ovvimnncr i- mail TBS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Oregon 'RED FEATHER KID' CANDIDATES 1 t. H .. - ... ...... -J HeppnerPOV Talks on Reds San Francisco (V- CpL John Smith, 32, of Eeppner, Or., arrived In this country Sunday after spending 13 months as a prisoner of the Communists la North Korea, A machine runner with the 7th Division, Smith said he was wounded in both leg! and had shrapnel wounds in the back when captured. He said he was not given treatment. "Alter we were first cap tured, there wasn't much to do but lie on the floor of a hut in a mining camp we called Death Valley," said Smith, who re turned with $76 ether ex-PCWg on the transport Marine Phoe nix. "We spent four months in this camp in the severe winter without blankets. We just slept on the floor of a mud hut - "For food there was jarley, some boiled potatoes and meal balls which looked like bird seed and were very tiresome. "English - speaking Chinese lectured us every diy at the be ginning of our capture. They wanted us to take notes. We at roi " 8 NnQn! UhMt Deyi Are Soup Dtrya . XnTT NikhH Ml &XU1 Coutpbolfi 1 LM ill CORN r TOMATO SOUP jj S naZhwM3Ltfi -f iP) rV wsetii SB W iB vJpPfilf" hm f- A ' 1,) iV, . . .- ;' Hi J3 CD i Candidates for "The Red Feather Kid", a campaign fea- ture of the 1933 Community Chset Drive, are ihowa at- aembled at the Chest headquarter! prior to selection -of j four of them by judge! to be named Red Feather Kldi. i All candidate! are member! of one of these four Salem f youth organizations: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls and YMCA. Identified from left to right they arc i back row, Rodney Berg, Janet Scbeffe, Susan Bush, Geo 7 dell Herherffer. Middle raw. Rnlnnri Knhnh Wal w.h- burn, Elaine Herbst, Dick Yunkers, Melissa' Pfout. Front ' rnnf Phil Pranrit Pnl-nlvn JnhnaAn .li1w . tw , may ana anaron i,uri. rjciurea wun candidates are lead-.'- ers of youth organization! represented in the group. They right, Mn. Velma Carpenter and right front, Mri. Lavon Curl. ' Sprites in Forest Green "T" F . at- I .11 ' Sprites in forest-green ala Robin Hood will loon high light all meeting! attended by leading speaker! as they tell the story of the 195S Com- NEW EXECUTIVE I v try ! i-i f y Clarence M. Brownell who has been named man ager of the Valley Co-op taking the position left va cant by the death of Jay C. Saum. Brownell New Co-Op Manager Silverton Clarence M Brownell, assistant manager of the Valley Farmers Co-op for the oast three years, was ad vanced to manr.ger at a recent meeting of the board of direc tors, headed by Walter Von , Flue, assisted by Stanley Swanson. Fred Jarvill, Amos Fur.rue, Alvin Krug, Dan Stef- J 1 Tl 1 . TS.nV.as , , . the drive is Otto J. wuson, rJThe personnel of the board "rl,c " , also authorized Mr. Brownell to serve as treasurer, assistant , ALL OUT FOR F. W. munity Chest campaign, op ening October 0. . This was announced today by Otto J. Wilion, general chairman of the drive which has a goal of $140,000 to meet the needs of Salem youth and welfare organizations. These ipritei will be a four some, two boys and two girls, each representing these four organizations: Boy Scouts, the Camp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts and th YMCA, all partici pants In Chest benefits. Chest leaders, including Claude Kells, executive secre tary of the Salem Chest of fice, are now mulling over their choice for the Red Fea ther Kids as these youngsters will be known. It Is expected the foursome will be reveal I ed Tuesday at the regular luncheon meeting of the Ki warns to be held at the Sen ator Hotel. At that time Wilson will make the first public appear ance by a Chest official In be half of the 1S53 drive. The four youngsters chosen as Red Feather Kids, will ap pear on the program .with Wilson, marking their debut in the campaign. Creation of the distinctive costumes, reminiscent of Pe ter Pan, too, is a volunteer effort of Mrs. Fred Cords. The first meeting of vol unteer workers for thee 1953 Community Chest was held today at the Marion Hotel when Del Milne, manager of the hotel and leader of the general gifts division, presid ed over a luncheon get-together with members of his team. Marking the atari; of con centrated efforts by all di visions to insure going-over the top in the $140,000 drive to benefit Salem youth and welfare organizations, encour aging reports of early pro gress were madee, according to Milne. The 1953 Community Chest campaign begins October 8 and ends on the 15th. Hh slogan this year is: "F. very one Give For Goodness Sake." General chairman lor Reed to Fighf U.S. Sales Tsx Washington () Ro. Dan. lei A. Reed R N. Y.) has served notice that, if President Eisenhower proposes a nation al sales Ux, he is ready to re sume 'his battle with the ad ministration over tax policy. "A general sales tax will not be approved by the Congress In the coming session," Reed said In a statement Saturday. "I base this prediction on re ports coming to me from mem ber! of the Ways and Means Committee and other members of the House who are In their home districts." He added "Aa uiual, the American people control the situation." The 78-year-old Ways and Means Committee chairman wased a nearly single-handed fight in the last session of Con gress against extension beyond July 1 of the excess profits tax. He also sought a 10 per cent cut in individual income taxes at the same time. HAD MASTER KEY New York u. Police laid today that three teen-aged youths arrested yesterday in stolen auto had a master key which would fit every Pontiac car the officers tried it on. - eventually did because the chow was scarce and we were kind of hungry," he said. Smith said he was going to Ft- Lewis, Wash., for treatment at the hospital there, "although I don't know what is the, mat ter with me." After that, he said he would go tb the home of his father. W. C. Smith, in Heppner. SOLVE BUS MYSTERY New Orleans t Police be lieved today they had solved the mystery of a wayward bus. The bus disappeared yester day while the driver stopped at a company-designated comfort station. The driver quickly lo cated the bus three blocks away, but there was no sign of his three passengers. "I sup pose they were in a hurry to get home," one police officer theorized. 'Hot Flashes' Stopped 1 or strikingly relieved In 63-80 of caiat in doctors test You may ba suffering needlessly from "hot flashes" and irritable, restless feeliiucsof "cbanireof life"! Indoctort tests, Lydia E. PinkhAm's Vegetable Compound and Tablets brought relief from such fiinctionally-cauaed suffering la 63 and 80 (respectively) of tiw ompite or uniting rtiiejl m lsssslllssssssss m I I 1 1 secretary, warehouseman and weighmaster, as were the duties of his predecessor, the late Jay C. Saum. The nswly elected manager asked membership cooperation in the financial goal set for the coming year, of a million dollars. DONT Throw Your Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't ., THE JEWEL BOX MS SUta St. " Bakersfield. Calif. ) -The tinv unincorporated vil lage of Butonwillow has gone all out" for its one returning prisoner of war. The village .bij iu first mayor so it wnuld have an official to pre sent the key! of the city to i-i ium Ornelai when he comes home tomorrow. If all the aalt in the oceans were extracted, It is esumai--a h.t it would cover the I., of the earth to a H.nth of about 110 feet, layi the National Geographic i city. DR. ROBERT J. WILLIAMSON Announces the Opening of Practice In Optometry With offices located Jn the Livelier Bldg., Salem, Oroeen EVENING HOURS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Saturdays 9 a.m. to S p.m. IXAMINATION BY APPOINTMtNT TELEPHONE 4-6251 Try maslara actieg Piiikham Tablsh) Both PinkhsTi's Compound and Tahleu ara atooVrn in action! But. thoumndM of women an chanrinc to new, improved Tablet ( with added iroo)?l"hey 're essy to carry and take... and giva truly wonderful relief Get a bottle today, (et relief from thoea duitreeains, ner vous, "out of aorta" feetiojrs of "change of life") (Splendid, too, for functional pats of BkonthJy meBstruel periods!) It arte tarsal h a wemaa's BTmpaUtetre erveoe eve ten to irlleve dieUeee ef theaa awfaf'haatwaTaa"! Getting I loan's a ptrunal thing ind the folks made me feel right at home. They're friendly and helpful and I like that! Glad I DicicMf than LOANS $25 to $1500 IN ONI TRIP M SifMturt alone. Car v FurM lurt. Fjt-yourudfit oarmtnt P'na to ciwom from. Call first, lay ''now much" and "whan," complete the loan wtiM you fiat Moo loom 200-317 Court Sf. -' Phone 4-3396 "r----CITY FINANCE J. D. Walkar. Mar. (WPORATION Of UlfM I. Irks Frances Denney the NIGHT CREAM, that works in 30 minutes Apply Vrva every day for only 30 minutes. See ond feel me difference in your skin after fust one application. Viva, the new exciting night cream, pampers dry end lentHfve skin, little lines, and not to little lines, teem to fill and vanish. Vrva performs exactly as promised. 7tt Fof the first time, new trial tire 1 14M co a rn win nime yu t OfXr&t est out' SYRUP feffle . Sptclal Prices Effective Tues. and Wed., Sept H-l mum' uiHBQtuct 5 . A A M QIC SNiDTOU Mushrooms (uvr win CUVT Meat Balls HEM0 MtDcN'S MINEMl RICH F0CD MINI 35' Centennial Dry Beans Fines Quality t Your I6A Stoma . BEANS 2-lb. pkg. ... 29c BEANS 1 -lb. pk.. 35e BEANS 39c BEANS 39c BEANS 2-lb. pk... 49c BEANSiib pk, 43c Centennial Large White Centennial Smell White Centennial Small Red. Centennial Red Kidney Centennial Pint Centennial Pink STAR-KIST 1MM. TUNA FISH No. "can fn JolidPack Juice ORANGES 3 Do:. ONIONS 10 IU3' FRESH OallY PUIt GROUND BEEF J Vti. rV I tPA FREE try m II 1 i jim-u-vi::e CHIMKI FOOD jsa.TJ.wtae . csaS;re'.1s ?- . ,10e Ju-TJ-Wlaa J: S :- BICYCLE AT ISA STORES trW-tu lWrire ; Soy Stm BotUe... 27C DELRICH ytfow Quarters , Lb. Pkg. 29 c A tHW Alvrtvf In 60W mfhg ftUNCAN NIMM ' DUNCAN HMH WHITI I MVU'I FOOO CAKI MIX j CAKI MIX DUNCAN- MINIS 1f.g. TIUDW i 1 r9 CAKI MIX BORAXO 17' For Dirty Hands; 8-01 tin BABO With Detergent Action 2" 25 FLAKES L. pkg. IVORY 29 IVORY 29 SNOW Lg. pkg, SPIC and SPIN 26' Clean Walls Small pkg.. . . POWDER 2-lb. pkg. BORAX 33' DUZ M MM NW Mf CMV0K AT M Regular Site With 10e Coupon Giant Site WWi 10c Coupon d7C 20c Largo Pkg... 29' OXYDOL Detergent Largo Package 0 Wfriilfe Coupon-. Giant Package With 10c Coupon for 50c 59c Giant Pkg... 69' AIR WICK 59' CAMAY SOAP CAMAY SOAP 3 3 Its, In Itfh SIm PERSONAL Deodorizes Small bottle. LAVA SOAP Reg. bar IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP iKi 5c itt. m 23c Shop Every Day at Your Favorile IGAI EMERY'S IGA FOODLINER Wallace Rd.at7th Wnt Salem STATE ST. MARKET 1230 State St. VISTA MARKET 3045 S. Commercial Giant Pkg. 3 2 Urgolm 27C DREFT 69 s orcuh'S MARKET 4200 N. River Rd. TIDE IGA Store Reserve the Right to Limit Quontitia Giant Pkg. 19c Jaa-TJ-Wine . (hep Sy cf...;. 35c Jaa-V.Wlne ' jA 23c 35c 69 j