Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1953, Page 15, Image 15

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Salem, Oregon,
By A. C. JONES, Copitol
There's Taylors toe to bick us
He'i Salem'i Tsagalakis;
And we've got three coaches true
With a team you can't outdo;
We'll make a rambling wreck, by heck.
Of the football crew from Benton Tech.
Friendshlo U only pigskin deep, it will be proved Friday
night when Salem High and Benson try to atop each other.
We pointed out recently that Coach Lee Guttafson of Salem
played football with Ralph Harper, Benson coach, at Franklin
High in 1938 and 1939. Gin wai right halfback. Harper a
tackle and Ted Ogdahl of Willamette U. waa lefthalf on the
jamt outfit.
Ogdahl pointed out that Al-Gray, Salem line coach,
played at Benson high ichool, graduating In 1945. His
older brother. Bill played at Benson, then at Oregon
State with GnsUtson and Harper and the trio played
together at USC while aervlng In the Marines In 142.
Bill was an All-American at Oregon State in 1946.
Now the plot thickens there are other Grays unrelatedi
At Roosevelt High in Portland there were three Gray brothers
who played some pretty hot football. Joe, known as the Gal
loping Ghost or the Gray Ghost, was All-American at OSC
In about 1936. Dick is now junior varsity coach 'at Benson
and played at OSC as safety one year during the war and three
years after the war. And then there was Gene, who be
came hero of the transplanted Rose Bowl game Jan. 1, 1942,
when OSC nudged Duke at Durham, S.C., by catching the
pass for the winning touchdown.
Six members of the Franklin team in 1938 and 1939 have
Joined the coaching clan and all in Oregon. Besides Ogdahl
at Willamette and Gustafson at Salem High there are Mush
Barbour at Woodburn, Franklin RcMandt at Medford, Bill
McCluskey at Washington in Portland as basketball coach
and Dick Hildreth as C grid squad mentor at Washington.
Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that Vera Gilmore,
Salem athletic director, is a Benson alumnus.
M 11 W n
Whether the great bell of victory tolls or groans for
the Vikings in the playoffs or not, Gustafson believes be
has the "best bunch of assistants In the state" in Gray and
Backfleld Coach Hank Jnran. When It comes to knowing
their fundamentals, the local prep players are second to
, none and It was Gray and Juran who did the groundwork.
Team spirit is born of confidence, and confidence groweth
from developing the ability to block and tackle, as any psychia
trist, with or without a couch, can tell you. Gray, for example,
gets down and digs with his linemen to show them how,
teaching them the finer points while in-tilling the desire to
drive, drive, drive. During a game each assistant watches
his own department and makea his own substitutions when
he tees the need subject to veto of Gustafson, of course.
Juran played at the University of Idaho and Gray at OSC
as center, linebacker, gusrd and right half.
David Jons -came from the foggy wharves of London to
Wrestle in Salem last night, by a roundabout route but
nevertheless his -British accent was there in the ring with
him. We cornered him after hia match with Doug Donnan and
put the question to him: "How do you get away from your
ivife so long?" His answer: "No wife."
Jons served six years in the Royal Air Force as a pilot,
more than four years overseas in places like Egypt and Ken
yon. He got his physique swimming, diving snd weightlifting
and turned pro wrestler in 1947.
After winning the British Junior heavy "mat belt he
toured Europe aeveral times where, he says, people really
like their wrestling. In Spsln he emerged from the tunnel
to wrestle in a ring erected in a bull fighting arena
(against a man, not a bull) and found 35,0tt people In
the itatlds. "Frirhteninr." h rhinnt in
Jons tame to the United
appeared in Miami, New York,
off the injury list recently.
"Tally ho."
When Amity and Verboort
playoff berth and it was decided
was fairly close. Amity had 365
Viking Basketball Squad
To Have 6 Lettermen Out
Four leUermen are out for land the following with topho-
Dasneioau at saiem nign school
snd two others will report af
ter football season to start
practice for the opening game
Dec. 4 against Roosevelt here.
Cokch Harold Hauk also has
four prospects from last year's
junior varsity and 12 with so
phomore team experience from
which to build another strong
Hauk said that the sopho
mores will report to Ken Bro
phy Monday. Brophy has been
coaching the football Jayvees.
' Lettermen are Gordon Do
mogalla, first team guard last
year; Jim Knapp, first team
guard; Tom Pickens, first team
forward (still playing foot
ball); Larry Springer, forward:
Wayne Erlcksen, forward; and
Herb Triplett. reserve guard
(playing football).
Also out are Marvin nnine,
leading soph scorer last year,
Field Hirpected M
Wednesday, November 11,
Journol Sports Editor
States last December and hat
Seattle and Portland, comingl
tied 13-13 last week for a
by yardage gained, even that
yards to Verboort'a 238 4.
more experience: Bob Wulf,
Jim Whitmire, Jack Marshall
Denny Olson, Stan Page, Dan
Luby, Neal Schcidel, Phil
Burkland, Herb Juran, Nick
Error and Don Zen
Of these, Scheidel, Burkland,
Juran, Error and Zey still are
out for football.
Ones with Jayvee experience
are Jerry Olson (out for foot
ball), Don Crothers, Dick An
derson and Gary Patterson.
Tallest aspirants are Dlek
Anderson, 8 feet 5, and Bob
Wulf, feet 4, thus posing a
problem of not having height
with experience on the squad
as a whole.
Detroit, I) Horton Smith
of Detroit will head the Pro
fessional Golfers Assn. for an
other year and the i954 PGA
tournament will be a
play affair, at in 19S3.
1 ?
1953 Page 15
Linfield Cuts
Chico State
Off Schedule
M c Minn ville, Ore.
Ch a r g 1 n g "unsportsmanlike
conduct,," Linfield college
Tuesday broke off football re
lations with Chico State of
The school canceled a sched
uled 19S4 game. with the Cali-
fomians, declaring in a letter
. . . nothing could be accom
plished at this time in planning
for a return game with youri
The action resulted from last i
Saturday'a game here which
Linfield won 20-13. Three Chi
co players and one from Lin
field were removed from the
game in the fourth Quarter.
Newspaper, reporting u,,!?
game said Chico Coach Ernie
Busch walked onto the field to
encourage rough tactics on the
part of his players, and tried
to get his team to leave the
field when a Chico player was
Busch has denied the ac
counts. He said he went onto
the field to ask officials why
a player waa ejected. Later, he
said, he shouted from the side
lines to recall a player who
would have been an illegal sub
stitute. Linfield President Harry Dil
lin said students endorsed the
school's action when the letter
canceling the 1954 game waa
read to the student body.
Salem Cross
Defend Title
The Salem high cross coun
try squad defends its state cross
country title Saturday as the
Vikings travel to Portland for
the state meet. Vern Gilmore's
Salem harriers meet more than
20 high schools in the meet
which is being held at Lewis
and Clark College at halftime
of the Lewis and Clark-Seattle
Rambler football game in the
Among the teams already en
tered in the big meet are Sa
lem, Milwaukie, Estacada, Eu
gene, Gresham, Chemawa In
dian School, North Marion, Al
ba n y, Springfield, Roseburg,
Medford, Eimua, Lincoln
(Portland), Grant (Portland),
Washington (Portland), and
Hill Military (Portland).
The meet will be split into
junior and senior divisions. The
senior record over the 1.9 mile
course Is held by Ron Meski-
men of Eugene at 8:59.4 while
the junior mark is for Hi miles
at 6:28 1 held by Mark Rob-
bins of Corvallis.
Later In the week Salem will
hold their try outs to determine
who will run in the meet
Every meet Sslem hst compet
ed in thus far hat ended in a
Viking victory and the Vikt
must be figured at a title con
tender. CoVOr?S td PldV Ifl
i .
Refrigerator Bowl
Vs. Sam Houston
Evansville, Ind. UP Un
defeated College of Idaho and
once-beaten Sam Houston State
have been named to play in the
sixth annual Refrigerator Bowl
game here Dec. 6.
ine bowl committee con
firmed the selections yesterday
after Sam Houston State Coach
Paul (Red) Pierce announced
I the ichool had accepted a bid
to the game.
College of Idaho has swept
through an eight game schedule
without defeat, scoring 340
points while allowing its op-1
Sam Houston Stale's only
loss this year wis to East Texas I
State, whicn la undefeated In
27 games. Pierce's team hat
rolled up 188 points and held
its opponents to 126 in winning
Tonight's Fight Night
See end Hear the 10-round
Middleweight Clastic Between
ON KOIN-TV . . . Channel ... 7 p.m.
Sponsored by
Distributed by Steve Tibixchl. Valley Distributors
Distributors rise for Rainier, Brew 66. Canada Dry
Beverages and Dad's Root Beer
May Have
To Remain
On Ground
The weather appears to play
an Important role In the com
ing Benson-Salem state quar
terfinal game at Portland's
Lincoln Field Friday night as
the rain will hurt the already
poorly turfed Portland field.
Lee Gustation's Vikings are
already ' accustomed to the'
mud and may have to depend
on straight power plays.
Jimmy Williams, speedy but
small Benson Mechanic back;
Gordy Grenier, big; end; and
star' guards Jerry Clark and
George Shessley are the stars
in the Tech starting line-up.
The Vikings match their back
field with Ken Rawlings, Herb
Triplett, Neal ScheideL and
Ray Taylor.
Triplett vs. Simpson
Triplet, passing and run
ning quarterback for Gustat
ion's Vikings, is opposed by
Jim Simpson, starting Benson
quarterback who made third
string Oregon Journal, Port
land league, all-star eleven. It
is figured that Triplett has the
over Simpson
Now rated second In the state
poll In a tie with Central Cath
olic the Vikings will be up
against a strong Benson team
that went through the aeason
with one loss and that was
their opener 13-6 to Kelso,
Other than the Cleveland
game the Tech eleven had lit
tle trouble taking the Port
land City title. Cleveland led
the Mechanics 9-0 going into
the final minutes but the game
Benson squad came back with
two thrilling touchdowns to
win 13-9. Benson Is ranked
right behind Salem and Cen
tral Catholic In the poll.
Gustation and hia assistant
coaches Al Gray and Hank
Juran worked out their start
ing team on offense against a
defensive eleven Tuesday and
also had them working out
on defense in full uniform with
the second string running
sgalnst them. The Vikings
practiced on another dinger
field that waan't in too bad
shape while the Junior high
championship game was be
ing played en the muddy prac
tice field.
Salem should have plenty
of. rest between practices this
week with all Salem public
schools observing a three-day
vacation due to Armistice day
and Teachers' Institute.
No new injuries have come
ud for the Vikings so they
should be at top strength Fri
dsv barring any last minute
injuries. Nest- scneiaei, ine
replacement for the Injured
Mike Campbell, has looked
good at halfback In the last
two games and will again get a
starting berth. Jim Person Is
the other Vik performer out
with an injury.
Standouts In Benson Line
Other standouts for the Me
chanics include tackle Reidi
Lindsley and back Jim Davis, j
Benson, coached by Ralph;
Harper, is not expected to field i
the depth that Salem has but:
they have a group of boys who
played on the Benson team
that shocked the state play-offs
last year as they roared Into
the finals only to lose to Cen-1
tral Catholic.
One of the main assignments
for the Salem line will be to
stop Williams before he can:
get started and the line Is very
capable of it Williams Is good
for end runs mostly since he
hasn't enough weight and pow
er for the center of the Vik
ing line, even though It dies
not weigh too much.
Salem will be gunning for
a aeml-final berth against the
winner of the Central Catholic-,
Hillsboro game. In other;
games this week-end Jefferson
plays Baker and Grants Pass
i playa North Bend.
six games. The team still has
two garnet to plsy.
Sam Houston State defeated
Northeast Oklahoma, 41-20, In
last yesr's Shrimp Bowl at Gal
veston, Tex.
12(1 Se. Commercial
Pi 111 t RlnrkpH UW Mike Fstton (le'ft) tries to get
line in deep mud yesterday for his Parrlsh Grey tram,
bat another' little fellow, Jerry Gllman, Is shown block
ing It after aeeping through the Grey line. The Incident
resulted in the game's only touchdown for the Parrish
Cardinals soon after for a 6-9 decision and the Junior high
championship. ',
Parrish Cards
6-0; Golds Wallop Blues
The Parrish Cardinals blank
ed the Parrish Greys 6-0 at
Olinger Field Tuesday after
noon to bring the Junior high
football title back to Parrish
after two years with the Leslie
Golds. Don Harris broke over
from the two in the final quar-1
ter to win the championship for
Bob Metzger's Cardinals.
In the final seconds of the
third quarter Gerry Gilman
blocked a Grey punt on the
muddy field and the Cardinals
had the ball on the Grey eight.
Huntley carried to the two and
several plays later the fast Har
ris waa over for the score. The
conversion run f tiled.
Late In the third period, just
before the blocked punt, the
Cardinals drove down to the
Grey four with Huntley and
Harris carrying but the drive
failed and the Greys, coached
by Clay Egelston had the ball.
Three plays failed and they
punted only to have it blocked
which set up the Card touch
down. After the touchdown Dennis
Frost blocked a Grey lateral
Wt me new, quiet, vibraiionlea
outboard motor. You've heard about ft
and rood obout H . . . now
WrU WW atj mrrrv
Cascade Merc.
1405 N. CHURCH
Win Title, '
rtaal StaaSlan
. W t T Tex.
ParrUh Card 4 t t 1 000
ParrUh Ow. til .WT
Wut Saltm t t t M
LMlla OoldI 1 I 1 J)
Lull BlUM t t .CM
and the Cardt recovered deep
in. Grey territory. Harris led
them to the five but the Greys
held on the one and later had
to punt out The game ended
at ine ureys had recovered a
Cardinal fumble.
Neither club could do much
in the first half In the mud, but
the Cards stole the show. In the
final half. .
Block Fonts Beat Blues
Two blocked punts led to the
Leslie Gold's 30-0 win over the
winlest Leslie Bluet at Leslie
Tuesday afternoon as those two
squads closed out their season.
Chuck Hammerstad, recovered
a block Blue punt early in the
first period in the end xone to
give the Golds the lead.
Walt Dickson's Bluet were
punting from their own eight;
but a Gold lineman broke
through to block the punt. Jim
Gesner ran over for the eon-
Troy-Sandy Bout,
To Be Televised
Wshington W Willie Troy
meets Randy Sandy here Wed
nesday night in a nationally
televised 10-round - middle
weight bout.
Troy, 21, scored a 10-round
kayo over Sandy a year ago
for Sandy's first pro defeat.
Troy has had 23 pro fighta and
haa stopped 16 foet with his
left hooks, losing only to Holly
Mimt. . ...
Sandy, a pro since 1651, hat
lost only to Troy In IS ttartt.
It will be televised at 7
p.m. todsy over KOIN, Chan
nel 6.'
version and Lou DeLoretta't
no more scoring until the final
Golds led 7-0. The game saw
quarter when another blocked
punt led to a score by the
Hammerstad blocked a. Blue
punt on the Blue 40 and Steve
Berglund picked up the ball
and raced 40 yards to score the
final Gold touchdown. . The
extra point waa no good. The
Blqes failed to get very far
into Gold territory 1n absorb-'
mg their fourth straight Ios.
Parrish Card. . 0 0 0 0 6
Parrish Greys . .0 0 0
Leslie Golds ,
0 613
Leslie Blues
O 0
Priced to go oaty on your budget
More shoe lor the money than you've ever bad before.
Scotch Grain leather upper comfortable genuine)
leather lining long wearing soles and heels. Here's'
"be-man" footwear really built to "take It" and they're
plenty style-right, too. Better bustle la ted get your
pair right away.
481 State St.
You Be the
- By Warren Goer .
Head Football Coach
i - - Drake University .
Maryland has a bis; All-
American back who can run
and past brilliantly. - But the
Terrapins , trail MInatRippL,
17-14. ,' .".-;"'
The back hat just returned
a kickoff to hit 45-yard line.
and on first down he circled
the Rebel left end for 25
yards, but Maryland was hold
ing and the bell came back to
the Terrapin SO. ' Then the
back passed for 20 yards, but
again the overanxious Terra
pins were detected using
hands Illegally, and it la now
first down and 40 on the
Maryland IS, with two min
utes of the game to go. Mis- '
slssippl Is in a 5-2-2 defense.
As the Terrapin quarter
back, rate these plays 1, 2, S
and 4: , - ... ,t , , ,t
. Long pass i
End run . ' . -..;'. .
Run or pass option , ' -
Screen "past'" " '" -A-
Answers will be found else
where on the sports page.
rsnuMiwua as. ltoebdtw 14.
Smeui 14. Ullnutta It.
mH jUT" mm