Fac 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Oram Wednesday, NoTtmber 11, 1888 J r J! 5 da, me Wei qui Noi nasi Ul. I I ban ma ' of feed mm ; ' Dot W aft pro nd -"bw , Chi ' ed offl tht ' gr I ton i da ; par ' I e lng fnfc A I awi tyi cbt Pre pat on , out pa ! Sen Jem Caj On cha 61 Wat j eon mat the j gro J hou hot. J moi tool S I bla: trol J hou I the J 1 I bod ' trt ! daa Im j the i tori J ago 1 : trol rift A dan tlal wal whi Wai kite wal Cita dan lnte F the In tlei win tect tot injt Fo Fir E tery wrr whl thn pan N 4. I Lin and Phy tv Cav ten 0 Curriculum ( On New So. Plana ior the operation of the new South Salem high Khool are proceeding apace with the construction of that multl-mllllon dollar project, according to a curriculum re port made to the director! Tuesday night by Supt Walter X. Snyder. The eontractore are making satisfactory progress on the huge structure and barring un foreseen developments, it will be ready for use In September, J854. Superintendent Snyder out lined the differences in the course of study between the North and South schools. Graphic arts will be main tained at the South senior high and the agricultural course will be continued at the North unit Tenth grade students will not be faced with the necessity of taking biology as a required subject. To take up the lag between the receipt of new tax monies and the payment of bills owed by the district. Clerk C. C. Ward was authorized to secure short time loans from the U. S National and first National banks up to a maximum of 500,000. The rata will be 3 per cent There is an immedi ate need for f 100,000, reported Ward. Ward gave a brief report of his participation in the annual convention of National Associ ation of School Business Offi cials, held at Cleveland In Oc- FREE BIG OFFER Gat this 119.95 Westlnghouse Steam Iron FREE with a home demonstration of a new Westlnghouse Laundro mat or Clothes Dryer. OPEN WED. AND FRI. NIGHTS TIL 9 YEATER Appl lance Co. 171 Chemeketa Ph. 1-4 J 11 FIRST for the fuel that it eUan, efficient and economical use "Preo-to-logo" CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 IlnlM You owe it to yourself jl to try the coffee that's hvS PRESSURE PACKED! IrJ than any coffee packed PPf P Jl SPEC,AL I in vacuum cans or bags I I Report Made Salem High tober. Robert DeArmond, attorney for the board, briefed the re cent supreme court opinion dealing with teacher tenure. Aa the courts Interpret the tenure act teacher is either working on the three-year probationary period, is on ten tature or la a bonafide substi tute. This means a board could place an instructor on tenure immediately after entering the system. This situation is not to the liking of those teachers who have worked their way through the probationary per iod. However, it is not antici pated that the ruling will have any effect upon the Salem sys tem other than to make sure that new teachers are placed on probation. If present population trends continue there will be need for an additional 14 classroom In' struclors by next year, report ed Assistant Superintendent Harry Johnson, The board authorized the hiring of a full tLae secretary for Carl Aschenbrenner, South Salem high principal. Miss Jo anna Clemenson of Canby was elected sixth grade teacher at McKInley. Slight changes in the ath letic field between Leslie jun ior high and the South Salem senior high buildings were au thorized. The changea will give additional playing apace with out hindering other operations. It will be necessary to move two light poles, move the fence on the south side and blacktop the south, west and north areas bordering the field. Ad ditional tiling will also be needed. LEBANON HIGH FLAT Lebanon The city PTA council has arranged the musi cal stage production of the "Three Little Pigs" to be shown in the Lebanon high school auditorium on two nights, Nov. 17-18. Proceeds from the presentation will be used by the five city PTA groups for each school's im provement Ihhlng mini atvrnfnf e Simple Pilesi tniMl Otetmtet ewe U Jemest cu fax le oil and aootrvt lende oaru aa ita tnadwattoa rtietvee itchy trriiattoa. For iratk claa ruing jat milJ fceeincJ Soap RESINOL2?.".1..! Prescriptkm-lfta medians stops Sour Heartburn-Gas rmmmwIfintfmHifmmkMthmJ Ham inltw t. Nl. fcvratae pJw f rMripUa-trpl Iwl. P. H. Tillm mU tv. putm wmh nH mtm tmmt Ska. Ta mt wtm BMrtli rm IS i ilf fcar wi m I n Mm ill'l ThM MM0S.SM mL IS it am t i Pictured from left to right are the five Hl-Y members who were -voted awards tor outstanding service in the community by Hl-Y members. They are Mike Campbell, outstanding athlete: Xen Rawlings, outstanding Christian service; Tom Pickens, outstanding contribution to Hl-Y movement In Salem; Jim Person, outstanding scholarship; and Herb Triplett, outstanding student, athlete, and Chris tian. Special Recognition to Five High School Boys Five outstanding, high school seniors were given special rec- ognitlon for scholarship, char acter, leadership, and athletics by the Hi-Y clubs of Salem, and were presented with a year's dinner Monday night. Mike Campbell, Ken Raw- lings, Tom Pickens, Jim Per son, and Herb Triplett, all members of this year's cham pionship football team, were named respectively outstand ing in athletics, Christian serv ice, contribution to Hl-Y, scholarship, and all around scholarship. Campbell, 17, was Salem's scat back until a broken arm In the Corvallis fray sidelined him. He also plays varsity baseball. Besides his sports, he is a member of civics club and S club at the high school, a member of Young Life, and be longs to A. A. Stagg Hi-Y. Rawlings, 17, got Christian service recognition partially Four Corners Four Cornets Felicitations go to Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Gil bert (June King) upon the birth of their third child. The little boy has been named Mark Lee. He weighed eight pounds, two and one hall ounces. There is a brother, Phillip, and a sister, Melanie; two grandmothers, Mrs. Hazel Halferty, Roseburg, Ore., and Mrs. Lillian Gilbert Portland, Ore., and a great grandmother Mrs. Ann Sigfried, Roseburg, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay opened their home on Saturday evening to the Krazy Kard Klub. The diversion for the evening was pinochle and dur ing the social hour a money tree was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wslker in honor of their silver wedding anniver sary. Extending greetings to the honorees were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrlsman, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Henry Boden, Mrs. Larene Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker. It Is estimated that the Belgian Congo river represents 130 million horsepower of un used water power. OUTSTAND! NG YOUTHS for his active work in wor ship and rededication programs In Hi-Y and for his job of principal speaker for worship ceremonies at Corvallis this year' at the Willamette Valley Hi-Y officer training confer ence. Rawlings has a high scholastic average. He is a member of civics club, S club, Young Life, and he is a past president of Arthur Cotton Hl Y. Rawlings also stars In track. Tom Pickens his contribut ed to the Hl-Y orogram. In school, Pickens has a B av erage. He is vice president of Civics club, and president of S club. He is a three sport man playing basketball and baseball also. He is a member of Young Life. Jim Person, outstanding scholar, has attained 20 As and two Bs to date. His activi ties include vice president of National Forensic league, rep resentative to the student council, National Honor So ciety, 'National Athletic Honor Society, and track. He is also vice president of Arthur Cot ton Hi-Y. Person was unable to receive his award in person, being hospitalized for a knee injury incurred playing foot ball. Herb Triplett waa named all around student, athlete, and Christian. He has a high B average, presides over Abel Gregg Hi-Y and is a three sport athlete, football, basket ball, and baseball. His other activities Include civics club. S club. National Honor So ciety. National Athletic Honor Society, and Young Life. The year's membership, in augurated last year, waa the gift of an anonymous donor. Last year's award winners were Billy Emery, Don Croth ers, and Ray Taylor. CAR TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 at your dealer's now I SU'PIY UMITfDI Building Use Policy Made A policy concerning the use of school buildings by outside groups was outlined and adopt ed by the school board Tuesday night When the facilities are to be used by such youth groups as Boy Scouts, YMCA, Gra-Ys and other organizations sponsored by Community Chest support ed agencies, a charge ot $1 will be made. However, there is the provision that the district will not be put to additional ex pense in the matter of jani torial service, light or heat and that there is responsible leader ship. ' Use of the building must be cleared with the school prin cipal who will determine whe ther such use will conflict with the school program. Use of buildings by adult groups such as the PTA will be without charge when auch meetings are primarily for the benefit of the school or com munity. Britain Setting up Atomic Corporation London W Britain is set ting up an atomic energy cor poration to speed the develop ment of atomic weapons and nuclear power for Industry. Plans for the new government-controlled body similar to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission were disclosed last night In a government white paper. It aaid a prelimi nary transfer of authority from the Ministry of Supply, which has run Britain atomic program thus far, would take place Jan. 155 N. Liberty SAVE $39 AT SIMILAR QUALITY MATTRESS SET 840 Pocketed Muslin Coils (40 Steel Coils are eoch pocketed In fine muslin for sleeping comfort. Shop No One Wants Job as Mayor Mill City No Business waa enacted at the mil iar meeting of the city ' No business was enacted at the regular meeting of the city council last week as three of the councilmen were absent due to illness. A special session will be called later this month to approve certain city ordi nances recently drawn by Jos eph Devers, the city attorney. The city recorder stated that there had1 been no more peti tions presented with names for Mayor and councilman sched uled for election in early De cember. Bill Stewart Jr. is the only name presented for councilman and none has been named for Mayor. Howard Farnum, custodian at the elementary school, brought up the "dog issue" again, stating that dogs run ning loose had destroyed a number of shrubs at the recent ly landscaped grade school. No definite action was taken on this as funds for a pound have not been budgeted. Brooks Brooks The Brooks PTA met recently for their Novem ber meeting, Mrs. Howard Car ter, president presiding. Dur ing the business meeting it was decided to have a rummage sale in December. Mrs. Harry Sturgis will be chairman. The PTA has purchased a gold trophy to be passed to the room having the highest par ent attendance at the meetings. Mrs. India Reavis' first grade had the highest attendance for November. Mrs. Carter report ed $304 as the amount re ceived at the PTA carnival last week. Mrs. Joe Fitts showed a film. Refreshments were served by the first grade room mothers. Mrs. Raymond Potts and Mrs. M. Yarborogh. Lee and Wendell Trammell are new students at Brooks school. They are from McAllis ter, Okla. Students from Lake Labish school and Brooks school had a skating party at the north Sa lem roller drome. There will be no school Wed nesday, Thursday, or Friday due to teachers work shop. The Brooks mixed team won by a score of 12 to 11 from the DON'T Threw Tear Wfttah Awtr We rii Tbea Wheat other Cl THE JEWEL BOX 411 suu. Sim. Ottm Ohi Irllu NUM 111 s t.m. Wards offer this luxurious Inner sprina Mattress and Matching Box B print tor Hi leu than you would pay for nationally adrerused set . of similar Quality. w steel coik, each pocketed tn muslin, iwe eketch) bits luxurious sleeping comfort. Mattress padded with cotton. Wards Monday and Friday Til 9 P.M. Haaei Green mixed team, the game was played at Brooks. Mrs. R. L. Davis entertained the Brooks Sewing Club at her home Thursday. The meeting was called to order by the pres ident Mrs. Eva Conn. The sewing committee re ported that all articles on hand have been finished and sold. The next meeting, a Christmas party, will be at the home of Mrs. Willard Ramp, Dec. J. Luncheon will be at noon fol lowed by exchange of gifts re vealing names of "Secret Pals." Present were: Mrs. H. H. Bosch, Mrs. Elmer Conn, Mrs. A H. Jensen and Ramona, Mra. Virgil Loomis, Mrs. A P. Side bottom, and the hostess Mrs. Davis. Visitors were: Mrs. Le nora Prey, Mrs. Betty Johnson, Mrs. Barbara Davis and Mich ael, and Mrs. R. Hawking. Miss Mayme Keene, and her brother Chester Keene of Sa lem, visited their cousin, Mrs John Dunlavy Wednesday. Ar thur Keene has returned home from San Francisco where he t HURRY BUTCH ONLY 9 DAYS LEFT TIL Ts" Value Days Extra Earnings 3r THIS PRICE SELLS NATIONALLY FOR $139 10 Down on Term. attended the American Polled Hereford Association stock -show last week, Mrs. Ada Cole of Oswego vis ited at the Dunlavy bom Sat urday. ' Although thai human brain reaches almost Its maximum weight at the ago of seven, it continues to grow Tory slowly until age 20 when the weight begins to decline. "OUR REPUTATION is YOUR SECURITY"' that's ' LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE VAN lilts FOB THE BEST IN V HAULING A STORAGE 1 FUEL Dial 3-3131 mm,mt ajftgf Sfte, 889 N. Liberty Savings Earn Safely Your Savings are Insured Safe to $10,000.00 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Cor poration. Open year Insnred Savings Account to day 'with Salem Fed eral. S6VTtat Street rating Court Hmmm SALEM, OeZCON Phone 3-3191 Construction of this set gins your body firm and even support Perms, form prebitt border preTcnta aag. sine l-o woren stripe eover at durable, tonf-vearlng. Matching Box Swing has to sous nuildea balanced support for mattrasa. hsnds for easy turning.