Pat THE CAPITAL JOIUNAL Safe". Preeon , ; Wednesday. November 11, 19SS Patriotic Federation Organized 23 Years Ago IN NAVY COLLECTION "Purpoi, to organize all patriotic orders in Salem In patriotic fellowship and good will aervice. To promote great er love of patriotism and loyal aervice to our country. To pro mote the maintenance of un qualified American citizenship with respect for and honor to the flag." That is from the original by laws of the Salem Federation of Patriotic Orders written and approved by the federation Just 23 years ago. . James Callaway, president of the federation, found some interesting facts recently while looking over the constitution and by-laws of the organiza tion. The Salem Federation of Patriotic Orders was organ ized in 1830 and its member ship consists of 28 veterans', auxiliary and patriotic groups. Since 1930 the federation has assumed the responsibility of promoting the Armistice, Mem orial and other patriotic pa rades and memorial ceremon ies. In the past It has per formed an important function In the sponsorship and assist ance in promoting programs and banquets for citizens. The present membership of the federation consists of The Daughters of the American Revolution, Women's Relief How to Moke IleartburiTGO" fan Oft at fait a It cam kmtU cmm bnftbarft. soar BM Bat Thh rid of rx alm before 1c suns. Thnr hi nil slailiM jomt woaiacfa or mm cM rmbomad. That's why mil. al f curr Tonal ia pocket or r coanaitot lop-ipeed relict ether, sod safer eresiur. Meat. PlMiant.tatuof . Get taaUat corps, auxiliary to GAR, Ladies of the CAR, Daughters of Un ion Veterans, Sons of Uaion Veterans, auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans, Spanish American War Veterans, aux iliary to the Spanish American War Veterans, Veterans of For eign Wars No. 661, auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars No. 661, American Legion Post No. 2, auxiliary to American Legion Post No. 9. American Legion Post No. 140. Ameri can Legion Post No. 136, aux iliary to American Legion Post No. 136, American Legion Post No. 81, auxiliary to American Legion Post No. 6, Disabled American Veterans, American War Mothers, Marine Corps League, auxiliary to Marine Corps League, Military Order of Cooties, Pup Tent No. 6 (VFW), Cold Star Mothers, Military Order of the Purple Heart, auxiliary to Military Order of the Purple Heart, Nivy Mothers, Carry On Coot iette Club No. 141. Past presidents of the organ ization and the years they served: ,1930, G. A. Stover; 1031, C. A. Stover; 1932. L. C. McShane; 1933, Irl McSherry; 1934, Mrs. Eulena Bales; 193S, L. Mickelson; 1936, King Bart lett; 1937, William Bliven; 1938, Glenn Adams; 1939, Glenn Adams; 1940, Herman Lafke: 1941 B. E. (Kelly) Owens; 1942, O. E. Palmateer; 1943. O. E. Palmateer; 1944 Luther Cook; 1946, Rex Kim. mell; 1946, Paul Hendricks 1947, A. L. Strayer; 1948, A. D. Apperson: 1949, Don Madison 1950. Mel Clemens; 1931, kod- ert Holweger; 1952, Dr. Roy Scofleld, and 1953, James Cat laway. Early records of the organ izatlon do not designate the various ones who served as general chairmon of Armistice Day and special programs. It is assumed that a number of the past presidents served in that capacity during their term of office. Brig. Gen. Carle Abrams possibly has been called upon to perform the duties of general chairman, master of ceremon ies, grand marshal, etc., more than any other ex-veteran or Salem citizen. Others who have served in recent yeara as gen eral chairman for Armistice Day parade and program are Dougle Parks, O. E. Palma teer, Walter Kirk, Robert Pow ell, John TeSelle, A. D; Apper son, Robert Holweger, iarl Ahlers, and James Callawey. ACMM WWN 01 J gACMM TM NATION M Whether yoaTe km Ting in town ee to a distant city, w. after the finest la worry-free soaring serv ice. Our local etermf and mov ing facilities are unexcelled. And u npresentatlTea for Allied Van Lines wt eaa place at your door the world's largest loni-dli. tones moving orranisatlon. Al liens espert packers, handlers and drivers safeguard your possessions every step of tht wav. Call us for estimates. Red Star Transfer liberty Bslsseal r. Mm .... - . rf :'',:4 it-" , w: J V ' 'CZ V.-. -y-i: -).-;: xtSr,.. t m i rnmnmm it rr rr . ir laWSSSaMslrr. . M -i School Board, Council to Meet in Joint Session The Salem school district I oped by the state highway de- and the city fathers will try 'partment along Mill creek to work out a recreational J southeast of Salem. How- program on a mutual basis ever, an additional five acres of cost of mainteuance. per- J or so of land will be needed haps on an enlarged scale. ! to implement the project. He This was indicated Tuesday! said there was a pressing need night when the school direc- for a full time recreational di- J one exclusively for the young ier generation. WOODBCRN SCHOOLS W o o d i) urn Wood burn public schools were closed to day (Wednesday) for Armis tice Day and will remain clos ed through Thursday and Fri day of this week to permit instructors to attend the teachers'. Institute called in Salem by t h county school superintendent. tors listened to a report oi Prof. Leslie J. Sparks, head of the department of physical education of Willamette uni versity. Cast in the role of coordin ator of recreational activities rector on a year-round basis, under cover swimming pools and a few buildings where wintertime activities could be carried on. The Olinger and Leslie pools, built during the de- under the Joint operation oppression years as WPA proj- the city and schools. Prof, ects are deteriorating, it was Sparks sketched what the stated during last night s con community has done; theiference. A determination as shortcomings of the system 'to their exact condition may now In effect and pointed out be undertaken by engineers the deficiencies. : providing the cost 1 not ex- A Joint meeting between I Cesslve. Upon such a report the school directors and the may depend whether they are city council is scheduled for I to be repaired and covered or the council chamber the night whether entirely new ones of November 23. . will be constructed. . Sparks said the city haa a If tfer NOW? NEW,TUBILES$ toysd-T" 3 -TRANSISTOR HEARING AID OgcrciM c nootft " c awfOaWK? is, "A" bciwrj! r a JrJ.w buMry Giwler clvf ! aSHMMBi By Maksn of Zcni'.h TV and Rsdios Morris Optical Co. 444 State St. Phone 1-5521 chance to take over the 30 acre lake that is being devel- OCTOHS' TESTS a kW REDUCE PILES' SWELLING MMtsm SKttMKS MUSI In caw .Hot cut i raptw fMiea. blecdinf Mopped. sTwcUint rtHJ.utyd, cracking hnitd, pue gia-unk WITHOUT fcl'HtikRY, thanks to amuinf Put On teni' In 9 cacs out of 10. pain m tlPP4 or matfnally reduced. Pue acta to lahtncai, rHieve itchinf irtsJatsitr- Uundreda of doo tors raPttnhe it! Itviube, alto tnodcrn Sp pouunaa. Get PkJO. get vcwtactal rabafl One hundred and twenty-four Naval combat paintings from World War II and the Korean war will be exhibited in Salem from Friday evening through Tuesday of next week and in the collection will be the above picture, which is a water color done by Comdr. Albert K. Murray, USNR. The exhibit is being shown in the vacant store building at 237 North Liberty street. (U.S. Navy photo) EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH! If yon kavt tremble ant, pitta, due lip.rock.caiiM tort tuau try Briatut rUsti'Liaer. Ooa appiicadCH caakcta plate it mmgly wiibtmi p4r or pm htauM Biiauna Plasii - Liner harden pefaM aendy to roar plat. Reliaea and refits loots pUtei ia a war ao powder or pasta can ato oa old rabbar plate yon get food retnJc riz aaoMbs to a year or lonaar. vu SAM Ml NTTHIHdit Simply lay soft strip erf Plaati Liner oa tmobJeaoaae apper or lover. Bin tod it Bolds perfectly, tiy tor, castaleac ododeas, haroaieM to yoa sad yoar plains Retacrvabla at directed. Moaty back if as completely attuned. Aim ymrtrwumtf North Howell sssaaBkLBawiiaswoMajBHj North Howell Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Coomler were din ner hosts Friday evening to a group of friends whose wed ding anniversaries are all ob served the ssme month. Cov ers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strchan, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Nelson and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Nichols of Salem accompanied Mrs. Jim Jackson to Camas, Wash., . Sunday where they were din-; ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cox. I Mrs. Harvey Gilbertson, clerk of North Howell school dUtrkt, is taking the school; census. Mrs. Pete Schmidt visited i relatives In Idaho the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Od- die returned Sunday from a ! vacation of several days at Neskowln and other coast towns. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunn en tertained with a party Friday evening for the pupils of the upper grades on Saturday, in cluding all the pupils in the lower grades, were also enter tained at the Dunn home. The home extension unit met at the grange hall Wed nesday with reports from the A. C. W. W. members and the program committee. Luncheon hostesses were Mrs. R. C. Jefferson, Mrs. Perle Wood, Mrs. Will Addie and Mrs. Ernest Redding. The pro ject for the day was, keeping up to date with textiles. British Purchases in NW Far Above Sales Britain is buying five times as much in the Pacific North west as she is selling in this section, Norman R. Prickett, British vice consul in Portland said while in Salem Monday. Principal purchases are grain and wood products. Fruit was once bought In large quantities, he said, but not much now. Bri tain will have to become pros- BEAR and ELK Cut and Double Wrapped Free Quick Freese Service Locker Beef Lowest Prices in the Stats Buy and Sore at Packing Housa Wholesale Prices. Fancy tastern Oregon White Face leef Front Quarter Lb. Half or Whole Lb. m 20' 25 Young Steer Beef Vi or Wh. It SALEM MEAT CO. 1315 J. 25ft Phone J 4151 Your Standard Heating Oil Dealer perous again before these can! be bought in quantity here. The British sell the North west tractors, woolens, china, some autos and cultivators, and of course some whiskey. One line of tractors that does not compete directly with U. S. models, is having success, he said. Prickett has lived in the states 14 years, serving his gov ernment at Portland, Maine, Seattle and Portland, Oregon. His daughter is married and lives at Aberdeen, Wash. Prof. Sparks said three poqls could be used, in Bush Park. Journal Want Ads or reliable Finns arr et i ,14 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR 0.-255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Srr.dll Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing In Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties Your Standard Fuel Oil Dealer TWEEDIE FUEL OILS 1174 EDGEWATER PHONE 2-4151 Valley Oil Co. 4 Meier Printed Delivery Ticket ic Ample Above Ground Storage ir Triple Filtered Budget Terms It Desired Phone 2-3633 CONCRETE MIX-RITE - Ph. 4-1317 YIISKO SAND I GRAVEL At Wheatland Ferry - RL 1, Gervals . Ready-Mix Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock Prompt. Courteous Service CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 M0RTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th & E. H0YT Approved Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks ' Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers - Air Com. pressors - Sanders Plumbing Tools Pover and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! cuts heating costs... IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines. Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD OILING 1174 EdRewater St WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUEL' OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR 3-5769 ROAD OILING Standard Furnace Oil with THERMIS0L stops main cause of burner trouble Fuel-saving Tip From Your Kousewarmer By letting your thermostat at a Uxctr temperature at night 'while you sleep) you can tape from 7". to 10 on fuel. By eliminating sludge and in that way keeping filter screens, atomizer nozzles, and feed lines clean-Standard Furnace Oil with THERMISOL ends one of the main causes of furnace trouble. Instead you get fast, dependable heat . . . com fort and economy. Don't yon agree that's rexaon enough for switching to Standard Furnace Oil .with, THERMISOL? Vou'U find the friendly Housewanner in your neighborhood by calling the Standard Heating Oil Distributor or local Standard Oil Office. for pot'typ circulating heateri, atk for Standard Stovt 03 STANDARD FURNACE OIL PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING ' Repairing 353 Chemrketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial 24 HOUR SERVKE We give Penny Saver Stimps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3157 130 $. Ikert? 310 Cwrt. Oewstewi 2440 frrnt, Hides! (sntM 24-HOUR SERVICE . Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally ' 8:00 A M to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2 00 P M and 00 P.M. to 9.00 P.M. All Sundays and Holldsvs PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 Radiant Glassheat Phone 4-6263 Radiant Glassheat of Salem 1540 Fairground Rd. Le.rn about the Miracle of Glassheat beforr you buy any heating system at any price See Continental Glassheat No Chimney No Maintenance a FHA Terms a Easy Terms S Yesr Guarantee Radio Repair Ph. 3-7577 MITCH ELL'S Radio-Television 1 880 State Motorola Dealers tot Pick up and Delivery General Electric TELEVISION' I SALES AND f. Salem 2.191) SERVICE rn. Waiwlhue.M11 VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. In Woodburn at 171 Grant St Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR . HOFFMAN DUMONT TELEVISION SETS