged Thriftmaster angina on
light- and medium-duty models squeeze more mile out of every
gallon of gas. Chevrolet truck cut upkeep costs, too.
le en n tredenl You're ahead with low first cost . a . you'r
ahead with low operating costs ... and you're dollars ahead again
when if time to trade! That 'l becsui Chevrolet truck traditionally
command higher trade-in value. Buy now and b ahead all wayst
OSEA Delegation Goes
To Astoria Convention
A delegation o( mora than
30 members of tha Oregan
Stat Employes Association
from Salem, lad by V, G.
OKill, president, will leave
Salem Wednesday for Astoria
to attend an annual conference
of the group opening Thurs
day afternoon.
M least 150 delegates from
various parts of the state are
expected to be In attendance
when numerous subjects of In
terest to the a t a t employes,
such a salaries and wages, re
tirement benefits, enlarging tha
association staff, and amend
ing tha constitution to strength
en civil, service, will bo dis
cussed. Stat Senator Robert D.
Holmea will be the principal
speaker at Thursday session
while Clint Hamilton, of the
California-Western States Life
Insurance company and James
M. Clinton, state director of
civil service, will be the Fri
day speakers.
Tn uSUlon U Troaloao OK0. tha
rollovtni atato amplarea win W la th,
dalMttton: r. W. rarrar. nerd Qutrv.
oma Huntltr. Carl aobaea. Oartruda
Cbanaarlta. Cacti Haa4 Shlaa. Xalta
Crana and ftar WoUa. all tram tha at, la
htahwar aemnUalon; Xaaaal Kaaair and
XA Llnban. atata tax aommlastea; Janaa
Mlotura. atata iraaaarar'a afltea: Vara
stulkaa asd Robot aiwlataa. aaaralarr
at atata'a alflaa.
Jack rullartaa aad Xaaaaih Caaavtr.
atata , accMant aamwi anion: Haar n.
Woodfcura. Jr aublla ntiutr aawain
atonara ofpeat ft. 9. Baltar and J. U.
WUaan. atata uaaaaalorasaat aomaalaaloa;
David Duntvar, atata archlviat: Vara
alcDaotal, atata foraatrr dapartoioat.
ConavlaTt Mertaa. atata urtaaltar
daparuntnt: Anna Bolt. Xraratt Halt,
Oordon Toanlla and Jamaa Pollar. atata
hoaeltal: nnatn Pataraon, atata wal-
tlsM aJalfeaty I aaary lisullav.
ifcora'i e Chorreloi Initk le l raw aaoSa.
Saiem, Ore.
faro aaaamlailoai Uaala Cax. auto toaar
caloala hoapltait Frad ChajaMaae. atata
aoaitaauarr ana Martna, uarls aad
Jaaoaf anvla a Suta koaM.
Waldo Hills Tha Waldo
Hill Grange and Community
club will give its annual chick
en dinner at the community
hall from 5:30 to S p.m. Satur
day, Nov, 14. Mrs. H. A. Barnes
is general chairman.
Mountain View The Moun
tain View Community club has
cancelled it meeting scheduled
for Friday, Nov. 13 because of
conflict in date. Th meet-
Trod & High '
& v? M
5 . I i 1
J ".Vv
0 I
q '";.'
25 Off List
1 TIM" 17.95
4 TIRES 71.80
53.85 59.85
Wards Deluxe Tires Deiuxe Tubes
Hlte Mat Uit Rale Ust
Price Price Price Fries
1 Tlra 4 Tlrei 4 Ttre, Take
6 40-15 18 85 75.40 56.55 2.82
6.50-15 21.80 87.2Q 65.40 3.06
6.70-15 19.95 79.80 59.85 3.06
7.10-15 21.95 87.80 65.85 3.18
7.60-15 23.95 95 80 . 71.85 3.51
8.00-15 26.35 105 40 79.05 4.22)
6.00-16 17.95 71.80 53 85 2.74
6.50-16 22.45 89.80 67.35 3.13
Pfaa Federal Tas.
Electric Power
Output Gains '
New Tork (V-Electric pow
er output In th week ended
Nov. 1 showed a alight Increase
over th previous week and a
7.6 per cent gain over tha same
week last year, Edison Electric
Institute said Wednesday,
At 8,307,323,000 kilowatt
hours, output for th recent
week compared with 8,161,- '
593.000 k.w.h. th week befor
and 7,806,785,000 year ear
lier. Tha Pacific Northwest was
up 23.1 per cent
lng date was act over to Nor.
17 at 7:30 p.m.
PkoiM 34201
1 TIRE 19.V5
4 TIRES 79.80
raderal T and na M straa.