Monday, September 14. 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Kalem, Oretog Pledges For WU Sororities' Several Salem girls were among the group pledging Wil lamette unlveriity sororities this past week-end. Delta Gam ma led the list of pledges with 29. Following is the list: Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega: Neva Gil-, man Janis Hershe, Marilyn Isaac, Noreen Nelson, Coralie Roseberry and Patricia Shields, Salem; Joyce Ambler, Betty Gilmore, Nancy Hol:omb, Pa tricia Scott, Carolyn Sharp, Avonelle Terry, Delores Tower and Mary Winn, Portland; Na dine Abbott, Mt. Vernon, Wash.,; Jan Barkley, Enum claw, Wash.; Elizabeth Church, Lake Grove; Barbara Freitag, Yakima. Wash.; Kay Houlder, San Francisco; Melva Johnson, Redwood City, Calif.; Loma Lawrence, Dallas; Grace Link, Los Angeles; Mary Jane Thom pson, Sharp Park, Calif.; and Darleen Trlnneer, Aberdeen, Wash. Chi Omega Chi Ompffa- Ttunt mr,A Michelle Edwards, Salem; Na dine Florence and Olga Kob bivik, Ketchikan, Alaska: Pa tricia Gordon, San Mateo, Calif.; Myrth Loring, Milwau kie; and Dorothy Pearson, Portland; Elizabeth Hess, Cor vallis. Delta Gamma m Delta Gamma: Barbara Franzwa and Justine Lewis, Salem; Peggy Buckley, Judy Burdick, Marilyn Campbell, Gloria Greison, Diane Mcin tosh, Marlene Paris, Mary Ann Piatt, Joyce Postelwaite, Gay le York, Myrna Olson, Port-" lanxl; Sue Pratt, Clackamas; Mary Miller and Mary Anne Schoessler, Yakima, Wash.; Mary Smith, Renton, Wash.; Marion Smith, Gold Hill; Rena Van Horn, Roseburg; Patsy Williams, Springfield; Jeanne Van Volkenburg, Seattle; Marilyn Waterman and Clara Skjersaa, Bend; Melissa Stewart, Vancouver, Wash.; Phyllis Stalsburg, . Eugene; Sally Jones, Parkland, Wash.; Judy Hitt, Burllngame, Calif.; Ann Ray, San Mateo, Calif.; and Lou Ann Mergler, Mt Vernon, Wash. PI Beta Phi , PI Beta Phi: Barbara Ander con, Margaret Barge, Louisa Lamb and Roberta Sjodlng, Salem; Florence Hodge, Mar tha Hoffman, Sylvia Morrow, Ann Notson, Carole' Pfaff, Helen Piazza, Gayle Rogers, and Rosaline Somen, Port land; Ann Dehman and Laura Huson, Medford; Phyllis Gen try, Bend; Barbara Kaufman, Chehalis, Wash.; Kay Kremer, Ccrvallis; Nan L a g e n, San Mateo, Calif.; Lauren Meiseg er. Opportunity, Wash.; and Margie Wood, Burllngame, Calif. Newlyweds Feted By Aurora Friends Aurora Married Saturday morning, September 5, in Stevenson, Wash., Galyn (Skip) Leffler, U. S. navy, and his bride, the former Miss Annlce Ballard of Manchester, Wash., were given an impromptu re ception Saturday afternoon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leffler, at Lone Elder. The newlyweds. left for Long Beach, Calif., to make their home while his ship, the U. S. S. Stickell, is in port there. His bride plans to return to Canby when he receives sea duty orders. Welcoming the couple as they topped briefly Saturday after- noon were Mr. and Mrs. Arden Harms, ir. ana mrs. rrea Stefani, Mrs. William Herk amp, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leff ler, Roger Harms, U.S.N., Or lano Hanson, U.S.N., and Mrs. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hattan, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bolland, John Nordhausen, Mrs. H. H. Oaksford, Miss Vel ma Leffler, Glen Harms, De ' anna and Dennis Stefani, Kar en Herkamp, Gregory and Gary Hattan. Mrs. Hegaie Home Mt Angel Mrs. Mae Heggle, associate editor of the St. Jo- sepn s magazine, reiun" uMMir after npnri1nff the La bor Day holidays at the home of her son, uonaia ncggie nu family in Seattle. Sunday afternoon she was called upon to be guest speaker at a luncheon arranged in her hnnnr of h MpanV hotel in Seattle by three vriters' groups of that city. Tnese inciuaea Alumni Firtioneers. League of Western Writers and Writers' Forum. Among xne group was Charles Bailey, lor- m Mmmt AnffM ffrade school teacher, who is breaking into the write; field. Mr. Msiriria w. the lunch eon guest of Mrs H. Sherburn at tha Camlln Cloud room in Saiiiu nn Saturday. Mrs. Sherburn is a contributor to the St. Joseph magazine. V I a4 C ' AaC - m Wed Sept $ htr. and Mrs. Ramsay E. Miller, Jr., (Pa tricia Sunderlin), above, were married September S. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sunderlin and Mr. Miller is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay E. Miller. (Steimonts studio picture) Miss Nelson Wed At Woodburn Aug. 30 Woodburn A bride of Aug ust 30 was Miss Arlyss Nelson of Portland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nelson of Wood burn, who was wed to Dale Harris, also of Portland, at the Woodburn Immanuel Lutheran church in the afternoon in the presence of more than 100 guests. The Rev. J. William Carlson, pastor, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mr. Harris is the son of Mrs. Vera Harris of Portland and Arthur J. Harris in Alaska. Baskets of pink and white fall flowers and white candles decorated. the church. Soloist was Mrs. Ted Landsem, accom panied by Mrs. Glen Ahre, who also played the wedding mar ches. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She wore a floor length strapless dress of white tissue taffeta with rhinestone trimmed bodice, a full bouffant skirt, and brief jacket fashioned with three- quarter length sleeves. The veil of illusion was shoulder length and was held in place by a pleated tiara. The bride carried a colonial bouquet cen tered with a gardenia corsage. Miss Renee Weiss of Port land as maid of honor wore a deep fuchsia nylon net strap less dress, ballerina length worn with a jacket. She wore a tiara of flowers in her hair, and carried a colonial bouquet, similar to that of the bride's. Charl?s Esser of Camas, Wash., was best man for Mr. Harris. Ushers were David Cavett of Woodburn, brother-in-law of the bride, and Nor man Domeris of Portland. A reception in the parish hall followed .the ceremony. Mrs. David Cavett, sister of the bride, cut the four-tiered wed ding cake, which was decorated with silver leaves and topped by a tiny bride and bridegroom. Pink and white flowers deco rated the serving table. Mrs. Earl Brown of Albany, aunt of the bridegroom, poured coffee and Miss Jacque Berkey of Sa lem passed the guest book, and Mrs. Bernard Seiler of Wood- burn was at the gift table. Others assisting were Miss Bet ty Nelson of Portland, Mrs. Ed win Ostrom and Mrs. George Baglien both of Woodburn. Mr., Mrs. Wells Anniversary Feted Aurora Mr, and Mrs. John H. Wells greeted friends and members of their family re cently at an open house, ob serving their goldea wedding anniversary. The affair was ar ranged by their seven children, at the home north of Aurora. The Oklahoma - wed couple have been residents of Oregon since 1944. A centerpiece of gold and pink rosebuds centered the lace-covered table at which Mrs. George Traudt of Clack amas served the cake. Mrs. Verl O. Wells of SeUwood pre sided at the punch bowl, with Mrs. Oren H. Wells of Oregon City assisting. Both are daugh ter-in-laws of the honored pair. Calling to extend good wish es were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harper, Mrs. Walter Weber, Mrs. O. W. Cripps, Miss Fern Porter, Miss Estelle Sheppard, Mrs. Lou Downen, Mrs. B. P. Piiiter and Miss Nancy Beck, Mrs. Doris Baker, Mrs. Fred Zachur, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Freece, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bany, Miss Julia Ann Bany, Miss Kathleen Bany, Mr. and Mrs, George Irwin, Ma Judy Irwin, and Miss Judy Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gcrs, Miss Pamlee Gors, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Estes. Frances and Dixie Estes, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Traudt, Mr. and Mrs. Gebhardt Traudt, Donald Traudt, Miss Wanda Traudt, Mr. and Mrs. Oren H. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Phillips, Joe and Billy Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Verl O. Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gors and son Jeffery. State AWM Elects at Albany Meet Albany -The 19th biennial Oregon State convention of the American War Mothers closed here Saturday with a business session following a memorial service for ieceased members conducted by Mrs. Rose Hage- dorn. slate chaplain. Officers elected at tha morning session were Installed, aa follows, for the next biennium: Mrs. Nellie Michael, Mc Minnville. president; Mra. Thelma Edwards, ,Willamina, first vice president; Mrs. Ethel Redman, Portland, second vice president; Mrs. Nancy Thomp son. Albany, third vice presi dent; Mrs. Bertha Smart Sa lem, fourth vice president: Mrs. Stella Asbpaugh, Portland, re cording secretary; Mrs. Clara Moffett Albany, chaplain, and Mrs. Eva Bennett, Albany, his torian. Mrs. Bennett, who is the out going president, is to leave later this month for the bien nial national convention, to be in Springfield, III. Dallas Nollsch, Portland, Or egon department commander of the American Legion, was the speaker at the convention ban quet Friday. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Fred Gray, Portland. Other distinguished ' guests introduced were: Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, Salem, national president of the American War Mothers, and Mrs. Margaret Eubanks, founder of the Port land chapter. , Miss Sears Bride At Amity Service Ballston At a candlelight ceremony in the Amity Metho dist church Saturday night at 8 o'clock, Miss Darlene Sears of Ballston was wed to Roland Russel of Yamhill. The Rev. Mr. Zook of Sheridan officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a white satin wedding dress and carried a bouquet of fall flowers cen tered with orchids. She was given in marriage by her fath er. The bridesmaid was ' Miss Wilma Sears, sister of tha fride and her other attendants were Mra. Sandra Moritz and Mrs. Dorothy Churchill of Sheri dan. Mrs. J. J. Sechrist played the wedding music and a sister of the bridegroom sang. A reception in the Ballston community hall followed . the wedding. The young couple will be at home in Garibaldi. Saw ibstt wHEff use (tern f&f yaw fa (SB mm m Safeway Meats are trimmed according to rigid specifications which assure you greatest value and greatest enjoyment from every cut. Try buying top grades of meat from Safeway and see the difference proper trimming makes. Beef Bound Steak SWISS SttAll SLICED BACON U. S. Top 6rodes Thick end ighlng Standard Pack ib. at thl same low l.29c Lb. 39c P. Heinz Ketchup Borene Soap Aluminum Foil 14-e. Bottle . 13-o. Pkg. Wearpver 25-ft. Roll 27c 29c 31c Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich For the wedding trip to the Oregon beaches and Spirit Lake in Washington the bride wore a pink suit with blur acces sories and the gardenia corsage from her wedding bouquet. The couple will live in Port land, where they are both employed. tu(S I Delrich Margarine Coffee KnBsSSfc.f1.. i-ib. 29c Wk Rat Cleanser leaaa WC 30c Insect Killer Black, Flag ll-oa. $1.29 Short Ribs Ground Beef Calf Liver Sliced; Lk. 69c Beef Liver. uead, Lb. 49c Picnics ?ib-S!:rr 3B WHITI STAR TUNA FISH '.. Bite,Sixe '...'; Zip up your talods to. Can Furs Exclusively For 35 Years LACHELLES 134S Ferry St "Sorry for tha daisy In an waring. I was facing tha other way when tha 'phone rongl"... You'll enjoy better service and won't miss in coming calls if you answer tha telephone promptly... Pacific Telephone. Back to School with Charles of the Ritz not oh new... net two new. ..bill 16 new fashion Model In the wardrobe f cotfwmeblotiaod cm 1 1 IlJR I and Foaming Action For' Household Needs MiM Gentle :. 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Each eftry eae with a texture creamier by far. 1 0 (plus Ui) Works Like Magic For All Cleaning Pure Corn Delicate Flavor Fab Detergent Yel Detergent Mazola Oil Wesson Oil 47-oi. pkg. 69c ' 15-oi. pkg. 30c Quoit Site 69c Quart Siie 69c BBBBieBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB mmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm tmmmmmmmamammmmmm mmmmmmmmmm Quality Shortening Grbr'i Gcrfor's Gtrbr'B Royal Satin Rice Cereal Dry Oatmeal Barley Cereal J-lb. can 69c S-oi. pkg. 17c l-ei. pkg. 17c l-ai. pkg. 17c rices in This A4 Effective Thru Wednesday, Sept. 14 Custom Made Drapes Ci?!TUWAMtMiPUTJH 560 South 2tri St. Niom 2 363 JUM