Paga 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Wednesday. November 11. 1951 iedrcats to Try Stopping iutscSimqini, Tcarpemnraiimg Willamette Has Long Scrimmage FAN FARE y Wail Ditxea "Stop Ad Hutschman and you can stop Llniield" has been the word all season but it Isn't the whole truth. Coach Ted Or dahl of Willamette university aid yesterday. Llniield, the Bearcats' final Northwest conference oppon m, also has Al Tarpenninf, a Junior from Cresham who is fast and shifty at left half and helps carry the load so that It doesn t pay to watch Ruuch man all the time, Ogdahl ex plained. In front of the ace ball pack' era is a line which will out- weight the Bearcats one of Unflelda tackle being listed as 2S0 pounds, Ray Morris. The Saturday game will be at 8 p.m. at McMinnville. Sec ond place will be the reward. Hutschman, a senior full back, weighs 183 and is five feet, nine. He's rough and tough, doing assorted chores for the Wildcats such as kick ing oft passing, punting and kicking points after touch downs, j Butschman is second in rush ing In the conference, behind the rip-snorting of Ted Martin of College of Idaho. He also Is tied for the leadin punting. Willamette had one long scrimmage session yesterday which used Llniield s offense, and also stressed defense against the likes of Hutschman. The best defense, Ogdahl point ed out, is to tackle the Linfield fullback. The Bearcats are in good condition except for Lou Lot land, with an ailing arm, and Norm Dversdal, a sore should- : Salem Swimming Team Will Open Season Thursday ' The Salem high swimming team, coached by Chester Goodman, meets Lake Oiwego Thursdsy afternoon at 3:30 in the local YMCA pool. This will be the first meet of the season for the Vikings. The two schools met twice before the annual state meet with the return engagement at the University of Portland pool Tuesday, December 1. Other dual meets for the Vi kings this year are against McMinnville on Thursday, No vember 10 and West Linn on Wednesday, November 23. The state inset is December 12 at Eugene. The tentative Salem line op is: 40 yard freestyle, pave Socolofsky and Dave Kromer; 100 yard breutstroke, Jim Hardie and Jerry Ellis; 220 yard freestyle, Jim Lawrence and Del Frshro; 100 yard backstroke, Dean Angove and LeRoy Griebenow; 100 yard freestyle, Jim Boudreau and Dave Socolofsky; 120 yard In dividual medley, Dave Krom er and Jim Hardie; 180 yard medley relay, Jim Hardie (breaststrokr), Dean Angove (backstroke), and Del Frahm (freestyle); 180 yard relay, Jim Lawrence, Dave Socolof sky, Jim Boudreau, and Dave Kromer. ' WIL Gives Wenatchee Till Nov. 24 to Decide You Be the Quarterback ANSWER 4. Screen pass. No. Should n't go for big yardage here. And the clock keeps running. 3. End run. You could ex pect only a medium gain, and that ol' debbil Time still is round. 2. Long pass. A good gain If you connect. 1. Run or pass option. This gives your back his best chance here. He can both run and pass. As the defense de velops, he can make his choice. TIDE TABLE Ttaae f.f Tell. Ot...i Ni,.ml..r, IM CarnalM ky . a. Ooa.l a neeSella ...r.r, raiiut, Mlfh Water. Low Welera evemker Time HrleM Tim. Hetaht II S II am II la 01 am .11 44 a aa. I a w lata 41 IS a 44 a m. I i u a a m'. s 4 4 jt am at n u am 11 I I.4T am. 51 t 44 m 4 Ullia II la 1 11 a a. a a II e m 1 1 r 14 r 1 1 inn si S 14 am II 1 am. 4 4 I IT a m swam. II t SMam a 1 10 a m II II I l la a i IS INia. il 'Mas 17 U 47 m m. I I 4 41 a m .1 1 11 ll am. il aa am. 11 II IT am. II I It ., , j SHS j ML 44UJ Victoria. B. C. Western International League directors hsve given Wenatchee until Nov. 24 to decide whether to retain Its franchise in the Class A baseball circuit Ending their annual meeting here Tuesday, directors set the deadline and Indicated If Wen atchee decides against continu ing in the league favorable con sideration may be given to Ta tsma's bid to rejoin the loop. Wenatchee, Yakima and Spokane suffered serious fin ancial setbacks during the 1034 season- When the season ended, Yak-i ima owner Frederick Mercy Jr. announced he was giving up his interest in the club. But he The directors dropped the player limit from 18 to 18, vot ed to allow teams to retain all gate receipts from home games, and agreed to later spring opening date and a Labor Day A closing date. The 1054 schedule and cislon on continuance of the split season was put over until the January meeting at Lewis ton, Idaho. Senators to Train in Salem, Buying Tarpaulin for Infield Bruce Williams, Salem Sen ator baseball club president. said today that the Senators definitely will have their three- Amity and Gervais nis interest in me ciuo. nm nt - n y J told director, her. . group of JQ ay ffUjQV 011 Yakima businessmen will take' ' ' Newberg Gridiron over the franchise. Favors Tacomc If Needed Tacoma attorney B o b e r t Abel, who was returned to his old job as part-time WIL presi dent, said Mercy's announce ment meana "Yakima will be in" in 1854. Abel said if Wenatche de cides to drop out, Tacoma, which yielded its WIL franchise to Lewiston, Idaho, 1932,! should be given consideration.' Sound buslnesmen, he said are backing the Tacoma bid. ". . . . and wth Wenatchee out; C LLA, n,,),!,.. it wouldn't be feasible not to NUDDer-UUDDer The neutral field of New berg has been chosen for the Gervais-Amity state class B football quarterfinal game at 8 p.m. Friday. Amity last week earned the district IB crown on yardage after tieing Verboort, 13-13. Gervais is district 2B cham pion. Amity also won the Class A2 Yawama league title. consider Tacoma." Wenatchee waa not repre sented at the directors' meeting. The possibility that Bob Brown of Vancouver, B. C, who Is retiring as fulltime lea gue president Dec. 21, may buy into the Spokane Indians de veloped after the meeting ad Journed. Indians owner Boy Hotchkiss told re.porters Brown, former general man ager of the Vancouver Capilan os, had expresed. interest in the club. Golf Event Set High handicap players will be paired with low handicap pcrs in a Flubber-Dubber golf tournament Sifnday morning at the Salem Golf club course. The 18-hole Scotch foursome competition will begin at t o'clock with the losing team buying dinner for the winning team at a feast November 19 at the club. Men wanting to enter the tourney are asked to call the clubhouse by Saturday. week spring training here at Waters park starting April 7. Williams and . Hugh Luby, manager,' returned last night from Victoria, where the West, ern International league di rectors met. Salem should be helped con. siderably by the move- to let teams keep all their home game receipts, he said, point ing out that Salem received $18,000 less last year on the road than the year before. A couple player deals are be ing negotiated, Williams noted. The Salem club is going to try to get more exhibition games this spring with Pacific Coast league teams in Salem, and Salem is negotiating to buy a tarpaulin to cover the skinned portion of the infield, Williams added, estimating that eight or ten games could have been saved last season by keeping the infield dry. Williams was elected league vice president at Victoria. Next meeting will be at Lewiston the second week In January to draw up a schedule and decide definitely on size of the league and on a split season oi Shaughnessy playoff. The seo son will open April 29 or 30, a week later than before. ' SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys IVDriTUAL MO. 1 Vailn Mir C. ( J. Turin lT. Q. sVhrartrr 414 A- MeiAtw all. C Fir tar 4M. M. iullocK 4M. sUaraaoaVa Maawtafy U H. aCvood MO. K. CniPEtMB 4M. B. Crarc.aU -U, S. stfUksUU 44. O- BtiMsb 4 ilmt MimfcTteM tmrlM U J. Me- CallUtar U. H attrrall ilt. B. BtUUok 123. - Hun! 141. Cvto'i D-vlrr ) K. va.itaa 4W. L. stasia mi, b. buid 4. J. kMaMrt 13. A- Wrtthl 411. la aava Jew tiara (4 K. Ciark 104. jr. Aikruii Ml. L. Jodm 4fi. a. Oackiaa tot, al. Dinar 444. Ma4ta, BattMr? a o. uu 434, a. cmoi. m. it. Moody J1C. W. Wall 411. M. BanMlMMV Ml. tUWaa PsjUm ( D. NKlMiMt 4tl, A PrtUM W. Da Vail iU, c. Craaay 1. U. Malbara Ul Elfca T. Thorn n- aoa 474. A. Ot.4 444. J. ClrtiuMt, 4.1, L. UcHtncty 4S4. T. K.rr 443. Dm Lav P Arn 431. R. Utti Ul. D. Or Mar 4U, B, PalUt 433. a. Uor4 441. Pul Ckrk. (D J. Bur k hart 111. Jt. BcIiwiCi.lcvMfg 114. J. DaOar II. 1st. Hadltf 4U, D. Ton mob 43. HUB tatvra fmo Bwood'a Uwry. XM. Iliih Wsio. Mrlot Valloj Motor Co., 34M. Htsh iaC iim-B1U Oako ol S av ian. Ilka, 331. Him ted. rla Moward artaoionia ax nation JialWrr, 443. INDl'ITBUL NO. t Back ad WadawartB 44) R. Rttvos an, aiaaiar tu, Bartiiolotatw in, w. Marilti bit. Q. cauati tli. Kiiut Mtraaaaia O. Brcular 431. J. Morlar a. 4. woomirr a, v. wdiu iik, m. Myrra 433 Waal ialra Hardwara (t 0. Bcbmltt 441. H. Wackao 441. J. BchlmlMra Ul. J. Ivla 491, K. Ralna 431. frank Hsjhm 1 mm t n siwooa , t. tBcbrothar 441, I. Boira aO. T. MovU Ul. . Bui lt van 444. Basal 'a Rtal Kalato (117 Sriiss ni. M Amutxla 441, Jt. HU1 4fl, O. Wll llama 414. T. Olbion W$. MrCanta TA asues i b. i nompaoo 472, w. Ue Cuna U4, L. Odom 411, . WllkaUa tMt. 11. Comatock 47. Brava'a Jawelan (4 V. Raitcto 441, . Earavall 474, J. Tarlor 447. u. IB 471. Valkr Oil Cm. (4i J. Mann ot A. Warntr 444. M. Uod 43a, D. Vaaia rartlaad Oaa and Cak (ti L limrita 430. T. Jndarsaat 434, B. fltalar J4 J. Kaller 433, L. WaitpbaJ 4C0. Baa Paila laaaraat l R. BAaU Hi. H. Bcblck 371, D. rrjr iU, b. Bart 433. B. Sullivan 60S. laalHaa- laaka Ua. (1 H. Laodli 4W. . Motdurfl 41. C Han bum all. u KronwaU 411. B. Nckvon 41. Haa Bra taara M. Carttr SiS. R. Cot 430. uarittraea led, r. Rcrnalda aid. a. Nuta ito. Hitta Warn iimi and airifa-sTsnnvs Raal Batata. n and 3547. Hlih led. ffamt-Otona Muaa o( Uott Brother. 31. HUh lod. aarlaa . 4. Tarlor ot Brown'a Jtwiltra. i7. University Alleys HCRCANTILS LEAGI1S ntf'm Aaumatlva ill Dutolt 411. Up. Ouira 141. Ken 491. Carr 411. Mot 4S1. Utrr rarmacy ID Uvutty all. Col lin. 411. Dooalaaea 444 Hopllnaer 43S, Smith 411. . man SI Viae Donald 441. Da- uecr 3ie. Ollaoo 4T1. Flint 411, Bias.. . 511. Marlaa race a Sas 111 laau 411. 1 SalaWr afeMirla ISI-JaratlM 4T. feU Cua an. CMin M. Into 4U. ait ma4 Lamaaa Ca. (II H. Wak 411. a amtlaoa 411. r. WM SSI, aakaau 414. n. auniaaa su. OaarMl Taaaaa 4IL. BaraT S44. Daliaa Itl. D. M.rtfy 114. CTaacfatl Ml. SaracS Malara itl Wa'ia all. Haal. char 444. Orlcaa 414. WlaMt 444 D7aa a l.aa laaaraaca (4) Simoci 104. SWUar 444. Roau 444, Talaol 441. Uortm all. aamlaataa SUaa, laa. Ill CoUuna MS. Wuiiara set, SlaaMa 47a, Haraaa SM. aprlaia 111. Hun aad aarlaa Buanr EunnaU al Slamaia'4. 741 aad ST1. Jlicli taaaa aama aad aarUa Ramua'l. 114S and SMS. a ana taaa saw far aaa- LADRS CUSSIO UAOCS karu Biaa. (II Alaihtra 4Tti Jack aoa M4i reaaaal Sin Allarliht 4S1. Oaaa laaaraaca nf (SI Uaataa 441: Lais OT: Colrla 111: Bradln Jl; KIchM 411. Carr'a Sllaaiaad MarkM (4 Lalnriard 44li Hoaflaiar 413: Murray 414: Law laaa 444: carr 4U. Cklaa Cllr ia Tna naa III: Lamka 144: Hlll.rlca 111. Ada 411: Orlmm 434. . arrald rkiuiaat 4 Xrajcl 104: Oar. barlna III: Curry 441: Laird 411: Mu4U naupt 114. Claaaara III Rounda 111; Hauacn 4Mi Pallra 40S; Loken 311: Kunka 111. Laa'a riaa Can IS) M.rr.U 311: Ralnka 311: Aaron: Oraanlaa 341; Or. .nice 311: Link. 44. Slmmaaa lia. Arey. (tl Jobiuon 311: Haley 441: Weoa 311: Orafllua 111; amltta 411. Hlih Uam aarlaa and lama. Barrold rhllllpol. 3411 and III; hlih Ind lama uw aynaa, v. roaaani. IN and 131. Savage Threatens Pinion's Lead in OCC Rushing Race Loren Savage, Zastern Ore gon college back, can win the rushing title of the Oregon Col legiate conference by gaining 12V net yards against Wen atche Junior college this week nd. Savage is 128 behind OCE's Chuck Pinion, who finished the season with 670 net yards In 121 carries. There were no leadership changes In passing, punting or scoring, either. In rushing, however. Savage took over second ahead of Stewart or Portland State by gaining 104 yards last week. "statistics: Indlcatai oaaaon comptatad. BUSHING TC C- L Mat rinion, oca in mi 39 111 Savaia, KOCB 11 141 1 143 aiawart. PSC H 131 411 Canada, OTI , oarrett, mc ..... 'Davla. OCK ..... 'Araola, OCI Oaaaun. OTI .... 411 IM ..... II 441 .... T 401 as in ii 141 ..... Tl 111 H 341 AMINO A C Int. O L Nal rvatan. rsc .... 34 s r II 344 Oacaa. OCt ,. SI IS S 113 S 113 Harrm, OCB ... H II I 1H. I HI Dark, OCB .... 11 S Ul It Ml rUKTINO Ornalln. OTI Piatoa. OCB . rcnlaa, Pac .. Plnloii. OCI ... ataaart aavaaf. IOCS .. -Canaaa. OTI .. Ocntua. OTI . . Dunn. OTI .... Oarrett. PSC ... Owena, OCZ ... Parian. SOCK .. Booth. OCB ... Harei. OCI ... Harmon. I OCI , Keverman, PSC Rider. PSC Ara. ITS Ul TO PAT TP Duck Pins MSN'S CITT UAGIB Dayla OU Ca. (1 E. OmonuBdro SOS, R. Scharf 411. J. Adama 111. o. ni.n. tan 443. 1. Dayla 441. or. Pepper ID J. Uerrlmaa III. J. William, au, B. Lanta 411. . Lcpper 431, B. MeOulra 111. Wlllaeaclla Art Til. (I) . Sctioli 411. M Jaeokar SH, I. Bulb 331. B. Hiker 401, A. Mayer 431. Praaty Olaaa (SI B. wnlu 430. P. B4rker 411. C. Waldlns a. uaauna i.e. r. W304 441. Madera Waedaca (41 L. Dolla 111. B. Tlullade 411. a. Warner 111. c. Caoaa 313. r. Haaae 111. OaaUly Caed Care III P. anelarora 406, I. ahort 131. B. an4lcroy4 104, p. MlU4r al, M. Van OeU Waadraffe'e Baa Shea (4) O. Prank aua, b. nail jiz. aye 31Z. D. awarta I: W. prink 314. Laa Newmaaa Porfelt. Kayo Badla a TV (1 B. Oautbler aia. X. Henaai 411. O. Oeaa 411. B. Harold 343. X. Kara III. Dyer lac-ranee 131 B. Schar! 443, I. prya 444, M. Palai ITS. M. Pollnakl 404, A. Penny 441. Uam aarlaa Dyere Ineuraaee. 3341. HlsU team lama Kaya Radio. 101. Hlih lnd. aarlaa and same M. Van Dell. Quality Uaed Care, 330 aad 111. Football Scores (Br Tba Aaaoc .t. rtta Lei.i.oD VaUay 1). AlbrUht . enippcntoun jo, cnaner "Pi t T Lindsey-Engtrom Duo Romps on Vagnone, Eric The ponderous Luther Lind sey accounted for both falls of a wild -eyed Australian tag team match last night at the Salem Armory as he and Carl Engstrom defeated Red Vag none and Eric Pederson. The vain and arrogant Peder son was elevated to the main event when it became known that Jack O'Reilly, usually Vagnone's partner, is in a hos pital at Oregon City with rib injuries suffered grappling with Danno McDonald in Port land. Llndsey and Engstrom took the first fall, Lindsey drop kicking Vagnone and pinning him with a flying swan dive In a rough-house fall. Pederson evened it up by using a stepover toehold on Engstrom, pulling him away from the ropes so he could not tag Lindsey In, hurting. Eng Strom's leg. Lindsey came out for the third fall to give Pederson's leg and knee a workout, Lindsey throwing regulation foot ball blocks on the arrogant one In between leg twistings until Pederson hsd to quit. McDonald and Hardy Krus kamp fought to draw in a hard match in the semi-wind-up. David Jons, from London, de feated Doug Donnan in 17 min utes of their one-fall special event, using a standing back-breaker. 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Does it have the extm protection of GMCi self-energizing brakes? The extra comfort of GMCs "Six Footer" cab? The handling ease of a CMC's ball-bearing steering action? I f all the answers are "yes," you have rtal bargain a GMC And thera re 19 handsome V to 1-ton models to choote from. How can you lose? Umi'd fa4feaar mm mlf Dllef tfey arWirai, afwweW at eaaaVaw aaoM wat mm ag Ham, 1 f . a ammV ' JgSfi WW? S )i 'this'" 'Retire m DBC0ABBR S4 stronger than ordinary tires. Modern, fast topping tread. Every tire brand new, perfect tn every way. Trade your old. onsaic tiro itmny lui . acr. tm ucnfjai ciycm-omiciy lam. yua fataf. IVTa it A j , . . remember. Winter wear a slowest wear. Put thorn on today and wW -ATKA5 QsA Hct ItKMat q enjoy extra thousands of safe miles. Meaatiag aad wfslflwdlig TRUCK SALES & SERVICE CO. 555 No. Front St. Solem, Ore. Yoti'H do bHr en e aiacf 'ruck wi'fh your CMC rfinfir NO IXTRA CHAtGi rOK THISI CONVINtENT TERMS a 1 -O Long Terms If Desired- As Long as One Year to Pay! jj State Tire Service 710 State Sired Phone 2-2459 n (Across from the Elks Club) naDODDDDDDDDDODQDDODODDDDDDDDQ DO