Monday. Beptember 14. W8 TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salt. Oretot. $ZM. KENHI3Y AND WIDE CUT CAKE U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy (D., Man.) and his triae the former Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, cut their wedding cake during a reception following their marriage at Newport, R.I. (AP Wirephoto) Pennsylvania Coed Wins Title of 'Miss America' New York, tin A Pennsyl vania sorority girl goea shop plng today for the wardrebe the will wear. In and out of epoUlght acrou the nation at the new "Miss America." She ia a member of Delta Gamma of the University of Penniylvania. Bails-O'Reilly Wedding Aug. 23 Willamlna Miss Jeannine Jaye O'Reilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. O'Reilly of Willamlna, w a t wed to Lawrence A. Bella, ion of Mr. and Mra. P. A. Baila of CorvalUt, In a ceremony at the Pint Chrlitian church in Corvallii Sunday, August 23. The Rev. Donald Halseth read the ceremony. Tht bride, given in mar riage by her father, chose a Mis' Shirley McConnel and Miii Joy Law. Ernest Brown, brother-in- law of the bridegroom, wai best man, and ushers were Don Bails and Don Duncan. Turn Roberta played the organ and accompanied James Jackson, who sang. Mrs. O'Reilly wore a blue shantung dress trimmed with rhlnestones, and wore blue and white accessories. Mrs. Bails wore a silver gray dress with pink and black accesso ries. Matthews-T utile Willamlna Mrs. Diana Ar- lene Tuttle. Willamina, daugh ter of Mrs. Ada Getchell of Newberg. was married to Ken neth B. Matthews, Willamlna, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mat thews of Willamina, at the Church of Christ, August 28, at an I p.m. ceremony read by the Rev. Elmo Black, pastor of the church, before 50 friends and relatives. Mrs. S. C. Risseeuw sang, ac companied by Miss Linda Beck, who also played the wedding marches. Baskets of gladio luses decorated the altar. The bride wore a beige suit with pink and black accessories, and a pink rose corsage. She carried a white Bible. -Mrs. Lorraine Crone of Wil lamina was matron of honor on wore a txtlge and brown dress and a white carnation corsage. Smith A. Mitchell. Port Or- ford, was best man, and ushers were Allen Beck, brother-in- law of the bridegroom, and DonneU Mitchell. Ivelya Margaret Ay of Zphrata, Pa, who won the coveted title at Atlantic City, NJ, Saturday night found that the first thing Miss Amer ica needa la clothe. She wUl be seen in nearly every state in the union and will travel to Europe during her IS month reign. , Miss Ay defeated 52 girls for the crown of Miss America and the $58,000 in pr)zt nat goes with it She said she was surprised she won, because the judges could see plainly that she bulges in some of the wrong places. New York Miss Patti Throop, Oregon's entry in the "Miss America" contest who was among the 10 finalists, said today she had no regrets that she didn't get the title. On the contrary, she said she was "happy because, after all, I did win a place In the finals." The raven -haired beauty planned to tour New York to day with her family before re turning to her home in Port land. As one of the top 10 among the 62 North American beau ilea who competed in the pageant. Miss Oregon received a $1,000 scholarship. Patti said she also was happy when Evelyn Ay, MISS AMERICA CROWNED The bride's mother, wore a 1 5-foot, 8-inch ash blonde from arav stilt WMH wni acces- -pnraw. rm., w crowned sorles and the mother wore an wore bridegroom's aqua dress. yellow cor- A receotlon followed the ceremony. Mrs. Phyllis They both Rrnwn ilitcr of the bride- safes. Wedding dress Of White lacelrmnm. cut the weddinff cake. I A nuwnllnn In tha phiirrh over satin, fashioned en train, .nrf Miu Donna Newkirk ei narinra niinwoH The munie bow worw unaerup v ii t , i willamina murd ue rues I wmcn was neia in piece wiuihook. cap of lilies of the valley thm emmnn. Lm, iS?; the couple left on a two-week white Bible .... ... c.. rut Mrs. Bails wore a gold and brown ensemble with gold accessories. They are now at home in Tacoma, Wash. ' and studded with rhlnestones, She carried a aentered with a white orchid. Miss Peggy Wood of New port was maid of honor. She wore a coral net nylon ankle length ' dress. Bridesmaids were Misa Bonnie Smith of Willamina and Miss Bonnie O'Harra of Klamath rails, ' who wore Identical frocks of yellow and pink. The attend ants all carried baskets fash ioned of flowers of assorted shades. Shannon O'Reilly, alster of the bride, was flower girl and wore a pale blue dress and carried a pink basket of flowers. Candlelightera were Golden Wedding Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Huh Smith r.f KhmrlAmr. lis now at home in Willamlna ... .... following a wedding trip to " eastern Oregon. "Misa America." TirwdTWMkTRun.Dewn1 STRENGTHEN TIRED OLOOD . . . and Feel Stronger Fast! Wh To torla ta fool Uroa kr Uw MMM OT tM W . . . M KOk POJa aad ararrtaint you do U aa offort . . . Um roa mv ba auffrrlaf from Iroo aoflciaoea Mania. Year aloanar ba Ural, aaoot Mr. To "rajvroaata' toot Una. btooa faat far Cartel, tha Mdteallr-appro.aa Mao toole tkat ttarii to atrassthaa Uraa blood orfthta U boon. Jaat t tablapooa. of Oaritol oootala twiaa ka troa la a ooooa of aalraa Urar, V tram ka troa la a oaaaa of laiaaca Wlthia sh amy GorIM brlasa atraaftk. frrlas boa to Urol ana. Ion, Dock. Ym foal atfoator faot-im I aan or mt back. Try Garitol today to. dtkar llooid a kaaay SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of alt klnas. Trasses, Abdam- fitting trial Support. ElaaUo rJoatcrr. miera prtTate ASK TOT7B trOCTOB Capital Drug Store all State Html Corner liberty H Oreea Suunea Linea Griff eth and Mr. Northiger Wed Sweet Home Mrs. Linea Bvrdene Griffeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albin B. Nothig- er, was wed to Selmer Norlyn Brown, son of Henry S. Brown, Salem, in -an afternoon cere mony, Sunday, Sept. 6. Rev. William Cooksley performed the double ring ceremony.. . Tha bride waa given in mar riage by her father in the gar den ceremony. She wore a pale yellow lace dress with a satin basque fitted top with short sleeves and a full skirt The matching bandeau hat was of yellow lace over satin. The bride car ried ' a bouquet of varied color! gladioluses. Miss Janet Nothlger, younger sister of tha bride, was maid of honor and wore a pastel checked floor length frock and carried pastel gladioluses. The bridesmaid was Misa Merlyn Crockett, who wore a lavender formal and carried gladioluses. Tom Hufford, brother-in-law of the bride, was the best man. Large bouquets of gladio luses lined tha pathway to tha altar, which was placed Detore an arched gateway entwined with greenery and topped with gladioluses. WCTU Elects Woodburn All officers of the Woodburn unit of the WCTU were re-elected at the first fall meeting Friday after noon at the nome oi Mrs. a. a. Sprouse. The officers include: Mrs. Sprouse, president; Mrs. Ivy Donner, secretary, and Mrs. Fred Anderson, treasurer. Miss Rowena Cole was appointed flower mission director. Mrs. Sprouse, Mrs. Ander son and Mrs. Donner are plan ning to attend the county con vention which will be in Salem, September 22. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Sprouse and Mrs. Oscar Allen. The next meeting will be October 18 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Donner, 8S3 Front street anniversary September 8, when nine of their children and 24 grandchildren gathered for a picnic to celebrate the event . Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Friel Smith all of Sheri dan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Smith of Ballston, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turnldge of Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Poe of Hilleboro and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hendrickson of Yakima, Wash. 1 ' v , - ( i --v : ; c Sr. ?j $AVIMG CENTERS Miss Pennsylvania in the person of Evelyn Margaret Ay, of Ephrata, a 20-year-old blonde, receives her crown from last year's Misa America, Neva Jane Langley, after the final selection at Atlantic City. (AP Wirephoto) OES Meeting Silverton Ramona chapter. Order of Eastern Star, met for its autumn session last week. Among the invitations ac cepted was one to Chadwick chapter, Salem, September 19, to honor .the grand associate patron, Herman Johnston. Mrs. W. P. S earth, mother ad viser of Rainbow assembly, told of the September 13 meeting at Mill City and Instituting of Marilyn Rainbow assembly. In charge of the ceremonials were the members of Ramona assem bly, and also Mrs. Melba Wood STUCK Vr WRONG BAB New York tin Salvatore Albanese, 18, told a felony court judge yesterday that he spent several hours Friday looking for a "nice quiet bar" to stick up. Ho finally selected one oper a ted by Thomas Newton, 68, a former policeman who captur ed several robbers during his 21 years on the force. Newton answered Albanese's "stick 'em up" command by throwing an ash tray at him, then chasing him six blocks until ha cap tured him. CSS CalifcTKia . Pert , Sherry Musratel Tokay &80cGvr Maaa aai BatlloS by Sail-Slaa Wlaary, Loal. CattforaU BAMBURG COATS For Little Girls Who Grow so Fast MARGWEN'S Capitol Shopping Center DRAPERIES . CUSTOM MADE IN OUR NEW SHOP YOUR OR OUR MATERIALS SEE OUR SAMPLES IN YOUR HOME Traverse Rods Installation A Complete Drapery Servic ' "Everything for Your Window" ELMER THE IUND MAN Free Estimates ' . 3870 Canter Phone 3-7328 Alto Fool of fta Eric!; W.Salem Nile North of the Underpass Salem OPEN EVERY DAY J A. M. TO 10 P.M. PRICES GOOD MON.-TUE.-WED.-THURS. Vanilla QuartJ ICE (REAM 25 . AS GOOD AS THE BEST, BETTER THAN THE REST. All Popular Brands Canned Milk!:: Case 4S cans $5.75 2 Ea. cAii. 4u. .M.v.AAt, rd. assistant mother adviser. Miu M.riivn Cookslev who Mrs. Harlan Loe reported a re- TO sang, accompanied by Mrs. Wil liam Cooksley, who also furn ished the wedding music. Guests were served refresh ments on the lawn following the ceremony, with Mrs. Tom Hufford and Mrs. Everett Keuv hart serving and cutting the bride's cake. Miss Alice Mc- Call had charge of the gift table and Miss Ethel Updegrave had charge of the guest book. The couple left for a short honeymoon and will be at home in Foster. cent .rummage sale a success. Mrs. Harry Riches and Mrs. El- win Hood were hostesses and Mrs. Austin Sanford was hos pitality chairman. Mrs. Cordell Woodall was in charge of the decorations. MEET MISS' HELEN DETTWEILER Lovely . . . LADY ALICE DRESSES AT THE UTTU FRENCH SHOP US N Ht(h St. I w EDNESDAY, SEPT. 16th Between 2 and 4 P.M. atotjtW-w Orogon Hera's the eaey, safe way to Aahtaad, Hedfeed. areata Ties ill if 11 - asset e Id enalr ear wtth deep cushioned reclining eeats. Injey lounge car wtth snack Nfroahmant service. Leave sa the evening; arrive next morn ing. Overnight servtoe return tag, too. MKHCn MST MKM RAM C.A.UmAgenl Phone 3-9244 Payless IS AND EVEEY KHHTIS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK 7lTt4' wWx-yax cud Miss Dettweiler, nationally famous golfer, will give instruction and com mentate on your golf game and golfing apparel, showing the latest fashions in Pendleton Golfing Attire DONT MISS PUTTING THIS APPOINTMENT DOWN IN YOUR DATE IOOK 2 to 4 P.M. WEDNESDAY US North Liberty Hills Bros. COFFEE Mb. Can Cane or Beet SUGAR S 10 lbs. 99c 25 lbs. $2.49 $E59 - On Special Again by Popular Demand Ground Beef & Brown Gravy 10-ti. Tin JO Process CHEESE mat Kraft Yelveela 83c Chuck nAAT OF BEEF Lb .29 Valley Packing Co. n Frankfurters u J 11 BALOGNA tb. 33 Jersey SvI. Potatoes ib: 10 Hubbard SQUASH 0 u. Green nnnrrni i i-ib. U&iVlaWLI Bunches IS' Sunkist nr Oranges 3X W C C C